冀教版(一起)四下-Unit 2 Seasons-Lesson 7 Seasons of the Year-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:9020b).zip


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Lets chant! January, February, The days are . March and April, Warm days come. May and June, We like these months a lot. July and August, Hot, hot, hot! September, October, Cooler days are here. November, December, Twelve months in one year! coldcold How many seasons are there in a year? warm There are four. coldcool hot Spring, spring, spring. I like spring. Spring is green. Its warm in spring. What season is it? 西江月. 夜行黄沙道中 宋 辛弃疾 明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。 稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。 七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。 旧时茅店社林边,路转溪桥忽见。 Summer, summer, summer. I like summer. Summer is red. Its hot in summer. autumn ______, ______, ______ . I ______ ________. ________ is golden(金色). Its ________ in ________. Autumn autumn autumn like Autumn autumn autumn cool winter What do you like to do in winter? Its cold in winter. Hows the weather in different seasons? Its warm in ______. Its ______ in summer. ____ ______ in ________. ____ _______ ___ winter. spring hot Its Its cool coldin autumn Different countries have different seasons. 1. Listen and answer the questions. (1) Where is Zheng Hui from? (2) Hows the weather in summer and winter in her city? (1) Where is Zheng Hui from? (2) Hows the weather in summer and winter in her city? Zheng Hui is from China. In her city, summer is very hot and winter is very cold. 2. Listen and read 3. Ture or faulse (1) Sarah is from America. ( ) (2) In her city, summer is from November to January. ( ) (3) In Australia, winter is from July to August. It is different from China. ( ) F F T Australia June 4. Can you say something about the seasons in China and Australia? (你能说一说中国和澳大利亚的季节吗?) It is different from China. WHY? China is in the Northern Hemisphere(北半球), and Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere (南半球). Its hot in China when its winter in Australia. Its cold in China when its summer in Australia. When is spring/ summer/autumn/ winter? Average temperature for 5 straight days (连续5天平均温度) Spring 10C Summer 22C Autumn 22C Winter 10C Talk about the four seasons in our city. months Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJuneJulyAug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec. tempe- rature -3.4-0.16.414.720.524.826.825.921.114.15.2-1.2 Spring 10C Summer 22C Autumn 22C Winter 10C In our city, spring is from April to May. Its warm. In our city, winter is from November to March. Its cold. the average monthly temperature of Cangzhou 沧州月平均气温 In our city, summer is from June to August. Its hot. In our city, autumn is from September to October. Its cool. Beijing Mohe Shanghai Kunming Talk about the four seasons in different cities. monthstemperature of different cities () MoheBeijingShanghaiKunming January-29.8- February-24.8- March-145.88.313.2 April-0.214.21416.6 May9.119.918.819 June1624.423.319.9 July18.426.227.819.8 August15.424.827.719.4 September7.920.023.617.8 October-313.11815.4 November-18.54.612.311.6 December-28- Task1: distinguish four seasons in groups (小组合作,用不同颜色区分四个城市的季节 ). Talk about the four seasons in different cities. monthstemperature of different cities () MoheBeijingShanghaiKunming January-29.8- February-24.8- March-145.88.313.2 April-0.214.21416.6 May9.119.918.819 June1624.423.319.9 July18.426.227.819.8 August15.424.827.719.4 September7.920.023.617.8 October-313.11815.4 November-18.54.612.311.6 December-28- In Mohe, spring is from ________ to __________, and winter is from ________________ to ________. In Kunming, __________ ____ _______ March to November. _________ ____ ________ December to February. Kunming is warm all the year round like spring. Its ______________ _______ Mohe. Task2: fill in the blanks (填空). Task3: reorder (排序) ( )Autumn is from October to November. ( )Its warm in spring. ( )In Shanghai, spring is from April to May. ( )Summer is from June to September. Its very hot. ( )I like autumn. Because its cool. 4 5 1 3 2 June August SeptemberMay spring is from Winter is from different from Task4: write down a short passage about the seasons in Beijing . (写一段小短文,描述一下北京的四季). Hi. My name is . Im from Beijing. In my city,. Homework: (作业三选一) 1.Discribe the four seasons in your city to your parents(将沧州的四季描述给家长); 2.Record a singing video (录制演唱歌曲的视频); 3.Draw comics about seasons(绘制关于季节的四格 画,每格画配上简单的英文句子)。How many months are there in a year? Twelve. There are four seasons in a year. How many seasons are there in a year? season-one of the four periods of the year; spring, summer, autumn, or winter 季节是每年循环出现的地理景观相 差比较大的几个时间段。我国多数地区一年 分为春季、夏季、秋季和冬季四个季节。 Seasons and months 对四季的划分通常有天文、气象、节 气、农历、物候、候温等多种方法。 天文划分法,以春分(3.21)、夏至(6.21) 、秋分 (9.21) 、冬至(12.21)为四季的开始; 气象划分法,以3 、 4 、 5月为春季,6 、 7 、 8月为夏季,9 、 10 、 11月为秋季, 12 、 1 、 2月为冬季; 节气划分法,以立春、立夏、立秋、立冬为四 季之始。 上述几种方法简单方便,但有一个共 同的缺点,就是全国各地都在同一天进入同一个 季节。 气候季节划分指标的依据是候温法。 我国古代将5天称为一候,候温即5天的平均温度。 但在气候季节划分中,不是固定的5天,而是采用5 天滑动平均值,即以当天及前4天为一组计算平均 值。 根据气候季节划分,春季为日平均气 温或滑动平均气温大于等于10且小于22,夏季 为日平均气温或滑动平均气温大于等于22,秋季 为日平均气温或滑动平均气温小于22且大于等于 10,冬季为日平均气温或滑动平均气温小于10 。冀教版一起 四年级下册 Lesson7 Seasons of the Year 1教材分析 本单元内容是季节,涉及到自然现象、天气、四季、喜欢在不 同季节做什么事情和穿什么衣服等。 本课需要学习 China 国家名称以及理解不同国家不同城市中的 季节是不同的,要求能够对四个季节的不同特征进行了解并表达使 用。学生应根据常识核材料判断不同的季节是从几月到几月。 2学情分析 学生已经学习了自然现象、天气,了解了不同季节的四种划分 方式:气象划分:3-5 月为春季,6-8 月为夏季,9-11 月为秋季,12- 2 月为冬季;天文划分法:以春分 3.21、夏至 6.21、秋分 9.21、冬 至 12.21 为每季开始;节气划分法:立春、立夏、立秋、立冬;和 气候划分法:连续 5 天气温10 度为春天,22 度为夏天,22 度为 秋天,10 度为冬天。 在此基础上,他们乐于通过观察、比较、判断与合作来学习和 表达不同城市、不同国家季节时长不同。 3教学目标 1. 能够听说、理解、使用单词 China,和句型 Summer is from June to August. Winter is from November to January. 2. 在教学中通过歌谣、欣赏中国古诗、会话、小组练习等形式,增 强学习兴趣,培养学生交际能力。 3. 了解不同季节特征,表达不同季节带给自己的感受;了解不同地 区和国家季节时长不同。 4教学重难点 1. 重点:掌握 China, from.to. 2. 难点:正确表达季节从某月到某月;理解不同地区、国家季节时 长不同。 5教学准备 多媒体课件、图片 6教学方法 Communicative Approach, Task-based Teaching Method, 3P 7学习方式 共同学习、任务型学习 8教学步骤 Step1: Warming-up Boys and girls, lets chant together! (the months of the year) (缓解紧张气氛,复习月份,对 warm,hot,cool,cold 四种不同季节带 给人们的感受进行预热) Step2: Lead-in T: Lets see a short video together. (通过观看视频吸引学生注意力,提起学习季节的兴趣。) Step3: Presentation T: Different seasons have different colours and weather. Lets look at some pictures. 1. spring T: The grass is green. The trees are green. The mountains are green. What colour is spring? Ss: Its green. T: Spring, spring, spring. I like spring. Spring is green. Its warm in spring. Students read the word and sentences after the teacher, and read it together. 2. summer T: What season is it? Lets share a Chinese poem. 西江月 夜行黄沙道 中 Ss: Its summer. T: The cicadas and frogs are singing. Summer is coming. Summer, summer, summer. I like summer. Summer is red. Its hot in summer. T: If you can imagine the hot summer, please read it. Ss: Summer, summer, summer. I like summer. Summer is red. Its hot in summer. (Students read it slowly and quietly.) 3. autumn T: Look at these pictures. The corns are golden. The leaves are golden. This season is golden. We can eat lots of delicious fruits. What season is it? Ss: Autumn. T: au-tumn. Read it after me please. Lets read it four by four. T: Can you fill in the blanks to make a short poem? Ss: Autumn, autumn, autumn. I like autumn. Autumn is golden. Its cool in autumn. 4.winter T: Winter is white. Its cold in winter. What do you like to do in winter? S1: I like to play in the snow. S2: I like to make a snow man. T: Can you make a short poem by yourselves? Ss: Winter, winter, winter. I like winter. Winter is white. Its cold in winter. 5.T:Lets listen to a song, and you can try to sing with it. (通过小诗的朗读与欣赏,补充练习与自由对话,让学生更加了解四 季。加入的一首汉语古诗,让学生猜测季节,既能产生一种好奇, 又加深了母语文化底蕴的培养。小歌曲的欣赏和学唱能帮助学生快 速总结所学知识。) 6.Sum up T: Hows the weather in different seasons? Ss fill in the blanks and read the sentences together. (小结,帮助学生梳理重点句型。) Step4: Presentation 1. T: According to the meteorology, spring is from March to May. Summer is from June to August. Autumn is from September to November. And winter is from December to February. But seasons are different in different countries. (给出一种季节分类,引出问题,让学生带着疑问学习下面内容。) 2. (1)Listen and answer the questions. Where is Zheng Hui from? Hows the weather in summer and winter in her city? Learn the new word China. (2)Listen and read (3)Do the exercise True or false Sarah is from America. ( ) In her city, summer is from November to January. ( ) In Australia, winter is from July to August. It is different from China. ( ) (4)Read and retell.(齐读,同桌分角色读) (听读课文内容,通过问题和练习题以及学生根据所给信息,进 行复述,考查学生对文本的理解。) 3. In Australia, winter is from June to August. Its different from China. Why? Teacher shows students a picture. And explain the reason. China is in the northern hemisphere, and Australia is in the southern hemisphere. So its hot in China, when it is winter in Australia. And its cold in China, when its summer in Australia. (通过图片与教师讲解,帮助学生理解为什么南北半球季节时长不 同。) Step5: Practice 1. Weve already known that average temperature for 5 straight days can help us know the seasons. Spring 10C Summer 22C Autumn 22C Winter 10C 2. Lets talk about the four seasons in our city. Teacher shows students a chart. And give them an example to practice the sentence patterns. T: In our city, spring is from April to May. Its warm. T: How about other seasons? (1)Task: Practice in pairs In our city, summer is from June to August. Its hot. In our city, autumn is from September to October. Its cool. In our city, winter is from November to December. Its cold. (2)Read it group by group. (通过图表分析,学生在老师的提示和指导下,练习目标语 fromto) Step6: Prodction Talk about four seasons in different cities (Mohe, Beijing, Shanghai, and Kunming). Teacher shows student a map of China. Task1: Distinguish four seasons in different seasons in groups. Task2: Fill in the blanks. In Mohe, spring is from ________ to __________, and winter is from _________ to ________. In Kunming, __________ ____ _______ March to November. _________ ____ ________ December to February. Kunming is warm all the year round like spring. Its______________ _______ Mohe. Task3: Reorder ( )Autumn is from October to November. ( )Its warm in spring. ( )In Shanghai, spring is from April to May. ( )Summer is from June to September. Its very hot. ( )I like autumn. Because its cool. (学生通过小组合作完成任务,提高思维能力、分析能力,以及推理 能力。) Step7: Homework Task4: Write down a short passage about the seasons in Beijing. (通过写作练习,考查学生对文本的掌握程度,同时也是对材料理解、 使用的综合能力的一种锻炼。)Name_________________ Class __________ Grade _________ In Mohe, spring is from to __________, and winter is from to __________ . temperaturemonth MoheBeijingShanghaiKunming January-29.8- February-24.8- March-145.88.313.2 April-0.214.21416.6 May9.119.918.819 June1624.423.319.9 July18.426.227.819.8 August15.424.827.719.4 September7.920.023.617.8 October-313.11815.4 November-18.54.612.311.6 December-28- 1: distinguish four seasons in groups (小组合作小组合作,用不同颜色区分四个城市的季节). 2: fill in the blanks (填空). In Kunming, _ _ __________ March to November. _ _ __________ December to February. Kunming is warm all the year round like spring. Its __________ __________ Mohe. ( )Autumn is from October to November. ( )Its warm in spring. ( )In Shanghai, spring is from April to May. ( )Summer is from June to September. Its very hot. ( )I like autumn. Because its cool. 3: reorder (排序)
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