冀教版(一起)六下-Unit 3 Summer Is Coming-Lesson 13 Jenny's Summer Holiday-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:21562).zip


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Lesson 13 Jennys Summer Holiday 冀教版六年级英语下册冀教版六年级英语下册 Unit 3 What did you do last summer holiday? 去年暑假你做了什么?去年暑假你做了什么? 1.Last summer, we to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather.I in the lake. 2.I on the beach. I like on the beach. Listen and fill in the blanks. went swam played playing 3.This summer,we will go on a trip to the sea.I will in the sea! 4.I will the ships and boats on the sea. swim watch ocean 海洋(海洋(sea) New words grandfather/grandpa (fathers or mothers father) grandmother/grandma (fathers or mothers mother) swim-swam(动词过去式动词过去式) ship boat 复习一些常用的动词过去式: 一般过去式 用法:表示过去发生的动作。 主语+动词过去式+其他(表示过去时间的词语等) 例如:1.I went to the zoo last Sunday. 2. I played badminton with my friends yesterday. do-didsit- satswim-swam am,is-wasare- weregive-gave have- hadtake- tooksay- said get-gotcome- cam e play- played eat-ate feel- felt 一般将来时: 用法:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 构成:1.主语+ will+动词原形 2.主语+ be going to +动词原形 例如:1.Jenny will go to the beach this summer holiday. 2.She is going to visit her grandpa next week. She will visit her grandpa next week. Lets do it! What will you do for the summer holiday? 暑假你想做什么?暑假你想做什么? Make a summer holiday plan(制定暑假计划制定暑假计划 ) homework 要求:1.题目 My summer holiday plan 2.时态 一般将来时 3.字数不少于40个单词,不得出现单词拼写错误 4.可以小组讨论协助完成,但不可以雷同 Talk about what do you learn in this lesson. 1.We know Jennys summer holiday. 2.复习了一般过去时的构成是主语+动词过去式+其他(表 示过去时间的词语等)和一些常用的动词过去式。 3.学习了由will构成的一般将来时句型是主语+will+动词原 形,表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 Goodbye!Lesson 13 Jennys Summer Holiday 教学设计教学设计 学科学科英语课型课型新授年级年级六年级课时 1 课题课题 Lesson 13 Jennys Summer Holiday 教学媒体教学媒体 多媒体课件,录音机 知识知识 技能技能 学生可以读,写,说出并听懂 grandfather,grandmother,swam,swim,ship,ocean。 过程过程 方法方法 巩固一般过去时和学习一般将来时的表达方法。 教教 学学 目目 标标 培养学生用英语表达的流畅性,开阔学生用英语思维的灵活性,全面提升学习英语的兴趣。 教学重点教学重点 掌握及运用 will 构成的一般将来时的句型。 教学难点教学难点 学生能用 will 构成的一般将来时句型及相关词汇说说自己的暑假。 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Class opening Greeting T:Good afternoon,boys and girls! How are you today? 2.Warm up T:Do you like to sing English songs? T:Liten to an English song and tell me whats the song about. 二.Presentation. Part 1 1.T:please listen to the radio,and tell me what is about. 1.Greeting. C:Good morning,teacher!Im fine,thank you! C:Yes. C:OK. C:The song is about summer. 二. 1. C: OK. C:(学生举手回答听到的内容) 1.轻松的英语歌曲让学生 进入英语学习的氛围之中。 从歌曲中了解我们将要讨 论的话题。 。 二. 1.让学生听录音,说一说 听到了什么,引出本课内 容。 T:Today will talk about Jenny s summer holiday. (教师板书课题学生读出来) T:OK.Now please take out your English paper.Read part 1 loudly. T: Listen to the radio again and fil in the blanks.(学生大声读出 句子说出答案) T: There are some new words in this part.Lets learn them together. (课件出示新单词。) 单词小练习:1.教师出示单词卡片, 让学生拼读并说出意思。 2.教师说汉语意思,学生 说出单词并拼读,教师板书。 2.T:OK。We had learned the new words.Now please open you English book and read Part 1 loudly by yourself. T: Read together,please! T:Read this sentences one by one and say the meanings. Part 2 1.T:同学们先来说一说一般过去时的 用法及构成,课件出示,例句,学生 朗读说出意思并说出句子构成 T:请同学们找出第一部分中一般过去 时的句子,大声说出来。 复习一些常用动词的过去式,让学 生现在练习纸上书写,再全班订对。 T: 同学们,第一部分中前三个句子 是一般过去时,那么后三个句子是什 么时态? 那谁来说一说,一般将来时的用法和 C: (学生大声朗读英语练习纸 上的句子。) C: OK. (学生举手回答,全班订正) C:Read the new words and say the meanings. Read twice. 单词小练习:1.学生依次回答 2.学生举手回答, 答对给予奖励。 C:Read part 1 loudly and think about the meanings. C:OK. C:OK.(学生每人读一句,鼓励 大声朗读,随机让学生说出句 子意思。) C:学生举手回答问题 答对给予 奖励。 C:学生在练习纸上默写动词过 去式,全班订对,全对的给予 2.单词练习:让学生掌握 新单词并能够自己读好第 一部分内容理解意思为下 一步语法知识的学习做好 准备。 = 3.鼓励学生大声朗读培养 英语语感。 Part 2 语法知识学习 复习一般过去时 学习一般将来时 让学生自己学生区分时态 并逐渐学会运用。 构成。 课件出示:一般将来时的用法及构成, 例句学生朗读说出意思并说出句子构 成。 practice Look at your English book Lets do it! T:Please practice in pairs and finish the blanks. Part 3 T: Now I want to know What will you do for the summer holiday? Think about it and write on the paper,then I will ask all of you to say your plan.OK? T:I will give you some homework,OK? 课件出示作业 Make a summer holiday plan(制定 暑假计划) 要求: 1.题目 My summer holiday plan 2.时态 一般将来时 3.字数不少于 40 个单词,不得出现单 词拼写错误 4.可以小组讨论协助完成,但不可以 雷同 三.Summary 奖励。 学生举手回答,答对给予奖励。 C: 学生一问一答形式完成练习。 注意两种时态的运用。 C:汇报练习成果。 C: OK. C: 学生大声朗读自己的暑假计 划。 Part 3 让学生每人写一句话说说 暑假计划,考查对所学知 识的掌握情况。 布置作业:小作文形式并 提出要求,锻炼学生的书 面表达能力和团队合作能 力。 T:What do you learn in the lesson? Ask some student to answer. 课件出示 学生举手回答,给予奖励。 三总结 让学生自己说收获,锻炼 口语表达能力和学会对知 识点的总结归纳。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Lesson13 Jennys summer holiday New words:ocean (sea) grandfather grandmother swim swam(过去式) ship boat What will you do for the summer holiday布置作业: Make a summer holiday plan(制定暑假计划) 要求: 1.题目 My summer holiday plan 2.时态 一般将来时 3.字数不少于 40 个单词,不得出现单词拼写错误 4.可以小组讨论协助完成,但不可以雷同 小作文形式并提出要求,锻炼学生的书面表达能力和团队合作能力。What did you do last summer holiday?/what will you do this summer holiday? I visit the Great Wall. I will visit Beijing. I had a drawing class. I will have a piano lesson. I went to Beijing with my father and mother. I will go to Tianjin. I did my homework with my friends. I will do my homework with my friends. I had a dancing lesson. I will go on a trip to Tiananmen. I went to the zoo and saw many animals. I will visit my uncle. Listen and fill in the blanks. 1.Last summer, we to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather. I in the lake. 2. I on the beach. I like on the beach. 3.This summer,we will go on a trip to the sea. I will in the sea! 4 .I will the ships and boats on the sea. 复习一些常用的动词过去式:复习一些常用的动词过去式: do - sit- swim- am, is - are - give- have- take- say - get- come - play- eat - feel - 看图回答问题 What did you do last summer holiday?/what will you do this summer holiday? I visit the Great Wall. I will visit Beijing. I had a drawing class. I will have a piano lesson. I went to Beijing with my father and mother. I will go to Tianjin. I did my homework with my friends. I will do my homework with my friends. I had a dancing lesson. I will go on a trip to Tiananmen. I went to the zoo and saw many animals. I will visit my uncle. Listen and fill in the blanks. 2.Last summer, we to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather. I in the lake. 2. I on the beach. I like on the beach. 4.This summer,we will go on a trip to the sea. I will in the sea! 4 .I will the ships and boats on the sea. 复习一些常用的动词过去式:复习一些常用的动词过去式: do - sit- swim- am, is - are - give- have- take- say - get- come - play- eat - feel - 看图回答问题 Lesson 13 Jennys summer holiday Listen and fill in the blanks. 1.Last summer, we to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather. I in the lake. 2. I on the beach. I like on the beach. 3. This summer,we will go on a trip to the sea. I will in the sea! 4 .I will the ships and boats on the sea. Review:复习一些常用的动词过去式:复习一些常用的动词过去式: do - sit- swim- am, is - are - give- have- take- say - get- come - play- eat - feel - Practice: What will you do for the summer holiday?(写一两句话即可写一两句话即可) Homework: Make a summer holiday plan(制定暑假计划) 要求:1.题目 My summer holiday plan 2.时态 一般将来时 3.字数不少于 40 个单词,不得出现单词拼写错误 4.可以小组讨论协助完成,但不可以雷同 Lesson 13 Jennys summer holiday Listen and fill in the blanks. 1.Last summer, we to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather. I in the lake. 2. I on the beach. I like on the beach. 4. This summer,we will go on a trip to the sea. I will in the sea! 4 .I will the ships and boats on the sea. Review:复习一些常用的动词过去式:复习一些常用的动词过去式: do - sit- swim- am, is - are - give- have- take- say - get- come - play- eat - feel - Practice: What will you do for the summer holiday?(写一两句话即可写一两句话即可) Homework: Make a summer holiday plan(制定暑假计划) 要求:1.题目 My summer holiday plan 2.时态 一般将来时 3.字数不少于 40 个单词,不得出现单词拼写错误 4.可以小组讨论协助完成,但不可以雷同 Lesson 13 Jennys summer holiday 新单词:ocean sea grandmother grandmother swim-swam ship boat 重点句子 What will you do for the summer holiday? What did you do last summer holiday?/what will you do this summer holiday? I visited the Great Wall. I will visit Beijing. I had a drawing class. I will have a piano lesson. I went to Beijing with my father and mother. I will go to Tianjin. I did my homework with my friends. I will do my homework with my friends. I went to the zoo and saw many animals. I will visit my uncle. I had a dancing lesson. I will go on a trip to Tiananmen. What do you learn in this lesson?(谈收获)(谈收获) 1.We know Jennys summer holiday. 2.复习了一般过去时的构成是主语+动词过去式+其他(表示过去时间 的词语等)和一些常用的动词过去式。 3.学习了由 will 构成的一般将来时句型是主语+will+动词原形,表示将 要发生的动作或存在的状态。 一般过去式 用法:表示过去发生的动作。 主语+动词过去式+其他(表示过去时间的词语等) 例如:1.I went to the zoo last Sunday. 2. I played badminton with my friends yesterday 一般将来时: 用法:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 构成:1.主语+ will+动词原形 2.主语+ be going to +动词原形 例如:1.Jenny will go to the beach this summer holiday. 2.She is going to visit her grandpa next week. Lesson 13 Jennys summer holiday 新单词:ocean sea grandmother grandmother swim-swam ship boat 重点句子 What will you do for the summer holiday? What did you do last summer holiday?/what will you do this summer holiday? I visited the Great Wall. I will visit Beijing. I had a drawing class. I will have a piano lesson. I went to Beijing with my father and mother. I will go to Tianjin. I did my homework with my friends. I will do my homework with my friends. I had a dancing lesson. I will go on a trip to Tiananmen. I went to the zoo and saw many animals. I will visit my uncle. What do you learn in this lesson?(谈收获)(谈收获) 1.We know Jennys summer holiday. 2.复习了一般过去时的构成是主语+动词过去式+其他(表示过去时间 的词语等)和一些常用的动词过去式。 3.学习了由 will 构成的一般将来时句型是主语+will+动词原形,表示将 要发生的动作或存在的状态。 一般过去式 用法:表示过去发生的动作。 主语+动词过去式+其他(表示过去时间的词语等) 例如:1.I went to the zoo last Sunday. 2. I played badminton with my friends yesterday 一般将来时: 用法:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 构成:1.主语+ will+动词原形 2.主语+ be going to +动词原形 例如:1.Jenny will go to the beach this summer holiday. 2.She is going to visit her grandpa next week.
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