(精)2020春人教版七年级下册英语同步Unit 11 How was your school trip(含答案+课件+分层精练).zip


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    • 2020春人教版英语七年级下册同步(课件+分层精练)Unit 11 How was your school trip
      • Self Check.docx--点击预览
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展开 精2020春人教版七年级下册英语同步Unit11Howwasyourschooltrip含答案课件分层精练.zip精2020春人教版七年级下册英语同步Unit11Howwasyourschooltrip含答案课件分层精练.zip
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Self Check 基础知识回顾 .根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Mr.Wangtaught( teach ) us Chinese last term. 2.Unluckily( luck ),it rained heavily yesterday when I went out. 3.Can you tell me howto use( use ) the computer? 4.Wedidnt watch( not watch ) TV last night. 5.Its easy for herto climb( climb ) up the mountain. .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.我昨天一点也不想去参观博物馆。 Ididntwant to visit the museumat allyesterday. 2.昨天在公园里,我看到了许多美丽的花并拍了照。 Yesterday in the park,Isawlots ofbeautiful flowersandtooksome photos. 3.你能教我如何跳舞吗? Can you teach mehow to dance? 4.对我们来说,把物理学好有点难。 Its a littledifficultfor usto learnphysics well. 5.沿途我们看到了一些农场和村庄。 We saw some farms and villagesalong the way. .根据句意及汉语提示完成短文 We went on a school trip yesterday.We went to the 1.countryside( 乡村 ) and visited a farm.The bus ride was 2.slow( 缓慢的 ) but fun.Mr.Green told us many interesting stories 3.along( 沿着 ) the way.When we got there,the 4.farmers( 农民 ) were busy working on the farm.Uncle John met us and 5.showed( 展示 ) us around.First he taught us how to 6.milk( 挤牛奶 ) a cow.Then he taught us how to ride a( n ) 7. horse( 马 ).He taught us how to 8.feed( 喂养 ) chickens,too.At the end of the day,Uncle John took us to 9.pick( 摘 ) strawberries and asked us to take them home.It was really a( n ) 10.exciting( 令人兴奋的 ) day.We all enjoyed the trip very much. 综合能力提升 .单项填空 ( D )1.Im afraid we get lost. Dont.I take a map with me. A.forgetB.thinkC.studyD.worry ( D )2.Hi,Diana,how was your summer holiday? !I enjoyed myself in the sea very much. A.Good ideaB.Wait a minute C.Thats too bad D.Pretty good ( C )3.Ericsome apple trees on the farm last weekend. A.growB.grows C.grewD.is growing ( D )4.We had funbasketball after school yesterday. A.playedB.to play C.playD.playing ( A )5.Before the movie started,I found my movie ticket was lost.But,my father helped me find it. A.luckilyB.easily C.firstlyD.early .任务型阅读 We had a terrible school trip last week.Some students were late.Then we waited half an hour for the school bus,but it didnt arrive.Finally,our teacher took us to take the subway.It took over an hour.When we arrived at the zoo,we were all tired and hungry.We wanted to see dolphins( 海 豚 ),but there werent any.There were some really smart seals( 海豹 ),but we didnt see the show because we arrived too late.We forgot our cameras,so we didnt take any photos.Then it started to rain,and no one had an umbrella.We didnt see many animals because of the rain.Later,we went for lunch and we ate hamburgers.My friends also had some ice-cream.But I didnt have any,because I didnt like it.I wanted French fries,but there werent any in the shop.They were sold out!I was very tired.I didnt enjoy my school trip at all. 1.How did the students feel when they arrived at the zoo?( 不超过 5 个词 ) They felt tired and hungry. 2.What animal show was there at the zoo?( 不超过 5 个词 ) Seal show. 3.How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?( 不超过 5 个词 ) It was raining/rainy.Self Check Self Check -2-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 .根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Mr.Wangtaught( teach ) us Chinese last term. 2.Unluckily( luck ),it rained heavily yesterday when I went out. 3.Can you tell me howto use( use ) the computer? 4.Wedidnt watch( not watch ) TV last night. 5.Its easy for herto climb( climb ) up the mountain. Self Check -3-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.我昨天一点也不想去参观博物馆。 Ididntwant to visit the museumat allyesterday. 2.昨天在公园里,我看到了许多美丽的花并拍了照。 Yesterday in the park,Isawlots ofbeautiful flowersandtooksome photos. 3.你能教我如何跳舞吗? Can you teach mehow to dance? 4.对我们来说,把物理学好有点难。 Its a littledifficultfor usto learnphysics well. 5.沿途我们看到了一些农场和村庄。 We saw some farms and villagesalong the way. Self Check -4-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 .根据句意及汉语提示完成短文 We went on a school trip yesterday.We went to the 1.countryside( 乡村 ) and visited a farm.The bus ride was 2.slow( 缓慢的 ) but fun.Mr.Green told us many interesting stories 3.along( 沿着 ) the way.When we got there,the 4.farmers( 农 民 ) were busy working on the farm.Uncle John met us and 5.showed( 展示 ) us around.First he taught us how to 6.milk( 挤牛奶 ) a cow.Then he taught us how to ride a( n ) 7.horse( 马 ).He taught us how to 8.feed( 喂养 ) chickens,too.At the end of the day,Uncle John took us to 9.pick( 摘 ) strawberries and asked us to take them home.It was really a( n ) 10.exciting( 令人兴奋的 ) day.We all enjoyed the trip very much. Self Check -5-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 .单项填空 ( D )1.Im afraid we get lost. Dont.I take a map with me. A.forgetB.thinkC.study D.worry ( D )2.Hi,Diana,how was your summer holiday? !I enjoyed myself in the sea very much. A.Good ideaB.Wait a minute C.Thats too badD.Pretty good Self Check -6-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 ( C )3.Ericsome apple trees on the farm last weekend. A.grow B.grows C.grew D.is growing ( D )4.We had funbasketball after school yesterday. A.playedB.to play C.play D.playing ( A )5.Before the movie started,I found my movie ticket was lost.But,my father helped me find it. A.luckilyB.easily C.firstlyD.early Self Check -7-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 .任务型阅读 We had a terrible school trip last week.Some students were late.Then we waited half an hour for the school bus,but it didnt arrive.Finally,our teacher took us to take the subway.It took over an hour.When we arrived at the zoo,we were all tired and hungry.We wanted to see dolphins( 海豚 ),but there werent any.There were some really smart seals( 海豹 ),but we didnt see the show because we arrived too late.We forgot our cameras,so we didnt take any photos.Then it started to rain,and no one had an umbrella.We didnt see many animals because of the rain.Later,we went for lunch and we ate hamburgers.My friends also had some ice-cream.But I didnt have any,because I didnt like it.I wanted French fries,but there werent any in the shop.They were sold out!I was very tired.I didnt enjoy my school trip at all. Self Check -8-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 1.How did the students feel when they arrived at the zoo?( 不超过5个词 ) They felt tired and hungry. 2.What animal show was there at the zoo?( 不超过5个词 ) Seal show. 3.How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?( 不超过5个词 ) It was raining/rainy.第三课时第三课时Section A ( 3a-3b ) 基础知识回顾 .根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Jim,stop! You cant pickflowers( flower ) in the garden. 2.I always had a lot ofworries( worry ) before tests when I was a student. 3.Luckily( lucky ),we got to the airport in time and got on the plane. 4.It may be quite asunny( sun ) day tomorrow. 5.Can you tell me something aboutyesterdays( yesterday ) newspaper? .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.那个农场主正在喂鸡。 That farmeris feedingchickens. 2.让我带你参观一下我的农场吧。 Let meshowyouaroundmy farm. 3.昨天下午一场大雨后,太阳又出来了。 The suncame out againafter the heavy rain yesterday afternoon. 4.昨天,我的妈妈在动物园里拍了一些照片。 Yesterday,my mothertook some photos/picturesin the zoo. 5.幸运的是,我上周五在北京遇见了董卿。 Luckily,ImetDong Qing in Beijing last Friday. 综合能力提升 .单项填空 ( C )1.How was your school trip last week? It was.All of us had a great time. A.boringB.terrible C.excellentD.difficult ( D )2.What did John do last weekend? Hethe mountains with his friends. A.playedB.tookC.wentD.climbed ( D )3.Therean old dog here at this time yesterday. A.areB.isC.wereD.was ( A )4.You dont need to worryyour math.You know I can always help you with it. A.aboutB.from C.withD.for ( B )5.Jim oftento school early.But this morning heto school late. A.went;wentB.goes;went C.went;goesD.goes;goes .完形填空 Hello,everyone!Im Linda.I1a museum with my classmates last Friday.We went to the museum by2.The museum was far from our school,3we left school early at 6:00 a.m.The bus ride took us about two hours. The museum was really big and it had collections( 收藏品 ) of dinosaur fossils( 恐龙化 石 ),many4of trees and so on.We all5dinosaur fossils for the first time and felt very excited.I learned a lot6dinosaurs and took many pictures.I7the pictures to my parents when I got home.8thought the pictures were great. Because there was no9near the museum,we brought our own lunch from home.We had lunch at 12 oclock.We10a lovely time together and enjoyed ourselves. ( C )1.A.cleanedB.forgot C.visitedD.studied ( A )2.A.busB.train C.carD.plane ( B )3.A.orB.so C.butD.when ( D )4.A.piecesB.pairs C.bowlsD.kinds ( B )5.A.keptB.saw C.usedD.drew ( C )6.A.ofB.for C.aboutD.with ( D )7.A.soldB.read C.taughtD.showed ( A )8.A.They B.He C.SheD.It ( B )9.A.bank B.restaurant C.libraryD.hospital ( D )10.A.paid B.missed C.rememberedD.spent第一课时第一课时Section A ( 1a-2d ) 基础知识回顾 .根据句意及图片提示完成句子,每空一词 图一 图二 图三 图四 图五 1.I visited a history museum andtooklots ofphotos/picturesthere last weekend. 2.Sam oftenplays ping-pongwith his friends after school. 3.My brotheris milking a cowright now. 4.Helen often helps her momfeed chickenson weekends. 5.My uncle Bobrode a horseon a farm the day before yesterday. .按要求完成句子,每空一词 1.What does Sam do on Saturday?( 用 last Saturday 改写句子 ) What didSamdolast Saturday? 2.These stories were funny.( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答 ) Werethese stories funny? No,they werent. 3.Sally is reading a book in her room now.( 用 last week 改写句子 ) Sallyread a bookin her room last week. 4.I studied for the math test last night.( 改为一般疑问句 ) Didyoustudyfor the math test last night? 5.My last weekend was very great.( 对画线部分提问 ) How wasyour last weekend? .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.昨天我拜访了我在乡下的朋友。 Ivisitedmy friendin the countrysideyesterday. 2.他们去年在海南种植香蕉。 Theygrew bananasin Hainan last year. 3.你们昨天的旅行怎么样? 非常棒。 How wasyour trip yesterday? Itwasexcellent. 4.卡萝尔昨天骑马了吗? 不,她没有。 DidCarolridea horse yesterday? No,she didnt. 5.动物园里有许多猴子。 There arequite a lot ofmonkeys in the zoo. 综合能力提升 .单项填空 ( A )1.It wasthat the boy found my school ID card and gave it back to me. A.luckyB.busyC.earlyD.easy ( C )2.What did you do last weekend? On Saturday morning IEnglish and Isoccer on Sunday afternoon. A.studyed;played B.studied;plaied C.studied;playedD.studyed;plaied ( D )3.How was your trip to Beijing? .I hope one day I can visit there again. A.Its terribleB.Not very good C.Nothing special D.It was great ( B )4.Alice showed her new friendsher school yesterday afternoon. A.toB.aroundC.forD.at ( A )5.Mom,Im hungry.Is thereto eat? Yes,you can have some bread on the table. A.anythingB.everything C.nothingD.something .补全对话 A:Hi,Grace.1.F B:Hello,Jill.It was great. A:Really?What did you do? B:2.BThe sea water was really blue. A:3.D B:Yes,there were. A:Did you play volleyball on the beach( 海滩 )? B:Yes.4.G A:Who did you play with? B:5.E A:Oh,thats great. A.How is it going? B.I just swam in the sea. C.Did you buy any gifts? D.Were there any beaches? E.My parents,sisters and brothers. F.How was your summer vacation? G.I often played volleyball after dinner.第一课时Section A ( 1a-2d ) 第一课时 -2-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 .根据句意及图片提示完成句子,每空一词 1.Ivisitedahistorymuseumandtooklotsofphotos/picturestherelastweekend. 2.Samoftenplays ping-pongwithhisfriendsafterschool. 3.Mybrotheris milking a cowrightnow. 4.Helenoftenhelpshermomfeed chickensonweekends. 5.MyuncleBobrode a horseonafarmthedaybeforeyesterday. 第一课时 -3-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 .按要求完成句子,每空一词 1.WhatdoesSamdoonSaturday?(用lastSaturday改写句子) What didSamdolastSaturday? 2.Thesestorieswerefunny.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) Werethesestoriesfunny? No,they werent. 3.Sallyisreadingabookinherroomnow.(用lastweek改写句子) Sallyread a bookinherroomlastweek. 4.Istudiedforthemathtestlastnight.(改为一般疑问句) Didyoustudyforthemathtestlastnight? 5.Mylastweekendwasverygreat.(对画线部分提问) How wasyourlastweekend? 第一课时 -4-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.昨天我拜访了我在乡下的朋友。 Ivisitedmyfriendin the countrysideyesterday. 2.他们去年在海南种植香蕉。 Theygrew bananasinHainanlastyear. 3.你们昨天的旅行怎么样? 非常棒。 How wasyourtripyesterday? Itwasexcellent. 第一课时 -5-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 4.卡萝尔昨天骑马了吗? 不,她没有。 DidCarolrideahorseyesterday? No,she didnt. 5.动物园里有许多猴子。 Therearequite a lot ofmonkeysinthezoo. 第一课时 -6-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 .单项填空 (A)1.ItwasthattheboyfoundmyschoolIDcardandgaveitbacktome. A.luckyB.busyC.early D.easy (C)2.Whatdidyoudolastweekend? OnSaturdaymorningIEnglishandIsocceronSundayafternoon. A.studyed;playedB.studied;plaied C.studied;playedD.studyed;plaied 第一课时 -7-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 (D)3.HowwasyourtriptoBeijing? .IhopeonedayIcanvisitthereagain. A.Itsterrible B.Notverygood C.NothingspecialD.Itwasgreat (B)4.Aliceshowedhernewfriendsherschoolyesterdayafternoon. A.toB.aroundC.forD.at (A)5.Mom,Imhungry.Istheretoeat? Yes,youcanhavesomebreadonthetable. A.anythingB.everything C.nothingD.something 第一课时 -8-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 .补全对话 A:Hi,Grace.1.F B:Hello,Jill.Itwasgreat. A:Really?Whatdidyoudo? B:2.BTheseawaterwasreallyblue. A:3.D B:Yes,therewere. A:Didyouplayvolleyballonthebeach(海滩)? B:Yes.4.G A:Whodidyouplaywith? B:5.E A:Oh,thatsgreat. 第一课时 -9-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 A.Howisitgoing? B.Ijustswaminthesea. C.Didyoubuyanygifts? D.Werethereanybeaches? E.Myparents,sistersandbrothers. F.Howwasyoursummervacation? G.Ioftenplayedvolleyballafterdinner.第三课时Section A ( 3a-3b ) 第三课时 -2-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 .根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Jim,stop! You cant pickflowers( flower ) in the garden. 2.I always had a lot ofworries( worry ) before tests when I was a student. 3.Luckily( lucky ),we got to the airport in time and got on the plane. 4.It may be quite asunny( sun ) day tomorrow. 5.Can you tell me something aboutyesterdays( yesterday ) newspaper? 第三课时 -3-基础知识回顾综合能力提升基础知识回顾 .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.那个农场主正在喂鸡。 That farmeris feedingchickens. 2.让我带你参观一下我的农场吧。 Let meshowyouaroundmy farm. 3.昨天下午一场大雨后,太阳又出来了。 The suncame out againafter the heavy rain yesterday afternoon. 4.昨天,我的妈妈在动物园里拍了一些照片。 Yesterday,my mothertook some photos/picturesin the zoo. 5.幸运的是,我上周五在北京遇见了董卿。 Luckily,ImetDong Qing in Beijing last Friday. 第三课时 -4-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 .单项填空 ( C )1.How was your school trip last week? It was.All of us had a great time. A.boringB.terrible C.excellentD.difficult ( D )2.What did John do last weekend? Hethe mountains with his friends. A.playedB.tookC.wentD.climbed 第三课时 -5-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 ( D )3.Therean old dog here at this time yesterday. A.areB.isC.wereD.was ( A )4.You dont need to worryyour math.You know I can always help you with it. A.aboutB.from C.with D.for ( B )5.Jim oftento school early.But this morning heto school late. A.went;wentB.goes;went C.went;goesD.goes;goes 第三课时 -6-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 .完形填空 Hello,everyone!Im Linda.I1a museum with my classmates last Friday.We went to the museum by2.The museum was far from our school,3we left school early at 6:00 a.m.The bus ride took us about two hours. The museum was really big and it had collections( 收藏品 ) of dinosaur fossils( 恐龙化 石 ),many4of trees and so on.We all5dinosaur fossils for the first time and felt very excited.I learned a lot6dinosaurs and took many pictures.I7the pictures to my parents when I got home.8thought the pictures were great. Because there was no9near the museum,we brought our own lunch from home.We had lunch at 12 oclock.We10a lovely time together and enjoyed ourselves. 第三课时 -7-基础知识回顾综合能力提升综合能力提升 ( C )1.A.cleanedB.forgot C.visitedD.studied ( A )2.A.bus B.train C.car D.plane ( B )3.A.orB.so C.butD.when ( D )4.A.piecesB.pairs C.bowlsD.kinds ( B )5.A.kept B.saw C.used D.drew ( C )6.A.ofB.for C.about D.with ( D )7.A.sold B.read C.taughtD.showed ( A )8.A.TheyB.He C.SheD.It ( B )9.A.bankB.restaurant C.libraryD.hospital ( D )10.A.paidB.missed C.r
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