人教版七年级下册《英语》Unit 6课件ppt+单元练习+音视频等素材.rar


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Unit 6 Im watching TV. 学习要求学习要求 1. 掌握现在进行时态的意义、结构及时间状语并初步运用。 What are you doing? Im doing my homework. Whats he doing? Hes reading. 1、掌握及运用短语:do ones homework, talk with, talk to, talk about, wait for, read a book, watch TV, take photos, talk on the phone 2、通过本单元学习,学会合理安排“学习、劳动、娱乐”三者的 时间。 学习建议学习建议 1. 学习现在进行时态结构“be + 动词 ing”, 一定注意不能掉了 be 助 动词。 2. 注意动词现在分词的构成规律以及 ing 的读音。 3. 推荐一条关于“双写“的口诀:辅元辅,倒着数,末尾音节要重读, 双写最后的字母。 4. 学习现在进行时态,要注意观察时间状语,例如:now, Look! Listen! Its two oclock now. 5. 注意短语“看书”不能译为“look a book”, 应为 “read a book”。 同步训练同步训练 Section A IAdd ing to the following words. 写出下列单词的现在分词形式。写出下列单词的现在分词形式。 Model: watch watching catch________think ________drink________ learn________clean________throw________ draw________ read_________wait_________ tell________ eat________ carry________ worry________say________ play________ listen________visit________water________ open________ come________ make________ take________ hike________ write________ give________ ride________ have________ swim________get________ begin________ shop________ sit________ run________ put_________ stop________ IIMake sentences after the model. 根据示范造句。根据示范造句。 Model: (示范) I / work What are you doing?I am working. 1. he / play computer games ________________________________________________________ __________________ 2. the Greens / watch TV ________________________________________________________ __________________ 3. our teacher / read a book ________________________________________________________ __________________ 4. we / play cards ________________________________________________________ __________________ 5. they / do their homework ________________________________________________________ __________________ 6. it / sing ________________________________________________________ __________________ IIIChoose the right answers. 选择填空。选择填空。 ( ) 1. A: Is he writing or reading? B: ________. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isntC. Hes reading ( ) 2. ________ is the boy doing? A. Whats B. What C. Who ( ) 3. The women ________ to the radio. A. are listeningB. listeningC. is listening ( ) 4. Is the boy ________ the door? A. openningB. opening C. open ( ) 5. We must ________ to school at seven thirty. A. goB. goingC. are going ( ) 6. ________ some bread on the table. A. There areB. There has C. There is ( ) 7. Lily, ________ the window. A. dont closeB. doesnt close C. isnt closing ( ) 8. A: Where are the children playing games? B: ________. A: Over thereB. At ten thirty C. They are playing football IVFill in the blanks with the right verb form. 用所给动词的正确用所给动词的正确 形式填空。形式填空。 1. My father __________ (water ) the flower now. 2. Jim can __________ (play) basketball. 3. Its half past six now. I __________ (read) Chinese. 4. Uncle Wang __________ (not watch) TV now. He __________ (mend) a bike. 5. __________ (put) on your coat, its cold outside. 6. Listen, the girls __________ (sing) in the room. 7. Her mother __________ (be) at work now. 8. Can she __________ (draw) the picture well? VForm sentences. 连词成句。连词成句。 Model: is, now, the , he, tree, climbing He is climbing the tree now. 1. Li Lei, not, having, are, supper, Ling Tao, and ________________________________________________________ ___________________ 2. Mr. Li, the girls, is, carry, the, helping, box ________________________________________________________ ___________________ 3. are, listening, to, the, the, teacher, students, now. ________________________________________________________ ___________________ 4. is, not, boy, plane, the, a, model, making VIComplete the sentences according to the Chinese. 根据中文意思根据中文意思 完成句子,一格一词。完成句子,一格一词。 1. I am ________ ________ ________ ________. (在等朋友) 2. He ________ ________ (马上来) now. 3. ________ Tom ________ ________ ________? (在玩电脑 游戏) 4. Lucy ________ ________ _______. (在拍照) 5. The man ________ ________ ________ ________ phone. (没在打电话) Section B ILook at the pictures, then ask and answer after the model. 看图看图 并根据示范进行问答。并根据示范进行问答。 Model: (示范) A: Is she running?A: Whats she doing? B: No, she isnt.B: She is riding a bike. 1. A:_______________________________ B:_______________________________ A:_______________________________ B:_______________________________ 2. A:__________________________________ B:__________________________________ A:__________________________________ B:__________________________________ 3. A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ 4. A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ 5. A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ A:_________________________________ B:_________________________________ IIComplete the following dialogue, using the sentences in the table. 用方框中的句子完成下列对话。用方框中的句子完成下列对话。 IIIAsk questions about the following passage. 读短文,提问题。读短文,提问题。 Its four thirty in the afternoon. There are many students on the playground. Jim and his friends are playing basketball. Li Lei and other boys are playing football. Miss Gao is watching the games. She is looking after the clothes, too. Where are the girls? They are over there. Some are running, others are jumping. The twins are on duty today. They are in the classroom. Lucy is cleaning the window, Lily A: _____________________ B: Im doing my homework. A: _____________________ B: She isnt here. A: _____________________ B: _____________________ A. Certainly. Im coming now. B. Where is your mother? C. What are you doing? D. Could you come here, please? is sweeping the floor. They are working hard. 1. _______________________________________________________ _________________ Its four thirty in the afternoon. 2. _______________________________________________________ _________________ They are playing basketball. 3. _______________________________________________________ _________________ Miss Gao is looking after the clothes. 4. _______________________________________________________ _________________ They are in the classroom. 5. _______________________________________________________ _________________ They are working hard. IVWrite a short dialogue for each picture. 给每幅图写一个小对话。给每幅图写一个小对话。 1.A:______________________ 2.A:________________________ B:_______________________ B:_________________________ A:_______________________ A:_______________________ B:_______________________ B: ________________________ A: _______________________ A: _______________________ B:________________________ B:_______________________ A: _________________________ A:_________________________ B:_________________________ B:______________________ 参参 考考 答答 案案 Section A I. 略 II. 略 III. 1-5 CAABA 6-8 CAA IV. 1. is watering 2. play 3. am reading 4. isnt watching, is mending 5. Put 6. are listening 7. is 8. draw V. 1.Li Lei and Lin Tao are having supper. 2. Mr. Li is helping the girls carry the box. 3. The students are listening to the teacher now. 4. The boy is not making a model plane. VI. 1. waiting for my friends 2. is coming 3. Is playing computer games 4. is taking photos. 5. isnt talking on the phone Section B I. 略 II. CBDA III. 略 IV. 略Unit 6 单元测试题二单元测试题二 【模拟试题】测一测,你掌握了吗? I.Write the correct form of the verb. (写出下列动词现在分词形 式。 ) For example: do doing 1. clean_______ 2. work_______ 3. watch_______ 4. eat_______ 5. read_______ 6. wait_______ 7. talk_______ 8. go_______ 9. play_______ 10. study______ 11. take______ 12. have______ 13. dance_____ 14. write______ 15. come_____ 16. make______ 17. get_______ 18. run_______ 19. swim_____ 20. sit_______ 21. shop_______ 22. stop_____ II. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. (看图完成句子。 ) 1. What is she doing? She __________. (dance) 2. What are they doing? They ________. (swim) 3. What is the girl doing? She _________. (cook) 4. What are they doing? They _________(play)volleyball. 5. What is the girl doing? She ________. (write) III. Ask questions and give short answers. (对下列各句提问并作简略 回答。 ) 1. Kate is doing her homework. __________________? Yes, __________. No, _________. 2. His parents are talking with the teachers. ___________________? Yes, _________. No, __________. 3. Jim is cleaning his room. ______________? Yes, __________. No, _______. 4. My friends are eating breakfast. ___________________? Yes, _________. No, _________. 5. My aunt is cooking dinner. ________________? Yes, __________. No, _________. IV. Ask questions with What. (根据答语用 What 提出问题。 ) 1. ______________________? He is taking a shower. 2. ______________________? She is reading. 3. ______________________? They are watching TV. 4. ______________________? The woman is sitting under the tree. 5. ______________________? My grandparents are eating. V. Choose the best answer. (单项选择。 ) ( )1. Who _____ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. is sing ( )2. Its 8 oclock. The students _________ an English class. A. have B. having C. is having D. are having ( )3. Listen! The baby _______ in the room. A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries ( )4. Look! Lily and Lucy ________ photos. A. are take B. is taking C. taking D. are taking ( )5. What are the boys doing in the river? They ______. A. are swiming B. are swimming C. swimming D. are swim 比一比,看谁最聪明? I. Place the words in order to make sentences. (连词成句,注意句后 标点。 ) 1. your / pals / pen /doing / are /what ____________________________? 2. father / reading / newspaper / the / his /is ____________________________. 3. some /of / are / here / my / photos ____________________________. 4. dinner / she / eating / is /now ____________________________? 5. at /pool / swimming / am / the /I ____________________________. 6. she / want / to / movies / go / to / does / the ____________________________? II.Complete the conversation. (完成对话。 ) Marie: Hello! May I speak to Karen? Karen: Hello! This is Karen. How are you, Marie? Marie: Im fine. What ______(do)? Karen: Nothing much. I ______(study)math. What about you? Marie: I _______(clean)my room. Karen: Hey, do you want to ______(go)to the movies? Marie: That _______(sound)boring. Karen: I just call Lucy. She ________(swim). Do you like _______(swim)? Marie: Sure. We can swim in the schools swimming pool. When do you want to go? Karen: Lets _______(go)to the swimming pool now. Marie: Great! III. Reading. (阅读)Write T for True or F for False according to the passage. (根 据短文内容判断正误,正确写 T,错误写 F。 ) (A) Look at the picture. Where are the children now? They are in the zoo(动物园). They are looking at the monkeys(猴子). The monkeys are in a large cage. Are the monkeys walking or jumping? They are jumping up and down in the cage. But one monkey is not jumping. Its sleeping. It is ill. Where are the children now? The children are standing next to a small cage. Whats in the small cage? There is a fox(狐狸). What is the fox doing? The fox is walking in the cage. Its looking for something to eat. It wants to go out of the cage to play and walk. Now the children are looking at the wolf (狼). Is the wolf sleeping? No, it isnt. It is not sleeping at all. The wolf is eating. What is the wolf eating? It is eating meat. There is a bone in its mouth. ( )1. The children are in the zoo. ( )2. All the monkeys are jumping. ( )3. The ill monkey lives in a small cage. ( )4. The fox is looking for the meat. ( )5. The fox wants to go out of the cage to play and walk, but it cant. ( )6. The wolf is eating. (B) Its Saturday morning. Betty is having her breakfast. Bettys mother and father are with her. On Saturday morning Betty doesnt go to school. She helps her parents do some housework. This morning she says to her mother. “Can I help you, mum? ”“Yes, you can help me. ”her mother says, “You can go to Mr. Whites shop. Something is wrong with our clock. Mr. White mends (修理)clocks. Our clock is in his shop. ”“Is he mending our clock? ”Betty asks. “Yes. ”her father says. “And this morning it is ready. ”“Yes, it is ready. ”Her mother says, “Go to Mr. Whites shop. Take this bag. You can put the clock in it. ”Betty takes the bag and goes to the shop to get the clock back home. ( )1. What is Betty doing on Saturday morning? ________. A. She goes to school. B. She is having her breakfast. C. She is cooking with her mother. ( )2. Betty often helps her parents _______on Saturday. A. do some cleaning B. do some shopping C. do some housework ( )3. There is something wrong with their ______. A. radio B. clock C. car ( )4. _______ is mending their clock. A. Mrs. White B. Mr. White C. Mr. Brown ( )5. Which is correct in the following? A. The clock is ready this morning. B. Betty goes to the shop to get the clock with a backpack. C. Betty and her mother go to the shop together. IV. Writing. (写作。 ) Suppose you are Sonia. Complete the following letter. Introduce what your friends are doing according to the pictures. (假设你是 Sonia,根 据下列 4 张照片和所给的单词完成一封信,介绍你的朋友们都在干 什么。 ) First: Tom and Mary, sing Second: Mike, run, like Third: John, play soccer Fourth: Lisa, Amy and Eric swim, enjoyDear Bob, Here are some of my photos. ___________________________________________________________ 参考答案参考答案 I. 1. cleaning 2. working 3. watching 4. eating 5. reading 6. waiting 7. talking 8. going 9. playing 10. studying 11. taking 12. having 13. dancing 14. writing 15. coming 16. making 17. getting 18. running 19. swimming 20. sitting 21. shopping 22. stopping II. 1. She is dancing . 2. They are swimming. 3. She is cooking . 4. They are playing . 5. She is writing . III. 1. Is Kate doing her homework ? Yes, she is . No , she isnt . 2. Are his parents talking with the teachers ? Yes, they are . No , they arent . 3. Is Jim cleaning his room ? Yes , he is . No , he isnt . 4. Are your friends eating breakfast ? Yes , they are . No , they arent . 5. Is your aunt cooking dinner ? Yes, she is . No , she isnt . IV. 1. Whats he doing ? 2. Whats she doing ? 3. What are they doing ? 4. Whats the woman doing ? 5. What are your grandparents doing ? V. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B I. 1. What are your pen pals doing ? 2. His father is reading the newspapers. 3. Here are some of my photos . 4. Is she eating dinner now ? 5. I am swimming at the pool . 6. Does she want to go to the movies ? II. are you doing , am studying , am cleaning , go , sounds , is swimmimg , swimmimg , go III. (A) 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T (B) 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A III.In the first photo , my friends Tom and Mary are singing . They can sing very well . In the second photo , Mike is running . He likes running . In the third photo , John is playing soccer . He often plays soccer with his classmates . In the fourth photo , Lisa , Amy and Eric are swimming . They enjoyswimming very much . Yours , SUnit 6 现在进行时练习题现在进行时练习题 Section A . 词汇词汇 A写出下列各词的现在分词形式(-ing) 。 see ______ play ______ read ______ like ______ get ______ sing ______ open ______ clean_____ write______ listen______ B . 考考你。你能总结出上面各词转化成现在分词的规律吗? a. ______________________ ,例如:play-playing b. ______________________ ,例如:write-writing c. ___________________________________________,例如:get- getting C.
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