人教版七年级下册《英语》unit 3课件ppt+单元练习+音视频等素材.rar


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    • unit3
      • 单元测试题及辅导
        • 3单元单元练习.doc--点击预览
        • How long , How far 及练习.doc--点击预览
        • how long与how far.doc--点击预览
        • like 的用法.doc--点击预览
        • 单元测试及参考答案.doc--点击预览
        • 单元知识讲解和练习.doc--点击预览
        • 特殊疑问词用法小结归纳与配套练习.doc--点击预览
        • 试题3.doc--点击预览
      • 录音
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          • Unit 3 1b.mp3
          • Unit 3 2a.mp3
          • Unit 3 2b.mp3
          • Unit 3 2c.mp3
          • Unit 3 2e.mp3
        • Section B
          • Unit 3 1c.mp3
          • Unit 3 1d.mp3
        • pronunciation 1.mp3
        • pronunciation 2.mp3
        • 三单元单词.mp3
      • 素材
        • 动画教学
          • MATERIALINC
            • ANSMOVIE_2.SWF
            • A_1A.SWF
            • BG3.SWF
            • BG4.SWF
            • BG5-B.SWF
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            • BUTTONNEXT.SWF
            • BUTTONPRE.SWF
            • BUTTONRESET.SWF
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            • BUTTONSUBMIT.SWF
            • SPIRIT_FAIL.SWF
            • SPIRIT_JXLX.SWF
            • SPIRIT_QC.SWF
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            • SPIRIT_WIN.SWF
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            • WARNMOVIE.SWF
          • 1.swf
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          • 4A_S.SWF
          • ANSMOVIE_2.SWF
          • A_1A.SWF
          • BG3.SWF
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          • BICYCLE.SWF
          • BUS RIDE.SWF
          • BUS STATION.SWF
          • BUS STOP.SWF
          • BUTTONNEXT.SWF
          • BUTTONPRE.SWF
          • BY BOAT.SWF
          • CAR.SWF
          • DEPEND.SWF
          • GIANT.SWF
          • HALF.SWF
          • HOW FAR.SWF
          • ILL.SWF
          • JXLX.SWF
          • KILOMETER.SWF
          • LEAVE FOR.SWF
          • MINUTE.SWF
          • MUST.SWF
          • NORTH.SWF
          • PAST.SWF
          • QUICK.SWF
          • SCHOOL BUS.SWF
          • SPIRIT_FAIL.SWF
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          • SPIRIT_QC.SWF
          • SPIRIT_RW.SWF
          • SPIRIT_TBTL.SWF
          • SPIRIT_WIN.SWF
          • SPIRIT_YDLJ.SWF
          • STOP.SWF
          • STORY2.SWF
          • SUBWAY.SWF
          • TBTL.SWF
          • TITLE_A_1A.SWF
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          • TRAIN.SWF
          • UNIT 4 WORDS.SWF
          • unit-4-a.swf
          • unit-4-b.swf
          • unit-4-w.swf
          • UNIT4.SWF
          • WARNMOVIE.SWF
          • WORRY.SWF
          • YDLJ.SWF
        • 文章
          • Children who walk to school concentrate better.doc--点击预览
          • walking to school .doc--点击预览
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        • 交通工具.ppt--点击预览
      • 课件
        • Section A-1
          • Section A-1.ppt--点击预览
          • Section+A-1.ppt--点击预览
        • Section A-2
          • Section A-2.ppt--点击预览
        • Section B-1
          • Section B-1.ppt--点击预览
        • Section B-2
          • Section B-2.ppt--点击预览
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Unit 3 知识点开心练知识点开心练 Section A I. 根据句意和首字母提示写单词,完成下列句子。 1. When did he get here? About twenty m______ ago. 2. It t_______ her an hour to make dinner for her family every day. 3. Her home is about thirty k____ away from the airport. 4. My father got up at 6 am. Then he had a q_______ breakfast and went to work. 5. I got to school e_______ this morning. There were few students in the school when I arrived. II. 用英语写出下列计算题的答案。 1. 7 + 5 = ________ 2. 9 + 14 = __________ 3. 4410 = ______ 4. 90 2 = _______ 5. 7 8 = ______ 6. 29 + 38 =_______ 7. 9 9 = ________ 8. 35 + 64 = ________ 9. 50 2 + 6 = ________ 10. 60 + 70 = ________ III. 根据图片内容,完成下列句子。 1. They go to the park ______. = They _______ to the park. 2. He went to Shanghai _______ yesterday. = He ___ to Shanghai yesterday. 3. She often goes to school ______. = She often ______ to school. 4. I am going to the post office _____ this afternoon. = I am going to ___ to the post office this afternoon. 5. He wants to go to the town ______. = He wants to ____ to the town. IV. 按要求完成句子。 1. Allan is coming back by train next month. (就画线部分提问) ________ ___________ Allan coming back next month? 2. Please take the medicine before supper. (改为否定句) Please ________ ___________ the medicine before supper. 3. Fishing isnt interesting. I think. (合并为一个句子) I ______ ______ fishing _____ interesting. 4. I spent two hours doing my homework yesterday.(改为同义句) It ______ me two hours ______ ______ my homework yesterday. 5. takes, the, he, usually, out, subway, to, go (.)(连词成句) ____________________________________________________ V. 从方框中选择适当的句子,补全对话。(其中有两个多余选项) A: Good morning, Bill. How did you get to school today? B: (1)___________ A: Do you usually get to school by car? B: (2)____________ I usually ride my bike to school. A: (3)___________________ B: Because I got up late. My father took me to school. A: (4)__________________ B: About ten minutes. A: How far do you live from school? B: (5)_______________ It usually takes me thirty minutes by bike. A. Yes, I do. B. How long did it take? C. No, I dont. D. I usually take the bus. E. About five miles. F. I took a car. G. Why didnt you get to school by bike today? Section B I. 英汉短语互译。 1. on foot ________2. leave for ________ 3. bus ride ________4. a lot ________ 5. a small number of ________6. 起床________ 7. 看,瞧________8. 乘船________ 9. 与不同________10. 地铁站________ II. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Tom is ill. His mother is very ______(worry) about him. 2. Do you like _______(walk) to school every day? 3. It rained this morning, so I ____(take) a bus to school. 4. Let me ______(tell) you how to go to the bank. 5. Please let me _______(see) this postcard. 6. How about ____ (speak) English to others? 7. How ______ Bob _______(get) to school every day? 8. It took him two days _______(finish) reading the book. 9. Taking a boat is a lot ______(much) fun than taking a car. 10. He is ill so he needs _______(go) to a doctor. III. 从方框中选择合适的单词或短语,并用其适当形式完成句子。 live, take, bus stop,ride, get to, means, depend on, quick, by train, river 1. I began to learn _____ a bicycle at seven years old. 2. Writing this letter _____ me half an hour. 3. How do you usually go to work? I usually go to work _____. 4. We should get off the bus at the next ________. 5. We are going to be late for the movie. Please be ______. 6. Doing exercise is a great ______ of keeping healthy. 7. Now many people _______ far away from their parents. They cant often see their parents. 8. What are you going to do? It ________ the weather. 9. There is a _____ near my house. I often swim there in summer. 10. The train is going to leave at 10 am. We must _______ the train station before it leaves. IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 你什么时候离开这里去广州? When are you going to _____ here ______ Guangzhou? 2. 这种电视机跟其他的电视机不同。 This kind of television _____ _______ ______ others. 3. 她妈妈生病住院了。 Her mother is ____ _____ _____ _____. 4. 在这个城市的一些地方没有地铁。 There are no subways in some _____ ______ the city. 5. 你觉得北京奥林匹克公园怎么样? _______ do you ______ ______ the Beijing Olympic Park? 6. 在我们班并不是所有的男孩都喜欢踢足球。 ________ ________ the boys in our class like _______ soccer. 7. 这个城市公交车的数量为 500。 ____ ____ ____ buses in this city ______ five hundred. 8. 保罗还没有回家,所以他妈妈很担心他。 Paul isnt back home now, _____ his mother _____ _____ him very much. V. 看图表, 完成下列句子。 boys girls 45 on foot by bus 5 by car 6 by bicycle 121086420 The bar chart (条形图) shows how the students in Miss Zhangs class go to school. 1. There are __________ means of transportation in the bar chart. 2. ______ girls go to school by bus. 3. The most popular way of getting to school is ________. 4. Six boys in Miss Zhangs class go to school by _______. 5. There are ________ students in Miss Zhangs class. 参考答案 Section A I. 1. minutes 2. takes 3. kilometers 4. quick 5. early II. 1. twelve 2. twenty-three 3. thirty-four 4. forty-five 5. fifty-six 6. sixty-seven 7. eighty-one 8. ninety-nine 9. one hundred and six 10. one hundred and thirty III. 1. on foot; walk 2. by train; took a train 3. by bike / bicycle; rides a bike / bicycle 4. by taxi; take a taxi 5. by car; take a car IV. 1. How is 2. dont take 3. dont think; is 4. took; to do 5. He usually takes the subway to go out. V. 1-5 FCGBE Section B I. 1. 步行2. 动身去 3. 公共汽车行程4. 很,非常 5. 一小部分的 6. get up 7. look at 8. take a boat / by boat 9. (be) different from 10. subway station II. 1. worried 2. walking / to walk 3. took 4. tell 5. see 6. speaking 7. does; get8. to finish 9. more10. to go III. 1. to ride 2. took 3. by train4. bus stop 5. quick 6. means 7. live 8. depends on 9. river10. get to IV. 1. leave; for 2. is different from 3. ill in the hospital 4. parts of 5. What; think of 6. Not all; playing 7. The number of; is 8. so; worries about V. 1. four 2. Five 3. by bicycle 4. car 5. forty-nineHow long / How far A 地 离 B 地有多远: It is + 距离 + from A 地 to B 地 = A 地 is + 距离 + from B 地 1.我家到学校 10 公里。 Its 10 kilometers _________my home________ school. = My home is 10 kilometers _____________ school. 2.Its 10 kilometers from the bus station to school. = The bus station _________ 10 kilometers ______________________ school. 3.The hospital is 5 kilometers from school. = Its 5 kilometers ___________ the hospital ____________ school. 4.离车站 8 英里。 Its 8 miles ____________the train station. = The train station is 8 ____________ from here. 5.离学校 8 英里。 Its 8 miles ____________the school. = The school is 8 ____________ from here. 6.有多远? How ______is it ? 7.离学校有多远? ______ ______ is it _______school? 8.你住的地方离学校有多远? How __________ do you live _________ school? 9.她住的地方离学校有多远? How ________ ________ she live ________ school? 10.他工作的地方离家有多远? How ________ ________ he work _______ his home? 11.我住的地方离学校 10 英里。 I live 10 miles __________ school. 12.她住的地方离学校 10 英里。 She _________ 10 miles from school. 13.他工作的地方离学校 10 英里。 He _________ 10 miles from school. (二) 1 乘某交通工具要花多少时间: It takes + time + by 工具 14.乘船要花 10 分钟。 It __________ 10 minutes _________ boat. 15.打的要花 10 分钟。 It __________ 10 minutes _________ taxi. 16.The bus ride takes 10 minutes. = ___ _________ 10 minutes ___ _____. 17.The bike ride takes 10 minutes. = ___ _________10 minutes ___ _____. 18.步行要花 10 分钟。 It _____________ 10 minutes to ________. 2 去某地乘交通工具要花多少时间: It takes + time + to get to+ by 工具 19.上学乘船要花 10 分钟。 It takes 10 minutes ____ ________ ____school by boat. 20.上学打的要花 10 分钟。It takes 10 minutes _____ ______ _____ school by taxi. 21.上班乘汽车要花 10 分钟。 It takes 10 minutes _____ ________ _____ work by bus. 3 某人 去某地乘交通工具要花多少时间:在 take 后加 sb. 代词用宾格 22.他上学乘船要花 10 分钟。 It takes ______ 10 minutes to get to school by boat. 23.我上学打的要花 10 分钟。 It takes _____ 10 minutes to get to school by taxi. 24.他们上班乘汽车花 10 分钟。 It takes _____ 10 minutes to get to school by bus. (三) 问距离用 How far,问花多长时间用 How long ,问怎样去某地用 How。 划线提问: 25.He takes the train to school. _________ ___________ he go to school? 26.It takes me 10 minutes . _______ _______ ________ it take you? 27.She walks to school? ___________ ______________ she go to school? 28.It takes him an hour to get home by bike. ______ ________ __________ it _______ him to get ________ ______ bike? 29.It is 8 miles from his home to school. ___________ __________ ____________ it from his home _______ school? .how long 对时间段或长度的提问。eg: -How long does it take to get to your house? Twenty minutes. -到你家需要多久? -20 分钟。 how far 多远 提问两地之间的距离。 eg: -How far is it from your home to our school? - Its two kilometers. -从你家到我们学校有多远?- -两公里。like 主要有两种用法:主要有两种用法: 一、用作动词(v.) ,意思为“爱,爱好,喜欢” ,无进行时态,既表示对 “人或者事物的真挚的感情” ,又表示“对某事有着浓厚的兴趣、爱好” 。后面 可以接名词、代词、动名词或者不定式。 如: My younger brother likes strawberries very much. 我的小弟弟非常喜欢吃草莓。 The boy likes washing hands in cold water. 这个男孩喜欢在冷水里洗手。 二、用作介词(prep.) ,like 前边一般情况下要有 be,翻译成“像” 。 如:The baby is like his mother. (= The baby looks like his mother.) 这个小婴儿长得像他妈妈。 有关有关 like 的重要短语及句型:的重要短语及句型: 1. look like (=look the same)看起来像 如:Lily looks like Lucy. (=Lily and Lucy look the same.)莉莉和露西看起 来长得很像。 2. What islike?怎么样? 如: What is the weather like today? It is sunny. 今天的天气怎么样? 晴天。 3. How do you like? 感觉怎么样? 如: How do you like this book? Its very interesting. 你感觉这本书怎么样? 非常有趣。 4. 指对于别人所要做的事情感到满意(经常与 would, could 等连用) ,翻译成 “希望,想要,愿意” 。 如: What would Jim like? He would like a glass of water. 吉姆想要什么? 他想要杯水。 5. like to do sth.喜欢做某事 (表示“一次性的具体的行为” ) like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 (表示“经常性的,反复发生的动作” ,已经形 成习惯) like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事 如: It is too hot,I like to swim today. 今天太热了,我想去游泳。 (只有 今天想去,一次性的行为) It is too hot,I like swimming in summer. 天太热了,整个夏天我都喜欢去游泳。 (表示“经常性的动作” ,已经形 成习惯) Our English teacher likes us to ask questions like this. 我们的英语老师希望我们这样提问。Unit 3 水平测试水平测试 听力部分听力部分(共共 20 分分) I. 听对话,选择与其相符的图片(5 分) A B C D E 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ II. 听句子,选择最佳答语(5 分) ( )6. A. He is fine.B. He is short.C. He walks. ( )7. A. Five dollars.B. Every week. C. Ten miles. ( )8. A. At 6 pm. B. Twenty minutes ago.C. After ten minutes. ( )9. A. To London.B. In Beijing.C. From Greece. ( )10. A. Yes, please. B. Thank you.C. Dont worry. III. 听对话,选择正确答案(5 分) ( )11. When did Jim get to school? A. About ten minutes ago. B. About twenty minutes ago. C. About thirty minutes ago. ( )12. How far is it from Jims home to school? A. About two miles.B. About five miles.C. About ten miles. ( )13. How does Jim get to school? A. By bike.B. By bus. C. On foot. ( )14. Who does Jim go to school with? A. His sister. B. Lily. C. Mike. ( )15. Why does Jims sister walk to school? A. It is good for her health. B. She likes walking. C. She doesnt want to take the bus. IV. 听短文,完成表格(5 分) Name Means of Transportation How far How long Henry (16)______ Eight miles (17)______ Julie On foot (18)______ Twenty minutes Sam (19)______ Twenty five miles (20)______ 笔试部分笔试部分(共共 80 分分) I. 单项选择(15 分) ( )21. I took ______ quick shower at 6:30 am. Then I had ______ breakfast at 7 am. A. a; aB. a; / C. an; the D. /; a ( )22. I often ride a _______ to work. I think it is a kind of exercise. A. trainB. taxi C. bicycleD. Subway ( )23. My son often eats junk food. I really _____ about his health. A. talkB. knowC. learnD. Worry ( )24. I often go to school _____ my fathers car and go back home ______ foot. A. in; on B. by; by C. by; in D. on; by ( )25. It takes me fifteen minutes ______ from my home to the bus station. A. walkB. walkingC. walks D. to walk ( )26. Do you like the two stories? One is funny, but _____ is not. A. the otherB. othersC. the othersD. Other ( )27. The party is beginning. Where is Lucy now? Oh, she cant come. She _______ for a test at home. A. studiesB. study C. studiedD. is studying ( )28. Why didnt you go to Johns birthday party? Because I was _________ in bed. A. ill B. early C. angry D. thirsty ( )29. When does your mother usually go shopping? It ________when she is not busy. A. hears aboutB. agrees with C. depends onD. thinks of ( )30. ________ is it from here to the Great Wall? About five kilometers. A. How longB. How farC. How often D. How many ( )31. Do you know ________ students in our school? Yes. Its about ________. A. a number of; two hundred B. the number of; two hundred C. a number of; two hundredsD. the number of; two hundreds ( )32. __________? Yes, please. I want to buy some milk. A. How are you B. Whats the matter C. Can I help you D. What are you doing ( )33. I usually get up at 7 am, ______ yesterday I got up at 6 am. A. andB. but C. or D. so ( )34. He ______ be tired now after working for ten hours. A. have toB. need C. mustD. Would ( )35. Thank you for looking after my dog for me. _____________. A. Its a pityB. That sounds goodC. I dont think so D. Youre welcome II. 完形填空(10 分) I go to school by bus every day. It is always very crowded on the bus. It is so 36 . One day I told my parents that I didnt like taking the bus to school. Then my 37 told me about his story. When he was young, he 38 in the countryside. It was near a 39 . So people there had to go out by boat. 40 parents didnt have much money, but they let him go to school. Every morning he got up very 41 . It was dark (黑的). Then he went to take a 42 . It took him about thirty minutes. Then he had to walk for another twenty minutes. He was always 43 because he could have the chance (机会) to study, although it was very cold in winter. 44 I heard my fathers story, I felt very sorry. I 45 think like that. From then on I go to school happily by bus every day. ( )36. A. boringB. dirtyC. excitingD. Dangerous ( )37. A. teacherB. fatherC. brother D. cousin ( )38. A. playedB. workedC. walkedD. Lived ( )39. A. bank B. riverC. schoolD. mountain ( )40. A. My B. Her C. His D. Their ( )41. A. late B. loudlyC. early D. quietly ( )42. A. busB. trainC. boatD. Bike ( )43. A. sadB. angryC. relaxedD. Happy ( )44. A. AfterB. BeforeC. UntilD. When ( )45. A. shouldB. shouldnt C. could D. couldnt III. 阅读理解(20 分) A Anna I work in a bank from Monday to Friday. My house is near a park and is about ten kilometers from my office. I usually go to work by train. I usually get up at 6:30 am and take the train at 7 am. It usually takes me about thirty minutes to get to my office. The train is quick and cheap. I am never late for work. Joe I am a student. My house is near a beautiful lake. My school is across from the lake. I can walk to school across a bridge. It takes me about thirty minutes. But I often go to school by boat, because it is more fun. It takes me about twenty minutes. Nancy Im a waiter. I work in a restaurant from Mon-day to Saturday. I often go to work by bus. It is about five kilometers from my house to the restaurant. It takes me about twenty-five minutes to go to work. Sometimes I am late for work because the traffic is very busy. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10 分) ( )46. Anna usually arrives at her office at about ______. A. 6:30 amB. 7 amC. 7:30 amD. 8 am ( )47. Joe often ______ to school. A. takes a busB. takes a trainC. walksD. takes a boat ( )48. Nancy lives about ______ kilometers from her working place. A. fiveB. tenC. fifteen D. twenty ( )49. The underlined word traffic means ______in Chinese. A. 餐馆B. 交通C. 市场D. 车站 ( )50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Anna is
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