冀教2011课标版一年级起点-五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)-小学英语-Unit 2 School in Canada-Lesson 12 Be Safe on the Way-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b097c).zip


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Be Safe on the Way (一起)冀(一起)冀教教版英版英语五年级下册阅读复习课语五年级下册阅读复习课 Lesson12 sometimes often always never How do you go to school? I ____ go to school _______. by car by bike by bus on foot A O S N Q1:Where are the children? They are_________________. at the bus stop Q2:How do they go to shool? They go to school______________. by school bus school bus Watch the flash of P1 and P2! Picture 1Picture 2 Sam Oba Al Neva Q3:Whats their names? His/Her name is____. Sam Oba Al Neva sometimes often always never O A N S Picture 1Picture 2 Q6:How do they feel? They feel___________. happy and excited the first day of school Q5:What are they doing? They are ___________. waiting for the bus Today is the first day of school. Two boys and two girls meet at the bus stop. Hi, my name is Sam. Hello, Im Oba. Im from this city. Im Neva. They are waiting for the school bus. They are very happy. My name is Al. Im always excited on the first day of school. Where are you from? Me, too. Lets Act! team work Read after the flash and fill in the blanks. Sam Oba Al Neva Oba Sam Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 How to be safe on the street? 1. Always _______ for cars and bikes. 2. Dont ______on the street. 3. Often look to the ____and to the ______ before I cross the street 4. Sometimes take my friends ______ to keep her safe 5. Dont ______ too close to the street 6._____________________________________ watch play left right hand stand Be careful, Neva. Dont stand too close to the street. Neva never says much. watch the flash Picture 6 Picture 7 Picture 8 Please wear your seat belt. Ms.Marshall How to be safe on the street? 1. Always _______ for cars and bikes. 2. Dont ______on the street. 3. Often look to the ____and to the ______ before I cross the street 4. Sometimes take my friends ______ to keep her safe 5. Dont ______ too close to the street 6._______________________________. watch play left right hand stand Please wear your seat belt Learning more! It is not safe to play in the street. I always play far from the street. How to be safe on the street? Sometimes we can help children and old people cross the street. How to be safe on the street? Dont stand too close to the street. We can cross when we see the green light. Red is stop. Yellow is wait. Green is go. Go, go, go. How to be safe on the street? First,we should look to the left and then to the right before we cross the street in China. How to be safe on the street? Always remember to be safe on the way. III. Fill in the blanks. Today is the______ day of school. Four ______ meet at the bus stop. They are waiting for the ___________. Al is always very careful. He ______ watches for cars and bikes. Oba ______ looks to the left and to the right before she crosses the street. Sam ___________takes his friends hand. Neva ______ says much. They see the yellow bus_______. The children sit on the bus. They are______. first children often sometimes comingnever happy school bus Retell the story. always Homework Make a poster for how to be safe on the street. 制作一份交通安全的英文海报 ! Act out with your teammates from P3 to P8. 小组表演图3到图8.Lesson 12: Be Safe on the Way 导学案导学案 Name:_____ 1.Fill1.Fill inin thethe blanksblanks andand match.match.(填空并连线)(填空并连线) 2.Fill in the blanks(填空填空) Hom ework: 1.Make a poster for how to be safe on the street. 制作一份交通安全的英 Name: a._______ b._______ c._______ d._______ How to be safe on the street? 1. Always _______ for cars and bikes. 2.Dont ______on the street 3.Often look to the ______ and to the ______ before I cross the street 4.Sometimes take my friends ______ to keep her safe 5.Dont ______ too close to the street. 6.__________________________________________ 文海报! 2.Act out with your teammates from P3 to P8. 小组表演图 3 到图 8.教学设计: 冀教一年级起始版五年级下册 Lesson 12: Be Safe on the Way 一、教学内容分析: 本课是第二单元的故事课,是对前面几课重点知识的总结、再现及升华,让学 生在学习小故事的轻松环境下复习旧知识和学习新知。本课的主题是交通方式及如 何安全出行,要使学生能自己用英语总结出来安全出行的交通方式并且自觉遵守交 通规则。 二、教学对象分析: 五年级下学期的小学生已经积累了一定语言基础,能就某个话题展开简单的讨 论和表达。学生们通过本课会接触一些新的单词和短语,同时还能复习本单元相关 知识,并进行讨论和分角色表演,提高综合语言运用能力。 三、教学目标: 知识目标:更好的复习本单元知识,接触更多交通安全相关词句。 语言目标:能就交通安全的话题展开简单讨论并进行适当的表达。 情感目标:通过本课学习,增强交通安全意识,了解更多的交通安全知识。 四、教学重点、难点: 教学重点是让学生在理解故事内容基础上,接触更多交通安全相关的单词和短 语,并能就交通安全的话题展开简单讨论并进行适当的表达,增强交通安全意识。 教学难点则是如何让学生通过学习能够就交通安全的话题展开简单讨论并进行 适当的表达。 五、教学策略: 1.话题交流法:通过用英语与学生依据课文故事展开多个话题的交流,大量 复习相关旧知,导入新知,引导学生理解故事,在交流中学习语言,回归语言的本 质。 2. 小组合作策略:故事分角色表演环节采取小组合作的方式进行,提高学生 合作完成任务的能力。 3. 通过创设情境和设疑来培养学生的寻读技能,注重各环节导入技巧和培养 学生综合语言运用能力。 4.注重细节,比如:通过引导学生观察故事人物与频率词首字母的相同,提 高知识的关联度,增强记忆效果。还有过马路先左看还是先右看所反映的中西交通 规则差异,都是吸引学生的小知识。 5. 通过示范朗读来培养学生有感情朗读与表演的技能。 六、教学准备:PPT 课件,导学案,交通安全提示语句贴条。 七、教学过程: 1、Warming up & Leading in. (1)复习本单元四个频率单词 always,often,sometimes 和 never.并利用板书写 出这四个单词的首字母作为代表字母。 (板书(板书 1:四个字母:四个字母 A、O、S、N) 出示 PPT 交通工具的图片,与学生问候沟通有关上学方式的话题,并要求学 生用到频率词。T: How do you go to school? S:I always/ often/ sometimes / never go to school by. 讨论 PPT 中图 1 学生的地点和上学方式。Look at this picture! Where are the children? How do they go to school? (设计意图:通过复习本单元四个频率单词和与学生的交流,导入课文设计意图:通过复习本单元四个频率单词和与学生的交流,导入课文) 2、Story time. (1)观看图 1 和图 2 动画,引导学生发现故事中四个角色的英文名字和四个频率 单词之间的共同点:首字母相同。在导学案中写下四个角色名字。 (板书(板书 2:Name:竖排写下四个角色的名字)竖排写下四个角色的名字). 继续交流 What are they doing?和 How do they feel?并提到 the first day of school (设计意图:培养学生观察单词的能力,交流中多挖掘故事内容,尽量多的重现旧设计意图:培养学生观察单词的能力,交流中多挖掘故事内容,尽量多的重现旧 知。知。) (2)Lets act. 小组分角色表演图 1 和图 2 对话。 (设计意图:培养学生小组合作完成任务的能力,更好的理解故事内容。设计意图:培养学生小组合作完成任务的能力,更好的理解故事内容。) (3)跟读图 3 到图 5,学生独立依据故事内容完成导学案 How to be safe on the way 部分的填空。 (设计意图:采用填空的方式降低难度,培养学生阅读理解能力和阅读兴趣。设计意图:采用填空的方式降低难度,培养学生阅读理解能力和阅读兴趣。) (4) 老师带领学生共读导学案中提到的交通安全句子,并将相关句子贴条粘到相 应人名的后面,学生在导学案中将相应句子与人名连线。注意利用 PPT 提到 Neva never says much.和单词 cross 的词义。 (设计意图:通过在板书上贴交通安全条的方式重现相关语句,有助于学生更好的设计意图:通过在板书上贴交通安全条的方式重现相关语句,有助于学生更好的 理解课文内容。理解课文内容。) (5)观看图 6 到图 8 动画。利用 PPT 进行部分内容的复述,同时引导学生在导学 案中加上 Please wear your seat belt.注意生词 seat belt。 (设计意图:通过交流最后三幅图的内容,帮助学生完整的理解课文内容。设计意图:通过交流最后三幅图的内容,帮助学生完整的理解课文内容。) 3、Consolidation and Development. (1)带领学生学习更多的英文交通安全常识,然后一起读 P8 中大家一起唱的句子: Always remember to be safe on the way. 小知识:有的国家靠左行驶,要先看右边再看左边。 (设计意图:结合设计意图:结合 PPT 引导学生了解更多的交通安全的英文表达,增加学习兴趣,引导学生了解更多的交通安全的英文表达,增加学习兴趣, 提高学生安全意识,渗透不同国家交通规则的不同。提高学生安全意识,渗透不同国家交通规则的不同。) (2)复述故事:学生独立完成导学案中第二部分的填空内容,并阅读。 (此环节可 视课堂时间的长短作为家庭作业) (设计意图:通过完成此填空题,增强学生对课文故事的整体理解和表达。(设计意图:通过完成此填空题,增强学生对课文故事的整体理解和表达。 ) 八、板书设计: Lesson 12: Be Safe on the Way Name: How to be safe on the street? Al Oba Sam Neva 九、Homework : 1.Make a poster for how to be safe on the street. 制作一份交通安全的英文海报! 2.Act out with your teammates from P3 to P8. 小组表演图 3 到图 8.
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