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展开 外研版九年级下册英语总复习-阅读理解CD篇阅读回答问题及短文写作.zip外研版九年级下册英语总复习-阅读理解CD篇阅读回答问题及短文写作.zip
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阅读、写作练习 1 C Health officials in Canada are very busy these days. They are placing chickens at fixed points all along their 2,500 km border (边境) with the United States of America. Its not a joke, nor have the Canadians gone mad. They are using these chickens to see if the West Nile virus (病毒) is still around. The virus infects birds, so the chickens have a chance of catching the virus and fall ill. The West Nile virus is spread among humans. It killed seven people in New York last year. Countries around the world are realizing that it may just be possible to stop certain kinds of people from entering their land. However, it is very difficult to stop viruses traveling from one end of the earth to another. When they travel to new places, they get used to the environment very easily and sometimes start destroying the local plant and animal life. These biological polluters are called smart polluters. These smart polluters can be carried across borders of countries unknowingly. Just as we humans are travelling across the world more often than earlier, these biological polluters have also started journey much more. They slide into airplanes through their wheels. They dig into objects that travelers may be carrying from one country to another. There are some good examples of how these polluters work. The water hyacinth (水葫芦) of South America is blocking lakes in China and Africa. Tree snakes from Papua New Guinea are busy eating up some birds in the country of Guam, which breaks its natural balance. Thats why the customs (海关) officials in many foreign countries prevent people from bringing in a small plant, or an object made of wood that is in its natural form. The customs officials have these rules because these varieties (多样性) of plants are special to certain places. The plants have the power to spread new illnesses among native plants and animals. Biological polluters always create problems in places where they do not belong. They could be special varieties of plants, bugs or even animals. 48. Why are Canadian officials placing chickens along the border? A. To help clean up the border. B. To see if the virus is still around. C. To protect the chickens from falling ill. D. To make sure that the birds can find food. 49. Which of the following is TRUE? A. People find it difficult to travel from one place to another. B. Plants always create problems in places where they belong. C. Biological polluters may destroy the local plant and animal life. D. Viruses spend a long time getting used to the local environment. 50. Customs officials in many countries prevent people from bringing in ____. A. chocolates B. shoes C. pictures D. plants 51. What is the best title for the passage? A. Land Pollution B. The West Nile Virus C. Smart Polluters D. The Water Hyacinth D Living next to next is the principle (原则) of a neighbor. Good neighborliness is the ideal to be aimed at(以.为目标). As the saying goes, no man is an island; he has to live with his neighbors. To make life easy and pleasant, he must cooperate(合作) with his neighbors. Whether one likes it or not, one cannot do without neighbors. Normally one may think he can do without neighbors because he can manage all comforts and services, so the services or the need for a friend may not happen. However, the sympathy (同情), admiration and appreciation (感谢)which a neighbor may offer will have a great humanizing influence. To share ones view and sometimes even sadness, one needs some neighbors. But all neighbors are not always keeping the friendly relationship. Stresses and tension (紧张) 阅读、写作练习 2 develop because of misunderstanding. Very often children may be the cause for tense feelings. The neighbors son may pick a flower or a fruit from your garden and an argument may follow. Again he may throw his ball at your window breaking it. These are common cases so far as the younger one is concerned but it is for the elders to view them with calmness and make up for it. This may read easy on paper but not so in real life. But being broad minded, one must be able to tolerate (容忍). Another reason for tension may be the animals. Your neighbors dog may be a real trouble or his chickens would come into your garden and eat away your plants. In all these cases to keep up good neighborliness, some understanding between the neighbors is important. Small differences can be easily patched up or worked out. Try to be friendly and the problem will not be difficult to solve. Care can at times play a good part and help the neighbors in a small or big way. Nobody is perfect and it is better not to speak ill of your neighbors. A cheerful word, a nod or a small talk will strengthen the feeling of good neighborliness. Neighborliness is not only for people but it is also largely important between neighboring countries. History has got a lot to teach on this. Unless countries learn to live as good neighbors, there cannot be peace on earth. So children must be taught at home and in the school to cooperate with the neighbors and be friendly with them. The basic rule is to give and take and to develop a sense that the other man has as much right as you do, and some degree of tolerance is very necessary. 52. What can we learn from the first paragraph? A. One is often needed by his family. B. No one likes to be alone on an island. C. Everyone has to live with his neighbors. D. Everyone lives an easy and pleasant life. 53. Which of the following may cause misunderstanding? A. Hobbies and habits. B. Children and pets. C. Sports and games. D. Likes and dislikes. 54. What does the sentence “Small differences can be easily patched up or worked out.” in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Praising others can help to be good neighbors. B. Unimportant disagreement can be easily solved. C. One can easily make good use of small arguments. D. Nobody can be perfect enough to speak ill of others. 55. In the passage, the writer tries to ____. A. show the important of getting on with neighbors B. teach the basic rules of behaving well at home C. explain the reasons of learning teamwork D. introduce ways of being a better person 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) Ready, Set, Jump! For skydivers, the sky isnt the limit. Its just the beginning. Thousands if people try skydiving each year. Some only jump once, while others go on to experience lifelong adventures, flying and turning over through the air. Skydiving is a method of leaving an airplane and returning to the earth with the help of gravity, then slowing down by using a parachute (降落伞). It may include more or less free-fall, a time during which the parachute has not been used and the body gradually accelerates (加速) to the highest speed. There are three choices for the beginners. However, before you try skydiving, a ground course on safety is required. The first method is accelerated free-fall. You jump out of the plane while being held by two coaches, one on either side. They hold onto you until you open your 阅读、写作练习 3 parachute. The second method is called static line. After jumping out, you will experience free-fall for a second or two. Then the weight of your body will pull the line tight, opening the parachute. Tandem (串联) is the most popular because it is the easiest. You and the coach are tied together, the coach behind, with you in front. You jump out of the plane together, and the coach takes care of opening the parachute. For each of these three methods, the coaches give instructions in the air with hand signals (信号) or a radio. If you are eager to try something challenging and would love to feel the freedom of flying, skydiving might be an adventure for you. Who knows? With risk and excitement mixed together, skydiving might just change your life. 61. Do thousands of people try skydiving each year? 62. How many choices are there for the beginners? 63. Why is tandem the most popular? 64. How do the coaches give instructions in the air? 65. What is the passage mainly about? 假如你是李华,你们学校开设了有关中国传统文化的综合实践课。请你用英语写一篇短文给某英 文网站投稿,谈谈为什么有必要开这门课,在课上你通常做什么以及你的感受。 提示词语: show, make tea, learn, paper cutting, help, dumplings, proud 提示问题: . Why is it necessary to have classes about traditional Chinese culture? . What do you usually do in these classes? . How do you feel? We have classes about traditional Chinese culture this term. 阅读、写作练习 4 48. B 49. C 50.D 51.C 52.C 53.B 54.B 55.A 61. Yes. / Yes, they do. 62. 3/Three. /There are three choices. 63. Because it is the easiest. 64. With hand signals or a radio. 65.What skydiving is and how beginners skydive./The introduction of skydiving and the methods for beginners. We have classes about traditional Chinese culture this term. I think it is necessary to have these classes because we can get to know more about Chinese culture. In the classes, weve learned a lot. The teachers show us how to make tea and tell us the history of tea. We also learn paper cutting and I can cut some beautiful paper flowers now. Making traditional Chinese food is my favorite. We are trying to make dumplings and zongzis. Its really interesting. By having these classes, we not only have fun but also learn a lot. And I am proud of being a Chinese.阅读写作练习三 1 C Are You Right Handed or Left Handed? Which hand do you use when write? About 8 to 15 percent of people are left handed. They often have to use tools that are designed for right-handed people. So it is difficult for left-handers to use most tools. If you are right handed, try this experiment:Take a knife with your left hand and try cutting a potato into pieces. Dont be surprised if you feel awkward(别扭的). In the past, people thought it was strange to use the left hand. Young students looked down upon their left-handed classmates. Some children were even punished for using their left hand to write. But these days parents and teachers have accepted that. In almost every school in the world, left-handed students can use their left hand to write. What causes people to be left handed or right handed? Experts have searched long and hard on this. They concluded(得出结论) that left-handed people are left handed for the same reason that right- handed people are right handed. One out of every ten people just is a left-hander. Its simply like the color of our eyessome people have brown eyes, while some others have black eyes. However, many researchers think that left-handers and right-handers are different in some aspects. Right-handers are more talkative and outgoing than left-handers. Many right-handed people understand spoken words better. For example, after they listen to directions to a supermarket, they can find it easily. Right-handers are good at organizing people, too. They are also better basketball guards. Just ask Yao Ming. Research shows that left-handers are creative and artistic. Many famous performers, like Jim Carrey and Paul McCartney, are left handed. Many left-handers learn better visually(在视觉方面). In art, both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed. In music, Ludwig van Beethoven was left handed. In science, you find Newton and Einstein. The left-handed people are also really good at tennis and other single sports. If you prefer one hand, but you are still good at writing with the other, you are mixed handed. Research shows mixed-handers can remember everyday things better than other people. What did you eat for lunch two weeks ago? If youre mixed handed, you can probably remember. 1. If right-handers cut up potatoes with their left hand, they will . A. get hurtB. give up cutting C. feel awkwardD. change their tools 2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. Causes of being left handed. B. Encouragement to left-handers. C. Punishment for using the left hand. D. Changes in opinions on left-handers. 3. According to the passage, right-handers . A. learn better visuallyB. are good organizers C. are better at single sportsD. give clear directions to others 4. From the passage, we can learn that left-handers. A. may be more talkative and outgoing B. are ordinary people like right-handers C. might remember everyday things better D. no longer need to use right-handed tools 阅读写作练习三 2 D Let sleeping teenagers lie Why is that many teenagers have energy to play computer games until late at night, but cant find the energy to get out of bed in time for school? According to a new report, todays teenagers are getting so little sleep but their health is in danger. This raises serious questions about whether being short of sleep is affecting childrens ability to pay attention at school. Research has shown that losing even just half an hours sleep a night can have deep effects on how children perform the next day. A good nights sleep is also important for teenagers because it helps with their growth. Its true that they can catch up on sleep at weekends, but that wont help them when they fall asleep in class on a Friday afternoon. So why arent teenagers getting enough sleep? Some experts suggest that televisions、 computers and mobile phones in childrens bedrooms may cause problems. Instead of reading a book at bedtime, children are playing computer games, surfing the web, sending messages, or watching television, As these new pre-sleep activities have become more common, more traditional ones such as reading have become less, Dr Luci Wiggs, a researcher at Oxford Universitys Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry said, “One of the problems with these pre-sleep activities is that they do not have clear start and end times which leads to being short of sleep.” Research has shown that teenagers have different sleep patterns(模式)from adults. Human bodies produce melatonin(褪黑激素)to help fall asleep. Most adults start to produce melatonin at about 10 pm, while teenagers only begin to produce it three hours later. It is possible that this delay in melatonin production is caused by the behaviors of teenagers such as playing with phones late at night. Another possible reason is that the level of hormone(荷尔蒙)changes a lot in these ages. This is why some schools in the USA have changed the timetable to give teenagers more time in bed. Problems about sleep who needs how much and when are usually connected to students achievements. But modern brain researchers say it is time that more schools wake up to both biological(生物学的)and social facts and make a better timetable for their teenage students. 52. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?来源:Zxxk.Com A. Its very common for teenagers to have less sleep. B. It doesnt matter if children sleep half an hour less. C. Being short of sleep has effect on childrens behaviors. 阅读写作练习三 3 D. A good night sleep at weekends helps children study well. 53. According to Dr Luci Wiggs,. A. too many pre-sleep activities take up teenagers sleeping time. B. playing computer games before bedtimes does harm to health. C. fewer and fewer children read books at bedtime today. D. teenagers shouldnt watch TV before they go to sleep. 54. What does the underlined word delay mean? A. Rushing B. Changing C. Putting off D. Cu
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