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单元过关与检测(Unit 10) (时间:120 分钟满分:120 分) 一、听力部分(20 分) .听句子,选择最佳答案。句子读两遍。(5 分) How long have you had this computer? ( B )1.A.Two years ago. B.Since two years ago. C.In two years. Why do you want to keep your old things? ( A )2.A.They bring back sweet memories. B.No, they arent. C.They arent useful. Where did you use to live? ( C )3.A.At 8:00.B.I had a yard sale. C.In a small village. How many times has your father been to America? ( A )4.A.Twice. B.Last month. C.For a month. How did you get your bike? ( A )5.A.My father bought it for me as a present. B.I rode it to school. C.I liked it very much. .听小对话,选择正确的图片。对话读两遍。(5 分) M:Lets look through this box of old things and decide what to give away. W:I want to keep this toy bear.Ive had it since my childhood. ( A )6.What does the girl want to keep? M:Why do you want to give away the old books? W:Because I wont read them anymore. ( B )7.What does the girl want to give away? W:Hey, Peter! How did you get the picture? M:My friend gave it to me.He is an artist. ( C )8.What does Peters friend do? M:How long did you stay in Canada last year? W:I stayed there for three months. ( B )9.Where did the woman go last year? W:The bridge is very long and clean.来源:学|科|网 M:Yes.And its beautiful.Many people like coming here in the evening. ( A )10.What are they talking about? .听长对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,完成第 1112 小题。 M:Sandy, this is really an old watch. W:Yes, I have had it for eight years. M:Eight years? Thats a long time.Why do you still keep it? W:Well, it is a birthday gift from my grandma. M:What a special watch! W:Yes, old things really bring back sweet memories. ( B )11.How long has Sandy had the watch? A.Ten years.B.Eight years. C.Six years. ( C )12.Why has Sandy kept the watch till now? A.Because it is very expensive. B.Because she bought it in America. C.Because her grandma gave it to her. 听第二段对话,完成第 1315 小题。 W:Whats your favorite thing during your childhood, Sun Ning? M:Its a green bike. W:Who gave it to you? M:I bought it for myself. W:How did you get the money? M:I had a yard sale and sold some old things.I bought that bike with the money. W:How long have you had it? M:I have had it for five years.来源:Z.xx.k.Com W:Why do you like it so much? M:Because I learned how to ride a bike on it. W:Did you use to ride it? M:Yes, I used to go bike riding on it. W:So its special to you. M:Thats right. ( B )13.Whats Sun Nings favorite thing of childhood? A.Its a blue bike.B.Its a green bike. C.Its a green toy train. ( C )14.Who gave it to Sun Ning? A.His mother.B.His father. C.He bought it for himself. ( B )15.What did Sun Ning use to do with it? A.He used to go to school on it. B.He used to go bike riding on it. C.He used to go fishing on it. .听短文,完成下面的表格。短文读两遍。(5 分) Different people have different hobbies.I have three friends.They are Jenny, David and Rose.Jenny likes swimming.She has swum for seven years.She thinks it makes her strong and healthy.David enjoys collecting stamps.He has been collecting stamps since he was eight years old, and now he has over 500 stamps from different countries.Rose is interested in watching English movies.She has watched English movies for four years.She says watching English movies helps her learn English well.She thinks it is a good way to learn English. NameHobbyHow longMore information Jenny16.swimming for seven years strong and 17.healthy David collecting 18.stamps since he was eight years old over 19.500 stamps Rose watching English movies for 20.four years a good way to learn English 二、单项选择(15 分) ( C )21.The little boy looks very sad. Sure he is.He parted with his toy cars because his family had to move to Chengdu. A.got outB.gave out C.gave away D.took down ( D )22.I searched for a long time,but I didnt find the book. A.looked up B.looked after C.looked at D.looked for ( B )23.The park is opposite a supermarket. A.next toB.across from C.behindD.in front of ( C )24.Mr.Green hasnt returned to his hometown for years. A.given backB.gotten back C.gone backD.brought back ( A )25.My sister has been in Shanghai for close to ten years. A.for almostB.for always C.in hardly D.usually ( B )26.What do you think of the boy? He is honest student today and useful man tomorrow. A.a;anB.an;a C.an;an D.a;a ( B )27.Everybody wants to have a good . Yes,but it is common for us to forget something. A.taste B.memory C.plan D.future ( B )28.Can you tell me something about your English teacher? Sure.All of us her as the best teacher in our school. (2018 宿州埇桥教育集团期末) A.decideB.regardC.count D.cheer ( A )29.Jane,have you the books in the bookcase? Yes.Therere sixty books in it.Forty of them are Chinese and the rest are English.(2018 阜阳颍泉区期末) A.checked outB.depended on来源:学*科*网 Z*X*X*K C.fixed up D.taken after ( D )30.Noise makes us terrible, when you are trying to sleep. A.suddenlyB.finally C.lightlyD.especially ( D )31.Where is your uncle,Jane? He is in Guangzhou.He for a month. A.has leftB.has gone C.left D.has been away ( B )32.Last year new books on environmental protection were published. A.three million of B.millions of C.million of D.three millions ( D )33.Which museum is the oldest the three buildings? The red one. A.withinB.between C.in D.among ( C )34. have you stayed in this city? For more than 10 years. A.How farB .How soon C.How longD.How old ( A )35.My uncle hasnt been back to our hometown for years. .He must miss his family very much. A.Its a shame B.No way C.Good job D.No problem 答案及剖析: 21.Cpart with 放弃,交出(尤指不舍得的东西);get out (从)出来;give out 分发; give away 赠送,捐赠; take down 拆除。part with 与 give away 意思相近,故选 C。 22.Dsearch for 寻找; look up 查阅,查找;look after 照顾;look at 看; look for 寻 找。故选 D。 23.Bopposite“在对面”,与 across from 同义。故选 B。 24.C根据句意“格林先生已经好几年没回家乡了。”可知,return 意为“回去”,与 go back 同义。故选 C。 25.Aclose to“几乎;接近”,与 almost 同义。故选 A。 26.B表示数量“一”,用不定冠词 a / an;honest 是以元音音素开头,应用 an;useful 是 以辅音音素开头,应用 a。故选 B。 27.Btaste 味道;memory 记忆;plan 计划;future 将来。根据句意“人人都想拥有美 好的.是的,但是对我们来说忘记某些东西是很正常的。”可知,memory 符合语 境。故选 B。 28.Bregard.as.把看作,为固定搭配。故选 B。 29.Acheck out 察看;depend on 依靠;fix up 修理;take after(外貌或性格)像。根据句 意“简,你书橱里的书了吗?是的。里面有 60 本书。40 本汉语书,其余的都 是英语书。”可知,check out 符合语境。故选 A。 30.Dsuddenly 突然;finally 最后; lightly 轻轻地;especially 尤其是,特别是。根据 句意“噪音让我们感觉很糟糕,你在想睡觉的时候。”可知,especially 符合语境。 故选 D。 31.D根据 for a month 可知空格处谓语动词为延续性动词。故选 D。 32.Bmillion 前有具体数字修饰时,不用复数,也不能与 of 连用;没有具体数字修饰时,用 复数形式,后加 of。故选 B。 33.D根据 three buildings 可知,比较范围是三者之间,所以用 among。故选 D。 34.C根据答语“超过 10 年了。”可知问句是对时间段进行提问,应用 how long。故选 C。 35.AIts a shame 真遗憾,真可惜;No way 不行,没门;Good job 干得好;No problem 没 问题。根据常理,“好几年没回家”是一件令人遗憾的事。故选 A。 三、完形填空(10 分)(2018 长沙改编) When I was fifteen years old,I became very interested in shopping.After a while being just a buyer,I wanted to 36 something.I had many things that I no longer needed at home.I knew with the help of my father I could make money.So for months and months I 37 myself by selling things on my dads bank account(账户). On July 18th,2015,I made my own account and began to start my own 38 .Things were going great and then I realized that selling things around the house wasnt 39 for me,so I decided to expand(拓展)my business by running a resale shop.I went around to the yard sales and bought things at low prices and sold them at 40 prices to make money. Last October,I went to a yard sale that was a little bit different.A lady had many nice things to sell.I went up to her and had a 41 with her.Through the communication,I knew she was jobless at that moment and needed money to feed her family.I thought I could do it better and more quickly for her.So I made a decision to help her out.She looked at me for a while and then said 42 .After that I took away some of her things and over the next month I made $1,500 for her! When I gave her the money,she broke down into tears(眼泪) 43 . I had never felt so 44 to help someone in my life.I knew my skills could be used to help those in need and that even one small act of kindness could 45. ( B )36.A.buyB.sell C.produce ( B )37.A.bored B.enjoyed C.learned ( A )38.A.businessB.holiday C.education ( C )39.A.familiarB.helpful C.enough ( A )40.A.higherB.lower C.half ( C )41.A.competitionB.fight C.conversation ( B )42.A.noB.yesC.sorry来源:学科网 ( C )43.A.peacefullyB.sadly C.thankfully ( C )44.A.worriedB.nervous C.pleased ( A )45.A.make a difference B.make a mess C.make a mistake 答案及剖析 36.B根据下句 I had many things that I no longer needed at home.(在家里我有很 多不再需要的东西。)结合选项可知,我想出售这些不再需要的东西来赚钱,故选 B。 37.B根据上句 I knew with the help of my father I could make money.(我知道在父 亲的帮助下我能赚钱。)可推知,几个月里我开心地在我父亲的账户上卖东西。故选 B。 38.A根据下文中的 so I decided to expand(拓展) my business by running a resale shop(因此我决定通过开一个转售商店拓展我的生意)可知,我申请了自己的账号并开始了自 己的生意。故选 A。 39.C根据上文中的 Things were going great(事情进展得很好)及下文中的 so I decided to expand my business by running a resale shop 可知,在家附近卖东西对我 来说是不够的。故选 C。 40.A根据上文中的 bought things at low prices(低价收购物品)可知,以较高的价格把 它们出售才能赚钱。故选 A。 41.C根据下文中的 Through the communication(通过交谈)可知,我和她进行了交谈。故 选 C。 42.B根据下文中的 I took away some of her things and over the next month I made $1,500 for her!(我拿走了她的一些东西,在接下来的一个月里我给她赚了 1,500 美 元!)可知,她接受了我的建议。故选 B。 43.C由上文中的 So I made a decision to help her out.(因此我决定帮她一把。)及 I made $1,500 for her 可知, 我给她钱时,她感激地哭了。故选 C。 44.C根据语境可知作者明白了自己的一些技艺可以帮助有需要的人,这也使他感到开心。 故选 C。 45.Amake a difference 产生影响;make a mess 弄得一团糟;make a mistake 犯错误。 由句意“我意识到了我的技能能用来帮助困境中的人,甚至一个善意的小举动会。” 可知,make a difference 符合语境。故选 A。 四、阅读理解(30 分) A Our school is No.1 Middle School.It isnt a big one with a long history,but Im lucky that I am a student of this school. Ten years ago,there were not any teaching buildings and a library in our school.The playground was so small that we could only play basketball there. However,great changes have taken place in our school in the past ten years.There are three modern teaching buildings with four modern computer classrooms now.We have computer studies every week.On the left side of the school stands a modern lab building.On the right side of the school there is also a modern buildingthe library.In the library there are over 20 thousand books and magazines.We can go to the library to borrow books and magazines any time in a week. We have built a new playground.It is much bigger than before.We can play not only basketball but also football and many other sports there.There are a lot of flowers,grass and trees in and around our school.We usually take a walk or chat with our classmates after lunch and supper among the flowers and trees.We always feel very happy. In a word,our school is becoming more and more beautiful and modern.We love our school. ( A )46.What does the school look like? A.It is not big but is modern and beautiful. B.It is big,modern and beautiful. C.It is very small and isnt modern or beautiful. D.It is big and has a long history. ( C )47.Could the students borrow books from the library ten years ago? A.Yes,they could. B.Im not sure. C.It was impossible.D.Certainly. ( D )48.How many modern buildings have they built in the school? A.Four. B.Three.C.Seven.D.Five. ( D )49.When can the students borrow books from the library? A.From Monday to Friday. B.Only on Wednesday. C.Only at weekends. D.Every day. ( C )50.Where can you probably find the students after lunch in No.1 Middle School? A.In the reading room. B.In the dining room. C.Among the trees and flowers. D.In the shop. B Liao Yifeng is a police officer who works in a small village in Wuhan.He is well-known(公认的) for a special “job”,a father of left-behind children (留守 儿童). Wan Tianle,an 8-year-old boy,lived with his grandparents.When he was in school,he couldnt even afford the 100 yuan monthly school living fees (费用). Liao felt sorry and began to help him.During last years Mid-Autumn Festival,Liao carried some meat and cooked a delicious dinner for the boy and his family.After dinner,the boy asked,“Uncle Liao,can I call you Daddy?” Liao was deeply moved.He made up his mind to be a good “father”. With a 2-year-old son of his own,Liao said,he knows how important a fathers love is to a child.After that,the need for “my police father” traveled fast. Liao has built a special room named“family love room” in the police station.Liao enjoys helping these left-behind children with their homework and teaching them about safety rules in his free time.Liaos special “job” brings lots of happiness for the left-behind children and himself.Maybe there will be more people to do this special “job”. ( B )51.How old was Wan Tianle when he called Liao“Daddy” for the first time? A.Six.B.Seven.C.Eight.D.Nine. ( B )52.Wha t does Liao Yifengs special “job” in the first paragraph refer to? A.Working as a policeman in a town. B.Being the left-behind childrens father. C.Sending food to the left-behind children. D.Teaching the left-behind children about safety rules. ( D )53.What can we know from the passage? A.Liao had another job except to work as a policeman. B.Wan Tianle needed 100 yuan for school living fees each year. C.Liao didnt have a child when Wan Tianle called him “Daddy”. D.Children could study with Liao in the“family love room”. ( C )54.What does the writer hope through the passage? A.Left-behind children can live with their parents. B.All policemen can take care of left-behind children. C.More people can help left-behind children like Liao. D.Left-behind children can depend on the policemen. ( A )55.Whats the best title for the passage? A.A Special and Great“Job” B.A Kind Father C.The Happy Left-Behind Children D.Helping Others Brings Happiness C (2018 眉山) Have you ever seen rows of different cars parked on a big playground,with their boots(汽车后备箱)open?The boots are packed with things like books,pictures,kids toys.This is a car boot sale.It is popular in the UK. If you have lots of things and have nowhere to put them,and dont want to throw them away,why not try a car boot sale?Go to a car boot sale and you may be excited about what you find. You can find almost anything at a car boot sale,from beds,tables to necklaces and rings.Most of the things are second-hand,so they are usually low-priced.I like to hunt for books.I was pretty proud when I bought four books from the Harry Potter series and they cost me just over 2. Here is a little tip that not everybody knows:When its nearly the end of the sale(they usually finish in the early afternoon),many sellers cut the prices because they want to throw away things.Quite often youll find “All for 10p”,“Buy one and get one free” and “Take it away!”Its clear that they just want to throw those things away. However,there may not be much good stuff(物品)left in the endthe things people really want are sold quic kly.So,as they say,the early bird catches the worm! ( D )56.Why are most things at such a low price at a car boot sale? A.Because they are terrible. B.Because they are useless. C.Because they are small things. D.Because they are second-hand. ( A )57.Which of the following things you may NOT find at a car boot sale? A.Food and drinks. B.Books and pictures. C.Beds and tables. D.Necklaces and rings. ( C )58.How did the writer feel when he got four books from the Harry
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