冀教2011课标版一年级起点-五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)-小学英语-Unit 4 Good Habits-Lesson 24 Helen Keller-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b0d36).zip


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冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 24 GuessingGuessing gamegame jobjob HelenHelen Keller WhatsWhats herher job?job? The Story of My LifeThree Days to See writerwriter DifferencesDifferences ? ? blindblind deafdeaf deafdeaf blindblind LetsLets playplay Take one piece of paper from your bag. Find a pen. Write the words “blind” and “deaf”. How do you feel? Helen Keller was born in the U.S. in 1880. When she was 19 months old, she fell ill and became deaf and blind. Her parents loved her very much, but they did not know how to help her. She couldnt see anything. She couldnt hear anything. She couldnt speak at all. Helen often got angry. Sometimes, she threw her food from the table. Did her parents love her and could they help her? Was she deaf or blind when she was born? In 1887, her parents met a teacher, Anne Sullivan. Anne became Helens friend. She wanted to teach Helen words. But it was very hard. What did her parents do to help her ? Was Anne only Helens teacher? One day, Anne took Helens hand and let her feel the water. She wrote the word “water” on Helens hand. And Helen got it. How does Anne help Helen study? ShowShow timetime ! ! How did Helen study? From that day on, Helen Keller began to study every day. She worked very hard. Helen learned many new words every day. She learned to speak, read and write. When she was 20 years old, she went to university. Later, she became a great writer. braille盲文盲文 Harvard 哈佛哈佛 Rome was not built in one day. How is Helen ? What can you learn from her? At first, she couldnt. Then, she . At last, she could . Do you know some other person like Helen? What can you learn from them? Beethoven was born in Germany in 1770. He couldnt hear so he was deaf . But he wrote many pieces of famous music. He was good at playing the piano. She was ______ in Hubei in 1976.As a small child, she ___________ deaf. She _________ hear or talk. When She was 5 years old, she ________ to dance. She likes dancing very much. In 2005, she danced Qian Shou Guan Yin. She is a _________ for us. born became couldnt learned model 邰丽华邰丽华 What should you do in your life? When I was a child , I could but I couldnt Now, I can I should WhatWhat dodo youyou learnlearn fromfrom thethe HelenHelen Keller?Keller1 1、教学内容教学内容 本课教学内容是冀教版六年级下册第十二课,是一节故事阅读课。第 二单元主要围绕有关健康的话题展开,本节课讲的是海伦凯勒一生克服困难成 为伟大的作家的故事,她的幼时成长经历与学生实际生活相关联,孩子很感兴 趣。 学情分析学情分析 本课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生,这些孩子从一年级开始学习英语, 已经掌握了一定的英语基础知识,有了自主学习和阅读的能力。本节课的故事 内容不长,学生对于故事的理解问题不大,在此基础上添加了一些开放性的问 题,让学生与自己的实际生活相联系,引发思考,结合自己的生活经验,多表 达自己的观点。 2 2、设计思路设计思路 课前,从孩子们的实际生活出发,让孩子们制作了 KWL 表格,填写 K 部分: 对于海伦凯勒,你都有那些了解呢?W 部分:你想了解海伦凯勒的什么信息呢? 同时裁剪了“Book Ball Report”所需要的 12 个小圆片。 教学目标教学目标 1.语言知识与技能目标 (1)学生能理解文本,提升阅读技能; (2)学生能结合自身生活经验,对于教师提出的问题,进行深度思考,训练思 维能力。 2.学习策略目标 通过看图,看录像,速读文本,精读文本的方式培养学生获取信息的能力。 学生积极运用英语进行表达和交流。 3.情感态度目标 (1)学生敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误。 (2)体会海伦凯勒不屈不挠的奋斗精神,初步感悟“永不放弃 never give up”的道理。 3 3、教学重难点教学重难点 能在图片和老师的帮助下读懂故事,表达自己的观点。 4 4、教学准备教学准备 1.教学配套资源:冀教版; 2.自主创新资源:教学课件、 “Book Ball Report”教学视频等。 5 5、教学过程设计教学过程设计 Step1 Warming up 渲染气氛,激发学习兴趣。 T:Good morning. Lets play a game. Guess what words is it?(吊小人猜词) Ss: job! T: What jobs do you know? S1: I know teacher.(头脑风暴) T: Look at this picture. Whats her job? and who is it? Open your book, turn to P30, 板书题目。 【设计意图】 通过游戏猜词的方式,激发课堂兴趣,头脑风暴活动活跃学生思维,进而引入 本课故事主人公,公布奖励机制,鼓励学生积极表达自己的观点。 Step2 Pre-reading. T: What do you know about Helen Keller? S1: She is a writer. S2: She is. T 板书 KWL(K) T: What do you want to know about her? S1: How could she be a writer? S2: Why was she blind?. T 板书 KWL(W) 【设计意图】 让孩子说一说对于海伦凯勒的了解,以及你想了解什么,在这个过程中锻炼孩 子的口语表达能力和认真倾听的能力,还有互换信息的能力。针对于孩子提出 的问题,进而过渡到对于文本的初步阅读。 Step3 While-reading. 1.速读课文,获取主要信息。 S/T: Whats Helen Kellers famous book? Ss: The story of my life. T: What other famous book do you know? Ss: Three days to see. T: Ok, Lets read the story of Helen Keller together! 【设计意图】 快速浏览文本,初步感知,获取信息。通过发放 奖励卡片,提高阅读速度,提升阅读技能。 2.精读课文,随文识字,深入解读文本。 Picture 1-3: T: Was she deaf or blind when she was born? Ss: No.When she was 19 months old, she fell ill and became deaf and blind. T: Did her parents love her and could they help her? Ss: Her parents loved her very much, but they did not know how to help her. Picture 4: T: What did her parents do to help her ? Ss :In1887, her parents met a teacher, Anne Sullivan . T: Was Anne only Helens teacher? S: She was also her friend. Picture 5: T: How does Anne help Helen study? S1: tookfeelwrotegot(老师板书关键动词) show time! T: I am the teacher, who wants to be Helen? pai work show in the open class Picture 6: T: How did Helen study? Ss: Picture 7: T: How is Helen ? What can you learn from her? S1: She is I should S2: She is I should S3: She is I should 【设计意图】 精读文本,随文识字,通过分析海伦凯勒的经历,引发学生思考,通过深度思 考,让学生各抒己见,总结出海伦凯勒身上的精神:乐观、懂得感恩、永不放 弃,为下一步让学生谈一谈自己的感受做好铺垫。 Step4 After-reading. T: Look at yourself, you have blight eyes, you can see the colorful world ? What will you do in your life ? talk in a group Ss: T: Then, well talk about your ideas with “ C S I”. What color will you give to this story? What symbol would you like to draw? What image do you like best? S1: I will the color green to it, because I think it is about hope. S2: I will draw a book. Because she write a famous book. . S3: I like part5 best, she learned the words “water” very well 【设计意图】 通过海伦凯勒的故事,学生分享自己的想法,各抒己见,教师进行情感提升, 让学生们明白“有志者事竟成” ,在实现梦想的道路上永不放弃。 Step5 Sum up and homework. T: You are so interested in this story. Weve talked about “ T K W L C S I”. After class, youll finish them all. Then make a book ball report like this! Lets see how to make it! 【设计意图】 制作“Book Ball Report”十二面球,总结十二个方面,梳理故事梗概,同时 积累单词和好句,搜集其他的励志故事,与学生的生活相结合,谈一谈自己的 梦想是什么?怎么去努力实现它呢? 六六. . 教学反思教学反思 这是一节主题阅读课,讲的是海伦凯勒历经困难成长为“著名 作家”的故事,通过本课,孩子们感知故事、理解文本,谈一谈自 己的感受,明白“有志者事竟成”的道理,坚持梦想永不放弃!最 终以“Book Ball Report”十二面球的形式,让孩子们把在本课中 学到的知识进行总结和梳理以及提升。 课前,我布置了裁剪制作十二面球的任务,同时让孩子们完成 部分。 阅读前,通过吊小人猜词游戏引入,激发兴趣,提炼出 job 这 个主题,进而引出 writer Helen Keller,与孩子生活相结合,通过 谈话的形式,追问他知道喜欢的海伦凯勒的作品,激发兴趣。 阅读中,通过一些驱动型问题,带领孩子细读分析文本,联系 孩子的生活实际以及经验,发散思维,进行个性表达。引导孩子成 为积极乐观并且努力向上的人,最后进行交流分享以及提升。 本课我的不足:我应该更丰富自己的语言,对于学生的回答应 该做到针对性的点评;最后应该让孩子再更加充分地表达自己的观 点,说一说自己学到的单词、句子,有什么收获?结合自己的生活, 谈一谈自己的理想,该怎样通过努力克服困难实现理想,多让孩子 表达自己的真实想法。
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