(精)2019年春人教版七年级下册英语单元过关与检测(Unit 12)(含听力+答案).zip


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单元过关与检测(Unit 12) (时间:90 分钟满分:120 分) 一、听力(20 分) .听句子,选择正确的图片(其中有两项多余)。句子读两遍。(5 分) ( G )1.I played badminton on Saturday morning with my friends. ( D )2.It was sunny and warm last Sunday.Tim went boating with his sister. ( B )3.I told the visitors about butterflies and their living habits. ( C )4.Jim lost his keys last weekend. ( F )5.My father told us that snakes dont have ears but they can feel the things moving. .听小对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) W:Did Mike and his friend have fun in the zoo last Saturday? M:Yes,they did. ( B )6.Where did Mike go last Saturday? A.The park. B.The zoo.C.The bookstore. W:Why didnt you go for a walk with us yesterday,Jack? M:Sorry.Because I had to study for my English test. ( C )7.Why didnt Jack go for a walk with the woman yesterday? A.Because he did some reading. B.Because he had to clean his room. C.Because he had to study for his English test. M:How long did you stay in Shanghai,Nancy? W:For only 2 days. M:Did you buy anything? W:No.The shops were crowded.I didnt enjoy it. ( B )8.Did Nancy buy anything in Shanghai? A.Yes,she did.B.No,she didnt. C.The shops were crowded. W:How was your weekend,Peter? M:I stayed at home.It was boring.Did you play computer games on Sunday afternoon? W:No.I helped my mother clean the apartment. ( C )9.What did the girl do on the weekend? A.She stayed at home. B.She played computer games. C.She cleaned the apartment. W:Did you go to Marys birthday party last night? M:Sorry.I wanted to,but I was too busy. ( B )10.Why did the man feel sorry? A.Because he was busy. B.Because he didnt go to the party last night. C.Because he went to Marys birthday party. .听长对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,完成第 11-12 小题。 W:What did you do last weekend? M:I went to the park with my parents. W:What about your friend Tony? M:He stayed at home and helped his parents do housework. W:He had a busy day,didnt he? M:Yes,he did.He was a little tired. ( C )11.What did the man do last weekend? A.He went to a party. B.He went to see his grandparents. C.He went to the park. ( A )12.What did the mans friend do last weekend? A.He did housework. B.He did homework. C.He did some shopping. 听第二段对话,完成第 13-15 小题。 M:How was your last weekend? W:It was interesting and scary. M:Where did you go? W:I went camping in a small village in India. M:That sounds interesting.Who did you go with? W:I went camping with my parents and my sister. M:What did you do there? W:We put up our tents,made a fire,sat under the moon and told each other stories. M:Why was it scary? W:When I got up the next morning,I saw a big snake outside of our tents sleeping near the fire. M:Were you scared? W:Yeah,I was so scared that I couldnt move at all. ( C )13.Where did the girl go camping last weekend? A.China.B.Africa.C.India. ( A )14.How many people went camping? A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. ( B )15.What made the girl scared? A.A big tiger.B.A big snake. C.A big elephant. .听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) My name is Tom.Last summer vacation,I had a great time on July 10th because my parents decided to go to the beach.We got up a little early that morning.The weather was sunny and windy.After breakfast,we started our trip in my fathers red car.My two young cousins went there with us.My two uncles also went there.We bought special swimming clothes on the beach.We played and swam in the sea for about two hours.The water was really warm.Then we had seafood and other delicious food for lunch in a big restaurant.After lunch,we went to a park.We climbed the mountains and went boating on the lake.We took many beautiful photos. When we got home,it was about eight oclock in the evening.We were a little tired but were excited and happy. ( B )16.When did Tom go to the beach? A.On June 10th. B.On July 10th. C.On August 10th. ( C )17.Who did Tom go with? A.Only his parents. B.Only his cousins. C.His parents,his cousins and his uncles. ( C )18.How was the weather? A.It was cloudy and warm. B.It was hot. C.It was sunny and windy. ( B )19.What did they have for lunch? A.Chinese food. B.Seafood and other delicious food. C.French food. ( A )20.Where did they go after lunch? A.A park.B.A zoo. C.A shop. 二、单项选择(15 分) ( A )21.After a long walk,she was kind of tired. A.a littleB.a little of C.a lot D.a lot of ( B )22.His father flew to Hainan last week. A.took the train to Hainan B.went to Hainan by plane C.drove to Hainan D.went to Hainan by boat ( C )23.I worked as a volunteer in the school library last Friday afternoon. Really?Can I go with you next time? A.hadB.madeC.was ( C )24.Tell me your story,please.Im all ears. A.I have many ears. B.I like all kinds of ears. C.Im listening to you carefully D.I dont want to listen to you. ( B )25.How good the weather is!Shall we go for a picnic? I cant agree more. A.What a good weather it is B.What good weather it is C.What good a weather is来源:学科网 D.What good weather is ( B )26.I played badminton Saturday. A.the;onB./;onC.the;inD./;in ( D )27.There sheep on the farm last year.(2018 潮州潮安区期末) A.was manyB.were much C.was muchD.were many ( B )28.His sister speak any English two years ago,but now she talk to Americans in English. A.couldnt;couldB.couldnt;can C.cant;could D.cant;can ( B )29.The bread is really delicious. Thank you.I it myself.(2018 河北) A.make B.made C.will make D.am making ( A )30.Could you please help me the picture on the wall? OK,no problem.(2018 德阳) A.put upB.put on C.put offD.put out ( D )31.When I saw my father for me on a cold winter night.I couldnt keep back my tears.(2018 曲靖) A.wait B.waited C.to waitD.waiting ( A )32.I often late to study at night last week. A.stayed up B.stood up C.got upD.cut up ( C )33.Did you watch the volleyball game last night? No,I didnt.I was tired I went to bed early. A.too;soB.too;that C.so;thatD.very;that ( D )34.What did you do yesterday afternoon? Oh,I to enjoy the sunshine. A.visited friends B.went shopping C.went to the library D.went to the beach ( D )35.The classroom is so clean. cleaned it? Mary did. A.WhatB.When C.HowD.Who 答案及剖析: 21.A考查同义词。kind of 修饰形容词时,意为“有点儿”,与 a little 同义。故选 A。 22.Bfly to=go to.by plane。故选 B。 23.C动词短语 work as 意为“从事;以身份工作”,其作用可用系动词 be 代替。 故选 C。 24.C根据“Tell me your story,please”可知“我正在很认真听你讲”。故选 C。 25.B考查同义句。How+形容词+主语+谓语=What+形容词+名词+主语+谓语,排除 C、D 两项; weather 为不可数名词,不能用 a 修饰。故选 B。 26.Bplay 与表示球类的名词连用时,名词前不加冠词;表示在具体某一天用介词 on。 故选 B。 27.Dsheep 是可数名词,不能用 much 修饰,排除 B、C 两项;由 many 可知句中 sheep 为复 数,故选 D。 28.B根据时间状语 two years ago(两年前)可知,第一个空格处应使用一般过去时态;根 据 now 可知,第二个空格处应使用一般现在时态。故选 B。 29.B考查动词时态。句意:这面包真的很好吃。谢谢。我自己做的。根据“这面 包真的很好吃”可知“做面包”这一动作已经发生了,应用一般过去时态。故选 B。 30.Aput up 张贴,挂起;put on 穿上,增重;put off 推迟;put out 扑灭,根据 on the wall 及 the picture 可推知句意:请帮我把画挂在墙上好吗?可知,故选 A。 31.Dsee sb.do 看见某人做过某事;see sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事;根据句意 “当我看到父亲在寒冷的夜晚等着我的时候,我无法抑制住我的眼泪。”可知,应选 D。 32.Astay up 熬夜;stand up 站起来;get up 起床;cut up 切碎。根据 to study 可知句 意:上周我经常熬夜学习,故选 A。 33.C so.that.如此,以至于,为固定搭配。故选 C。 34.D根据 enjoy the sunshine(享受阳光)可推知“去海滩”符合语境。故选 C。 35.D根据答语 Mary did.可知问句询问的是:谁打扫的教室,故选 D。 三、完形填空(10 分) I went to a summer camp with my classmates last year. Early in the morning,we 36 at the bus station.After saying 37 to our parents,we got on the bus.It 38 us more than two hours to arrive at the campground(营地). It was the first time for us to be away from our 39.Some of us started to feel homesick(想家).40 we feel happy again when the night party and dances began. The next day,everybody went boating.At first,my friends and I worked hard,but the 41 wouldnt listen to us and kept going round and round.Then the teacher taught us 42 to work together.After many tries,we made the boat 43 very fast. Swimming class was my favorite.The weather was hot so it was 44 to stay in the cool water.The swimming teacher was a funny man,and during the class he often made us laugh 45. During the week I learned a lot of new things and made many new friends.I also learned how to take care of myself. ( B )36.A.drove B.met C.visited D.rode ( A )37.A.goodbyeB.hello C.sorry D.thanks ( D )38.A.gotB.had C.made D.took ( C )39.A.friendsB.teachers C.parents D.classmates ( A )40.A.ButB.So C.Or D.If ( D )41.A.carB.bus C.bike D.boat ( B )42.A.whyB.how C.where D.when ( A )43.A.moveB.ride C.walk D.drive ( C )44.A.terribleB.boring C.great D.scary ( D )45.A.quietlyB.slowly C.differently D.happily 答案及剖析: 36.B根据下文中的 we got on the bus 可知,我们在车站集合。故选 B。 37.A根据下文中的 feel homesick 可知,在车站跟父母告别。故选 A。 38.DIt takes sb.some time to do sth.某人做某事花费多长时间,为固定句型。故选 D。 39.C根据上文中的 say goodbye to our parents 可知,第一次远离父母。故选 C。 40.A根据上文 Some of us started to feel homesick 及下文 we feel happy again 可 知,空格处前后为转折关系,故选 A。 41.D根据上文中的“went boating”及下文的“继续打转”可推知:船不听从我们驾驶。 故选 D。 42.B由上文“船不听从我们驾驶”及下文“多次尝试后,我们能使船快速前行”可知选 B。 43.A因空格处动词的逻辑主语是物即 boat,所以用 move,而 ride,walk,drive 的主语一般 是人。故选 A。 44.C根据上文中的 the weather was hot 可知,待在水里很不错。故选 C。 45.D由前文的 The swimming teacher was a funny man 可知:课堂上他会让我们开心大 笑。故选 D。 四、阅读理解(40 分) A (2018 潮州潮安区期末) This happened(发生) about two years ago.I went to an art festival in Sydney(悉尼) with my friends.The festival would last(持续) 5 days. When we arrived,the weather was great.It was very hot and sunny,so we went to the mountains for camping.But in the mountains the weather changed(变化) quickly.That night there was a terrible storm.At first we didnt worry about it,but it started to rain heavily and there was a strong wind.Later,water started coming into the tent.In the end,we had to leave and take our things to a hotel.There werent any free rooms,so they let us sleep in the dining hall.The next morning,it was sunny again.But our tent wasnt there.The wind blew it away that night.I didnt like the camping. ( D )46.Where did the writer go for the art festival? A.To China. B.To the UK. C.To the US. D.To Australia. ( D )47.How was the weather when the writer arrived? A.Rainy and windy.B.Rainy and cool. C.Snowy and cold.D.Sunny and hot. ( A )48.The underlined word “storm” refers to(指). A.暴风雨B.冰雹 C.雨夹雪D.大雾 ( C )49.Where did the writer sleep that night? A.At home. B.In the tent. C.In a hotel. D.At a friends home. ( B )50.Which of the following is TRUE? A.The art festival was one week long.来源:Zxxk.Com B.The writer didnt enjoy the camping. C.The writer couldnt find his bag the next morning. D.The bad weather in the mountains lasted two days. B Last Saturday,Linda finished her homework,and she wanted to do something for fun.She thought watching TV,reading books and playing computer games were boring.And she wanted to do something different.So when she saw the lawn mower (割草机),she decided to mow the lawn. “Mom,” she asked,“I think I can mow the lawn.” Her mother said,“Oh no,you cant.Youre too young to mow the lawn.” “Im fourteen years old and I know how to do it,” Linda said.“It can also help my dad a lot,and he doesnt have to worry about it over the weekend.” Her mother thought for a minute and then said OK.Linda wore gloves (手套) and made sure the lawn mower worked well.She started the lawn mower.She knew how to use the lawn mower by watching her dad.Her mother watched her from the kitchen window (窗户).Linda really knew how to mow the lawn.When she finished,she was quite happy.But she felt so hot.Her mother brought her some ice tea and said,“You did a great job.Your dad will be happy about it.” Her neighbors knew Linda could mow the lawn.So they asked Linda to help them on Sundays.And Linda got some money from them.She was really happy because she could do something to help others. ( C )51.After ,Linda decided to do something different. A.reading books B.playing computer games来源:学科网 ZXXK C.doing her homework D.watching TV ( A )52.What does the underlined word “decide” mean in Chinese? A.决定B.思念 C.创造D.紧握 ( D )53.Why didnt Lindas mother let Linda mow the lawn? A.Because Linda was short. B.Because the lawn mower didnt work. C.Because Lindas father wasnt happy about it. D.Because she thought Linda was too young. ( B )54.Before Linda mowed the lawn,she . A.drank some tea B.wore gloves C.learned how to mow D.asked her mother for help ( D )55.From the passage,we can know that . A.Linda mowed the lawn before B.Linda was 13 years old C.Lindas mother bought an ice cream for her D.Lindas father didnt have to mow the lawn this weekend C (2018 长沙雅礼集团期末) On June 8th,Putin and President Xi arrived in Tianjin by train.They wanted to take part in some activities between China and Russia for friendship(友谊). In Tianjin,Putin made Baozi and pancakes by himself.In the evening,they also watched a sports game between the students from the two countries. In the afternoon,Chinese President Xi Jinping gave his Russian friend,Vladimir Putin,the first Friendship Medal of the Peoples Republic of China.Thanks to President Putin,the friendship between the two countries is better.Putin expressed(表达) great thanks for President Xi because he gave Chinas first Friendship Medal to him.He said that it not only was the highest honor (荣誉) given to himself,but also showed the high level of Russia-China partnership(合作).It also showed Chinese peoples great friendship towards Russian people. They had a two-day meeting with a lot of people.They talked about many important things between China and Russia.The two leaders reached the consensus(共识) during the talks in Beijing. ( B )56.How did Putin and President Xi go to Tianjin? A.By plane. B.By train. C.By subway. ( A )57.What food did Putin make by himself? A.Baozi and pancakes. B.Hamburgers and salad. C.Baozi and dumplings. ( C )58.What did President Xi give to his Russian friend,Vladimir Putin? A.Chinas first Sport Medal. B.Chinas first Food Medal. C.Chinas first Friendship Medal. ( A )59.How long did the meeting last(持续)? A.For two days. B.For three days. C.For four days. ( C )60.Which is the best title for the passage? A.China-Russia Teenager Sports Game B.Some Activities for China-Russia Friendship C.Chinas First Friendship Medal D 任务型阅读(2018 桂平期末) 阅读下面短文,然后根据文章内容回答问题。 Dear grandma, How are you? Last Saturday I went to Long Bay with my parents.We got up at 6:00 am.We ate breakfast at 6:30 am and after half an hour we left for Long Bay.My father is a good driver(司机) and he drove very fast.But I have to say,the trip was a little long.When we got out of our car and got to Long Bay,it was already(已经) ten oclock! First we swam in the water for an hour.Then we played cricket(板球) for an hour.It was time to have lunch.We ate a big lunch in a restaurant.In the afternoon my mother and I enjoyed the sunshine on the beach.My father went fishing.He didnt get any fish,but it was very relaxing.Soon it was time to go home.My parents and I left Long Bay.We had a great day last Saturday. My parents and I will go to see you this weekend.I miss you very much! Kate 61.Who did Kate go to Long Bay with? She went there with her parents. 62.How did Kate go to Long Bay? She went there by car. 63.How long did it take Kate to get to Long Bay? It took her three hours to get there. 64.Where did Kate and her mother enjoy the sunshine? They enjoyed the sunshine on the beach. 65.What did Kates father do in the afternoon? He went fishing. 五、词汇运用(5 分) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 66.Peter flew (fly) the kite
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