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外研九年级英语下 Module1 课堂学习评价 第一部分第一部分 听力听力(20 分) .听句子,选择恰当的答语,句子读两遍。 1. A. It must be Mary. B. Its Mary. C. It might be Marys. 2. A. Soccer. B. English books. C. Cakes. 3. A. Thats right. B. All right. C. Thats all right. 4. A. Very well. B. Have a good time. C. Im sorry to hear that. 5. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont. C. London. .听对话及问题,选择正确答案,对话及问题读两遍。 6. A. Thirteen. B. Fifteen. C. Seventeen. 7. A. In the library. B. A book about art. C. A book. 8. A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. The life of Americans. 9. A. Science. B. A Chinese teacher. C. Chinese. 10. A. What a pity! B. Me too. C. Youre so poor. .听句子,选择与内容相符的图片,句子读两遍。 A B C D E 11.______ 12.______ 13.______ 14.______ 15.______ .听短文,选择正确答案,短文读两遍。 16. Where does Frank work? A. In a factory. B. In a hospital. C. In an office. 17. How long is his summer holiday every year? A. 30 days. B. 15 days. C. 7 days. 18. How did he go to San Francisco? A. By plane. B. By sea. C. By train. 19. What did he see when he arrived at San Francisco? A. A poster. B. A letter. C. A friend. 20. What did he do in San Francisco? A. He traveled in the countryside. B. He helped the injured (受伤的) people. C. He talked to the people there. 第二部分第二部分 笔试(笔试(80 分)分) .单项选择(15 分) 1.You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure ______ a pen and some paper with you. A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. not bring 2.Its very hot here. Why not ______ your coat? A. put on B. try on C. take off D. turn on 3.Attention, please. The plane will ______ in five minutes. A. take out B. take after C. take off D. take care 4.Youd better ______ too much time playing computer games. A. dont spend B. not to spend C. to not spend D. not spend 5.He ______ early in order to catch the early bus. A. put off B. set off C. went off D. took off 6.She walked ______ the shop and got ______ a bus. A. out of ; on B. out of ; off C. into ; on D. out from ; off 7. -______ kind girl Nancy is! -Yes, she is always ready to help others. A. What a B. What C. How D. How a 8. -Sorry sir, Ive made so many mistakes in this paper. -Its OK. ______. This paper is very difficult. A. So have other students B. So do other students C. Neither do other students D. Neither have other students 9.Hello, boys and girls! Believe in yourself. If you do something with a light heart, youll get ______ excellent result! A. a B. an C. / D. the 10. -Will you get there by ______ bike? -I will take ______ bus. A. the ; a B. a ; the C. / ; a D. a ; / 11.I guess ______ hat with flowers belongs to Kate. A. a B. an C. the D. /来源:Zxxk.Com 12.Miss Black is a friend of ______; she always looks after my sister. A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C. Mary mothers D. Marys mother 13.Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our ______ in China. Were proud____ them. A. women astronauts; of B. woman astronauts; of C. women astronauts; in D. woman astronauts; in 14. -You look so young! How old are you? -Aha! Its a ______. A. suggestion B. reason C. secret D. problem 15.On June 2nd this year, ______ people celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival near the Songhua River. To our joy, there was little rubbish left. A. thousands of B. thousand of C. two thousands D. thousand .完形填空(10 分) Travel is useful to us in at least three ways: First, by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of different __1__. We can see many places __2__ our own eyes which can be read about in books, and visit some famous cities. Second, we will __3__ people with different interests and see strange and different things. We can get to know the __4__ of places, and taste different foods and local flavour(当地风味) if we like. __5__ this way, we can understand __6__ differently other people live.来源:Z+xx+k.Com Third, travel will not only help us to __7__the knowledge of geography, history and other knowledge __8__will also help us keep healthy and make us __9__ narrow-minded(偏执的). With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder _10__ travel has now become more popular than ever in China. 1. A. towns B. place C. village D places 2. A. in B. with C by D. on 3. A. listen B. watch C. meet D. notice 4.A. customs B. habits C. clothes D. language 5. A. At B. On C. Of D. In 6. A. what B. how C. whether D. when 7. A. gain B. give C. see D. bring 8. A. or B. so C and D. but 9. A. wide B. less C widely D. least 10. A. these B. that C. those D this .阅读理解(20 分) A The World Wide Web has so much to see. So how do you discover the best place to visit on your Web travels? One solution(解决之道)is to take an e Tour. On this handy site, you simply register your interests, and the fun begins. Its a lot like channel surfing with the remote control(遥控器) on your TV. Each click of the “next site” button brings a new site, matched to your interests. New sites are added every day-ones you probably never knew existed-so no two guided tours are the same. And of course, E-Tour is free. Its been called one of the most useful Web sites on the Internet. But be careful. Its also been called one of the most addictive(上瘾)! For your personal Web tour, go to WWW. e Tour. com. 1.The passage is talking about ______. A. channel surfing on the net B. solution C. E-Tour D. remote control 2.Do you know what the “WWW” means? A. It means: the World Web Wide. B. It means: the World Wide Web C. It means: the Web World Wide. D. It means:the Wide Web World 3.What is the solution of discovering the best place to visit on your web travel? A. It is to take an E-Tour. B. It is to control TV. C. It is to add new sites. D. It is to travel. 4.What does each click of the “next site” button bring? A. It brings a new site, matched to your interests. B. It brings nothing. C. It brings an old site. D. It brings some interesting things. 5.Which of the following is wrong? A. E-Tour is free. B. E-Tour is useful. C. E-Tour is addictive. D. E-Tour is not interesting. B来源:Zxxk.Com Do you like travelling? If you are interested, come to our travel service as soon as possible. We offer the following travel lines for you to choose. 2-Day Guangwu Mountain Group Tour How about going to Guangwu Mountain for the weekend? You can enjoy its beautiful view and taste a lot of delicious healthy food. Tour Price: ¥280 Call us at 0827-555-6888 4-Day Qingdao Private (私人的私人的) Tour Qingdao is famous for its sunshine, white sandy beaches and clear water. You can relax here, walking along the beaches and breathing the fresh air! Tour Price: 1 person2-5 persons6-9 persons ¥680¥550 / person¥530 / person Call us at 0827-666-5888 5-Day Colourful Taiwan Group Tour If you like to take a round-island trip, Taiwan is the best place for you! You can climb A-li Mountain, go boating in Sun Moon Lake and experience the various cultures of the island. Tour Price: ¥8500 Call us at 0827-222-8666 8-Day London Private Tour Come to London for a few relaxing days to enjoy the view of the Thames (泰晤士河) and visit such places of interest as Tower Bridge and Big Ben. Tour Price: 1 person2-5 persons6-9 persons ¥16800¥15800/person¥13800/ person Call us at 0827-333-9555 6. How long will the Guangwu Mountain Group Tour last? A. Two days B. Four days C. Five days D. Eight days 7. Mr. Li and Mrs. Li are planning to take the 4-Day Qingdao Private Tour with their two sons. How much will they pay? A. ¥2,720. B. ¥2,120. C. ¥2,200. D. ¥2,270. 8. If you want to go boating in Sun Moon Lake, you should call ________. A. 0827-555-6888 B. 0827-333-9555 C. 0827-222-8666 D. 0827-666-5888 9. If you take the 8-Day London Private Tour, you will be able to ________. A. taste Guangwu Mountain healthy food B. enjoy the view of the Thames C. climb A-li Mountain D. breathe the fresh air 10. The information above may come from a ________. A. driving school B. travel service C. sports center 来源:学科网 ZXXK D. bus station .阅读表达(10 分) It was a very foggy day in London. Mr. Smith had arrived from Edinburgh to go a very important meeting, (A) but no buses or taxis were running because the drivers were not able to see more than a yard in front of them. It was still early for his meeting, so he thought that he would walk to the office. But he saw that nobody was even trying to walk anywhere. While he was standing there, saying unhappy things about the fog, and thinking that he would have to telephone to the office and say that he was not able to come, a young man came up to him and said, “Sir, if you want to go somewhere, I can guide you.” Mr. Smith was very surprised and could hardly believe his ears. He asked, “How can you find the way when there is thick fog everywhere?” “Dont worry, sir,” answered the young man. “Believe me.” So Mr. Smith told the young man where he wanted to go, and they started. They walked quite fast, turning corners and crossing roads in different places. At last, Mr. Smith thought, “Perhaps this man is foolish, he would show me a wrong place.” But a minute later, the young man stopped and said, “Here is the place, sir.” (B)Mr. Smith was surprised to find that he had really reached the office. He gave the young man a pound and then said, “How did you find the way in the fog?” “I am blind, sir,” answered the young man, “but I know London well, and it is exactly the same for me in the fog.” 1.What was the weather like that day? ________________________________________ 2. 写出(A)处同义句 but there ______ ______ buses or taxis running because the drivers were not able to see ______ a yard in front of them. 3.Mr. Smith didnt believe the young man at first, did he? ________________________________________ 4.把(B)处画线部分译成汉语 ________________________________________ 5.What do you thick of the blind young man? ________________________________________ .用所给词的适当形式填空(10 分)来源:Z_xx_k.Com 1.There are many ______ (different) between them. 2.Her ______ (fly) number is HU7382. 3.Edison invented many ______ (invent) during his life. 4.The medicine should be taken ______ (two) a day after meals, George. 5.I live on the ______ (twelve) floor of the building. 6.Brad is my younger brother. We had a special party for his_____ (five) birthday yesterday. 7.Lots of people surf the Internet to look for some ______ (information) about the missing plane. 8.There will be a composition contest named “My Good Teacher” to celebrate the ______ (30) Teachers Day. 9.There are six ______ (French) talking loudly in the room. 10.We should be brave when we meet illness and __________(difficult). .书面表达(15 分) 假如你是 Lisa, 给你的好朋友小华写信讲述你的美国之行。内容包括:先去了纽约,看到许多摩天 大楼; 两天后去了洛杉矶(Los Angeles),参观了好莱坞,游览了迪斯尼乐园。 注意:1.要逐字翻译,叙述要连贯; 2.80 词左右。 外研九年级英语下 Module1 课堂学习评价答案 第一部分 听力 1-5 CACBC 6-10 AABCA 11-15 EBCDA 16-20 BCCAB 第二部分 笔试 单项选择 1-5 CCCDB 6-10 AAABC 11-15 CAACA 完形填空 1-5 DBCAD 6-10 BADBB 阅读理解 1-5 CBAAD 6-10 ACCBB 阅读表达 1.It was foggy. 2.werent any running over 3.No, he didnt. 4.史密斯先生惊讶地发现他真的到达了办公室。 5.He was a kind or warm-hearted man. 给词填空 1.differences 2.flight 3.inventions 4.twice 5.twelfth 6.fifth 7.information 8.thirtieth 9.Frenchmen 10. Difficulties 书面表达 Dear Xiaohua, I have just come back from a trip to the United States. I had a very good time there. I first went to New York. It is really a very big city. I saw many skyscrapers there. Two days later I went to Los Angeles. I visited Hollywood on the day I got there. After that I spent a whole day in Disneyland. It is really a wonderful place you shouldnt miss it. I hope you will take a trip to the United States some day. Love, Lisa
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外研版 九年级 下册 英语 module1 课堂 学习 评价 听力 音频 答案 谜底
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