人教版七年级下册《英语》全册 重点单词、短语、经典句式 练习题(含答案;12份打包).zip


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Unit 10 语法搭配 1.some/any/no 1)Are there ______ vegetables in the noodles? 2)There arent _________tomatoes in the noodles. 3)There is _______meat in the noodles. 2.there be 句型 1)There ______no carrots in the noodles. 2)There ______some meat in the soup. 3)_______there any potatoes in the noodles? 3.What would you like? Im______________(还没定). 4.用所给的词完成空格。 1) a ________bowl of _________ _________ noodles (mutton, tomato, large) 2) a________ bowl of __________noodles with __________(chicken, medium, potato) 3)the _________and ________soup (egg, tomato) 5.交际用语 1)要点菜吗? 2)要多大份儿的? 3)要什么面条? 4)要一大碗吗? 5)你们有多大份的? 6)是的,是这样。 6.and,or 1)I like green tea _______orange juice. 2)I dont like onions _______cabbage. 3)She doesnt like meat _____mutton. 7.词语运用 1)What would you like ______(eat) on your birthday? 2)The number of students here ______(be) 200. 3)If it _______(not rain), we will go for a walk. 4)It can bring you good ________(luck). 5)The students may ___________(在教室). 6)The long noodles _____(be) a symbol of good luck. 单词与短语 一、名词 1.___________(面条) 2.___________(羊肉) 3.___________(牛肉) 4.___________(卷心菜) 5._____________(土豆) 6._____________(特色菜) 7._____________(点菜) 8.____________(尺寸) 9.____________(碗) 10._____________(豆腐) 11.______________(肉)12.________________(饺子) 13.________________(粥)14._____________(洋葱) 15._____________(鱼肉)16._____________(薄饼) 17._____________(世界)18._____________(答案) 19._____________(蛋糕)20._____________(蜡烛) 21._____________(年龄)22.the __________(英国) 23.____________(糖果)24._____________(想法) 二、形容词 1.a _________(特殊) day 2.a _______(大的) bowl of 3._____________(不同的) countries 4.a __________(幸运的) dog 5.___________(流行的) food 三、动词 1._____________(点菜) 2.________(点) some food 3.__________(回答) my question 4.______ ____________(许愿) 5.__________________(吹灭) 6.________________(流行起来) 7.________________(切碎) 8.________________(给带来好运) 9._____________实现 10._______________(缺乏) 11._______________(戴上)12.____________(别急) 四、介词短语 1._________the world(全世界) 2.________the beef noodles(在牛肉面条里) 3.a large bowl ________noodles 4.a bowl of noodles _______potatoes 5.What would you like to eat _____your birthday? 6.blow out the candles ________one go 7.put candles ______a cake 8.They bring good luck ______the birthday person Unit 10 参考答案参考答案 语法搭配 1.1)any 2)any 3)some 2.1)are 2)is 3)Are 3.Im not sure yet. 4.用所给的词完成空格。 1) a large bowl of mutton and tomato noodles 2) a medium bowl of chicken noodles with potatoes 3)the egg and tomato soup 5.交际用语 1)May I take your order? 2)What size would you like? 3)What kind of noodles would you like? 4)Would you like a large bowl? 5)What size do you have? 6)Yes, thats right. 6.1)and 2)or 3)or 7.词语运用 1)What would you like to eat on your birthday? 2)The number of students here is 200. 3)If it doesnt rain, we will go for a walk. 4)It can bring you good luck. 5)The students may be in the classroom. 6)The long noodles are a symbol of good luck. 单词与短语 一、名词 1.noodles 2.mutton 3.beef 4.cabbage 5.potato 6.special 7.order 8.size 9.bowl 10.tofu 11.meat 12.dumpling 13.porridge 14.onion 15.fish 16.pancake 17.world 18.anwer 19.cake 20.candle 21.age 22.UK 23.candy 24.idea 二、形容词 1.a special day 2.a large bowl of 3.different countries 4.a lucky dog 5.popular food 三、动词 1.take your order 2.order some food 3.answer my question 4.make a wish 5.blow out 6.get popular 7.cut up 8.bring good luck to e true 10.be short of 11.put on 12.Dont worry. 四、介词短语 1.around the world(全世界) 2.in the beef noodles(在牛肉面条里) 3.a large bowl of noodles 4.a bowl of noodles with potatoes 5.What would you like to eat on your birthday? 6.blow out the candles in one go 7.put candles in a cake 8.They bring good luck to the birthday personUnit 11 How was your school trip? 一、名词 1.a __________(奶牛) 2.a ___________(马) 3.a __________(鸡) 4.a __________(农民) 5.a __________(农场) 6.the ___________(乡下) 7.a __________(花儿) 8.the ___________(太阳) 9.a ___________(博物馆) 10.the _________(火) 11.a ___________(消防站) 12.a _________(油画) 13.a ___________(机器人) 14.a _________(导游) 15.a ___________(礼物) 二、形容词 1. an __________(优秀的)trip 2.an ______(激动人心的)story 3.a ___________(可爱的) girl 4.an ____________(昂贵的) gift 5. a ___________(便宜的) shop 6. a ___________(慢的) train 7. a ___________(快的) train 8. a __________(黑暗的) room 三、动词 1._________(挤奶) a cow2._________(骑) a horse 3._________(喂) chickens4._________(种植) rice 5._________(摘) apples6._________about (担心) 7._________(听说)8.__________(对感兴趣) 四、其它 1.I learnt a lot of things about the city. I learnt ______ ______about the city. 2.It was ________(相当)hot there. 3.There was something on the table. There wasnt _______on the table. (否定句) 4.You can have fun ______________.(在乡下) 5.Where did you go _________(昨天)? 6.What a _________(幸运的) day! 7.The train travels very ________.(快) 8._________(总之), I had a great time there. 五、语法句式 一)动词搭配 1.____________(散步)2._____________(挤奶) 3.______________(骑马)4.______________(喂鸡) 5.____________(与谈话)6.___________(拍照) 7.______________(别的什么) 8.____________(带我们参观农场) 9.______________(种苹果)10.___________(摘草莓) 11.__________(去钓鱼)12.________(探望爷爷奶奶) 13._____________(爬山)14._____________(出来) 15._____________(去乡下) 16._____________(参加学校郊游) 17.__________________(为我的父母买礼物。) 18.___________________(乘火车到博物院) 二)短语搭配 1_____________(沿途)2.____________(太多的人) 3._________(太多的作业)4.__________(一点也不) 5.____________(一整天)6.____________(过得开心) 7._______________(那之后) 8.___________________(令人激动的一天) 三)情景反应 1. __________________________? I went fishing with my parents. 2. Did you go to the zoo? Yes, ___________________. 3. Do they grow apples? No, they ________. 4. ____________________? Yes, I saw some cows. 5. Was the farmer nice? Yes, ____________. 6. How was your school trip? ___________________. 四)直接引语、间接引语 1.陈述句 “I will go to the zoo.” Eric said. Eric said ______________________________. 2.一般疑问句 “Does Lynn want to live in the city?” Frank asked. Frank asked _________________________________. 3.特殊疑问句 “When can I leave?” Anna asked. Anna asked ______________________________. 五)词语运用 1.I asked him if the farmers _____(种植) strawberries. 2.We worried it __________(将要) rain. 3.I didnt know they _______(会)play chess with us. 4.It _________(not) rain yesterday. 5.It _________(not) so much fun. 6.It was difficult _________(take)photos. 7.There were so many interesting things ______(see). 8.I didnt take _______(一些) photos. 9.___________________(那儿很热)on the train. Unit 11 参考答案参考答案 一、名词 1.a cow 2.a horse 3.a chicken 4.farmer 5.farm 6.countryside 7.flower 8.sun 9.museum 10.fire 11.a fire station 12.a painting 13.a robot 14.a guide 15.a gift 二、形容词 1.excellent 2.exciting 3.lovely 4.expensive 5.cheap 6.slow 7.fast 8.dark 三、动词 1.milk a cow 2.ride a horse 3.feed chickens 4.grow rice 5.pick apples 6. worry about 7.hear of 8.be interested in 四、其它 1.a lot 2.quite 3.anything 4.in the countryside 5.yesterday 6.lucky 7.fast 8.all in all 五、语法句式 一)动词搭配 1.take a walk 2.milk the cow 3.ride a horse 4.feed chickens 5.talk with 6.take photos 7.what else 8.show us around the farm 9.grow apples 10.pick strawberries 11.go fishing 12.visit grandparents 13.climb the mountain e out 15.go to the countryside 16.go on a school trip 17.buy gifts for my parents 18.take the train to the museum 二)短语搭配 1.along they way 2.too many people 3.too much homework 4.not.at all 5.all day long 6.have a great time 7.after that 8.an exciting day 三)情景反应 1. What did you do? 2.Yes, I did. 3.dont 4.Did you see any cows. 5.Yes, he was. 6.It was 四)直接引语、间接引语 1.陈述句 Eric said that he would go to the zoo. 2.一般疑问句 Frank asked if Lynn wanted to live in the city. 3.特殊疑问句 Anna asked when she could leave. 五)词语运用 1.grew 2.would 3.could 4.didnt 5.is 6.to take 7.to see 8.any 9.It is hot thereUnit 12 What did you do last weekend? 一、名词 1. a _________(湖) 2. the _________(海滩) 3. a __________(绵羊)4. a __________(蝴蝶) 5. a __________(访客)6. a __________(老鼠) 7.a __________(婴儿)8.a __________(语言) 9.a __________(风筝)10. a ______________(中学) 11.__________(印度)12.a ___________(帐篷) 13.the ___________(月亮)14.a ____________(惊讶) 15.a _____________(蛇)16.a ______________(森林) 17.his ________(耳朵) 二、形容词 1.a __________(自然的) way 2.a ___________(疲惫的) student 3.a __________(受惊吓的) boy 三、动词 1.Did they __________(去野营) last weekend? 2.Can you __________(打羽毛球)? 3.I want to __________(去海边). 4.Dont __________(熬夜). 5.When he saw us, he __________(跑开了). 6.The mother is very angry and is_______(大声训斥) her baby. 7.Its noisy too here, I have to ________(对大喊) my classmate on the second floor. 8.Can you ____________(放风筝)? 9.When they got there, they _________(搭帐篷)by the lake. 10.The news ________(震惊)everyone in the room. 11.We _________________(大吃一惊). 12.I can feel something _________(蠕动) by the fire. 13.Then he __________(开始) to read his homework. 14.The little boy likes____________(来回跳) in the room. 15.Can you ____________(叫醒我) tomorrow? 四、其它 1.His mother works ______(当)a nurse in the hospital. 2. She went to the beach ____________(三天前). 五、课文同步 一)短语 1.____________(爬上他的背) 2.___________________(跳进水里) 3.___________________(在湖边) 4.___________________(去划船) 5.________________(复习应考数学) 6.___________________(在自然历史博物馆) 7._______________(给他们讲有关这所学校的事) 8.______________(他们的生活习惯) 9.______________(丢钥匙) 10._____________(某些有趣的事物) 11._____________(过得开心) 12.___________(相当忙). 13.______________(中学毕业) 14.________________(带他去印度) 15.___________________(坐长途车到一个小村子). 16.____________________(生火取暖) 17.________________(彼此讲故事) 18._____________(睡觉) 19.______________________(让父母了解险情) 20._________________(一个有用的道理) 21._________________(开始弹钢琴) 二)感叹句训练(what, what a/what an/how) 1.________exciting news he brought to us! 2.________exciting the news is! 3.________useful book he bought! 4.________useful the book is! 三)sothat太而 1. Bob was too tired to stand up. Bob was so ________________________. 2. She was so scared that ______________. 3. Alice was very excited. Alice couldnt fall asleep. (用 sothat 合成一句) 4. Linda was too young to take a bus by herself. Linda was _______________________________. 四)-ing/-ed 形容词 1. Mrs King is an __________(interest) teacher. 2. Too much homework makes students _______(tire). 3. The _____(tire) students dont want to study at all. 4. What a __________(relax) trip! 5. The ________(excite) news makes us ____(excite). 6. I dont want to go there again, its a very _______(tire) trip. 7. Snakes are very ________(scare), I am very _______(scare) of them. 五)直接引语与间接引语 1. “Get up quickly.” Mother said. Mother told me ______________________. 2.”Dont run in the hallways.” My teacher shouted. My teacher told us _________________________. 3.”Snakes dont have ears.” She said. She told me that ___________________________. 4.”I will go there by train.” Eric said. Eric told me that _________________________. 5.“Does Paul have many books?” Lynn asked. Lynn asked me _________________________. 六)Doing/Do/To do 位于句首 1._________(do) sports can keep us healthy. 2.________(keep) you warm, you should make a fire. 3.________(wake) up. Its time to go to school. 4.________(study) hard, and you can get good grades. 5.________(read) books can make you relaxed. 七)what/how 1.The book shows you _____to do in a fire. 2. The teacher can teach you _____to be a good student. 3. She was so excited that she didnt know ______to say. 4. Im not hungry and I dont know ____to eat. 5. She is learning _______to make noodles. 八)kind of/a kind of/kinds of 1. After doing his homework, he felt ________tired. 2. You can see ________animals there. 3. Tigers are ___________dangerous animal. 4. Pandas are ________lazy. 5. How many ________plants are there? 九)时间介词(in,on,at,不填) 1._________night 2._________Saturday night 3._________this week 4.__________the morning 5.__________the afternoon of September 1 st. 十)特殊疑问句训练 1.______________________________? I went there with my friend last weekend. 2._____________________________? She will be back at 8:00. 3._____________________________? Salina was late yesterday. 4.____________________________? We got there by bus. 5._____________________________? I went to Shanghai last weekend. 十一)句型训练 1.重要的是别走近蛇。 2.学好一门外语对你们来说很有用。 3.我一点也不害怕蛇。 4.他昨天来这儿找他的哥哥。 5.他说他不想骑车去那儿。 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? 一、名词 1.a lake 2.the beach 3.a sheep 4.butterfly 5.a visitor 6.mouse 7.baby 8.language 9.kite 10.a middle school 11.India 12.tent 13.moon 14.surprise 15.snake 16.forest 17.ears 二、形容词 1.natural 2.tired 3.scared 三、动词 1.go camping 2.play badminton 3.go to the beach 4.stay up late 5.ran away 6.shouting at 7.shout to 8. fly a kite 9.put up a tent 10. surprised 11. got a great surprise 12.moving 13. started 14. jumping up and down 15.wake me up 四、其它 1.as 2. three days ago 五、课文同步 一)短语 1. climb his back 2. jump into the water 3.by the lake 4.go boating 5.study for a math test 6.at the Natural History Museum 7.tell them about the school. 8.their living habits 9.lose keys 10.something interesting 11.have fun 12.quite busy 13.finish high school 14.take him to India 15.take a long bus ride to a village 16.make a fire to keep warm 17.tell each other stories 18.go to sleep 19.let parents know about the danger 20.a useful lesson 21.start to play the piano 二)感叹句训练(what, what a/what an/how) 1.What 2.How 3.What a 4.How 三)sothat太而 1.Bob was so tired that he couldnt stand up. 2. She was so scared that she couldnt move. 3. Alice was so excited that Alice couldnt fall asleep. 4. Linda was so young that she couldnt take a bus by herself. 四)-ing/-ed 形容词 1.interesting 2.tired 3.tired 4.relaxing 5.exciting,excited 6.tiring 7.scary;scared 五)直接引语与间接引语 1.Mother told me to get up quickly. 2.My teacher told us not to run in the hallways. 3.She told me that snakes dont have ears. 4.Eric told me that he would go there by train. 5.Lynn asked me if Paul had many books. 六)Doing/Do/To do 位于句首 1.Doing sports can keep us healthy. 2.To keep you warm, you should make a fire. 3.Wake up. Its time to go to school. 4.Study hard, and you can get good grades. 5.Reading books can make you relaxed. 七)what/how 1.The book shows you what to do in a fire. 2. The teacher can teach you how to be a good student. 3. She was so excited that she didnt know what to say. 4. Im not hungry and I dont know what to eat. 5. She is learning how to make noodles. 八)kind of/a kind of/kinds of 1. After doing his homework, he felt kind of tired. 2. You can see kinds of animals there. 3. Tigers are a kind of dangerous animal. 4. Pandas are kind of lazy. 5. How many kinds of plants are there? 九)时间介词(in,on,at,不填) 1.at night 2.on Saturday night 3.this week 4. in the morning 5.on the afternoon of September 1 st. 十)特殊疑问句训练 1.Who did you go there with last weekend? 2.When will she be back? 3.Who was late yesterday? 4.How did you get there? 5.Where did you go last weekend? 十一)句型训练 1.Its important not to go near the snakes. 2.Its useful to learn a second language. 3.Im not afraid of snakes at all. 4.He came here yesterday to look for his brother. 5.He said that he didnt want to go there by bike.Unit 1 小结 一、名词 1.一次学校公开演出_______________ 2.一些人__________________ 3.的中心 __________ 4.一位音乐家_________ 二、动词 1.弹吉他 2.唱歌 3.游泳 4.跳舞 5.下棋 6.画画 7.说英语 8.参加社团 9.擅长 10.讲故事 11.写故 事 12.向(某人)展示(某事)13.跟交谈 14.表演功夫
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