冀教版(一起)六下-Unit 3 Summer Is Coming-Unit 3 Review-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:b1a2b).zip


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Unit 3 Summer is coming! Lets sing!Lets sing!Lets sing!Lets sing! Free talkFree talkFree talkFree talk Summer holiday is coming! Summer holiday What can you do on summer holiday? I can play football swim in the sea go to a summer camp go on trips go to the park go to the cinema go to the bookstore go to the museum go to the zoo go for a walk watch TV read books draw pictures ride a bike go shopping fly a kite play with friends summer holiday What does Baobao want to do? He needs 1000 points(分). Lets help him. Okay? The first two groups can get the prize. 得分最多的两个小组成员可以得到奖励。 summer camp Task 1Task 1Words Words 1.四会单词 grandmother grandfather aunt uncle cousin ship well 2.根据图片,正确写出下列单词。(6分) grandfathergrandfathergrandfathergrandfather grandmothergrandmothergrandmothergrandmother cousincousincousincousin auntauntauntauntuncleuncleuncleuncleshipshipshipship Task 1Task 1Words Words Task 1Task 1Words Words 3.三会单词 swim-swam swim-swam swim-swam swim-swam 游泳游泳 游泳 basket basket basket basket 篮篮篮 make a basket make a basket make a basket make a basket 投篮投篮投篮 throw-threwthrow-threwthrow-threwthrow-threw扔扔扔 culture culture culture culture 文化文化文化 naturenaturenaturenature自然自然自然 are-were are-were are-were are-were 是是是 camp camp camp camp 营地营地营地 hope hope hope hope 希望希望希望 changechangechangechange转变转变转变 Hope school Hope school Hope school Hope school 希望小学希望小学希望小学 water skiingwater skiingwater skiingwater skiing滑水滑水滑水 elseelseelseelse其他的其他的其他的 mealmealmealmeal一顿饭一顿饭一顿饭 firefirefirefire火火火 teamwork teamwork teamwork teamwork 团队合作团队合作团队合作 4.听短文,填空。(6分) This summer holiday, I will go to a summer______. I will go_____ _______. I will _____in the sea. I will learn about______, ________and _______. camp water skiing swim nature culture teamwork Task 2Task 2sentences sentences What will you do for the summer holiday? I will swim in the sea! I will be in China for the summer holiday. I will not have a computer there. Will you visit your family? What will I do this summer holiday? What will I do this summer holiday? What will I do this summer holiday? What will I do this summer holiday? Task 2Task 2sentences sentences What will you do for theWhat will you do for theWhat will you do for theWhat will you do for the summer holiday? summer holiday? summer holiday? summer holiday? I will I will I will I will 1.pair work1.pair work1.pair work1.pair work sentences sentences Task 2Task 2 Will you ? Yes, I will. / No, I will not. 2.Ask and answer2.Ask and answer . . go for lunch soongo for lunch soon Task 2Task 2 sentencessentences Will you ? Yes, I will. / No, I will not. Ask and answer.Ask and answer. go to the bookstore tomorrowgo to the bookstore tomorrow Will you ? Yes, I will. / No, I will not. Ask and answer.Ask and answer. go to the park next weekgo to the park next week Will you ? Yes, I will./ No, I will not. Ask and answer.Ask and answer. go to the zoo this Sundaygo to the zoo this Sunday Will you ? Yes, I will./sorry, I will not. Ask and answer.Ask and answer. fly a kite tomorrowfly a kite tomorrow Will you ? Yes, I will. / No, I will not. Ask and answer.Ask and answer. swim in the seaswim in the sea t this summerhis summer Will you ? Yes, I will. / No, I will not. Ask and answer.Ask and answer. ride a bike laterride a bike later 3.Guessing game Group workGroup workGroup workGroup work Practice the important words and sentences of unit3: 练习第三单元的重点单词和句子。 小组可以选择以下形式: 小记者采访、对话、问答接龙、歌谣、歌曲、小剧 或者 你自己喜欢的其他形式。 Task 3Task 3 活动要求: 合理分工 互相帮助 Show timeShow timeShow timeShow time Task 3Task 3 评价规则: 自信大方+5 声音洪亮+5 团结合作+5 有创意+5 Summer holiday is coming. This summer holiday, I will not go to school. On July 21,I will go to Thailand.(泰国)How can I go there? By plane. I will eat some delicious food. I will swim in the sea. I will be fun. Task 4Task 4 readingreadingreadingreading 5points5points5points5points ( )1.( )1.( )1.( )1.WhereWhereWhereWhere will Wang will Wang will Wang will Wang JunkaiJunkaiJunkaiJunkai go this summer? go this summer? go this summer? go this summer? A. He will go to Australia.A. He will go to Australia.A. He will go to Australia.A. He will go to Australia. B. He will go to B. He will go to B. He will go to B. He will go to TailandTailandTailandTailand. . . . ( )2.( )2.( )2.( )2.WhenWhenWhenWhen will Wang will Wang will Wang will Wang JunkaiJunkaiJunkaiJunkai go there? go there? go there? go there? A. On June21.A. On June21.A. On June21.A. On June21. B. On July 21.B. On July 21.B. On July 21.B. On July 21. ( )3.( )3.( )3.( )3.HowHowHowHow will Wang will Wang will Wang will Wang JunkaiJunkaiJunkaiJunkai go there? go there? go there? go there? A. By planeA. By planeA. By planeA. By plane B. By trainB. By trainB. By trainB. By train will Wang will Wang will Wang will Wang JunkaiJunkaiJunkaiJunkai do in do in do in do in TailandTailandTailandTailand ? ? ? ? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. B B B B B B B B A A A A He will eat some delicious food. He will eat some delicious food. He will eat some delicious food. He will eat some delicious food. He will swim in the sea.He will swim in the sea.He will swim in the sea.He will swim in the sea. WritingWritingWritingWriting My summer holiday plan On July 20, I will go home by bus. On July 23,I will visit my grandparents. I will visit my aunt and uncle. I will play with my cousin. On July25,I will go on trips with my parents. I will be happy for my summer holiday. Task 5Task 5 WritingWritingWritingWriting My summer holiday plan _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Task 5Task 5 In the past daysIn the past daysIn the past daysIn the past days 在过去的日子里在过去的日子里在过去的日子里在过去的日子里 A fewA fewA fewA few days later days later days later days later 几天后。几天后。几天后。几天后。 Enjoy your Summer holiday!Enjoy your Summer holiday!Enjoy your Summer holiday!Enjoy your Summer holiday! Study Study Study Study with pleasure and with pleasure and with pleasure and with pleasure and have funhave funhave funhave fun.( .(.( .(学的开心,玩的开心)学的开心,玩的开心)学的开心,玩的开心)学的开心,玩的开心) After the summer holiday, you will go to a middle school to study. In the future, everyone will have different jobs, whatever you will do, wherever you will be, believe yourselves and work hard on it, you will make your dreams come true. 暑假之后,你们将要进入初中学习。在未来 ,每个人都有不同的工作,无论你做什么,无论你在哪 里,请相信自己,努力学习,你将会实现你的理想。 Homework 1.Read the texts of Unit 3. 2.share your summer plan to your family and friends.教 学 过 程 二度设计Step One Warming-up 1、Greetings. 2、Sing a song. (设计意图:歌曲导入,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,巩固了旧知,而且为新授内(设计意图:歌曲导入,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,巩固了旧知,而且为新授内 容作了铺垫。容作了铺垫。 ) Step Two Practice and production 1、T:What season did you hear in the song? Ss: summer. T: Yes. Lets talk about summer. 2、Group work: Free talk. 3、T:Boys and girls, summer holiday is coming! What can we do in summer? Ss: We can 教师出示动态动词词组及图片,利用幻灯片予以播放,学生齐说动词词组。 T:we can do a lot of things in summer. Look! Who is he? He is Baobao. What does Baobao want to do? He wants to go to a summer camp. But he needs 1000 points. Lets help him. Okay? We should finish some tasks. Task one words. 1.四会单词:一小组带领其他小组复习单词、句子。形式:领读、做游戏、 教学内容 容 Unit 3 Revision课时:1 课时 教学 目标 1、 通过课堂活动,学生能够听、说、读写本单元的四会单词:grandmother, grandfather, uncle, cousin, aunt, ship, well. 2、 通过多种多样的练习活动,学生能够理解并运用英语句型 What will you do this summer holiday? I will____________. Will you visit your family? Yes, I will./No, I will not. I will be in China for the summer holiday. I will not have a computer there. 3、通过体验、感知、参与课堂活动,学生能够体验学习英语的乐趣。 教 学 重难点 通过多种多样的练习活动,学生能够理解并运用英语句型 What will you do this summer holiday? I will____________. Will you visit your family? Yes, I will./No, I will not. I will be in China for the summer holiday. I will not have a computer there. 教学 准备 课件,图片 练习等;小组成员自主选择。 2.Write the words according to the picture. 3.三会单词:学生自愿举手当小老师领读三会单词。 4.Lets play a guessing game. 5.Listen and write.(听音,选择单词填空。 ) Task 2 sentences Students read the sentences of unit 3 together. T:we know baobao wants to go to a summer camp this summer. What will I do this summer? 教师播放自制小视频,学生齐说:I will go home by bus. I will visit my grandparents. I will visit my aunt and uncle. I will play with my cousin. What will you do this summer holiday? 1.Pair work (practice and show) 2.Lets play a game.(转盘游戏:Will you Yes, I will./No, I will not.) 3.group work:小组合作,运用歌谣、对话、小剧等自己喜欢的形式操练本单 元重点单词和句子。 4.Students show their play.师予以评价,生生评价。 设计意图:教师创设帮助宝宝赢取积分参加夏令营情境,设计多种形式的练设计意图:教师创设帮助宝宝赢取积分参加夏令营情境,设计多种形式的练 习活动,学生通过听、说、读、写等活动巩固本单元重点单词和句子。习活动,学生通过听、说、读、写等活动巩固本单元重点单词和句子。 Task 3 Read and write Students read a passage and do the exercise., Check the answers. Ss write the scores. 设计意图:通过设计学生喜欢的王俊凯夏天要做的事情的短文来增强学生的设计意图:通过设计学生喜欢的王俊凯夏天要做的事情的短文来增强学生的 学习兴趣并且培养学生的语篇理解能力。学习兴趣并且培养学生的语篇理解能力。 Task4 writing 1.教师读出自己的写作:My summer holiday. 2.生进行 my summer holiday 的写作。 3.生与其他学生分享自己的写作并予以展示。 设计意图:通过写作练习的设计,增强学生书写的能力,进一步巩固所学的设计意图:通过写作练习的设计,增强学生书写的能力,进一步巩固所学的 重点知识。重点知识。 Step three Consolidation 1.教师播放学生以前学习的视频,并用英语予以总结。 2.教师鼓励学生认真学习,祝愿学生期末考试成功,并对学生的未来提出期 望。3.Homework:Share the holiday plan with family and friends. 此处词组再应 精减些 Read the text. 4.教师统计分数,总结学生表现。 设计意图:教师运用过去式总结学生过去的学习,用将来时表达对学生的殷设计意图:教师运用过去式总结学生过去的学习,用将来时表达对学生的殷 切希望,情感渗透正好与所学知识紧密结合,如此,便会激发学生的学习积切希望,情感渗透正好与所学知识紧密结合,如此,便会激发学生的学习积 极性。极性。 板书设计 教学反思 优点:本课是我去北京培训回来之后的汇报课,本节课中我创设了情境,设 计了几个任务,帮助学生巩固单元重点单词和句型。我在设计课堂活动时,将培 训所学到的“友善用脑”课题中“幸运签”的使用,幻灯片里精美游戏、视频的 制作及音乐的适时介入加入到其中,通过听、说、读、写多种技能的练习及生生 互动、师生互动等多种练习方式调动学生的积极性,取得了很好的效果。 不足之处:前面口语练习部分时间略长,作文书写没有在课堂上完成,只能 课下作为练习了,所以还需要注意课堂各个环节的时间把握。录播室的站位需要 调整,再多站在台上一些,站在台下注意分界线。
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