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期中测试卷 (限时:120 分钟满分:120 分) 听力部分(25 分) 一、听力(共 15 小题,第一节每小题 1 分,第二、三节每小题 2 分,满分 25 分) 第一节:听小对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的选项,每段对话读一遍。 ()1. Whats Toms father like? A. Fat.BShort.CThin. ()2. What does the boy want to be when he grows up? AA doctor.BA teacher.CA driver. ()3. How much does the woman need to pay? ASeven yuan.BSixteen yuan.CTwentythree yuan. ()4. How long is the shopping mall open? A. 10 hours.B12 hours.C11 hours. ()5. Where is the woman going? A. To the supermarket.BTo the cinema.CTo the post office. 第二节:听长对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确选项,每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 67 小题。 ()6. Who is Li Hua? A. A basketball player. BA football player. CA volleyball player. ()7. Why does Li Hua come to the speakers city? A. To watch a football match. B. To give a talk about a football match. C. To have a football match. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第 810 小题。 ()8. When does Xiao Ming get up every morning? A. At 5: 30 am. BAt 6: 00 am. CAt 6: 30 am. ()9. Why does Xiao Ming get up so early every morning? A. Because he wants to do some exercise. B. Because he wants to sing songs. C. Because he wants to remember and read something. ()10. How does Xiao Ming spend his free time? A. By playing football. BBy reciting something. CHe has no free time at all. 第三节:听短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确选项,短文读两遍。 ()11. When are Tony and his friends going to the park? A. Next Sunday.BNext Saturday.CThis Sunday afternoon. ()12. What time are they going to meet? A. At 7:15.BAt 7:30.CAt 8:30. ()13. How are they going there? A. By bus.BBy bike.COn foot. ()14. Whats in the park? A. A small zoo.BA small room.CA small house. ()15. Who cant go with them? A. Lily.BLucy.CTheir friends. 笔试部分(95 分) 二、完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15 分) What do you usually do after school?You may go home and finish your homework________16you are a good student. As a ________17,finishing your homework is the first thing. ________18finishing your homework,what will you do?Stay at home and watch TV?Well,that sounds boring. I think you can do some________19things. One thing is to join different________20. You can join the________21Club to learn to play the violin and the piano. You can also join the________22Club. You can play basketball,soccer and volleyball there. The other thing is to ________23old people and help them do________24things. You can sing and dance for them. You can also________25with them. As for me,I usually read books. I like reading very much and I want to be a writer. ()16. A. orBbecauseCbutDso ()17. A. teacherBstudentCworkerDdoctor ()18. A. BeforeBAfterCLaterDAgo ()19. A. easyBdifficultCinterestingDboring ()20. A. teamsBclubsCclassesDschools ()21. A. SwimmingBFoodCChessDMusic ()22. A. LanguageBArtCSportsDDance ()23. A. lookBvisitCgoDcome ()24. A. muchBsomeCanyDfew ()25. A. speakBsayCtellDtalk 三、阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A I love trains. I like reading books about trains and drawing pictures of them. Im going to drive one all by myself when I grow up. Kieran, six years old I love singing and I want to be a singer. I think its cool to perform( 表演)on a stage(舞台) and I can make a lot of money. Look! Im drawing a picture of my dream. Tracy, eight years old I want to work with animals. Maybe Ill be a vet(兽医)like my uncle or my aunt. My aunt teaches birds to talk and sing. That sounds really cool! Alex, ten years old ()26. Kieran wants to be ________. A. a doctorBa driver Ca teacherDan artist ()27. Alexs aunt may work in a ________. A. shopBschool CzooDhospital ()28. What are the children talking about? A. Their favorite animals. BTheir families. CTheir hobbies. DTheir dream jobs. B(2018义乌后宅中学期中卷) Dear Helen, Thank you for your letter. I read it today after school, and now I want to tell you all about my hobbies. I like to swim. In summer, I swim every day. I like reading, too. I read all kinds of books. Every week I read two or three books. I enjoy writing stories, too. I want to be a writer in the future. I also like to play with my dog, Mickey. On weekends, we like to go out for long walks. Mickey is very big, and he needs a lot of exercise. There is a lake near my house. We often walk around the lake. Mickey likes to jump into the water. He is a good swimmer. It is a very nice place. There are many flowers. Mickey and I like to look at the flowers. Well, those are my hobbies. Do you like reading? Do you have a dog? Please write and tell me about your hobbies. Your friend, Lucy ()29. In this letter Lucy tells Helen about ________. A. her familyBher hobbies CMickeyDthe lake ()30. How many books does Lucy read a week? A. Only one.BMany books. CTwo or three.DFour books. ()31. From the letter we may know that Lucy is a________now. A. writerBteacher CstudentDworker ()32. What can we know from the letter? A. Lucy is Helens sister. BMickey is a dog. C. Lucy doesnt like writing stories. DLucy wants to be a doctor in the future. C On Saturdays, most people are busy shopping for their homes. Some of them go to the stores, and some go to the supermarkets. But in America, most shoppers enjoy shopping in the shopping malls. A mall is a group of many shops. There you can buy clothes, furniture, and everything you need. There are many places for your cars in the shopping mall. Usually, the mall is under one roof(屋顶) so the shoppers do not get cold or wet from rain, wind, or snow. After shopping, you may get tired. You can walk into the sitting rooms for a short break. If you can go into the dining rooms in the malls, then you can have a good meal. Now more and more Americans like to go shopping there, because its convenient(方便的) for people to buy things in the shopping malls. ()33. In America, most people enjoy shopping in________. A. storesBsupermarkets CshopsDshopping malls ()34. People dont need to worry about rain or wind, because the mall is________. A. under the groundBunder one roof C. in the open airDwithout a roof ()35. After shopping, you can________ in the sitting rooms. A. have a good mealBhave a drink Chave a walkDhave a break ()36. Why do more and more Americans like going shopping in the mall now? A. Because the mall is a group of many shops. BBecause everything there is cheap. C. Because its convenient to buy things in the mall. DBecause people have places for their cars. D There is an old woman. She has a dog and a cat. She feeds them the same amount(量) of food every morning. One day, the old woman leaves her house for her friends birthday party. She gives the dog and the cat some food as usual. But the greedy(贪婪的) dog takes the cats food. And it eats the cats food very quickly. The cat is afraid of the dog, so it cant say anything. It is very hungry. It has to leave the house to look for food. The old woman goes back home. She finds that the dog is so fat. But she cant find her cat. “Cat food is for cats, not for dogs. If dogs eat it, they will become very fat, ” says the old woman angrily(生气地). Now the dog is so fat. It cant run around as before. It cries very sadly. ()37. The old woman goes to ________one day. A. a shopBa party Ca zooDa hospital ()38. Why can the cat say nothing when the dog eats its food? A. Because it is hungry. BBecause the old woman likes the dog. C. Because the dog is fat and greedy. DBecause the cat is afraid of the dog. ()39. What does the woman find when she comes back? A. The dog is so fat. BThe cat is eating food. CThe cat is at home. DThe dog is not at home. ()40. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage? A. The dog eats the cats food. BThe dog cant run around now. C. The cat eats the dogs food. DThe woman is angry with the dog. 四、词汇运用(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) A. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限填一次。 leavevisitonefriendsupermarket 41. Its the________time for me to visit Juzhou. 42. Mike often ________ things on buses, trains, planes, and taxis. 43. There are many things in the________. 44. After________Shanghai, I am very tired. 45. Li Lei is ________ to his classmates, so he has many friends at school. B. 阅读下面短文,根据所给中文正确拼写单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一 词。 Joe and Jack are________46(谈论) about the year 2020. “What will our world be________47(像)in the year 2020?” “I dont know, ” says Jack. “What do you think?” “ Well, no one ________48(知道), but its interesting to guess. ” “In the year 2020, everyone will________49(拿,带) a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to all their ________50(问题). We shall all have telephones in our pockets, too. And well be________51 (能够) to talk to our friends all over the world. ________52(也许)well be able to see them at the same time. ” “A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories(工厂) and farms under the sea, too. ” “ ________53(机器) will do most of the work, so people will have more________54(空闲的) time. Perhaps theyll work only two or three days a week. Theyll be able to fly to the moon by spaceship. ” “Im looking forward to ________55(参观) the moon!” “And I hope Ill be able to live under the sea. ” says Jack. “ Wont that be interesting? Just like a fish!” 五、语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)(2017宁波市江北区) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填 入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于 3 个单词)。 There is a picture in the room. Do you know the man________56the picture? He is a computer teacher. ________57(he) name is Wang Kun. He is 50 years old, but he looks very young. He ________58(have) two children. Their names ________59(be) Kate and John. Mr. Wang ________60(love) sports. In his room, you can see ten________61(volleyball) under his bed. He likes playing sports ________62his friends in the morning. Kate is a doctor. She likes sports, too,________63she doesnt play them. John is ________64student. His favorite sports are basketball ________65soccer. 六、任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,选择合适的小标题。 Nearly all the students like holidays. And how do you make them meaningful? Here are some tips for us all students. ____________66 Its your duty to finish your homework. Dont try to finish it one day, and you can do it little by little. ____________67 After doing your homework, you can watch TV or play some computer games. But you cant play them for too long time, or it will be bad for your eyes. ____________68 In holidays, you may not have dinner on time, but you cant eat too much junk food. ____________69 A trip can make you relaxed. Travelling with your parents to another place is also a good idea. You can travel with a camera. And after you come back to school, show your photos to your classmates. ____________70 The holiday is the best time for you to read some good books. Borrow(借) some educational(教育的) books from the library and read them. You can also write what you feel after reading them. Its good for your study. ARead Some Interesting Books BDo the Homework Every Day CGo on a Family Trip DDont eat the Junk Food E. Play Some Computer Games) 七、书面表达(共 1 小题,满分 15 分) 五一节(May Day)即将来临,写一篇不少于 80 词的短文,介绍你的假期活 动安排。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My May Day holiday plan May Day is coming soon. We will have a threeday holiday. ________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________期中测试卷期中测试卷 听力部分 听力材料: 第一节: 1. W: Why does your father usually go shopping on foot, Tom? M:Because hes too fat and he needs to exercise more. 2. W: Do you want to be a teacher when you grow up? M:Yes, you know Im very interested in teaching. 3. W: How much do I need to pay? M:Let me see. Seven yuan for the cards and sixteen yuan for the CDs. 4. W: The shopping mall is open from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. M:Lets go quickly. We still have two hours. 5. M: Are you going to the cinema? W:No, Id like to buy some cakes. 第二节:Dialogue 1: W: Hi, Daniel. You look happy. M:Yes. Do you know that Li Hua will come to our city next week? W:No. Is he a very good football player? M:Yes, youre right. W:Why does he come to our city? M:To have a football match. W:Great! Lets go and watch it together. Dialogue 2: W: Excuse me, Xiao Ming. It must be hard work to be a middle school student now. M: It certainly is. Im going to take the most important exam and I must prepare every subject very well. W: I guess you cant have enough sleep. M: Yes. I have to get up at six oclock every morning and go to bed very late. W: Why do you get up so early then? M: Because I want to remember and read something at that time. W: Well, how do you spend your free time? M:Free time? I have no free time. I have lessons all the time. W: I really hope it goes well after your hard work. M: Thank you. 第三节:Text: Next Sunday morning Tony and his friends are going to the park. They are going to meet at half past seven at the school gate and go there by bike. But Lucy cant go with them. In the park there is a small zoo. In the zoo there are some animals. Tony and his friends are going to have a good time next Sunday. 听力答案:一、15 A B C B A 610 B C B C C1115 A B B A B 笔试部分 二、16. B17. B 18. B 点拨:联系上下文法。根据上文, “作为一名学生,完成作业是第一要务” ,那么接下来完成作业后需要干什么呢?故用 after。 19. C 点拨:此处应和上文中的 boring 相对应,故用 interesting。20. B 21. D 点拨:根据 violin 和 piano 可知,应该是加入音乐俱乐部。 22. C23. B24. B 25. D 点拨:用语法分析解答。空前有情态动词 can,故此处用动词原形,talk with sb. 意为“和某人交谈” ,故选 D。 三、A 2628 B C DB 2932 B C C B C 3336 D B D C D 37. B 点拨:根据第二段第一句“One day, the old woman leaves her house for her friends birthday party. ”可知,她去参加生日派对。 38. D 点拨:细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第三句“The cat is afraid of the dog, so it cant say anything. ”可知,猫害怕狗。 39. A 点拨:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“She finds that the dog is so fat. ” 可知,她发现狗很胖。 40. C 点拨:细节理解题。根据第二段的“But the greedy(贪婪的)dog takes the cats food. And it eats the cats food very quickly”可知,贪婪的狗吃掉了猫的 食物。 四、A. 41. first 42. leaves 43. supermarket 44. visiting 45. friendly B. 46. talking 47. like 48. knows49. carry50. questions 51. able 52. Maybe 53. Machines 54. free 55. visiting 五、56. in57. His58. has59. are60. loves 61. volleyballs 62. with 63. but 64. a 65. and 六、66. B67. E68. D69. C70. A 七、 My May Day holiday plan May Day is coming soon. We will have a threeday holiday. Id like to talk about my plans for May Day. On the morning of the first day,I am going to stay in bed. In the afternoon,I am going to do my homework. On the morning of the second day,I am going to go over lessons. In the afternoon,I am going to play football with my friends. On the morning of the third day,I am going to get up early. I am going to have a picnic with my family. Im sure Im going to have a good holiday! 名师点评:本文第一段总领全文,写出文章主题(my plans for May Day); 第二段具体写出每一天的计划(On the morning of the first dayOn the morning of the third day);最后表达美好的愿望。 本文添彩点:本文运用 On the morning of the first day等一系列的短语按 时间顺序写出了假期的计划,条理清晰。
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