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展开 2021届百师联盟高三下学期开年摸底联考新高考卷II英语试题word版有答案.zip2021届百师联盟高三下学期开年摸底联考新高考卷II英语试题word版有答案.zip
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百师联盟百师联盟 2021 届高三开年摸底联考新高考卷届高三开年摸底联考新高考卷 英语试卷英语试卷 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如 需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。 写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 考试时间 120 分钟,满分 150 分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试 卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读 一遍。 1. What is the man most probably doing? A. Having a job interview. B. Applying for a college. C. Visiting sick kids. 2. When will the meeting be held? A. At about 12: 00 am. B. At about 10: 00 am. C. At about 6: 00 pm. 3. Who does the wallet belong to? A. Mrs. Johnson.B. Bill.C. Mr. Miller. 4, Why does the man want to know how to take care of babies? A. He wants to be a baby sitter. B. He is going to be a brother. C. His wife is going to have a baby. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A camp for teenagers. B. Indoor activities.C. Franks adventure. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个 选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. Whats the mans wife? A. A housewife.B. A gardener.C. A teacher 7. What instrument does the mans kids play? A. Violin.B. Piano.C. Flute. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Friends.B. Colleagues.C. Strangers. 9. What needs to be replaced? A. The tires.B. The radio.C. The air conditioner. 10. Why doesnt Lynn want to buy the car? A. It is not safe. B. The price is too high. C. It doesnt drive smoothly. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a shop.B. At home.C. At a TV station. 12. What does Bob like doing? A. Playing tennis.B. Taking photos.C. Riding bikes. 13. What did the woman dream of being? A. A shop owner.B. A bank clerk.C. A tennis player. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。 14. What is the mans plan for the weekend? A. To climb mountains.B. To do snowboarding.C. To go dirtboarding. 15. What is the woman going to Paris for? A. Sightseeing.B. Taking pictures.C. Learning art. 16. How long will the woman stay in Paris? A. One weekend.B. Four days.C. One week. 17. What is the womans big interest? A. Art.B. Sports.C. Photography. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 18. What organizations used to have a lot of power? A. Newspapers and publishers. B. Universities and libraries. C. Digital companies. 19. Why do many city people prefer e-books? A. They are cheaper. B. They are more portable. C. They are more available. 20. What can we learn about Borders Group? A. They were bought by a tech company. B. They used to have more than 600 stores. C. They made billions of dollars this year. 第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Top Box Office Movies In New York Honest Thief In Theaters: January 41 2021 PG-13| 1h 39m | Action. Thriller Studio: Open Road Films Tom Dolan, a former demolitions expert with the marines, has robbed 12 banks in seven states and has over $9 million in cash. He decides to come clean, because hes met a woman, Annie, and doesnt want to lie to her anymore about his past. Tom calls the FBI and tells them hell hand over all the cash he stole in exchange for a reduced sentence. Come Play In Theaters: January 16, 2021 PG-13| 1h 37m | Horror, Mystery Studio: Focus Features A non-verbal autistic (自闭症)boy named Oliver is constantly on his cell phone and tablet, even at school. An app on Olivers phone keeps telling a scary story about a creature of Larry. When Larry appears on his tablet at home, the monster breaks through into the house, frightening the little boy. Oliver turned to his parents for help. They realize they have to save their son from the screen. Eddie the Eagle In Theaters: January 301 2021 PG-13| 1h 45m | Drama Studio: 20th Century Fox A biopic about Great Britains most famous ski jumper, Eddie The Eagle Edwards, who finished last in the 70 m and 90 m events at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. Despite that, he became famous as an underdog and made appearances on TV talk shows around the world. Without any funding, Eddie paid for his own training and equipment. The War with Grandpa In Theaters : February 4, 2021 PG| 1h 41m | Drama. Family Studio: 101 Studios When Peles grandmother dies, his grandfather Ed is struggling on his own. Petes parents convince Ed to come and live with them. Unfortunately for the boy, his parents decide that Ed will take over Petes room. Upset by this news, Pete comes up with a series of tricks to get rid of his grandfather. However. Grandpa isnt going down without a fight. He enlists friends to find tricks of his own. 21. Which studio made an action film? A. Focus FeaturesB. Open Road Films C. 101 StudiosD. 20th Century Fox 22. What is Oliver like in the film Come Play? A. He is scared of his parents. B. He is fond of horror movies. C. He is often absent from school. D. He is addicted to online fiction. 23. Which film shows the problem of generation gap in the family? A. Come Play.B. Honest Thief. C. Eddie the Eagle.D. The War with Grandpa. B Oregon firefighters battling wildfires across the state have a new force on their team: a Baby Yoda doll. The lovely toy, from Disneys Star Wars series The Mandalorian, has become a symbol of hope and joy among the firefighters who have been tirelessly fighting the historic wildfire since early January. It all began when five-year-old Carver Tinning and his grandmother Sasha Tinning from Scappoose, Oregon, found the Baby Yoda while searching for items in the superstore to donate to Oregon firefighters. Sasha said, Hey, this plush (丝绒)toy looks neat, maybe we should take this to the firefighters. Carver responded, He would be a very good friend for them. The toy, along with a note saying, Thank you, firefighters. Here is a friend for you in case you get lonely. Love. Carver. was handed to donation drive volunteers on January 20. The thoughtful gift brought tears to their eyes. Volunteer Tyler Eubanks said We were all really touched that Carver wanted to give a companion to the men and women who were out risking their lives to fight the wildfires. Eubanks delivered the toy to the firefighters in Colton, Oregon. The toy and note was really emotional for the firefighters and a couple of people broke down in tears. Eubanks 20k a few pictures of the Baby Yoda in action, and then posted them on the Facebook, titled Baby Yoda Fights Fires”. The pictures became instant hits, reaching over 500, 000 fans. Eubanks was thrilled by the community response. She told the media, The impressive response is giving firefighters a huge moral inspiration, which is something thats really needed right now. Sasha agreed, saying, Its a miracle how one small gesture should create a wave of kindness. The 54-year- old said Carver was excited that everyone liked Baby Yoda and happy that the firefightersmany of whom hadnt been able to see their families for weekshad a little friend to give them comfort. 24. Why did Carver and Sasha buy a Baby Yoda doll in the superstore? A. Because it was a toy with encouraging notes. B. Because it came from Disneys Star Wars series. C. Because it was a lovely doll that everyone likes. D. Because it could be a gift to support the firefighters. 25. How did Eubanks help the firefighters? A. By bringing them more companions. B. By showing their actions on the media. C. By joining them in fighting the wildfire. D. By making the toys adventure into a film. 26. What can be inferred from Sashas words in the last paragraph? A. She was proud of their small act of kindness. B. She was grateful for the work of the volunteers. C. She was surprised that the doll was so popular. D. She was concerned about the life of firefighters. 27. What is the suitable title for the text? A. Baby Yoda Joined Firefighters in Battling Wildfires B. Firefighters Risked Their Lives to Fight the Wildfires C. Young Carver Delivered a Magical Toy to Firefighters D. Volunteers Contributed More to Fighting the Wildfires C There are seven different kinds of sea turtles in the world. All of them are threatened. Several are in danger of being wiped out completely. Sea turtles lay large groups of eggs under the sand on beaches. The eggs face many challenges, both natural and man-made. In Costa Rica, one big threat is poachers (偷猎者)-people who take the eggs illegally in order to sell them. Kim Williams-Guillen is a scientist who works for the University of Michigan and Paso Pacifico, a group that works to protect animals in Costa Rica. After watching a couple of TV police shows, she suddenly had an idea- what if poachers could be located using a fake(假的) turtle egg with a GPS tracker inside? Dr. Williams-Guillen then worked with other scientists to create the fake egg. They used a special material known as Ninjaflex to 3D-print a ball about the size and shape of a real turtle egg. The inside of the egg was a device like a small cell phone with a battery, and a GPS. As long as it had a cell signal, the egg could report its location once an hour. The researchers called the finished device the InvestEGGator. The researchers carried out an actual field test with these GPS-enabled eggs by placing them with the real ones in 101 different turtle nests on the beaches in Costa Rica. They wanted to track illegal poaching routes and activities. As it turned out, many of these fake eggs were illegally stolen from the nest and ended up in nearby bars and residential areas. That wasnt a big surprise. Though its against the law to take them from the beach, Its not illegal to buy them. However, as Williams-Guillen states, although this is a strong start to conserve the endangered species, GPS- enabled fake eggs are far from the only solution to catch the offenders. It really must be used in the context of a multi-pronged conservation approach that uses education, building better economic opportunities, and enforcement to help fight sea turtle egg poaching. Kim added. 28. What is the trouble the sea turtles have in Costa Rica? A. Their habitats are threaten by humans. B. There is no place to lay eggs on beaches. C. Their eggs are often stolen by poachers. D. Some fake eggs are placed in their nests. 29. What do we know about the GPS-enabled egg? A. It looks like a real turtle egg. B. It contains a cell phone inside. C. Il can be easily found by poachers. D. It can report the turtles location. 30. What did the researchers find in the actual field test? A. The fake eggs were placed near the local bars. B. A lot of people bought the turtle eggs illegally. C. The stolen eggs were sold and consumed locally. D. All the GPS-enabled eggs worked well in the test. 31. Which opinion does Kim Williams-Guillen probably agree with? A. Further efforts are needed to protect the sea turtle. B. The fake eggs are the best way to catch the poachers. C. People should stop buying and eating the sea turtle eggs. D. More reserves should be built for the endangered species. D Theres loads of research that shows spending time in nature is good for your health and well-being. Studies suggest that a simple walk in the woods can lead to better sleep and lower stress and living near green space can even help you live longer. But not everyone lives near a park or easily gets outdoors. Now a new study finds that a virtual (虚拟)nature experience can have some of the same effects. In the study, researchers from the University of Exeter in the U.K, wanted to see if the same positive impacts of being out in nature would translate to experiencing nature virtually. Alex Smalley, PhD student and researcher on the Virtual Nature project told TreeHugger,” We are particularly interested in reducing boredom commonly experienced by older people in care homes.” For the study, researchers brought 96 adults into a lab and induced (引诱)boredom by having them watch a video of a man discussing his work at an office. In a monotone voice, the man described his nine-to-five job over years with the same routine rules day in and day out. When the participants got bored, they began to watch the beautiful scenes of an underwater coral reef from the BBCs Blue Planet series on TV. Researchers were surprised to find that only four-minute bursting of watching nature on TV minimized the participants negative feelings like sadness and boredom. The virtual nature experience actually increased positive feelings, such as happiness, and strengthened the connections people said they had to nature. Originally, the study was to research benefits for people who were stuck indoors, such as those in nursing homes or people recovering from illness. But during the pandemic (COVID-19) , the results might apply to the global population. Smalley says, Wed always recommend trying to get out into nature whenever possible but for those who cant, our findings suggest that digital experiences of nature could provide a short-term fix.” 32. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2? A. Show the process of the research. B. Present the Virtual Nature project. C. Indicate the purpose of the research. D. Introduce the researchers of the study. 33. What does the underlined word monotone mean in paragraph 3? A. Proud and excitingB. Calm but deep C. Strange but clearD. Single and dull 34. Why were the participants required to watch the TV program in the test? A. To make a comment about the man on the video. B. To learn about the BBCs Blue Planet IIseries. C. To battle boredom with virtual nature experience. D. To record the physical data in the virtual experience. 35. How can you experience nature when a pandemic keep you inside? A. Try to live in a house near a park. B. Watch BBC Programming on TV. C. Bring nature to your home via TV. D. Share experiences on digital media. 第二节(共 5 小翅;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to fulfill your 2021 New Years resolutions Its that time of year again. We make our New Years resolutions (决心)to balance our lives out when the bell of the New Year rings. Some of us want to lose weight while others simply want to make healthier choices. 36 How can we keep our resolution and achieve our goal? Coming to this question, you need to learn the following tips. Research. Make sure you find out the information on what youre about to take on. If your resolution is to lose weight, then your job is to learn actual ways to go about doing that. Check out HealthAmbition. coms informative posts on the best burning exercises. They offer solutions for those who prefer exercising, 37 Talk to others about your goals. Discuss your goals and why you make them with your family and friends.28 This step is very important! People who tell others about their goals are more likely to accomplish them, whether its because they have extra support they need, or because the/re afraid of being embarrassed if they dont accomplish them. 39 Take each step one at a time and be happy with your progress. The onl
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届百师 联盟 同盟 高三 下学 期开年 摸底 联考 新高 考卷 ii 英语试题 word 答案 谜底
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