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小学英语冀教版(一年级起始) 四年级下册 Lesson 19 A Map of the World Lesson 19 A Map of the World 新世纪小学 毛彬 map China Whats this ? This is a map of China. Im from China. Where are you from ? I live in China. Where do you live ? Can you find China on the map ? There it is . Goodbye. Canada Whats this ? This is a map of Canada. Where are you from ? Im from Canada. Im from Canada , too. Where do you live ? I live in Canada. I live in Canada , too. Goodbye. the U.S. the United States Whats this ? This is a map of the U.S. Where are you from? Im from the U.S. Where do you live? I live in the U.S. Goodbye. Lets have a rest . GAME: Passing by One by one pass, when it stop, the student draw lots and answer my question. 同学一个一个传,停到哪个同学,哪个同 学抽签,回答老师的问题。 Australia Whats this ? This is a map of Australia . Where are you from ? Im from Australia. Where do you live ? I live in Australia. Goodbye. the U.K. the United Kingdom Whats this ? This is a map of the U.K. Where are you from? Im from the U.K. Where do you live? I live in the U.K. Goodbye! Game :Go Stop There is a map in your desk . You are from the country of the map. Practice “Whats this ? This is a map of .” “Where are you from? Im from. ” “Where do you live ? I live in . ” 在书桌里有一张地图。 你就是来自这个国家的人。 练习对话 “Whats this ? This is a map of .” “Where are you from? Im from. ” “Where do you live ? I live in . ” TEAM WORK: 5 students for a team This is a map of the world . Colour the country on the map Practice “Where are you from? Im from. ” “Where do you live ? I live in . ” Presentation. 这是一张世界地图 给地图中标记的国家涂色 练习对话 “Where are you from? Im from. ” “Where do you live ? I live in . ” 上台展示 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics 2022北京冬奥会 Homework Make a paper of the map . Introduce the different countries to your family and friends. 制作一张世界地图的手抄报。并向你的家人和朋友介绍世界各 国。1 Lesson 19 A Map of the World 设计意图:通过地图的展示,让学生对世界地图有一个大致的了解,对各个国家地图的细 节展示,也是为后面几个国家学习做好铺垫。通过本课中出现的几个学生们熟悉的人物来 引出本课句型,让学生在一个亲切熟悉的气氛中自然的过度到句型中来。本课第 3 部分歌 曲作为导入,一是歌曲欢快的旋律吸引学生调动气氛,二是歌曲中出现了几个学生不熟悉 的地名为后边地图中出现各个国家首都讲解做铺垫。 1、教材分析 本册教材是小学英语冀教版四年级下册 Unit 4 Lesson19 A Map of the World 课时为一课时, 课型为新授课,按照教材的编排本单元内容都是围绕着“国家”这一主题展开,课文内容 丰富,开拓学生的视野。 2、学情分析 本课时授课对象为四年级学生,他们活泼好动注意力不稳定不持久,大部分学生对英语有 兴趣,他们已有三年的英语学习经验,也具备一定的口语表达能力,有着极强的求知欲和 表现欲。 3、教学设计 1、教学目标:学生可以认读、理解并掌握以下单词:map of there 学生可以认读、理解并掌握以下表达:Where are you from? Im from. 学生可以大致了解世界地图,及本课出现的几个国家的地理位置,可以 培养学生对世界和平和积极的爱国情怀。 2、重点难点:学生可以熟练掌握句型“Where are you from ? Im from. ” 3、教学准备:PPT、地图、抽签袋、彩笔 4、教学过程 i.Warming up Greeting T:Good morning , boys and girls . Ss:Good morning ,Teacher. T:Nice to meet you! 2 Ss: Nice to meet you, too ! T:Before our class , lets sing a song. Round and round the earth goes. One big world ,everyone knows. Look around.What do you see? I see one world for you and me. I see Beijing I see London , too . I see Washington,D.C. How about you? I see all the people living together. Living in peace now and forever. 设计意图:以动画歌曲吸引学生的注意,营造良好的学习氛围,调动学生的积极性,为后 文的学习做铺垫。 ii.Leading in the new class . T:Whats the date today? Ss:Its April 11. T:Hows the weather today ? Ss:Its warm and sunny. T:The weather is nice.I want to have a trip.Do you want to go with me ? Ss:Yes. T;Ok. Lets go! 设计意图:通过 free talk 复习之前所学内容,铺设情境,感知本课话题,吸引学生兴趣。 iii.Presentation 出示世界地图 T:This is a map of the world. map world 操练单词 T: Lets begin our trip . 3 出示 PPT 图片 T: First , this is Tiananmen .This is the Great Wall.We come to China. 展示中国地图 T:Whats this ? T: This is a map of China .Beijing is the capital city of China.(北京是中国的首都。) 出示 PPT 图片 T:I have a friend.Who is he? Ss: Li Ming. T: Lets say hello to Li Ming. Ss: Hello , Li Ming . T:I have two questions to ask Li Ming.Im teacher ,you are Li Ming , you answer my question together. T:Where are you from? Ss:Im from China. T:Where do you live ? Ss:I live in China. T:Can you find China on the map ? 请同学上台找到词卡与地图上对应的国家。 T:Is he right ? Ss: Yes. T:Lets say goodbye to Li Ming. Ss:Goodbye. T:Now lets go to the second country. 出示图片 T:This is the Niagara falls. This is the CN Tower . These are maple leaves.We come to Canada. 4 操练单词 Canada T:Whats this ? 引导学生说出 Ss:This is a map of Canada. T: Ottawa is the capital city of Canada.(渥太华是加拿大的首都。) 出示 PPT 图片 T:Do you know them? Ss :They are Jenny and Danny. T:Lets say hello to Jenny and Danny. Ss:Hello,Jenny,hello ,Danny. T:Who want to be Jenny ?Who want to be Danny ? T:Where are you from ,Jenny? S1:Im from Canada. T:Where are you from,Danny? S2:Im from Canada,too. T:Where do you live ,Jenny ? S1:I live in Canada. T:Where do you live ,Danny? S2:I live in Canada,too. 操练句型,boys ask ,girls answer and then change. Can you find Canada on the map ? 请同学上台讲词卡与对应国家贴好。 T:Lets say goodbye to Jenny and Danny. Ss:Goodbye Jenny, goodbye Danny. T:We arrive the third country. T:This is the White House.This is the Statue of Liberty. 5 The U.S. the United States (注意 the 在这里的发音) 操练 U.S. T:Whats this ? This is a map of the U.S. Washington,D.C. is the capital city of the U.S.华盛顿是美国的首都。 I will introduce a new friend to you . He is Peter . Lets say hello to Peter. Ss:Hello ,Peter. T:Who want to be teacher? Who want to be Peter ? S1:Where are you from ? S2:Im from the U.S. S1:Where do you live ? S2:I live in the U.S. 请另一组同学练习。 T:Can you find the U.S. on the map ? 请同学上台将词卡贴在地铁上对应位置。 T:Weve been to three countries , lets have a rest. Game: Passing by 准备一个小袋子,小袋子里有签,当敲的声音停下,停在哪位同学那里,哪位同学在小袋 子里抽签,抽签到哪个国家,学生就代表这个国家的国籍,老师提问“Where are you from? Where do you live?”学生回答“Im from I live in ”如果抽到“pass”则游戏继续。 游戏结束。 T:Ok, lets stop here. Lets go on our trip. We come to the fourth country. T:This is a Koala. These are kangroos. We come to Australia. T:Whats this ? 引导学生自己说出 This is a map of Australia. Canberra is the capital city of Australia.(堪培拉是澳大利亚的首都。) T:Look at here. She is Sarah. Lets say hello to Sarah. 6 Ss: Hello Sarah. T: Who want to be teacher ? Who want to be Sarah ? 请学生练习对话。 T:Can you find Australia on the map ? 请同学上台将词卡与地图上的位置对应贴好。 T: Lets say goodbye to Sarah. Ss: Goodbye Sarah. T:Now we are going to the last country. 展示图片 T:This is Big Ben.This is Cambridge University. the U.K. the United Kingdom(注意 the 的发音) T:Whats this ? 引导学生自己说出 Ss:This is a map of the U.K. T:London is the capital city of the U.K.(伦敦是英国的首都。) T:This is my friend .He is Steven .Lets say hello to Steven. T:Who want to be Steven? Who want to be teacher ? S1:Where are you from ? S2:Im from the U.K. S1:Where do you live ? S2:I live in the U.K. T:You read together . T:Can you find the U.K. on the map ? 请同学上台。 T:Lets say goodbye to Steven. T:We finish our trip. Lets play a game. Game: Go stop 7 每位同学书桌里有一张地图,拿出地图,你就是来自这个国家的人,每 3 位同学一组,每 人问一个问题,然后回到自己的座位,回答问题的同学作为下一组,继续提问。 “Whats this ? This is a map of .” “Where are you from ? Im from .” “Where do you live ?I live in .” 设计意图:在此活动中,通过学生熟悉的人物自然的过度到课文中的句子,引导学生练习 对话,在练习中穿插游戏,让学生在轻松的氛围中巩固新知。 iv.学生跟读课文,总结全文内容。 设计意图:通过跟读课文,让学生复习巩固本课内容,复习巩固本课的重难点。 v.Teamwork 每 5 人一组,每组有一张世界地图,每张地图中都标有一个国家,在地图中找到这个国家, 并涂上颜色,这个组就是这个国家的人,并练习对话“Where are you from ? Im from.” “Where do you live ? I live in .” 设计意图:通过小组合作,让学生对本课内容进行复习和巩固,并检验学生的学习成果。 vi.延伸: T:Now lets watch a video. 观看视频 2022 年北京冬奥会宣传片 T:We welcome the people all over the world to China.(我们欢迎全世界人民来中国。) vii.Homework Make a map of the world and introduce the countries to your family and friends. 制作一张世界地图的手抄报,并介绍给你的家人和朋友。
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