2021春人教版英语八年级下册Unit 1 Section A 1a-1c课件.zip


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Section Section A A 1a-1c1a-1c 1. 学习表达身体部位的英语名称。 2. 学会用语言简单描述自己和他人的健康状 况。 3. 学习如何询问对方的身体健康状况。 4. 养成健康的生活方式,并学会表达自己对同 学的关心。 1. 学习表达身体部位的英语名称。 2. 学会用语言简单描述自己和他人的健 康状况。 3. 学习如何询问对方的身体健康状况。 4. 养成健康的生活方式,并学会表达自 己对同学的关心。 head the body parts nose ears eyes mouthtoothteeth footlegs handsarms feet the body parts stomach back neck throat the body parts body feet teeth tooth stomachthroat Activity: Say and touch (摸) Rule: Each group asks one student to come to the front. One student says: Touch your ., and the other student touches the body. You can get a heart, if youre right.(每组派出一名 代表上讲台,一人说一人做。) 1a. Look at the picture. Write the correct letter a-m for each part of the body. ___arm ___back ___ear ___eye ___foot ___hand ____head ___leg ___mouth ____neck ___nose ___stomach ____tooth Check the answers! hegi baj l cd m k f have a toothache Whats the matter with you? have a stomachache have a headache have a sore throat Whats the matter with you? have a sore back have a cold have a cough have a stomachache have a sore throat have a sore back have a fever have a headache have a toothache have+a+疾病名称 Nancy _____ Sarah _____ David _____ Ben _____ Judy _____ 1b. Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5. 31 25 4 Conversation 1 Nurse: Whats the matter, Sarah? Girl: I __________. Conversation 2 Nurse: Whats the matter, David? Boy: I ________________. Conversation 3 Nurse: Whats the matter, Ben? Boy: I _______________. have a cold got a stomachache have a sore back Listen to the conversations again and fill in the blanks. Conversation 4 Nurse: Whats the matter, Nancy? Girl: I _______________. Conversation 5 Betty: Whats the matter, Judy? Ann: She ________________. have a toothache has a sore throat 1c. Look at the picture. What are the students problems? Make conversations. A: Whats the matter with Judy? B: She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. She has a very sore throat now. Whats the matter? Nancy advice You should see a dentist. I have a toothache. see a dentist Whats the matter? I have a sore back. Ben You should get an X-ray. get an X-ray Work in 4. One student acts as a doctor. The other three act as patients. Group Work Who is the best doctor & patient? D: You dont look well. Whats the matter? P: I . D: What happened?/What did you do? P: I . What should I do? D: You should . 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 Whats the matter? 怎么了? 这个句型主要用来对某人或周围发生了什么 事情进行询问,意为“怎么了?/ 出什么事了?”。 如需引出询问的对象,matter后接介词with即可。 例句:他怎么了? Whats the matter with you? 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 “你怎么了?”的同义表达有: Whats the trouble with you? Whats wrong with you? Whats your trouble? 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How to ask ones health problems. 2. How to talk about health problems. 3. How to give advice. Whats the matter/trouble with sb.? Whats wrong with sb.? have a+疾病 sb. should do sth. Summary Names of body parts: arm,back,ear. Key sentences: Whats the matter? I have a sore throat. Names of illnesses: headache,toothache,sore throat. 6 3 4 5 1 7 1. Whats the m_____ with you? 2. We hear with our e____ and see with our e_____. 3. He usually goes to school on f_______. 4. I have a t_______, so I want to see a dentist. 5. She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. She has a very s_____ throat now. yes oot oothache atter ars ore 3 6 2 3 5 1 7 1. The little baby has two ___. A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. teeth 2. Whats the matter with you?- _______. A. Im glad B. I have a cold C. I have something to do D. Sorry, I dont know 3. People smell (闻) with their ___. A. noses B. ears C. hands D. mouths 4. If you have a toothache, you should see a_______. A. policeman B. teacher C. nurse D. dentist 5. I am often ill. - _______. A. I think so. B. thats OK. C. Really? Thank you. D. I am sorry to hear that. 1. Review the new words and expressions. 2. 发挥想象,连词成文(50-100字)。 have a fever, take your temperature, doctor, lie down, matter, exercise, cough
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2021春人教版英语八年级下册Unit Section 1a-1c课件 春人教版 英语 年级 下册 unit 课件
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