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第三单元测评第三单元测评 (时间:120 分钟满分:150 分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 M:Have you finished your New Year shopping yet? W:More or less.I got a kite for my daughter and a doll for my son,but I cant seem to find anything for my mum.She would probably like a book or a wool scarf. 1.What did the woman buy for her son? A.A doll.B.A book.C.A kite. 答案 A W:So,what programs do you have on your laptop? M:Ive got all the usual ones for word processing,and then I have a few for creating and editing photographs. 2.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.Writings. B.Photographs. C.Computer programs. 答案 C M:Ill take half a dozen of the mini chocolate cakes and one large cream pie. W:Today,we are having a special.If you buy a dozen of the mini cakes,then you will get your pie for free. M:Thats a deal! 3.How many cakes does the woman advise the man to buy? A.1.B.6.C.12. 答案 C M:Our head teacher is very strict with us. W:Absolutely right,but he gives good lectures. M:Indeed.He is strict with himself,too.Every lecture of his is well prepared. 4.Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Workmates. B.Classmates. C.Strangers. 答案 B M:Good morning,madam.There is a table for two over there.This way,please. W:Thank you.Could I see the menu,please? M:Here you are. 5.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a restaurant. B.In a meeting room. C.In a theatre. 答案 A 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 W:Hi,Mark.Havent seen you for ages! How are you doing? M:Im busy with my experiments in the lab,but after work I often play some sports. W:Like what? M:Like tennis,running and golf. W:Golf?Thats my favorite game.How often do you play? M:I usually play once a month.What about you,Angie? W:I play every Sunday. M:Where do you usually play? W:The Country Club.Do you know it? M:Yes,I was there once.Are you going to play next Sunday? W:Of course.Why dont you come with me?We can play together. 6.What sports does the man like to play after work? A.Tennis,swimming and golf. B.Tennis,jogging and golf. C.Tennis,running and golf. 答案 C 7.How often does the man play golf? A.Once a week. B.Once a month. C.Twice a month. 答案 B 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 W:The tickets for the annual picnic go on sale on Friday.This year,the picnic will be better than ever.We are going to have a salami toss,and the winners will get really great prizes. M:What kind of game is that?I mean,I love salami sandwiches,so I would never throw one away. W:This is how it works.We hang 5 salamis with strings up in the air.Then we give people potatoes to throw at them.If they hit a salami with one of the potatoes,they win! M:I see.they need to hit the target.So,what do they win? W:A salami,of course. 8.When will the tickets be on sale? A.On Friday. B.On Saturday. C.On Sunday. 答案 A 9.Why will the picnic be better than ever? A.Nothing will get thrown away. B.There will be sandwiches. C.There will be a game. 答案 C 10.How can people win prizes? A.By eating the most food. B.By hitting a salami(香肠) with potatoes. C.By buying more tickets on Friday. 答案 B 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 M:Hello! W:Oh,hi! M:Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Tom. W:Pleased to meet you.My name is Alice.Did you just move in next door? M:Yes,I did.Have you lived here long? W:Me?I guess so.Ive lived here for about six years now.Have you lived in America very long? M:No,not really.When I came to America,I lived with a cousin in Dallas for two years.Where do you work,Alice? W:I teach mathematics at a college.What do you do? M:I am an accountant at a company. W:Well,Tom.Its good to meet you.I have to go now. M:Its nice meeting you too,Alice. 11.Whats the possible relationship between the speakers? A.They are classmates. B.They are friends. C.They are neighbors. 答案 C 12.How long has the woman lived in America? A.For six months. B.For six years. C.For sixteen years. 答案 B 13.Where does the man work? A.In a company. B.At a college. C.In a school. 答案 A 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。 W:Hello,Bruce.I heard that you lived in Beijing for quite a while. M:Thats right,Tracy.I lived there for about six years while I did my Masters and Doctors degrees.Why do you ask? W:Well,I am flying to Beijing for a job interview next Friday.I will have several free days,so I plan to go out and see the city.Where do you think I should go? M:Wow,I admire you,going so far from London for a job interview! Well,there are many places that are worth visiting,such as the Forbidden City,the Temple of Heaven,the Summer Palace,and Tiananmen Square.Oh,yes! Dont forget to plan a day at the Great Wall.Thats something visitors should never miss! W:Sounds great! I cant wait to go! M:Is your sister Diana going with you? W:No,she is going to Brazil on business next Thursday.Shell be there for about six days. 14.Why did Bruce come to China six years ago? A.To do business. B.To further his study. C.To see some places of interest. 答案 B 15.When will the woman fly to Beijing for the job interview? A.Next Friday. B.Next Wednesday. C.Next Monday. 答案 A 16.What does the woman ask the man to do? A.Give her some advice on job interview. B.Accompany her to the job interview. C.Recommend some places of interest. 答案 C 17.What is Diana going to do? A.Go abroad on business. B.Fly to Beijing with Tracy. C.Go to visit the summer Palace. 答案 A 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 Welcome to our game show.Congratulations to last weeks winners,who will shortly be receiving top music discs.And now go on to the competition of this week.Audience friends! Make sure youve got a pen or pencil ready so you can write down the details.And make sure youre near a phone so you can ring it.Right.This week were offering ten prizes,so theres a chance for ten people to win two free tickets for the concert on April 23rd at the International Stadium.You must have all three answers before you ring in.Then you will be asked for your name,address,telephone number and age.The usual twelve lines will be open at the end of the program,so give us a ring as soon as you know the answers.If you cant get through the first time,then keep trying and trying.But,you can only make one call and in order to win the two tickets,your three answers must be completely correct.Good luck! 18.Who is the speaker most probably? A.A host. B.A salesman. C.A professor. 答案 A 19.Whats the prize for the winners this time? A.Two music discs. B.Two football tickets. C.Two concert tickets. 答案 C 20.What does the speaker remind the listeners at last? A.Their addresses must be correct. B.They neednt write down the details. C.Everyone has only one chance. 答案 C 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Teen Art Show Do you want to see your artwork displayed alongside other teens artwork?Dont miss your opportunity!Showcase your paintings,sculptures,photographs and artworks at the Environmental Educational Center.The show will provide an opportunity for artists to network, provide feedback and become a resource for others. Location:Environmental Educational Center Activity fee:$25 Night Fishing Escape the night and join us as we fish at Desert Breeze Park.No experience needed.We will provide the fishing poles,transportation,the bait,to help you catch a fish and best of all,teens of 14 years and under do not require a license to fish. Location:Desert Breeze Park Activity fee:$22 Overnight Snow Trip Join the City of Chandler in an exciting new trip!We will travel up to Camp Tontozona and enjoy great food and a campfire in the early evening.Snow play will be the highlight as we explore the snow- filled meadows(草地)of Woods Canyon Lake and sled down small hills in the area.You will be responsible for your own ski/snowboard equipment. Location:Camp Tontozona Activity fee:$30 Paintballing Come out and play paintball with all your friends!Join the City of Chandler as we go to Tempe Paintball.This is a great way to join in the fun of playing paintball for a low cost.All equipment is included.Please wear old clothes because clothes can get dirty easily! Location:Tempe Paintball Activity fee:$28 【语篇解读】本文为广告类应用文。文章主要介绍了几项有趣的活动,其中有滑雪、钓鱼等。 21.What can people do in Desert Breeze Park? A.Meet with famous artists. B.Play with snow. C.Play paintball. D.Go fishing. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据 Night Fishing 部分的“Escape the night and join us as we fish at Desert Breeze Park.”可知,在 Desert Breeze Park 可以进行夜钓。故选 D 项。 22.What is special about Paintballing? A.It costs the least. B.It might make your clothes dirty. C.People can play with friends. D.People will enjoy a campfire. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据 Paintballing 部分的“Please wear old clothes because clothes can get dirty easily!”可知,参加这项活动会很容易把衣服弄脏,所以该活动要求穿旧衣服。故选 B 项。 23.In which activity should people take their own ski equipment? A.Overnight Snow Trip.B.Teen Art Show. C.Paintballing.D.Night Fishing. 答案 A 解析细节理解题。根据 Overnight Snow Trip 部分的“You will be responsible for your own ski/ snowboard equipment.”可知,人们需自备滑雪设备的活动是 Overnight Snow Trip。故选 A 项。 B After a salon(美发厅) turns away a physically challenged woman,a stranger makes a truly beautiful gesture.“Beauty isnt about having a pretty face.Its about having a pretty mind,a pretty heart,and a pretty soul,Oh,and pretty nails!” That may well be Angela Peterss motto. Last July,Peters,36,rolled her wheelchair into a nail salon at the Walmart shopping center in Burton,Michigan,with the idea of painting her fingers.But Peters was turned away.The salon told her that they were afraid it would be too difficult to properly paint her nails given that her hands shook.What was meant to be a clay of happiness for Peters was now a disappointment. Ebony Harris,40,saw everything and approached Peters.Harris offered to do her nails.They shopped for nail polish.They settled on a bright blue a statement color that would catch every eye.They then made their way into a neighboring Subway,found a table for two,and set up shop.Harris gently took Peterss hand into hers and carefully began painting her nails. Watching it all with awe and admiration was Subway employee Tasia Smith.What struck her most was the ease and gentleness displayed by Harris as she painted Peterss nails,all the while chatting as if they were old friends. Peters,who runs a poetry website,,harbors(心怀) no bitterness toward the nail salon that turned her away.(The salon says they refused to offer Peters service because they were too busy.) “When people do us wrong we must forgive,” Peters wrote on her website.“I just want to educate people that people with different challenges,like being in a wheelchair,can have our own business and get our nails done like anyone else.” 【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过讲述行动不便的 Peters 坐轮椅去美甲厅美甲但遭到 拒绝的故事,告诉我们,身患残疾的人应当享受和正常人一样的待遇。真正的美不在外表而在于是否 拥有美丽的心灵和灵魂。 24.Why did Peters go to the Walmart shopping centre? A.To go shopping. B.To eat at a Subway. C.To meet her friend Harris. D.To have her nails painted. 答案 D 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的第一句可知,去年七月,36 岁的 Peters 坐着轮椅去沃尔玛购物中心 的一个美甲店,想把指甲涂个颜色。故选 D 项。 25.Whats the reason for Peterss disappointment? A.That she was disabled. B.That she was turned away. C.That the salon was busy. D.That she had no nail polish. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“What was meant to be a clay of happiness for Peters was now a disappointment.”以及前一句“they were afraid it would be too difficult to properly paint her nails given that her hands shook.”可知,Peters 失望的原因是她被拒绝了。故选 B 项。 26.How do you find Ebony Harris? A.Mean.B.Optimistic. C.Caring.D.Stubborn. 答案 C 解析推理判断题。文章第三段和第四段记述了 Ebony Harris 看到 Peters 被拒绝做美甲后,带她去买 指甲油,并给她精心涂指甲并像老朋友一样跟她聊天。据此可知,Ebony Harris 是很贴心,很关心人的。 故选 C 项。 27.What does Peters intend to tell us by writing on her website? A.Its better to use websites to educate people. B.The salon has its reasonable reason to refuse her. C.Those who did something wrong should not be forgiven. D.People with different challenges should be treated equally. 答案 D 解析推理判断题。根据文章最后 Peters 在她网站上写的话“I just want to educate people that people with different challenges,like being in a wheelchair,can have our own business and get our nails done like anyone else.”可知,Peters 想告诉人们身有残疾的人应该被公平地对待。故选 D 项。 C Ask any new college graduate about his immediate goals,and it is likely that he will tell you he wants a job.But it turns out that todays students are not going to be satisfied with any job.According to the latest survey,making a difference through their work is essential (必要的) to young peoples happiness. The survey found that 72 percent of graduating college seniors believe being able to have a positive social influence through their work is essential to their happiness.Making a difference is so important to them that 45 percent say they would take a 15-percent pay cut to work at an organisation that has a social or environmental influence,and 58 percent say they would take a pay cut to work for an organisation whose values are the same as their own. Besides this,the survey found that female students are far more likely to put social influence in first place than their male classmates,echoing the results of a former study showing that female maths and science majors are more likely to say they go into those fields to make a difference. One reason for the emphasis (强调) on improving the world probably has to do with the culture of colleges,which encourages students to connect their studies back to real-world problems.Students are used to discussing important social issues (问题) with their friends and professors,and doing something about them in class or through volunteer activities.Once students develop those habits,they wont shut them off when graduation rolls around. 【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。本文讲述的是通过工作能有一个积极的社会影响对年轻人的 幸福至关重要。 28.What does the underlined word “echoing” in Paragraph 3 probably mean? A.Learning .B.Repeating. C.Believing.D.Creating. 答案 B 解析词义猜测题。结合文章第三段第一句“Besides this,the survey found that female students are far more likely to put social influence in first place than their male classmates,”和后一句“the results of a former study showing that female maths and science majors are more likely to say they go into those fields to make a difference.”可以推断出两项调查的结果是一致的。都说明了女性更倾向于在工作中有所作 为。故选 B 项。 29.What is one of the reasons for the emphasis on students wanting to improve the world? A.The habits students develop in society. B.The appearance of important social issues. C.The encouragement of the culture of colleges. D.The effect parents education has on their children. 答案 C 解析细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句“One reason for the emphasis (强调) on improving the world probably has to do with the culture of colleges,which encourages students to connect their studies back to real-world problems.”可以看出,选项 C“The encouragement of the culture of colleges.”符合文章的意义。 故选 C 项。 30.What can you learn from the passage? A.Young people will surely gain happiness if they can make a difference in their work. B.Less than half of
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