(精)人教新目标版七年级下册英语Unit10 I'd like some noodles.单元练习(含听力+答案).zip


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人教新目标版七年级下册 Unit10 Id like some noodles.单元练 习 一、听力一、听力( (听力听力) )(共(共 20 小题;共小题;共 20 分)分) 听力理解 (20 分) (A)听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) (B)听句子,选出正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) 6. A. Id like potato and beef. B. Id like a large bowl. C. Id like mutton and cabbage in it. 7. A. Chicken noodles. B. A small glass of juice. C. A large bowl. 8. A. Id like some tomatoes,please. B. Yes, I want you to help me. C. Yes, you can. 9. A. No, I dont.B. Yes, I do.C. Green tea. 10. A. Its only for 8 yuan.B. It has 8.C. Its not expensive. (C)听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。 (5 分) 11. A. She wants to have breakfast. B. She wants to have lunch. C. She wants to have supper. 12. A. Hed like to have some noodles. B. Hed like to have some rice. C. Hed like to have some cakes. 13. A. Cola.B. Tea.C. Orange juice. 14. A. $3.15.B. $3.57.C. $3.75. 15. A. The one with tomatoes. B. The one with cheese. C. The one with cheese and tomatoes. (D)听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 (5 分) 16. There are people in Li Mins family. A. threeB. fourC. five 17. Li Min likes . A. noodlesB. meatC. rice 18. Her father is from . A. ShanghaiB. ShandongC. Chongqing 19. Her father doesnt like . A. riceB. dumplingsC. fish 20. Her mother likes . A. meatB. noodlesC. vegetables 二、单项选择(共二、单项选择(共 10 小题;共小题;共 10 分)分) 21. - What are you going to do this weekend? - Id like some shopping. A. doingB. will doC. doD. to do 22. - Would you like more bread? - Thank you. I am full. A. someB. anyC. noD. not 23. - Would you like beef soup? - Yes, please. A. aB. anC. someD. any 24. Id like some and . A. porridge; vegetableB. broccoli; tomatoes C. potatos; bananasD. French fries; orange juices 25. kind of TV shows does your father like? A. HowB. WhoseC. WhoD. What 26. - Is there any meat in the fridge? - . A. Yes, it isB. No, it isnt C. Yes, there isD. No, there arent any 27. - bowl of noodles you like? - A medium one. A. What; doesB. What size; wouldC. What kind; would 28. - How about ? - Great! A. eating orangesB. eat oranges C. eating orangeD. eats orange 29. Tigers like to eat , but koalas like to eat . A. meat; leafB. meats; leafC. meat; leavesD. meats; leaves 30. - Well, my sons take great interest in most of the food on the menu. - Thanks. ? - Yes, fried fish, beef, chips and cola, please. A. Can I do for youB. At your service C. What to followD. Shall I take your order 三、单词拼写三、单词拼写( (单句首字母填空单句首字母填空) )(共(共 10 小题;共小题;共 10 分)分) 31. The elephant is very l but the mouse(老鼠) is very small. 32. - What s bowl of noodles would you like? - Id like a large bowl. 33. In China, people eat lots of d at Spring Festival. 34. I have some good friends and they come from d countries. 35. A trip for two to Paris! How can you be so l to win such a big price? 36. Miss. Brown is a good singer. She is very p . 37. - I called you this morning. But no one a . - Oh, sorry. We were in the garden. 38. Close the window or the wind will b everything off my desk. 39. I want to travel around the w . 40. The wolf lives in the E forest. It likes to eat m . 四、单词拼写四、单词拼写( (根据中文提示拼写单词根据中文提示拼写单词) )(共(共 10 小题;共小题;共 10 分)分) 41. We have some great (特色菜). 42. The activities of learning from Lei feng in our school is very (受欢迎) with students. 43. Theyre (幸运的) to have such a nice boss. 44. There are (不同的) kinds of flowers in the park. 45. When I go to see my grandmother, she always makes (饺子) for me to eat. 46. I know of some (世界) records. 47. Its your turn to (回答) the teachers question. Are you ready? 48. - What kind of noodles would you like? - Id like some (牛肉) and tomato noodles, please. 49. What (尺寸) of shoes does your father wear? 50. - Is (糖果) healthy food? - No, it isnt. 五、翻译五、翻译( (根据中文提示完成句子根据中文提示完成句子) )(共(共 5 小题;共小题;共 10 分)分) 51. 我想给我妈妈买些花。(词数不限) I buy some flowers for my mother. 52. It seems difficult for us to (切碎) the onions.(词数不限) 53. Id like to have (一碗面条). (词数不限) 54. 晚上好,您现在要点菜吗? Good evening. May I your now? 55. 你喜欢什么种类的水果?(词数不限) fruit do you like? 六、完形填空(共六、完形填空(共 10 小题;共小题;共 15 分)分) In many English homes, people eat 56 meals(餐) a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. They 57 breakfast at any time 58 seven 59 nine in the morning. They 60 tea or coffee 61 eat bread or eggs. 62 comes at one oclock in the afternoon. 63 tea is from four to five in the afternoon, and dinner is about 7:30. First, they have some soup; then they have meat(肉) or fish with vegetables(蔬菜). After that, they eat some other things, 64 bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people like that. Some 65 them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and these meals are very simple(简单). 56. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four 57. A. hasB. haveC. eatsD. eating 58. A. toB. onC. fromD. in 59. A. inB. toC. fromD. at 60. A. drinkB. drinksC. cookD. cooks 61. A. butB. andC. orD. with 62. A. BreakfastB. LunchC. SupperD. Tea 63. A. MorningB. AfternoonC. EveningD. Night 64. A. look likeB. are likeC. likeD. would like 65. A. ofB. onC. inD. for 七、阅读理解(共七、阅读理解(共 10 小题;共小题;共 20 分)分) A Fish and apple soup? Yes, and you wont believe how delicious it is. This first came out of a restaurant in Singapore, but it is now very popular as the soup du jour (the soup of the day) in Chinese restaurants. Ingredients(serves 4): First: Whole fish Second: apples, quartered 4-6 ginger slices (姜片) bunch of spring onions, cut into pierces red tomato, cut into 8 pierces, oil, salt and pepper Methods: 1. Remove the bones from the fish. 2. Pour oil into a pan. Fly the ginger slices, and the spring onions. Add the fish hones and oil. 3. Add enough water and boil it for about 15 to 20 minutes. 4. Add the apples, the fish and the tomato. When the apples go soft, ads salt and pepper. 66. This passage is probably . A. a poemB. a piece of news C. a storyD. a recipe 67. The name of the soup in Chinese restaurants is . A. du jour soupB. tomato soupC. union soupD. ginger soup 68. The underlined word quartered means . A. 榨汁B. 切成四份C. 洗净D. 炸碎 69. If you want to cook the soup for 8 people, you will need red tomatoes. A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4 70. In what order should you add the ingredients while cooking the soup? A. apples, fish and tomato, ginger slices and spring onions, oil, fish bones B. oil, fish bones, ginger slices and spring onions, apples, fish and tomato C. oil, ginger slices and spring onions, fish bones, apples, fish and tomato D. ginger slices and spring onions, fish bones, apples, fish and tomato, oil B In the United States, 30 percent of the adult population has a “weight problem”. Because they eat too much. Going back to the America of 1910, we find that people were thinner than today, yet they ate more food. In those days people worked harder physically, walked more, used machines much less, and didnt watch television. Several modern studies have shown that fatter people do not eat more on average than thinner people. A 1979 study of 3,545 London office workers showed that fat people eat less than slim people. Studies also show that slim people are more active than fat people. A study by a research group at Stanford University found the following interesting fact: The more the man ran, the greater loss of body fat. The more the man ran, the greater more food he needed. So those who ran the most ate the most, yet lose greater amount of body fat. 71. Now many Americans have the problem that . A. they are too slimB. they work too hard C. they are too fatD. they lose too much body fat 72. According to the passage, how many people in 900 adult Americans have a “weight problem”? A. 160B. 300C. 600D. 270 73. The Americans in 1910 . A. ate more food and had more physical activities B. ate less food but had more activities C. ate less food and had more rest D. had more weight problem 74. Which of the following sentences is true? A. Fat people eat less food and are less active B. Fat people eat more food than slim people and more active C. Fat people eat more food than slim people but are less active D. Thin people run less but need more food 75. The best title of the passage is “ ”. A. Thin PeopleB. Slim People C. Weight ProblemD. Food 八、短文八、短文 7 7 选选 5(55(5 选选 5 5 等等) )(共(共 5 小题;共小题;共 10 分)分) In cities in the U.S.A., there are clocks in most stores, factories, and other buildings. Radio announcers(广播员) give the correct time during the day. 76. They want to do certain things at certain times. They dont want to be late. But time is not so important to people everywhere. 77. You will find that people living there do not like to rush. If you have an appointment(约会) with some friends, they will probably be late. 78. Even the radio programs may not begin on time. 79. In South America, many people think of a clock as a machine. 80. They dont want a clock or any machine to affect(影响) their lives so much. A. Suppose you visit a country in South America. B. They say if people do everything on time, they are letting clocks control(控制) their lives. C. People there think that it is important to know the time. D. The radio announcers dont think it is important to announce the exact time. E. They dont want to arrive on time. 九、阅读与表达九、阅读与表达( (问答式问答式) )(共(共 5 小题;共小题;共 10 分)分) Dear Li Lei, Thank you for your email. Your school life is very interesting. I hope I go to visit you soon. Now I would like to tell you something about my school life in England. We have to go to school from Monday to Friday. Classes usually begin at nine oclock in the morning. There is a break(课间休息) about twenty minutes in the morning. During the break, we can eat food and listen to music. We have lunch in the school cafeteria. We have to wear school uniforms and we also wear sneakers for PE lessons. Classes are over at 3:30 in the afternoon and then we can join our favorite clubs to have fun. I know Chinese students usually have a lot of homework. We have homework, too, but not too much. I have a lot of friends here. I would like to introduce them to you if you like. Keep in touch! Yours, William 81. What time do they begin their classes in the morning? 82. What can they do during the morning break? 83. Where do they have lunch? 84. What kind of clothes do they have to wear at school? 85. Do they have activities after school? 答案答案 一、听力(听力) 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. E 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C10. A 11. B12. A13. C14. A15. C 16. A17. C18. B19. A20. C 听力原文 UNIT 10 . 听力理解 (A)听句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。 1.Jim likes eating tomato noodles. 2.The man doesnt like chicken. 3.Ann would like a bowl of soup. 4.Bob likes to eat fish. 5.Dumplings are my favorite food. (B)听句子,选出正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。 6.What size bowl of dumplings would you like? 7.What kind of noodles would you like? 8.Can I help you? 9.Do you like juice or green tea? 10.How much is Special 1? (C)听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。 11. M:Can I help you,Madam? W:Id like some rice for lunch. Q: What does the woman want to do? 12. W: How about some porridge for breakfast,dear? M:Its OK.But Id like some noodles. Q: What would the man like to have for breakfast? 13. W: Would you like something to drink,Jim? M: Yes,Id like a glass of orange juice. Q: What would Jim like to drink? 14. W:What can I do for you,Sir? M:Id like a cake. W:Here you are.Its $3.15. Q:How much is the cake? 15. M:How much are the pizzas? W: The one with tomatoes on it is $1.90.And the one with cheese and tomatoes is $2.75. Q:Which pizza is $2.75? (D)听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 Li Min is from a family of three people.They like to eat many kinds of food.Li Min likes rice very much,but she doesnt like to have meat at all.Li Mins father comes from Shandong.He doesnt like rice at all.He likes eating noodles and dumplings a lot.Li Mins mother is from Dalian.She likes fish,vegetables and fruit very much,but she doesnt love rice or noodles. 二、单项选择 21. D22. A23. C24. B25. D 26. C27. B28. A29. C30. D 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 31. large 32. size 33. dumplings 34. different 35. lucky 36. popular 37. answered 38. blow 39. world 40. European;meat 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 41. specials 42. popular 43. lucky 44. different 45. dumplings 46. world 47. answer 48. beef 49. size 50. candy 五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 51. would like to 52. cup up 53. a bowl of noodles 54. take, order 55. What kind of 六、完形填空 56. D57. B58. C59. B60. A 61. B62. B63. B64. C65. A 七、阅读理解 66. D67. A68. B69. B70. C 71. C72. D73. A74. C75. C 八、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等) 76. C77. A78. E79. D80. B 九、阅读与表达(问答式) 81. Classes usually begin at nine oclock in the morning. 82. They can eat food and listen to music. 83. They have lunch in the school cafeteria. 84. They have to wear school uniforms at school. 85. Yes, they do.
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