(精)2021学年人教版七年级下册英语 Unit 8 综合水平测试教师版(含答案和听力音频).zip


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Unit 8综合水平测试综合水平测试 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.Is there a post office in your neighborhood? (B)1.A.Yes,it is.BYes,there is.CNo,it doesnt. 听力材料:2.Where can you get some money? (A)2.A.A bank. BA library. CA restaurant. 听力材料:3.Thank you very much for helping me so much. (C)3.A.I am fine. BAll right. CYoure welcome. 听力材料:4.Where is the hotel? (A)4.A.Its next to the park. BIts big. CIts mine. 听力材料:5.How can I get to the new park? (A)5.A.You can ride a bike. BOh,hes not here. COn Monday morning. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Excuse me,where is the post office? M:Its next to the hospital. (A)6.What is next to the hospital? AThe post office. BThe supermarket. CThe bookstore. 听力材料:7.W:Hi,Tony!Do you live near a supermarket? M:No,I live near a zoo and I love to see the tigers there. (A)7.What animals does Tony love to see in the zoo? AThe tigers. BThe elephants. CThe pandas. 听力材料:8.W:Im new here.Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? M:Yes.Its between the bank and the supermarket. (C)8.Where is the hotel? AIts between the bank and the library. BIts between the supermarket and the library. CIts between the bank and the supermarket. 听力材料:9.W:I lost my money.Is there a police station around here? M:Yes,there is.Its about five minutes walk from here. (C)9.Where does the girl want to go? ATo the hospital. BTo the park. CTo the police station. 听力材料:10.M:I want to buy a sweater.Can you go to the clothes store with me,Sally? W:Sure,Frank. (A)10.What does Frank want to do with Sally? ATo buy a sweater. BTo go to a food store. CTo wash clothes. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听第一段长对话,回答第 1112 小题。 听力材料:W:Excuse me.Is there a hospital in our neighborhood?We are new here. M:Yes.There are two in the neighborhood. W:Oh,where are they? M:The small one is behind the park,and the big one is next to the police station. W:Thanks. (C)11.Where does the woman want to go? AThe post office. BThe hotel. CThe hospital. (B)12.Where is the big hospital? AIt is behind the park. BIt is next to the police station. CIt is in front of the police station. 听第二段长对话,回答第 1315 小题。 听力材料:W:Hello,Bob!What are you doing now? M:Im drawing pictures.Whats up? W:Are you free this afternoon?Can you come to my house and play computer games with me? M:Sure.But I dont know where you live. W:I live in Xingfu Street.My house is behind the Bank of China. M:Oh,I know the place.There is a hospital next to the bank. W:Thats right.You can take the No. 22 bus. M:OK.See you then. (C)13.What is Bob doing now? APlaying computer games. BPlaying pingpong. CDrawing pictures. (A)14.Where is the girls house? ABehind a bank. BNext to a hospital. CNext to a bank. (B)15.How will Bob get to the girls house? ABy train. BBy bus. CBy subway. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:Im Jim.I live in a nice neighborhood.There is a supermarket,a post office,a park and a bank in it.My favorite place is the park.It is big and beautiful.Its across from my home.I can walk there.My family like to spend time there.I usually play sports with my brother there on Saturday.And my grandparents take a walk in the park after dinner every day.There are many trees in it and we all love the clean air there. (A)16.What is Jims favorite place? AThe park. BThe supermarket. CThe post office. (C)17.What is the park like? ASmall. BTidy. CBig. (B)18.Where is Jims home? ABehind the park. BAcross from the park. COn the right of the park. (B)19.When does Jim usually play sports in the park? AOn Friday. BOn Saturday. COn Sunday. (C)20.What do Jims grandparents do after dinner? AWatch TV. BTell stories. CTake a walk. 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) (B)21.There is ________ park near my home.I like to do exercise at ________ park. Aa;/ Ba;the C/;the D/;a (C)22.Wheres the Center Park? Its ________ Long Street,________ the right. Aat;in Bat;on Con;on Don;in (D)23.Do you often eat out? Yes.There is a good ________ near my home.We eat there every day. Ahotel Bhospital Cbank Drestaurant (B)24.Its very cold.There ________ much snow on the road. Ahas Bis Chave Dare (C)25.How much is the cup of tea? You dont need to pay for it.In our store the tea is ________. Aclean Bhealthy Cfree Ddelicious (D)26.Where is Sarah now? She is at old peoples home.She ________ helps there. Anever Bsoon Chard Doften (C)27.History is ________ for him.So he can answer these history questions ________. Aeasy;easy Beasily;easy Ceasy;easily Deasily;easily (B)28.There is a post office ________ the supermarket. Ain the front of Bin front of Cin the middle of Din the center of (C)29.Cats are very cute animals.They are good at ________ trees. Acutting Bdrawing Cclimbing Dtasting (D)30.Dont ________ too much time on computer games,Jim.Theyre not good for you. Ause Btake Cbring Dspend (D)31.Where are you,Jack? Im in the living room.Im watching my dad ________ chess with my grandpa. Ato play Bplays Care playing Dplaying (D)32.We must get up early in the morning ________ at that village on time. Aarrives Barrive Carriving Dto arrive (B)33.What does your sister like doing in her free time? She ________.In her room you can see books everywhere. Atakes a walk Benjoys reading Cdrinks tea Dtakes a message (D)34.Are there any chairs in your room? ________.But I can get some chairs from the living room. AYes,they are BNo,they arent CYes,there are DNo,there arent (C)35.________ Is there a bank near here? Yes,itll take you just 5 minutes to walk there. ACan I help you? BWhere am I? CExcuse me. DIm really sorry. 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) My name is Wang Xingjie.I work in Guangzhou.Some people think it is a big city (城市), but I dont like __36__ here.I have to rent (租) a house here,because I dont have much __37__ to buy one.The house is __38__ from the train station.I can see trains come and go from my house.Its __39__ all day.I cant sleep well at night. The traffic (交通) here is terrible,too.There are too many cars on the __40__,so its difficult for me to drive to work.There are also many people on the bus and the subway in the rush (高峰) hour.I have to __41__ lots of money living here.To get more money,I __42__ work late at night. I miss my life in the village.The __43__ is clean and the life is quiet.I cant get much money,__44__ I can live with my family.I can see many kinds of animals there,like dogs and cats.I really want to go __45__ to the village.I also want to see my old friends there. (B)36.A.studying Bliving Ccooking Dvisiting (C)37.A.price Btime Cmoney Dvacation (D)38.A.near Bbehind Caround Dacross (A)39.A.noisy Bquiet Cclean Ddirty (D)40.A.neighborhood Bcrossing Ctown Dstreet (B)41.A.take Bspend Cpay Dmake (B)42.A.never Boften Ceasily Dquickly (A)43.A.air Bweather Crain Dsnow (D)44.A.and Bso Cbecause Dbut (C)45.A.soon Bdown Cback Dup 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 20 分) A Ella I live in a small neighborhood.My home is a little far from my school.It usually takes me twenty minutes to get there by bus.Around my neighborhood,there is no big supermarket.Sometimes its not convenient (便捷的) to buy things but people here are very friendly. Peter My house is at the foot of a mountain.There are many trees and the air is very clean in my neighborhood.Every morning,I take a walk with my father in the mountains for thirty minutes.It can help us keep healthy. Kate My house is in the center of the city.Its noisy here.There are two hospitals,one school and three supermarkets near it.The bus stop is next to my neighborhood.Its easy to go to every place from my home.I love living here with my family. (D)46.Ella usually ________ to school. Awalks Brides the bike Cdrives Dtakes the bus (A)47.Its not convenient to buy things in Ellas neighborhood because ________. Athere is no big supermarket Bthe supermarket is too dirty Cthings there are not at good prices DElla doesnt have any money (C)48.Peter walks for ________ minutes with his father in the mountains every morning. A10 B20 C30 D40 (C)49.Its easy to go to every place from ________ home. AEllas BPeters CKates DDales (B)50.Which is TRUE? AThere are many trees around Ellas house. BThe air in Peters neighborhood is very clean. CThere is only one hospital in Kates neighborhood. DKates neighborhood is noisy and she doesnt enjoy living there. B Dear Zoe, Im happy to know you will visit me.I know you will arrive at the train station at 3:00 pm. But I am having tennis practice at that time.Im sorry I cant go to the train station to meet you.Let me tell you how to get to my home. My home is in the city.You can get to my home by bus or by subway.But taking a taxi (的士) is the best.It only takes you about forty minutes.After you come out from the station,go down New Street and go down Happy Street.Then you can see a big supermarket on your right.My neighborhood is behind the supermarket.The neighborhood isnt big,but it is very tidy and not noisy.There are five buildings (建筑物), and my home is on the first floor (层) of No. 3 Building.I live in Room 103. If you have any questions,please call me at 86793525.See you! Yours, Judy (C)51.Zoe will go to Judys city by ________. Aplane Bcar Ctrain Dsubway (C)52.In how many ways can Zoe get to Judys home? AOne. BTwo. CThree. DFour. (A)53.Where is the supermarket? AIn front of Judys neighborhood. BBehind Judys neighborhood. COn the right of Judys neighborhood. DOn the left of Judys neighborhood. (B)54.What is Judys neighborhood like? ABig but noisy. BSmall but quiet. CBig and tidy. DSmall and noisy. (D)55.From the material,we know that ________. AZoe will arrive at Judys home in the evening BJudys neighborhood is on the left of New Street CZoes telephone number is 86793525 DJudys home is on the first floor of No. 3 Building 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。每空一词。 56Lets go outside and get some clean air (空气). 57There is a small river behind (在后面) Mikes house. 58Heilongjiang is in the north of China. 59Is the library far from your house? No.Its near my house. 60They have a trip to Guilin.They enjoy the time there a lot. B)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 road,around,cross,monkey,money 61How many monkeys are there in the zoo? 62The roads in this village are very new. 63We can buy a book with the money 64Dont let your dog run around,Paul. 65At the second crossing,you can see a big bank. 九、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 66我叔叔在邮局工作。 My uncle works in a post office 67这件事只有你和我知道。 This is just between you and me. 68你们需要沿着这条街道走大约 20 分钟。 You need to go/walk along this street for about twenty minutes. 69当你看到一所中学时,向左拐。 Turn left when you see a middle school. 70我们的教室就在你们的对面。 Our classroom is just across from yours. 十、从下面方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。其中有两项为多余项。(每小题 2 分,共 计 10 分) A:The sushi (寿司) is delicious,Eric. 71.__B__ B:You can buy it at Toms Sushi Store. A:72.__G__ B:Its on Bridge Street. A:Is it near Meimei Shopping Center? B:73.__D__ Its next to the shopping center. A:OK,thanks.Do you like to go with me after school? B:Im sorry.74.__F__ A:I didnt know you can play soccer.Where do you play it? B:75.__C__ A:I see.Well,have a good time. B:Thank you. ACan you make sushi? BI want to buy some. CAt the sports club. DYes,it is. ESure,Id like to. FI have to practice playing soccer then. GWhere is the store? 十一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。(每小 题 1 分,共计 10 分) street,hospital,easy,front,across,near,along,money,spend,restaurant Im David.Its a map of my new neighborhood.My new friends drew (画) it for me.With the map,I can find my way 76.easilyLook!My house is at the end of Dale Lane (巷).Walk 77.along the lane and you can see a park near the house.There is a supermarket 78.across from the park.Arinas house is on Fifth 79.Street.And there is a library near her house.I often 80.spend time there on weekends.Catherines house is on Main Street.In 81.front of her house is Elm Court (球场). Ruths house is 82.near Twisted Lane,not far from our school.But there isnt a 83.hospitalWe have to go to the city center to see a doctor.And there arent any 84.restaurants around here.But my mom says it can save (节省) lots of 85.moneyAha,thats funny. 十二、书面表达。(共计 15 分) 假如你是张亮,Jack 是你们班来自美国的交换生。今天早上,Jack 发邮件询问如何从 他家到医院,请你根据下图,告诉他具体路线。 要求:1.结合图片,写清从 Jack 家到医院的路线; 2不少于 60 词(开头和格式已给出,不计入总词数)。 Dear Jack, Im very glad that you can ask me for help.Let_me_tell_you_the_way_to_the_hospital.After_you_get_out_of_your_home,you_can_go _along_Renmin_Road_and_then_you_can_see_a_bridge.Go_across_the_bridge_and_you_are_on _Zhongnan_Street.Go_up_this_street_to_the_end,and_you_can_find_a_park_on_your_right.Th e_hospital_is_just_across_from_the_park.You_cant_miss_it. Yours, Zhang Liang
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