(精)2021年春人教版七年级下册英语Unit 1(4份打包)教案.zip


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    • 2019年春七年级英语人教版下册教案:Unit 1 (4份打包)
      • Unit 1 第1课时 Section A(1a~2d).doc--点击预览
      • Unit 1 第2课时 Section A(Grammer Focus~3c).doc--点击预览
      • Unit 1 第3课时 Section B(1a~1f).doc--点击预览
      • Unit 1 第4课时 Section B(2a~Self Check).doc--点击预览
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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 单元总览单元总览 类别课程标准要求掌握的项目 单元话题 Talk about abilities:In this unit, students learn how to talk about what club they want to join and write the advertisement for jobs. 重点单词 1.guitar(n.) 2.sing(v.) 3.swim(v.&n.) 4.dance(v.&n.) 5.draw(v.) 6.chess(n.) 7.speak(v.) 8.join(v.) 9.club(n.) 10.tell(v.) 11.story(n.) 12.write(v.) 13.show(n.&v.) 14.talk(v.&n.) 15.drum(n.) 16.piano(n.) 17.violin(n.) 18.also(adv.) 19.people(n.) 20.home(n.&adv.) 21.make(v.) 22.today(adv.) 23.center/centre(n.) 24.weekend(n.) 25.teach(v.) 26.musician(n.) 重点词组 1.play chess 2.speak English 3.be good at 4.talk to 5.play the drums 6.play the piano 7.play the violin 8.be good with 9.make friends 10.help(sb.)with sth. 11.on the weekend 重点句式 1.Can you swim? Yes,I can./No,I cant. 2.Can she speak English? Yes,she can./No,she cant. 3.What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club.4.What can you do? I can dance. 单元语法 1.要求掌握情态动词 can 的用法,包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和否定句; 2.要求学生会用目标语言 Can you?等仿写招聘广告。 课时分解课时分解 第一课时第一课时 Section A(1a 2d) 知识目标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 sing(v.)唱歌 swim(v.&n.)游泳 dance(v.)跳舞(n.)舞蹈 draw(v.)画 chess(n.)国际象棋 speak(v.)说(某种语言);说话 join(v.)参加;加入 club(n.)俱乐部;社团 重点词组 play chess 下国际象棋 speak English 说英语 be good at擅长于 重点句式 1.I want to join the music club.我想加入音 乐俱乐部。 Oh,can you sing?噢,你会唱歌吗? Yes,I can.是的,我会。 2.What club do you want to join?你想加入 什么俱乐部? I want to join the chess club.我想加入棋类 俱乐部。 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P1-2 的单词),看谁记得又 快又准。(2 分钟) 1.sing唱歌 2.swim游泳 3.dance跳舞;舞蹈 4.draw画 5.chess国际象棋 6.speak说(某种语言);说话 7.join参加;加入 8.club俱乐部;社团 9.tell讲述;告诉 10.story故事;小说 11.play chess下国际象棋 12.speak English说英语 13.be good at擅长于 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填词。 1.Come and join our music club! 2.Lucy can sing and dance, so she can join the music club. 3.Can they join our art club? 4.I cant sing English songs well. 5.Can you help me with swimming(游泳)? 6.I often play chess(下棋)with my grandfather. 7.Can you speak English(说英语)? 8.Little Bill draws(画画)very well. 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Teacher: We can do lots of things. I can sing. I can dance. What can you do? Can you sing/dance/swim/paint/speak English/play chess?What/How about you? And you? Students: Yes,I can. No,I cant. 环节说明环节说明:通过询问学生的能力与爱好,激发学生 说英语的热情,让学生能够用英语表达自己的能力与 爱好,从而导入新课的单词与话题。 Step 2 完成教材完成教材 1a1c 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.认真观察 la 图片,完成 1a。(1 分钟) Teach the words: sing, dance, swim, speak, chess, guitar. 2.大声朗读 1b 中的小对话,认真听录音,按听到的顺 序给它们编号。(3 分钟) 3.大声朗读并背诵 1b 中的小对话,结对练习 1b 中的三 个小对话,最熟练的一组要到讲台上展示。(3 分钟) 4.仿照 1b 中的小对话,先由师生之间进行口语训练, 然后让同学们根据自己的实际情况编写并表演对话, 完成 1c。(3 分钟) Teacher: I like singing. So I want to join the music club. What club do you want to join? Students: I want to join theclub. Teacher: Can you? Students: Yes,I can./ No,I cant. 5.小结训练。(2 分钟) Task:Group work.I want to know what your favorite clubs are. NameClubs want to joinCan EliMusic clubPlay the guitar 环节说明环节说明:通过学习 1a,让学生熟悉并掌握本节课 的单词和短语;通过 1b,锻炼学生的听力及抓取关键 信息的能力;通过 1c 的训练锻炼学生的口头表达能力, 同时巩固所学的语言知识。 Step 3 完成教材完成教材 2a2d 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.仔细观察图片中学生的活动,认真听录音,完成 2a。(3 分钟) Teacher:Our school has a music club.Do you want to join it?(If the students answer is“No”)Oh,you can join other clubs.Our school has a lot of clubs.Lets see what clubs we have.OK? Teacher:Now lets listen to the tape,and find out what clubs they want to join. Teacher:Now lets check the answers. 2.再听一遍录音,完成 2b 中的句子。(2 分钟) Teacher:There are many clubs.Lets see what clubs they want to join.And what can they do?Listen carefully,then complete the sentences in 2b. 3.根据 2b 中的对话,结对谈论对话中人物想要加入的 俱乐部,以及他们能做什么,完成 2c。要求多个小组 上台展示。(4 分钟) 4.让学生分角色朗读 2d 中的对话内容,教师解释重点 短语和句子并让多个小组上台展示,然后让学生大声 朗读对话。(3 分钟) 5.让学生根据 2d 中的对话内容和自己的实际情况编写 并表演对话。(4 分钟) Teacher:Our school has many clubs.What club do you want to join?Why?Please ask and answer in groups. 6.小结训练。(2 分钟) 按要求改写句子。 (1)We want to join the chess club.(对画线部分提问) What club do you want to join? (2)Can you speak English?(作否定回答) No,I cant. (3)I can play the guitar well.(改为一般疑问句) Can you play the guitar well? (4)David can sing.David cant sing well.(合并成一个句子) David can sing but he cant sing well. 环节说明环节说明:通过对所学的目标语言进行听、说、读、 写训练,不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩 固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用能力。第二课时第二课时 Section A(Grammar Focus 3c) 知识目标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 write(v.)写作;写字 show(n.)演出;节目 (v.)给看;展示 or(conj.)或者;也不(用于否定句) talk(v.&n.)说话;交谈 kung fu(n.)(中国)功夫 重点词组talk to跟说 重点句式 1.Can he play chess?他会下棋吗? Yes,he can./No,he cant.是的,他会。/不, 他不会。 2.We want students for the school show. 我们需要学生参加学校的表演。 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P3 的单词),看谁记得又快又准。 (2 分钟) 1.write写作;写字 2.show演出;节目;给看;展示 3.or或者;也不(用于否定句) 4.talk说话;交谈 5.kung fu(中国)功夫 6.talk to跟说 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母提示填词。 1.Tom cant write a story, but he can tell a story. 2.They want some students for the school show. 3.Can you show your new books to us? 4.My parents talked to my English teacher in the classroom just now. 5.Bill cant play basketball or volleyball. 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Teacher:Today,I have something good to tell you.We have many different clubs in our school for you to join.What can you do?What cant you do?Can you play chess?Can you play it well?Can you play the guitar?Can you sing?What club do you want to join? 环节说明环节说明:通过师生谈话导入本单元的重点句型和 语法基础知识,同时结合本单元的重点语法知识对学 生进行听说训练。 Step 2 熟读熟读 Grammar Focus 1.让学生分男、女两组朗读 Grammar Focus 中的内容。 (2 分钟) 2.让学生背诵 Grammar Focus 中的内容。(3 分钟) 3.小结训练。(3 分钟) 用方框中的词或短语填空。 what,play chess,dance,art club,join (1)I like drawing.So I want to join the art club. (2)Can you play chess? Yes.But I cant play it very well. (3)What club do you want to join? The music club.I like music. (4)Can you sing or dance? No.But I can play the guitar. (5)What can you do? I can play computer games. 环节说明环节说明:通过对语法基础知识的训练,让学生能 够掌握并灵活运用本单元的语法基础知识,为本单元 听、说、读、写的训练作好铺垫。 Step 3 完成教材完成教材 3a3c 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.让学生运用题目所提示的单词和短语,并根据第一小 题的模式,完成 3a 的任务。(3 分钟) Teacher:Do you like?Does she like?Can you?Can he?What club do you want to join? 2.让学生分角色朗读 3a 中所提的问题与回答,巩固本 单元的基础语法知识。(2 分钟) 3.让学生从方框中选择恰当的词,完成 3b 的任务。(4 分钟) Teacher:Suppose you are a boss,you want to get some good workers.How to write an advertisement?Can you write an ad or a poster now?Here is a poster for you to complete. Then the whole class read it together. 4.完成 3c 的任务。(6 分钟) Teacher:We want to have an English party.What can you do in the party?Please discuss in groups of four,then make a list. NameWhat can you do? 5.小结训练。(8 分钟) Teacher:Its your turn to write your own poster now.Can you write a poster for it? 根据下面海报写一篇招聘广告。 Swimmer Wanted for School Swimming Club Tel:364-4577 For only two We want two good swimmers for our swimming club.Can you swim in the sea or in the swimming pool?Do you want to join the school swimming club?Youre welcome.Please call Mike at 364-4577. 环节说明:环节说明:通过完成教材 3a3c 的任务,进一步 巩固语法基础知识,培养学生运用语言的能力,并进 行相应的写作训练。让学生在实际操练中领会并掌握 语法基础知识,老师在该环节中起到引导作用。第三课时第三课时 Section B(1a 1f) 知识目标知识目标 类别课时要点 重点单词 drum(n.)鼓 piano(n.)钢琴 violin(n.)小提琴;如同 hill(n.)小山;山丘 重点词组 play the drums 敲鼓 play the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 课堂环节课堂环节 自主学习方案自主学习方案 学生自学新单词(教材 P4 的单词),看谁记得又快 又准。(2 分钟) 1.drum鼓 2.piano钢琴 3.violin小提琴 4.play the drums敲鼓 5.play the piano弹钢琴 6.play the violin拉小提琴 【新词自查新词自查】 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示填词。 1.Can you play the violin? 2.In the school music club, I can play the drums and the piano(敲鼓和弹钢琴). 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Ask a student to draw some music instruments, then let other students talk about them and write down the words. 环节说明环节说明: :通过让学生画一些常见的乐器,导入本 课时的话题,让学生在轻松的氛围中接收到关于教学 目标的信息。 Step 2 完成教材完成教材 1a1f 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.让学生将图片中的物品与相应的单词连接起来,完成 教材 1a 的任务。(1 分钟) Teacher:Do you know the names of these instruments?I want to know if you can play the instruments. T:Can you play the piano? S:Yes,I can./No,I cant. T:Can you play the drums? S: 2.听录音,完成 1b 的任务。(1 分钟) 3.通过对话的形式,完成 1c 的任务。(3 分钟) Teacher:Now please ask and answer questions about the instruments in pairs.(老师可适当参与或指导学生完成对 话练习) T:Can you play the guitar?Yes,I can. S:Can you play it well?No,I cant. T:Can he play the violin?Sorry,I dont know. S:Can she play the drums?Yes,she can.She can play them well. 然后,可让几组学生表演对话,其他学生认真听,并 做好记录;最后,老师可以就学生对话的内容进行现 场提问。(这样可以让全体学生参与,表演对话的学生 的口语表达能力得到了很好的锻炼,其余学生听力技 巧得到了很好的训练。) 4.再听一遍录音,完成 1d 的任务。(1 分钟) 先让学生熟悉并掌握词组:play the violin,play the guitar,play the drums,play the piano,为听力训练作好 铺垫,再让学生听录音。 5.再听一遍录音,完成 1e 的任务。(2 分钟) 在听力训练前,对学生进行听力技巧指导;听力训练 后,可让学生根据表格内容(Bill,Cindy and Frank 三个 人分别会做哪些?不会做哪些?)向全班同学做一个汇 报。(这样可以培养学生的口头表达能力和写作能力) 6.对听力材料的重点词组或句子进行讲解,然后让全班 学生熟读听力材料,还可让若干组学生进行分角色朗 读表演。(3 分钟) 7.让学生根据听力材料的内容,谈论 Bill,Cindy and Frank 三个人分别会做哪些?不会做哪些?完成 1f 的 任务。(3 分钟) They can practice it like this: A:Can Bill play chess? B:No,he cant.But he can play the guitar.And he can play it well. A:Can Bill dance? B:No,he cant.But he can sing.And he can sing very well. Ask the students to work in groups.Ask and answer like this: What can you do? I can,but I cant (I canand,but I cantor) 然后,可让几组学生表演对话,老师可以就学生对话 的内容进行现场提问。 8.小结训练。(4 分钟) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话。 A.Can you play the piano? B.But I can play the piano. C.I can play the drums. D.Can you sing? E.What can you do,Jennifer? A:I want some students for the school concert.What can you do,Bill?(1)D B:No,I cant.But I can play the guitar. A:You can play the guitar!Good.(2)E C:I can sing and(3)C A:You can!Great,Jennifer.(4)A C:No,I cant.Victor can play the piano. A:Victor,can you play the piano? D:Yeah,I cant sing or dance.(5)B 环节说明环节说明:通过听、说训练让学生掌握了本节课 的语言目标,不仅让学生掌握了听力技巧,而且培养 了学生的口头表达能力。第四课时第四课时 Section B(2a3b)到家;在家 4.make使成为;制造 5.today今天 6.center中心;中央 7.weekend周末 8.teach教;讲授 9.musician音乐家 10.be good with善于;对有办法 11.make friends结交朋友 12.help(sb.)with sth.在某方面帮助某人 13.on the weekend(在)周末 【新词自查新词自查】 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。 1.We can help you with your English. 2.Are you good with kids? 3.If you like doing sports,you can come to the Students Sports Center. 4.Our school needs help to teach kids on summer holiday. 5.He can speak English and he can also play basketball. 6.We can help the old at the old peoples home. 7.Jim can sing well and he wants to be a famous musician. 8.Can you come and join us at the party on the weekend(在 周末)? 9.You can make many friends (交许多朋友)if you join the English club. 10.We need a pianist for school music festival(学校音乐节). 课堂导学方案课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入情景导入 Teacher:Ask the students to share the information they got from their friends. Example:I am Lisa.I can sing,but I cant sing well.I cant swim.I think it is hard.I want to join the swimming club.My friend Tom can play the guitar but he cant play it well.And he cant play chess.He wants to join the chess club.He thinks it is interesting.He wants to learn it. 环节说明环节说明:通过谈论朋友或同学加入俱乐部的情况, 导入本单元的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生 的学习积极性与主动性。 Step 2 完成教材完成教材 2a2c 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.阅读 2a 中的材料,并完成 2a 的任务。(2 分钟) 2.让学生相互交流并复述课文中人物能做的事情。(2 分 钟) 3.阅读 2b 中的材料,并完成 2b 的任务。(5 分钟) 4.让学生大声朗读阅读材料,并注意英文招聘广告的书 写格式,掌握英文招聘广告写作的常用短语与句子。(4 分钟) 5.完成 2c 的任务,并说明做题的依据。(3 分钟) 6.小结训练。(7 分钟) 根据材料内容,回答问题。 Job Information Do you like kids?Can you help look after(照顾)kids on weekends?Then call Henry at 897-4592.We are at 32 Green Street. Can you dance well?Do you want to teach in a dance club?You need to work in the evenings.Please call Mike at 670-3482.Our address is 78 Guo Street. Are you good at Chinese?Can you teach our kids Chinese?Can you work on Sunday mornings?Come to 90 Oak Street.Our phone number is 784-3204. Are you a good cook(厨师)?Are you good at cooking breakfast?Come to our hotel at 68 Pine Road.Please call 483-0319 first. 1.Alicia wants to find a job to look after kids.Who may she call? She may call Henry. 2.Melissa calls Mike at 670-3482 and gets(得到)the job.What can she do? She can dance well./She can teach dancing. 3.After reading the job information,Tom comes to 90 Oak Street.What does he want to be? He wants to be a Chinese teacher. 4.Jill likes cooking.What number may she call for a job? She may call 483-0319. 5.Jerry wants to find a job but he can only work in the afternoon.Can he find a job? No,he cant. 环节说明环节说明:通过对本单元话题的阅读训练,扩大学 生的词汇量,培养学生的阅读能力,提高学生的阅读 水平与技巧。 Step 3 完成教材完成教材 3a3b 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.根据句意完成 3a 的任务。(2 分钟) Teacher:What can you do in our English party?You can do so many different things in the English party.Here is an ad from the school magazine. Teacher:Who do they want for school music festival? Students:Musicians. Teacher:Do you know the meaning of musicians? 2.模仿 3a 中的格式与内容,完成 3b 的任务。(3 分钟) 3.小结训练。(5 分钟) 假如你是鲍勃(Bob),想参加学校的国际象棋俱乐部,请根 据对话所提供的信息,给史密斯先生(Mr.Smith)写一封 50 词左右的自我推荐信。 Mr.Smith:Hi!Can I help you? Bob:Yes,please.Im Bob Smith.I want to join the chess club. Mr.Smith:How old are you? Bob:Eleven. Mr.Smith:Can you play chess? Bob:Yes,a little.I want to learn about chess. Mr.Smith:How can we contact(联系)you? Bob:My telephone number is 3555108.My e-mail address is . Mr.Smith:Write down(写下)all your information(信息), please. Bob:OK. Dear Mr.Smith, My name is Bob Smith.Im eleven years old.I like playing chess very much,but I cant play it very well.I want to learn more about it and I really want to join the chess club.My telephone number is 3555108.My e-mail address is .Can I join your club? Yours, Bob 环节说明环节说明:通过阅读与写作训练相结合,进一步让 学生巩固本单元所学的语法知识,并灵活运用到口语 与写作中去,提高学生的写作能力。 Step 4 完成教材完成教材 Self Check 的任务的任务 【操作案例操作案例】 1.运用本单元所学的语言基础知识,完成第一题。(2 分 钟) 2.让学生分组讨论,完成第二题。(3 分钟) 3.根据自己的实际情况,完成第三题。(3 分钟) 4.小结训练。(2 分钟) The teacher asks the students to make a survey,and fill in the blanks. NameCanPlay well or notCantClubWhy I Ask the students to practice the dialogues by asking:What can you do?Can you dance?Can you play the guitar?Can you play it well?What club do you want to join?etc.The teacher goes round the classroom,and gives help if necessary. Ask some groups of students to act out their dialogues. 环节说明环节说明:通过各种题型的练习加强对新知识的巩 固与拓展,并对本单元所学的单词、词组与句子进行 归纳、总结,并灵活运用到听、说、读、写的各项训 练中;口语表达和小结训练将单元要点进行汇总复习, 为整个单元的学习画上一个完满的句号。
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