(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 3 Food and Meals-Lesson 17 What’s for Breakfast -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:32324).zip


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冀教版三年级英语下册 Lesson 17 Whats for Breakfast? egg leg pen milk live six bread head breakfas t Lets play!Lets play! Whats missing?Whats missing? A guessing game!A guessing game!A guessing game!A guessing game! m lk gg br d Look and Match Look and Match ea i e Lesson17U03_L17_02_chant_text.swf Look and Say. I like for breakfast. I like for breakfast. I like for breakfast. I like for breakfast. Whats for breakfast? I like .for breakfast. Say pair workpair work A: Hello! Do you eat breakfast? B: Yes. A: Whats for breakfast? B: I like___for breakfast. A: Thank you! B : Youre welcome. Lets chant! breakfast breakfast Whats for breakfast? I like soup for breakfast. lunch lunch Whats for lunch? I like noodles for lunch. dinner dinner Whats for dinner? I like rice for dinner. Chinese Food Western Food I am a little reportor.Make an intervew and find out what your classmates like for breakfast. 我 是一名小记者。调查一下班里的同学 早饭喜欢吃什么,向同学们汇报。 .Name ____: I like ______for breakfast. ____: I like ______and _____for breakfast. HomeworkHomework冀教版小学三年级英语下册 LessonLesson 1717 WhatsWhats forfor Breakfast?Breakfast?教学设计 教材内容分析教材内容分析 本课是冀教版小学英语三年级下册第三单元第五课。本单元主题是食物和 三餐,学生首次接触相关内容,所以学好本单元会为以后的学习打下良好的基 础。本课是第五课,在前几课学习的基础上继续扩展食物词汇 milk egg bread 和表达自己喜欢的早餐,内容和日常生活非常接近,学生乐于学习。其中 句式 I likefor breakfast.是 I like vegetables/fruit句式的 延伸,是本单元的学习重点,要求学生能结合生活实际自由地表达自己喜欢的 一日三餐。 学情分析学情分析 三年级学生经过半年多的学习对英语已经有了一定的认识、感知和理解, 能听懂教师的课堂用语并做出相应的反应,能够独立地表演情境对话,能够积 极、主动地学习,渴望获得更多的英语交流的机会。这一课是有关食物和三餐 的内容与学生的日常生活非常贴近,因此学生会非常乐意学习,但是孩子们仍 处于学习英语的启蒙阶段,要注意激发和保护学生的学习兴趣。 教学目标教学目标 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 (1)能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:bread milk egg (2) 能理解并口头运用 Whats for breakfast? I like.for breakfast.进行自由表达。 (3)了解 h w r u 在单词中的发音及规则。 情感与态度目标情感与态度目标 (1)了解中西方饮食差异,培养学生的跨文化意识。 (2)培养学生的健康饮食观念。 过程与方法过程与方法 (1) 创设情境,让学生在情景中学习新内容。 (2) 运用图片,更直观的学习单词。 (3) 通过 chant 、 游戏等操练新学内容。 教学重点教学重点 1.能听懂、会说、认读和书写单词:bread milk egg 2.能理解并口头运用 Whats for Breakfast? I like.for breakfast.进行自由表达。 教学难点教学难点 1.运用 Whats for breakfast? I like.for breakfast.进行自 由表达。 2.体会字母 e i 及字母组合 ea 的发音。 教学用具教学用具 图片 多媒体课件 教学过程教学过程 StepStep 1 1 ClassClass openingopening andand warmingwarming up.up. T: Hello! Boys and girls! How are you? S: Im fine, thanks. T: Before the class, Lets sing a song-Its time for lunch. Sing a song with the students together. (设计意图:通过欢快的歌曲将学生注意力引入课堂,并由歌曲里的午饭 过渡到早饭,很自然地开始本课的学习。) StepStep 2 2 NewNew conceptsconcepts PartPart 1 1 WhatsWhats this?this? (1)Lead(1)Lead inin newnew wordswords. Show PPT about having breakfast T:Look! Its seven oclock in the morning .Its time for S: Breakfast. T:Jenny is having breakfast . Whats Jenny having for breakfast? Let the students repeat Whats for breakfast? Then tell them we will learn the words egg, bread and milk. Many people like to eat them for breakfast. (设计意图 :设计情景,引出本课所学单词。) (2 2)TeachTeach newnew wordswords. PPT 出示 egg 的图片 The students can read egg, so let them try to read it . S: Try to read . T:Who wants to read it? S1: S2: T: Yes. Its an egg .(强调 an egg)Please repeat. S: Read after the teacher several times. The students read leg /pen to pay attention to the rule of pronunciation . T: OK! Lets read egg one by one. Name a student to read. S: Read one by one. T:Very good! Now read it in groups. S: Read in groups. T:We can read it .Lets learn how to write .Show me a finger and write it. S: Air writing with teacher several times. Teach milk and bread in the same way. (设计意图 学生通过单个读,点名读,齐读的形式学会单词的读法,然 后由教师强调元音和字母组合在单词中的发音,培养学生的语音意识。) (3)Reading(3)Reading practicepractice (活动一)(活动一)PlayPlay a a Game.Game. WhatsWhats missing?missing? T:Look! I have some pictures. When you close your eyes, one of them will missing .Can you remember which picture is missing ?Lets begin ! Play the game .First show the pictures to the students. Then ask them to close eyes. The teacher hide one of them. Let the students open eyes and guess whats missing. When the students guess right, Let one student put it on the blackboard for the right word. (活动二)(活动二)LookLook atat thethe smallsmall partpart andand guessguess whatwhat itit is?is? T: Show small part of the milk and ask whats this . S1: Milk. T:You are so clever. Look next one. Show small part of egg/bread and the students guess. If the answer is right, congratulation to the student; If the answer is wrong, let another one guess till the answer is right. (设计意图 游戏是低年级孩子乐意参与的活动,通过游戏既能吸引学生学 习新知识,又能增加课堂的趣味性。) 4.Writing4.Writing practicepractice (活动三)(活动三)LookLook andand MatchMatch (PPT 展示 一边是缺少了元音字母及字母 组合的单词搭配图片,另一边是缺少了元音字母及字母,让学生连线。) T:Who can do it? Ask the student not only to find the answer but also read the words. (设计意图 书写练习,重点让学生识记元音字母,不仅可以降低难度, 而且可以培养学生背单词重点记元音字母的意识。) PartPart 2 2 letslets chant.chant. ( (活动四活动四)Watch)Watch thethe flashflash andand answeranswer thethe questionquestion. T:Now we can read and write. Lets listen to a chant to review the words and answer a question. S:Listen to the chant. T:What food did you hear? S1:Noodles and eggs. S2:Milk and bread. S3 Chicken and rice. (设计意图 通过倾听 chant,复习前面所学单词,并培养学生注意倾听的 好习惯。) (活动五)(活动五)SaySay thethe chantchant andand dodo itit . . (设计意图 学生一边做动作,一边说 chant,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,而且 练习了单词的读法。) PartPart 3 3 WhatsWhats forfor Breakfast?Breakfast? (1)Show(1)Show somesome foodfood picturespictures toto thethe studentsstudents andand talktalk aboutabout myself.myself. T:Whats this? S: T:I like .for breakfast. T: Whats this? S: T:I like for lunch. (设计意图 复习前面学过的食物词汇,同时引出课文句型,起到承上启 下的作用。) (2)Watch(2)Watch thethe flashflash andand learnlearn thethe text.text. T:Do you want to know what Li Ming /Jenny/Danny/Kim like for breakfast? Please watch the flash. (设计意图 通过听和看,学生初步感知句子结构) (3)Sentence(3)Sentence patternpattern drilldrill (活动六)(活动六)ShowShow thethe sentencessentences inin PartPart 3,let3,let thethe studentsstudents readread inin differentdifferent ways.ways. T:Can you say the sentences? Please read yourselves first. S:Read the sentences. T:Who wants to read the sentences to us ? S1:. S2:. Then the students read after the teacher. (设计意图 通过读句子,学生进一步加深句子的印象。) ( (活动七活动七)Give)Give studentsstudents thethe sentencesentence structure,structure, accordingaccording toto thethe structurestructure toto expressexpress thethe contentcontent ofof thethe pictures.pictures. S1: I like bread and vegetables for breakfast. S2: I like chicken and rice for breakfast. S3: . S4: . (活动八)(活动八)PairPair workwork T:Its time for pair work. Practice with your partner. The students practice for 3 minutes. T:Which pair want to make a show? S1:Hello !Do you eat breakfast? S2:Yes. S1:Whats for breakfast? S2:I like for breakfast . S1:Thank you ! S2:Youre welcome ! (活动九)(活动九)ShowShow a a chantchant toto thethe students.students. LetLet boysboys askask andand girlsgirls answer.answer. (活动十)(活动十)ChooseChoose thethe foodfood picturespictures thatthat thethe studentsstudents likelike forfor breakfast,breakfast, andand makemake a a talktalk showshow toto classmates.classmates. S1:Hello ! My name is Wang Hong .I like milk for breakfast. S2:Hello!My name is .I like for breakfast. S3:. (设计意图 不同形式的句式练习,避免了机械枯燥的训练,学生在不知 不觉中练习了口语表达,完成了本课重点句式的学习。) (4)Talk(4)Talk aboutabout thethe differencesdifferences betweenbetween ChineseChinese foodfood andand WesternWestern food.food. (设计意图 培养学生的跨文化意识。) (5)Educate(5)Educate studentsstudents toto paypay attentionattention toto healthyhealthy diet.diet. PartPart 4.4. LettersLetters andand SoundsSounds 1. First watch and listen to the flash, then repeat. 2.Say more words according to the rules of pronunciation. Step3Step3 SummarySummary T:Look at the blackboard and see what we have learned today. We can read and write milk/egg/bread. We also can say I like.for breakfast. StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework 调查一下你的同学早餐喜欢吃什么,并向大家汇报。 BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesign Lesson 17 Whats for Breakfast? milk egg bread I like for breakfast .
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