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Unit2 The morals and virtues exercises 一 Words: 1. Moral adj________ n__________ 2.高尚的道德,美德 ________ virtual? _________ 3.dilemma___________ 4.faint v_______ adj _______ 5.illustrate v____________ n___________ 6.珍惜的,宝贵的 _________ 7.婚姻 n___________ v__________ 8.Majority n________v/adj_______反义词__________ _______ 9.抱怨 v__________ n___________ 10.回答; 做出反应; 回应 v ________ (to) n _________ 11.奖学金 ________ 12.雇佣,租用 v________ 反义词_______ 14.医师 ;尤指内科医生 n_______ 外科医生? adj physical / adv physically_________ 15.同事,同僚 n ___________ co- cooperate/ cooperation 16.拒绝接受 v ___________ n ___________ 17. Adj faraway __________ /far away ___________ 18.Elect v ___________ n ___________ 19.十年 ___________ 20.出版 v___________ n ___________ 21.Tend v ___________ n ___________ 22.Staff ___________ 23.幼儿园___________ 24.退休 v ___________ n ___________ 25.deliver v______ _____ __________ 26.Principle n___________ principal_________ 26.Passive adj ___________ 主动的___________ n___________ 27.Scared adj ___________ v ___________ 28.Sharp ____ ___ _______ v ___________ 29.Insurance ___________ v 30.精力充沛的 __________ = 31.Operation n _______ v ___________ 32.V Import ___________ export ___________ 33.Assist ___________ n ___________ ___________ 34.Waitress ___________ 男服务员___________ 35 Chain ___________ 36.disguise ___________ 37.Spill _________过去式 、分词 38.寓言故事____________ 39.法庭___________ 40.Flexible adi ________ _________ 41.Income ___________ outcome 43Therefore _______ (so)____________ 44.tension ___________ 45.replacewith/by______________ Exercise1:Fill in the blanks with the proper from of the words above. 1.Her first story was _______when she was nine. (deliver) The surgical masks(医用口罩) were_________ to Wuhan. 2.In a happy _________(marry), both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise. 3. I figure that teachers will not be _______ (替代)with computers. 4.As a_________, he devoted all his life to the patients to make them healthy ________. (physical) 5.She was _______to death when she saw the ________ tiger in the forest. (scare) 6.The most ________boy Xiaozhan always makes us full of_____. He is so handsome but hardworking. (energy) 7.He needs an __________, so the physician is __________on him now. (operate) 8.Im now writing a letter to make a __________(complain) about the service of your hotel . Exercise2: Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words below.(课本 p22) clinic complain majority staff response harm physician According keep t to a recent survey, the _______of doctors believed their incomes did not match how hard they worked. The survey found that about 50 percent of the doctors were not satisfied with their working conditions, especially those from hospitals in small towns. A _______working in a large public hospital often has to see 100 patients per day. The researchers conducting the survey conducted that if hospitals and _______ serving the general Public received more support, it would help to keep their medical ________ from leaving the profession, and therefore the public would continue to receive good health service. In __________ to a question about tensions between doctors and patients, some respondents ________ that misleading media reports about doctors have greatly ________ society, causing the public to distrust medical workers. 二 Phrases : 1.道德困境 2. 帮助某人渡过难关 3.托付给某人 4. 大部分 5.对抱怨 6. 想到 7.学费 8.对做出回应 9.住院医师 10 任命某人为 11.需要帮助 12.私人诊所 13. 没有自己的孩子 14,易于做某事、往往会发生某事 15.在午夜 16.南极、北极 17.对某人低语 18.急救 19.去世 20.作为对的纪念 21.被绊倒 22.流着泪;含着泪 23.努力做某事 24.处于绝望中 25.使免受伤害 26.北京协和医学院 27.中华人民共和国 28.全国人民代表大会 29.用尽全身力气 30.大量的努力 31.成功做某事 Exercise 1 :Fill in the blanks with the phrases above. 1.He asked us to ______ him the dilemma and we agreed to his request with pleasure. 2.We should help those ___________ (需要)help when they are ________. 3.Instead of _________(抱怨) the traffic rules ,we should try to strictly follow them. 4.The film was made ____________ the living legend-Lang ping. 5.Hearing the cry for help in the river, the young man jumped into the river without second thought , lifting the boy __________. 6.I rushed for the doctor , unfortunately __________ the cat in the hallway. 7. Hearing the news that the deadly disease break out in China, we are all __________. 8. People will __________ to make mistakes when they are tired . 9. I asked him a question, but he didnt _____________ me. 三 完成句子 1. We were put into the position ______________________(我们必须自觉地努力学习) 2. __________________________________________(我从来没有看到过比这个更好的电影), which is a great visual feast. 3. 他是总是第一个来最后一个走 _____________________________________________________________ 4.1949 _________________________________________(见证了新中国的成立) 5. 我宁愿终身努力学习也不愿意结婚。 ____________________________________________________ 6. _______________________(想到那些需要帮助的人),Zhong nanshan went to fight against the virus, which shows a precious virtue. 四 Grammar: Fill in the blanks with correct words. 1.Jack stood in front of the class, completely ________ (forget) every word that he had prepared for his speech. 2._______ (see) from the tennis star leaving the court, the girl quickly picked up her camera and ran over to him. 3.They were very proud to see their son _________(award) the university scholarship. 4. When _______(ask) about their work schedules, many people preferred more flexible work hours. 5.John watched the woman ________(talk) to the air, ________(think) that she might be crazy. 6. ________(impress) with her fluent English, the manager offered Julie a job interview. 单句语法填空(一) 1.When I was on my way to school this morning,I saw two women_______ (sell)lanterns. 2.The operator left hurriedly with the machine (operate). 3.On the bank of the river,we found him (put)on a tent, with a dog (lie)on the grass. 4. The earthquake left the whole country _______(go) in a mess. 5. They use computers to keep the traffic (run)smoothly. 6. After a knock at the door , the child heard his mothers voice ______( call)him. 7. We will punish the student if he is caught (cheat) in the exam. 8. With his homework ________ (finish), he went home happily. 9. If it is left ________(untreat), the problem will get worse. 10. I try my best make myself _________(understand) by students. 单句语法填空(一) 1.You have to prepare the next question (depend)on what the person says. 2. (walk) in the street with his dog following him,he felt really free and pleased. 3. (finish) his work,he went out into the garden to have a walk. 4. The football is played in 80 countries, ______(make) it the most popular sport in the world. 4. He lifted the stone only (drop)it on his own feet. 5 __(elect)as captain,Tom was greatly encouraged. 7. _________ (bite) by the dog, the man refused to go to that house. 8._________(take) according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. 9.When _______(offer) help, one always says, “Thank you” or “Its really kind of you. 10.Unless (see)the changes with your own eyes,you will never believe their greatness. 11. _______ (face) the challenge, we should have confidence in fighting against the virus. 12. _______(face) with the challenge, we are confident in doing it. 13.________________(从判断 his accent, he is from America. 14. We will take part in the activities, ____________________ (增强我们的体质) 15.________________________(随着考试的临近) , we are getting nervous. 五 Writing 某英文报纸正在举办主题为“ A person I admire most ”征文活动,你有意参加,根据 以下要点写一篇英语短文并投稿 1.该人物的基本情况 2.主要的事迹 3.你的评价 词数 100 词左右,适当增加细节以使行文连贯。The morals and virtues Training exercises Aims: 1. To review words, phrases and sentence patterns. 2. To learn more useful expressions. 3. To exercise what we have learnt. 一Words: 1. Moral adj________ n__________ 2.高尚的道德,美德 ________ virtual? _________ 3.dilemma___________ 4.faint v_______ adj _______ 5.illustrate v____________ n___________ 6.珍惜的,宝贵的 _________ 7.婚姻 n___________ v__________ 8.Majority n_________ v /adj__________ 反义词__________ _______ 9.抱怨 v__________ n___________ 10.回答; 做出反应; 回应 v ________ (to) n _________ 11.奖学金 ________ 12.雇佣,租用 v________ 反义词_______ 1.道德上的 n 品行;道德;寓意 2.virtue 对比虚拟的 virtual 3. 进退两难的境地,困境 4. v.昏倒 adj.不清楚的,微弱的 5. v.(举例)说明,给加插图 n. illustration 图解;例释 6. Adj precious 7. Marriage ; v. marry (marry sb) 8. 大多数; major v主修 major in adj 主要的 Minority; minor 9. Complain / complaint 10. Respond to /response 11. Scholarship 12. hire; fire开火,解雇 14.医师 ;尤指内科医生 n_______ 外科医生_________________ adj physical / adv physically_________ 15.同事,同僚 n ___________ co- cooperate/ cooperation__ 16.拒绝接受 v ___________ n ___________ 17. Adj faraway __________ /far away ___________ 18.Elect v ___________ n ___________ 19.十年 ___________ 20.出版 v___________ n ___________ 21.Tend v ___________ n ___________ 22.Staff ___________ 23.幼儿园___________ 24.退休 v ___________ n ___________ 25.deliver v______ _____ __________ 26.Principle n___________ principal_________ 26.Passive adj ___________ 主动的___________ n___________ 27.Scared adj ___________ v ___________ 28.Sharp ____ ___ _______ v ___________ 29.Insurance ___________ v 30.精力充沛的 __________ = 14. Physician /surgeon 身体上的/地 15.Collegue; 合作 16. reject/ rejection 17. 遥远远的(定语语) The house is far away from our school. A faraway village. 18.选举选举 ,选择选择 /election Choose/elect to do decade 20. publish; publishment 21.照顾顾; 易于; n tendency Tend (to) sb Tend to do 22. 全体职员职员 / kingdergarten 24. retire/ retirement 25.运送、接生、发发表 Deliver sth to/a baby/ a speech 26.道德准则则,原则则,法则则 大学校长长 被动动的/ active activity 感到害怕的 scare 28adj. 锋利的,急剧的、清晰的,敏锐的 sharpen 10 oclock sharp adv 保险险 ____ insure:投保 Energetic be full of energy 31.Operation n _______ v ___________ 32.V Import ___________ export ___________ 33.Assist ___________ n ___________ ___________ 34.Waitress ___________ 男服务员___________ 35 Chain ___________ 36.disguise ___________ 37.Spill _________过去式 、分词 38.寓言故事 39.法庭___________ 40.Flexible adi ________ _________ 41.Income ___________ outcome________ 43Therefore _______ (so)____________ 44.tension ________________ 45.replacewith/by 31.手术术 operate:动动手术术;运转转;操 作 operate on 32. 进进口 出口 v.帮助aid/ help assist sb in doing/ n. assistance=help assistant助手 女服务员务员 waiter Actress/ hostess? 链链子、 a chain of:一系列的 chain stores连锁连锁 店 伪伪装 disguise sb/oneself n in disguise He is a policeman in disguise.溢出,洒出Spilt/spilt 可弯曲的、灵活的 收入 结结果 Adv 因此,所以 /conj连词连词 N 张张力、紧张紧张 , Fable Court Fill in the blanks with the correct word. 1.Her first story was _______when she was nine. (deliver) The surgical masks(医用口罩) were_________ to Wuhan. 2.In a happy _________(marry), both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise. 3. I figure that teachers will not be _______ (替代)with computers. 4.As a_________, he devoted all his life to the patients to make them healthy ________. (physical) 5.She was _______to death when she saw the ________ tiger in the forest. (scare) 6.The most ________boy Xiaozhan always makes us full of_____. He is so handsome but hardworking. (energy) 7.He needs an __________, so the physician is __________on him now. (operate) 8.Im now writing a letter to make a __________(complain) about the service of your hotel . energetic delivered marriage replaced physician physically scared Scaring/scary delivered energy operationoperating complaint Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words below. clinic complain majority staff response harm physician According keep t to a recent survey, the _______of doctors believed their incomes did not match how hard they worked. The survey found that about 50 percent of the doctors were not satisfied with their working conditions, especially those from hospitals in small towns. A _______working in a large public hospital often has to see 100 patients per day. The researchers conducting the survey conducted that if hospitals and _______ serving the general Public received more support, it would help to keep their medical ________ from leaving the profession, and therefore the public would continue to receive good health service. In __________ to a question about tensions between doctors and patients, some respondents ________ that misleading media reports about doctors have greatly ________ society, causing the public to distrust medical workers. majority physician clinics staff response complain harmed 二Phrases : 1.道德困境 2. 帮助某人渡过难关 3.托付给某人 4. 大部分 5.对抱怨 6. 想到 7.学费 8.对做出回应 9.住院医师 10 任命某人为 11.需要帮助 12.私人诊所 13. 没有自己的孩子 14. 14,易于做某事、往往会发生某事 15.在午夜 16.南极、北极 17.对某人低语 18.急救 19.去世 20.作为对的纪念 21.被绊倒 22.流着泪;含着泪 23.努力做某事 24.处于绝望中 25.使免受伤害 26.北京协和医学院 27.中华人民共和国 28.全国人民代表大会 29.用尽全身力气 30.大量的努力 31.成功做某事 moral dilemma carry sb through entrust sb with. the majority of Complain about. think of tuition fees respond to the resident physician appoint sb to/as be in need of help a private clinic have no children of her own tend to do./have a tendency to do. at midnight the South/North Pole whisper to sb first aid pass away be in memory of trip over in tears make an attempt to do be in despair keep sb from harm The peoples Republic of China/ Peking Union Medical College The National Peoples Congress with all ones might a great deal of effort succeed in doing Fill in the blanks with the phrases above. 1.He asked us to ______ him __________he dilemma and we agreed to his request with pleasure. 2.We should help those ___________ (需要)help when they are ________. 3.Instead of _______________(抱怨) the traffic rules ,we should try to strictly follow them. 4.The film was made ____________ the living legend-Lang ping. 5.Hearing the cry for help in the river, the young man jumped into the river without second thought , lifting the boy __________. 6.I rushed for the doctor , unfortunately __________ the cat in the hallway. 7. Hearing the news that the deadly disease broke out in China, we are all __________. 8. People will __________ to make mistakes when they are tired . 9. I asked him a question, but he didnt _____________ me. carry through in need of in need /in trouble complaining about in memory of with all his might tripping over绊绊倒 in despair tend have a tendency respond to make a response to 完成句子 1.We were put into the position ______________________(我们必须自觉地努力学习 ) 2._______________________(我从来没有看到过比这 个更好的电影), which is a great visual feast. 3.他是总是第一个来最后一个走 ____________________________________ 4.1949 _______________________(见证了新中国的成立 ) 5.我宁愿终身努力学习也不愿意结婚。 ______________________________________ 6. ________________________(想到那些需要帮助的人) ,Zhong nanshan went to fight against the virus, which shows a precious virtue. Where we must study hard actively I have never seen a better film He is always the first to come and the last to leave. Saw the foundation of new China I would rather study all my life than get married. Thinking of those in need of help Grammar: Fill in the blanks with correct words. 1.Jack stood in front of the class, completely ________ (forget) every word that he had prepared for his speech. 2._______ (see) the tennis star leaving the court, the girl quickly picked up her camera and ran over to him. 3.They were very proud to see their son _________(award) the university scholarship. 4. Whe
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