外研版九年级下册英语Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit2 We must keep the camp clean ppt课件(含音频).zip
Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit2 We must keep the camp clean. Features Onaverage,theycanlive up to 25yearsinthewild. Theyhavenonretractableclaws,shorttails,and excellentsenseofsmell. Mostbearshaveaneffectivesurvivalsolution: hibernation. Blackbearsarethespeciesmostoftenseenattacking trash cans and stealing food from camping sites. If you meet bears in the forest, what should you do? Bears are dangerous ! Dontfeedthem! Keepawayfrom them! Lookatthepictureand answerthequestions. 1. Whatisthebear doing? 2. Whatdoyouthink thepeopleinthe tentshoulddo? Watchout!Bears about! Prediction Arebearsaround? Howdoesthewriterfeel? Whathappenedtothem? Skimming 1. Howmanytimesdidthebearsappear? Thebearsappearedthreetimes. 2. Whendidthebearsappear? Thebearsappearin the morning, during the day and the next day. 3. Whydidthebearscometotheirtent? Becausetheycametotheirtentfor the food. Scanning 1.Whywasthebagoffoodopen? Becausethebearsate the food. 2.Whycouldthebearstakethefoodfromthetree? Becausethefoodinthetreewasnt high enough and bearscanclimb trees. 3.Whatdidthewriterdoafterhearingaloudnoisethe nextday? Hestood very still and didnt even turn his head. What happenedWhat they should or should not do In the middle of the first night, the writer heard a _ outside. And the bag of food _ They should _ _ During the second night, the bears came again and _ from the tree. They should _ _and _ _ On the fourth day, the writer saw _ . Then _ came. She should not _ noise was open hang the food in a tree. took the food hang the food in a keep the camp clean higher tree and make lots of noise. a baby bearhis mother make any sudden moves, make a sound, or run. Thinking 1. Wheredoyouthinkisthebestplacetokeep foodsafefrombears? 2.Doyouthinktheircampingtripwasinteresting? Group work Figureoutthe eventsandthen summarizethe suggestions. Inthemiddleof thefirstnight _ Duringthe secondnight _ Onthe fourthday _ Advice _ Speaking Huanghe delta nature reserve Zone Where: Shandong What to see: wetland / swan / the sunset Danger: deep water Suggestions: Lushan National Geological Park Where: Jiangxi What to see: mountains stream / pool Danger: wild animals Suggestions: Changbai Mountain Eco-tourism Where: Northeast China What to see: forest waterfall / mountains Danger: tigers / black bears Suggestions: Speaking Chooseyourfavorite place. Talkaboutthelocation, sights, dangers, as well as suggestions abouthowtoprotect yourself. Expressions 1.小心,提防 2.入睡 3.向外看 4. 在小溪边 5. 整理 6. 继续前进 7. 发出声响 8. 最重要的是 9. 看见某人正在做某事 watchout fallasleep lookoutof byastream tidyup moveon makeasound aboveall seesbdoingsth 10. 伸手触及得到 11. 站立不动 12. 转头 13. 变得苍白 14. 走开离开 15. 向我跑来 reachout standstill turnoneshead turnpale walkaway runtowards Sentences 1.thethreeofusweretiredafterwalkingfor abouteighthours. thethreeofus“我们三个人” (总数就三个人总数就三个人) threeofus“ 我们中的三个人” (总数不一定为三个人总数不一定为三个人) IwaiteduntilTomandJackarrived. Then_ begantodotheexperiment.(我们3个人都) the three of us 2. Wesoonfellasleep. fallasleep入睡,睡着 Dontcry.Thesickhave_. 别叫喊,病人们已经入睡了。 fall asleep 刚刚睡着 be asleep 睡着了 go to bed 上床睡觉 go to sleep 入睡(指有意想睡着) fallen asleep fallover向前摔倒或倾倒向前摔倒或倾倒 falloff从某处摔下来从某处摔下来 falldown 跌倒,落下来跌倒,落下来 fallbehind落后 falltopieces崩溃,解体 fallintothehabitof养成的习惯 用fall的词组填空 1. Leaves_(掉下来)thetreeinthe autumn. 2. Oneofthepictureframes_(掉下来 )lastnight. 3. Neverbesatisfiedwithyourself,oryouwill _(落后)others. 4. Itseasyto_(养成习惯)of gettinguplateinthemorning. fall off fell down fall behind fall into the habit 3.We should hang the food in a tree tonight. 今天晚上我们应该把食物挂在树上。 hangv.悬挂,垂下 hang-hung-hung _(悬挂)yourcoatuponthehook. Hishair_downtoherwaist. hangv.绞死hang-hanged-hanged Hewasthelastmanto_formurderin thiscountry. 他是这个国家最后一个被处以绞刑的谋杀犯。 Hang hangs be hanged 1.Isthisraincoatyours? No,mine_therebehindthedoor. A.ishangingB.hashung C.hangsD.hung 2.Wetclothesareoften_upnearafirein rainyweather. A.hangB.hanged C.hangingD.hung A D 3.Weput up thetentandfellasleep. put up 搭建,举起,张贴 put away 收起 put off 推迟,敷衍 put out 扑灭,出版 put down 镇压,记下,放下 用put 的词组填空 1. They_(张贴)apictureonthewall. 2. Shefinished_themilk_(收好) andturnedaround. 3. Ittooktwohoursto_thefire.(扑灭) 4. AftertworingsI_thephone.(放下 ) put up puttingaway put out put down 4.Helookedsosoftandfriendly,andIrememberthinking,“If Ireach out,Icanjusttouchhim.” reachv.到达, 伸手,够得着 Canyou_thelightswitchfromwhereyoure sitting? 从你坐的地方够得着灯的开关吗? reach out 伸手或援助 reach out to sb 援助某人 Ifeveryonecan_(援助)a helpinghandto others,theworldwillbecomemoreandmoreharmonious. Theboy_(伸手) forabook. reach reach out reached out 5. Lets tidy up and move on. tidy up 整理; 收拾 Theroomisinamess.Lets_it_.(收拾) _theroombeforetheguestsarrive.(收拾) move on 继续前进 Youdbetterletitgoand_(向前看) tidy up Tidy up move on 6. Istoodverystill.我一动不动地站着。 stilladj.静止的;一动不动的 Keep_(别动)whileIfastenyourshoes. stilladv.仍然,还是 She_(仍然)livesinthiscity. Sheis_(更加)morebeautifulnow. still still still 4. Complete the passage with the words in the box. Onthethirddayofourcampingtrip,Bentoldusthat ifwesawabear,weshouldnottakeany_moves. Wedidnothavea_tokeepourselvessafe.The nextday,Isawababybearplayingwithsome_ andstones.Hismotherarrivedsoon,andIwassoafraid thatmy_wentcold.Ididnotmoveuntilthe bearswalkedaway.ThenIranbacktomyfriendsasfast asIcould. blood gun sticks sudden sudden gun sticks blood Exercises 一、完成句子。 1. Afterchangingthebed,Iwould_quickly. 换了床单,我很快就能睡着。 2.Doyouwearyouroldclothesuntilthey_? 你一直穿你的旧衣服,直到穿烂了为止吗? 3._toothers,soyouwillnotgoovertheedge. 多关心和帮助他人,你就不会做出荒唐事情。 fall asleep fall to pieces Reach out Writing Thinkofanareaofcountrysidenearby.Writea passagecalledLookafterthecountrysideandyourself. Whereisit? Whydopeoplegothere? Arethereanydangersfromanimals? Howcanweprotectourselves? Whatshouldwedotolookaftertheplace? LushanNationalParkislocatedinJiangxiProvince.Everyyear, hundredsofthousandsoftouristsgotovisitit.Peoplevisitittosee themountains,valleys,streams,poolsaswellaswaterfalls.Aswe enjoyourselvesinthepark,wemustbecarefulofsomedangers fromanimals.Thefishandbirdswhichlivetherearenotdangerous buttherearesomesnakesandbears.Thenhowcanweprotect ourselves?Wemustntwalkinthegrass.Whatsmore,weshouldnt feedthebearsandgetclosetothem.Atthesametime,weshoulddo somethingtolookafterthepark.Ithinkweshouldallowonly1,000 peopletovisititeachday.
- 资源描述:
Module 4 Rules and suggestions Unit2 We must keep the camp clean. Features Onaverage,theycanlive up to 25yearsinthewild. Theyhavenonretractableclaws,shorttails,and excellentsenseofsmell. Mostbearshaveaneffectivesurvivalsolution: hibernation. Blackbearsarethespeciesmostoftenseenattacking trash cans and stealing food from camping sites. If you meet bears in the forest, what should you do? Bears are dangerous ! Dontfeedthem! Keepawayfrom them! Lookatthepictureand answerthequestions. 1. Whatisthebear doing? 2. Whatdoyouthink thepeopleinthe tentshoulddo? Watchout!Bears about! Prediction Arebearsaround? Howdoesthewriterfeel? Whathappenedtothem? Skimming 1. Howmanytimesdidthebearsappear? Thebearsappearedthreetimes. 2. Whendidthebearsappear? Thebearsappearin the morning, during the day and the next day. 3. Whydidthebearscometotheirtent? Becausetheycametotheirtentfor the food. Scanning 1.Whywasthebagoffoodopen? Becausethebearsate the food. 2.Whycouldthebearstakethefoodfromthetree? Becausethefoodinthetreewasnt high enough and bearscanclimb trees. 3.Whatdidthewriterdoafterhearingaloudnoisethe nextday? Hestood very still and didnt even turn his head. What happenedWhat they should or should not do In the middle of the first night, the writer heard a ________ outside. And the bag of food __________ They should _________________ ______________ During the second night, the bears came again and ______________ from the tree. They should ___________________ __________and ________________ ___________________ On the fourth day, the writer saw _________ . Then _________ came. She should not ______________________________ noise was open hang the food in a tree. took the food hang the food in a keep the camp clean higher tree and make lots of noise. a baby bearhis mother make any sudden moves, make a sound, or run. Thinking 1. Wheredoyouthinkisthebestplacetokeep foodsafefrombears? 2.Doyouthinktheircampingtripwasinteresting? Group work Figureoutthe eventsandthen summarizethe suggestions. Inthemiddleof thefirstnight ______________ Duringthe secondnight ______________ Onthe fourthday ______________ Advice ______________ Speaking Huanghe delta nature reserve Zone Where: Shandong What to see: wetland / swan / the sunset Danger: deep water Suggestions: Lushan National Geological Park Where: Jiangxi What to see: mountains stream / pool Danger: wild animals Suggestions: Changbai Mountain Eco-tourism Where: Northeast China What to see: forest waterfall / mountains Danger: tigers / black bears Suggestions: Speaking Chooseyourfavorite place. Talkaboutthelocation, sights, dangers, as well as suggestions abouthowtoprotect yourself. Expressions 1.小心,提防 2.入睡 3.向外看 4. 在小溪边 5. 整理 6. 继续前进 7. 发出声响 8. 最重要的是 9. 看见某人正在做某事 watchout fallasleep lookoutof byastream tidyup moveon makeasound aboveall seesbdoingsth 10. 伸手触及得到 11. 站立不动 12. 转头 13. 变得苍白 14. 走开离开 15. 向我跑来 reachout standstill turnoneshead turnpale walkaway runtowards Sentences 1.thethreeofusweretiredafterwalkingfor abouteighthours. thethreeofus“我们三个人” (总数就三个人总数就三个人) threeofus“ 我们中的三个人” (总数不一定为三个人总数不一定为三个人) IwaiteduntilTomandJackarrived. Then_____________ begantodotheexperiment.(我们3个人都) the three of us 2. Wesoonfellasleep. fallasleep入睡,睡着 Dontcry.Thesickhave____________. 别叫喊,病人们已经入睡了。 fall asleep 刚刚睡着 be asleep 睡着了 go to bed 上床睡觉 go to sleep 入睡(指有意想睡着) fallen asleep fallover向前摔倒或倾倒向前摔倒或倾倒 falloff从某处摔下来从某处摔下来 falldown 跌倒,落下来跌倒,落下来 fallbehind落后 falltopieces崩溃,解体 fallintothehabitof养成的习惯 用fall的词组填空 1. Leaves__________(掉下来)thetreeinthe autumn. 2. Oneofthepictureframes_________(掉下来 )lastnight. 3. Neverbesatisfiedwithyourself,oryouwill ___________(落后)others. 4. Itseasyto_______________(养成习惯)of gettinguplateinthemorning. fall off fell down fall behind fall into the habit 3.We should hang the food in a tree tonight. 今天晚上我们应该把食物挂在树上。 hangv.悬挂,垂下 hang-hung-hung _________(悬挂)yourcoatuponthehook. Hishair_______downtoherwaist. hangv.绞死hang-hanged-hanged Hewasthelastmanto_________formurderin thiscountry. 他是这个国家最后一个被处以绞刑的谋杀犯。 Hang hangs be hanged 1.Isthisraincoatyours? No,mine______therebehindthedoor. A.ishangingB.hashung C.hangsD.hung 2.Wetclothesareoften_____upnearafirein rainyweather. A.hangB.hanged C.hangingD.hung A D 3.Weput up thetentandfellasleep. put up 搭建,举起,张贴 put away 收起 put off 推迟,敷衍 put out 扑灭,出版 put down 镇压,记下,放下 用put 的词组填空 1. They__________(张贴)apictureonthewall. 2. Shefinished_______themilk_______(收好) andturnedaround. 3. Ittooktwohoursto_________thefire.(扑灭) 4. AftertworingsI___________thephone.(放下 ) put up puttingaway put out put down 4.Helookedsosoftandfriendly,andIrememberthinking,“If Ireach out,Icanjusttouchhim.” reachv.到达, 伸手,够得着 Canyou________thelightswitchfromwhereyoure sitting? 从你坐的地方够得着灯的开关吗? reach out 伸手或援助 reach out to sb 援助某人 Ifeveryonecan__________(援助)a helpinghandto others,theworldwillbecomemoreandmoreharmonious. Theboy_____________(伸手) forabook. reach reach out reached out 5. Lets tidy up and move on. tidy up 整理; 收拾 Theroomisinamess.Lets_____it____.(收拾) ________theroombeforetheguestsarrive.(收拾) move on 继续前进 Youdbetterletitgoand___________(向前看) tidy up Tidy up move on 6. Istoodverystill.我一动不动地站着。 stilladj.静止的;一动不动的 Keep_______(别动)whileIfastenyourshoes. stilladv.仍然,还是 She_______(仍然)livesinthiscity. Sheis________(更加)morebeautifulnow. still still still 4. Complete the passage with the words in the box. Onthethirddayofourcampingtrip,Bentoldusthat ifwesawabear,weshouldnottakeany_______moves. Wedidnothavea_______tokeepourselvessafe.The nextday,Isawababybearplayingwithsome_______ andstones.Hismotherarrivedsoon,andIwassoafraid thatmy_______wentcold.Ididnotmoveuntilthe bearswalkedaway.ThenIranbacktomyfriendsasfast asIcould. blood gun sticks sudden sudden gun sticks blood Exercises 一、完成句子。 1. Afterchangingthebed,Iwould_________quickly. 换了床单,我很快就能睡着。 2.Doyouwearyouroldclothesuntilthey__________? 你一直穿你的旧衣服,直到穿烂了为止吗? 3._________toothers,soyouwillnotgoovertheedge. 多关心和帮助他人,你就不会做出荒唐事情。 fall asleep fall to pieces Reach out Writing Thinkofanareaofcountrysidenearby.Writea passagecalledLookafterthecountrysideandyourself. Whereisit? Whydopeoplegothere? Arethereanydangersfromanimals? Howcanweprotectourselves? Whatshouldwedotolookaftertheplace? LushanNationalParkislocatedinJiangxiProvince.Everyyear, hundredsofthousandsoftouristsgotovisitit.Peoplevisitittosee themountains,valleys,streams,poolsaswellaswaterfalls.Aswe enjoyourselvesinthepark,wemustbecarefulofsomedangers fromanimals.Thefishandbirdswhichlivetherearenotdangerous buttherearesomesnakesandbears.Thenhowcanweprotect ourselves?Wemustntwalkinthegrass.Whatsmore,weshouldnt feedthebearsandgetclosetothem.Atthesametime,weshoulddo somethingtolookafterthepark.Ithinkweshouldallowonly1,000 peopletovisititeachday.
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