(三起)冀教版三年级下册-Unit 1 Animals on the Farm-Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e00c2).zip


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    • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Animals on the Farm_Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:e00c2)
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worksheet 一、一、Listen and write: 1.Can a horse run?- , it can. 2.Can it fly?- ,it cant. 3.What s can fly? - s can fly. 二、二、Practice: 1.rabbit(复数复数)_______ 2. yes(反义词反义词)______ 3. Fish can swim(英译汉英译汉) . 4. 马会跑马会跑 (补充句子补充句子) can run. 5. Can a horse run ?(肯定回答肯定回答) , it is. 6. What animals can fly? _________ can fly.Lesson4 Lesson4 HorsesHorses and Rabbitsand Rabbits Lets sing a song! 超链接 Lets play: Guess! Whats this? Its a . horse for cord lord short Whats this? Its a . horses bad sad rap gap Whats this? Its a . rabbit It has two long ears and two red eyes. It has a short tail. Its white. rabbits animal is an animal. h ser bb t Lets write Is this a ____ ? Yes, it is. horse yes Lets guess more: Is this a ____ ? No, it isnt. horse no go so Is this a ___ _? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. rabbit Is this a ______? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. rabbit Birds can fly! What animals can fly? 。 Fish can swim! What animals can swim? Rabbits can jump! 跳 What animals can jump? Horses can run. What animals can run? 跑 What animals can fly? What animals can swim? What animals can run? What animals can jump? can . Lets chant Fish can swim.(男生) Birds can fly. (女生) Rabbits can jump. .(男生) Horses can run. (女生) I can sing. .(男生) You can dance. (女生) 超链接 Can a horse fly? Yes, it can. No, it cant. Can a horse run? Yes, it can. No, it cant. Can a rabbit jump? Yes, it can. No, it cant. Can a rabbit swim? Yes, it can. No, it cant. Lets play game:Guess Is this a? Can it fly/swim/jump/run? (no more than 5 questions. 用以下句型猜动物,不超过5个问题) Listen and write: 1.Can a horse run?- , it can. 2.Can it fly?- ,it cant. 3.What s can fly? - s can fly. yes animal No Bird 超链接 Listen and read: 1.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (注意语音语调。) 2.Work in pairs. (两人对话读。) 超链接 1. rabbit(复数)_______ 2. yes(反义词)______ 3. Fish can swim(英译汉) . 4. 马会跑 (补充句子) can run. 5. Can a horse run ?(肯定回答) , it is. 6. What animals can fly? _________ 鱼会游。 no rabbits Horses Yes Birds Lets practice: can fly. Five key wods : horse马 rabbit兔子 animal动物 yes 是的 no不 Two sentences: A:Can a ? B:Yes,it can/No.it cant. A:What animals can ? B: can . 情感升华: What can you do? -I can I I I I think I can!think I can!think I can!think I can! 我认为我能我认为我能我认为我能我认为我能 1.Listen to the radio and follow it. (跟读本篇课文) 2.Draw a picture for a”horse”and a”rabbit, then write two sentences with “can”. (分别画一张兔子和马的画,并用今日学的can句型写两句 话。) Homework: Thank you!冀教版(三起)英语冀教版(三起)英语. .三年级下册三年级下册 Lesson4Lesson4 HorsesHorses andand RabbitsRabbits 一、一、 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本节课的词汇有horse/rabbit/animal/yes/no,是继前3课内容的拓展与 运用,不算太难。句型较之上一课有点难度,一个是What animals can ____? ____can ____. 另一个是容易混淆的Can a ____ ____? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 此句采用了第三人称it 来叙述,所以句型的练习中要通过有趣味、 有情境的活动,帮助学生理解I 与it 的区别,并能正确运用。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 三年级学生刚接触英语,性格活泼好动,善于模仿,对英语学习表现出极 大的兴趣。但是学生年龄小,注意力集中时间短,教师课堂上应该运用多种方 式调动学生学习的积极性,教学设计以形象思维为主,才能符合学生的年龄特 点,让学生积极参与到课堂教学中来,在轻松、愉快的氛围中学习英语、喜欢 英语。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1.1. 知识与技能目标 (1)掌握四会单词:horse,animals,yes,no。 (2)能认读、理解并正确使用下列句型: 1.What animals can ____? ____ can ____. 2.Can a____ ____? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 2.2. 情感目标 能够正确理解各种动物的特点,并培养孩子对动物的热爱之情。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1.1. 教学重点 (1)掌握四会单词:horse,animals,yes,no。 (2)能认读、理解并正确使用下列句型: 1.What animals can ____? ____ can ____. 2.Can a____ ____? Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 2.2. 教学难点 能够熟练运用以上特殊疑问句与一般疑问句句型进行交流。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 StepStep 1 1:warmingwarming upup andand reviewreview Warming up T: Good morning, boys and girls. So glad to see you today. Now lets sing the song: Old MacDonald Had a Farm.(播放歌曲视频,教师和学生边 唱歌边做动作。) (设计意图:通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,促使学生尽快全身心投入学习活动,同 时复习之前学过的动物名词,为学习新知做准备.) StepStep 2 2:PresentationPresentation 1. new words: T: 学习歌曲中动物叫声问学生Whats this? S1/S2/S3: This is a. T: Now can you guess? Whats this?(继续播放马叫声.) S1: its a _____? T: Maybe. S2: its a _____? T: Perhaps. S3: its a __horse___? T: Lets see. Oh, its a horse. Next one. T: Follow me, horse, horse,It is a horse. T(面向S1/S2): Can you say it? S1: Horse. T: Its a horse. S2: Its a horse. S3: Its a horse. T:(出示群马图)These are . Ss: These are horses. T: Follow me, horses. Ss: Horses. T: Good job. Another one. Whats this?(riddle:It has two long ears and two red eyes.It has a short tail.Its white.) S: 兔 T: Rabbit(. 板书rabbit)“a” says /. Follow me, rabbit, rabbit, it is a rabbit. A horse is an animal. (板书animal) A rabbit is an animal. Horses and rabbits are animals. 2. Guessing game: T:Is this a?(用阴影遮盖,让学生猜) S:Yes,it is./No,it isnt.(板书yes,no) (设计意图:让学生用已经学过的句型Is this a?操练新单词horse/rabbit,同 时学习新单词yes,no) 3.新句型What animals can? T: Can a dog fly? (上一张图片是遮盖dog的图片) S:No. T:What animals can fly? (板书What animals can ___?) S: birds. T: Good. Dirds can fly. (板书___ can ___.) T: What animals can.?(做出游泳的动作,示意学生来提问) S: What animals can swim? S1/S2/S3: Fish/Ducks can swim. T: What animals can jump? S1/S2/S3: Rabbits/. can jump. T: What animals can run? S1/S2/S3: Horses /can run. T:Chant: Fish can swim. Birds can fly. Rabbits can jump. Horses can run. I can sing. You can dance. 4.新句型Can a ? T: Can a horse run? (板书Can a ___ ___?) Ss: Yes. T: Yes, it can. (板书此句) T:Can a horse fly? Ss: No. T: No, it cant. (板书此句) (设计意图:通过已有知识学习新句型Can a ____?) Step3:Step3: games:games: Game:guess(no more than 5 questions) T: Lets play a game: Guess an animal. (教师示范:拿一张图片放在头顶, 问学生 Is it a .?/ Can it .?( 根据学生的回答来猜出图片上的动物是什么。) 学生用句型Is it a? Can it?来猜卡片上的单词,猜对了可以得到单 词卡。 (设计意图:通过游戏巩固新知) StepStep 4:4: ListenListen andand imitateimitate 1. listen and write. Can a horse run?- , it can. Can it fly?- ,it cant. What s can fly? - s can fly. 2. listen and read. (1)Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. ( (注意语音语调。) (2)Work in pairs. (两人对话读。) (设计意图:课程标准要求尽量给学生创造接触原音、模仿原音的机会,本课 给学生两次听课文录音的机会,第一次着重听力的训练和培养,第二次着重培 养语音语调。) StepStep 5:5: PracticePractice 1.rabbit(复数)_______ 2. horse(复数)______ 4. Fish can swim(英译汉) . 5. 马会跑 (汉译英). can run. 6. Can a horse run ?(肯定回答) , it can. 7. What animals can fly?- s can fly. Step6:Step6: summarysummary Five key word: horse马 rabbit兔子 animal动物 yes 是的 no不 Two sentenses: A:What animals can ? B: can . A:Can a ? B:Yes,it can/No.it cant. 六、六、Homework:Homework: 1.Listen to the radio and follow it. (跟读本篇课文) 2.Draw a picture for a”horse”and a”rabbit,then write two sentences with “can”.(分别画一张兔子和马的画,并用今日学的can句型写两句话。 ) 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits horserabbit What animals can ____? ______ can ______. Can a ____ ____? Yes, it can./No, it cant yes animal no
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(三起)冀教版三年级下册_Unit Animals on the Farm_Lesson Horses and Rabbits_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:e00c2 (三起)冀教版三年级下册 _unit rabbits_ppt
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