(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 3 On Vacation-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:8000c).zip


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导学案: Unit 3 On Vacation (第二课时) Story: Their vacation plan 一、自读自读 story,划出生词。划出生词。 二、1、4 人小组读故事,注意红色部分词。人小组读故事,注意红色部分词。 2、Ask and answer.与同桌谈论问题并提出更多的问题。与同桌谈论问题并提出更多的问题。 (1)What is Jenny going to do during the vacation? (2)What is she going to do with her friends? (3)What is she going to eat on her picnic? (4)What is Gogo going to do during the vacation? (5)What is he going to do there? 三、跟读三、跟读 story,模仿语音语调。模仿语音语调。 四、看书齐读四、看书齐读 story。 五、五、Act out the story. 分角色表演分角色表演 story。 六、六、Lets retell the story in groups.小组复述故事。小组复述故事。 Their Vacation Plan Next week is a vacation. Jenny and Gogo are __________ their vacation. Jenny is going to __________ .Shes going to_____________with her friends. Shes going to eat _______on her picnic. Gogo is going to _______________ of ________. Hes going to_____________. 七、七、Pair work. 1、Talk about your vacation with your deskmate.(和同桌谈论假期计划) A: Next is a vacation. Where are you going during the vacation? B: Im going to . A:Who are you going with? B: Im going with . A: How are you going there? B: Im going by . A: Where are you going to stay? B: Im going to stay . A: What are you going to do? B: Im going to . A: What are you going to bring? B: Im going to bring . (设计意图:模拟真实交际情景,让学生把本节课语言知识点在语境中进 行交流。 ) 2、Share your vacation plan in your group.(小组分享假期计划)小组分享假期计划) The Vacation plan May Day is coming. Im going to . Im going with________. Im going by . Im going to stay . Im going to and . I am going to bring and a camera . Im going to be happy.空白演示 Speaker name and title here Lets sing. What are you going to do? May Day Next week is a vacation. Where is he going ? Hes going to Tibet. How is he going there? Hes going by train. Where is he going to stay? Hes going to stay in a hotel. Gogo is going to meet some friends. What are his friends going to do during the vacation? Gogo is going to meet some friends. Guess: Shes going to help Dad. What is she going to do during the vacation? Shes going to take photos. What is she going to do during the vacation ? She is going to surf the Internet. What is she going to do during the vacation ? They are going to read books. What are they going to do during the vacation ? Theyre going to visit relatives. What are they going to do during the vacation ? Hes going to make models. What is he going to do during the vacation ? Shes going to have a picnic. What is she going to do during the vacation ? Hes going to play with friends. What is he going to do during the vacation ? My Vacation Plan Im going to Miss Chen We are going by Were going to Im going to do tai chi there. see the Great Wall of China. We are going to have a pinic. What are you going to eat on your picnic? Story Their Vacation Plan Read the story by yourself and underline the new words. (自读story,划出新词。) 空白演示 Speaker name and title here the Great Wall of China see visit Im going to 空白演示 Speaker name and title here He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. (不到长城非好汉。) do tai chi Chinese Kongfu Retell the story. Ask and answer with your deskmate.Then you can ask more que stions.(同桌讨论问题,并提出更多问题) 1、What is Jenny going to do during the vacation? 4、What is Gogo going to do during the vacation? Shes going to play a game with friends. He is going to see the Great Wall of China.(的) 2、What is she going to do with her friends? Shes going to have a picnic. 3、What is she going to eat on her picnic? Shes going to eat fruit. 5、What is he going to do there? He is going to do tai chi. Story Their Vacation Plan Retell the story. 分角色扮演故事 Next week is a vacation.Jenny and Gogo are__________their vacation. Jenny is going to __ .Shes going to with her friends. Shes going to eat on her picnic. Gogo is going to of .Hes going to_______. Task 4:Task 4: R Retell the story.etell the story. ( (口头复述故事)口头复述故事) Their Vacation PlanTheir Vacation Plan talking about play a game with friends have a picnic fruit see the Great Wall China do tai chi. What about your vacation? What are you going to do during the vacation? Where are you going? Im going to. What are you going to do? Im going to. What are you going to bring?Im going to bring. fruit A: NextA: Next______________ is a vacation. is a vacation. WhereWhere are youare you going during going during the vacationthe vacation? B: IB: Im m goingoing g to_________ A: Who are you going with? B: Im going with _________ A: A: HowHow are you goingare you going there?there? B: IB: Im going by m going by _________ A: A: WhereWhere are you going toare you going to staystay? ? B: IB: Im going to m going to staystay_________._________. A: A: WhatWhat are you going to do? are you going to do? B: IB: Im going tom going to_____________._____________. A: A: WhatWhat are you going to are you going to bringbring? ? B: IB: Im going to bringm going to bring___________.___________. Task 5:Task 5: Talk about your vacation with your deskmate.(同桌谈论假期计划) Task 6: Share your vacation plan May Day is coming. Im going to . Im going by______.Im going with my______.Im going to stay .Im going to______and__________.I am going to bring and a camera . Im going to be happy. The Vacation plan Homework: 1.Retell and act the story with your friends. 2.Writing: The Vacation Plan Doing your best today is the best preparation for tomorrow. (做好今天就是为明天做好准备。)五年级下册英语五年级下册英语 Unit 3 On Vacation 课时:第二课时课时:第二课时 内容:内容:Story time 课型:会话课课型:会话课 一、一、教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标:、知识目标: 通过提问方式复习 Where are you going? How are you going there?Where are you going to stay? What are you going to do?句型,引出本课主题 Their vacation plan 并进一步谈论话题。 2、能力目标:、能力目标: (1)通过小组合作学习,进一步掌握课文知识,会分角色读课文。 (2)通过设计对话,巩固几大句型,学会运用。 (3)运用学过的句型,分享度假计划。 3、文化目标:、文化目标:了解不同城市的气候差异,出行选择相应的活动和必需品。 4、情感态度:、情感态度: 引导学生学会珍惜时间,合理安排自己的假期活动。 5、学习策略:、学习策略: 通过个人、结对和小组活动等方式,促使学生合作学习,共同探讨“Their vacation plan”这一话题。 二二 、教学重点、难点、教学重点、难点 教学重点:理解 Story 的对话, 认读词汇:the Great Wall of China, do tai chi, 能够正确地朗读课文并进行表演。 教学难点:搞清楚几大句型的区别,会运用句型用对话的形式进行交流,进 一步提高学生口头表达能力。 三三 、教具准备、教具准备 PPT、学生导学案、图片、词卡 四四 、教学过程、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1、Song activity. Students sing the song“What are you going to do?” (设计意图:通过唱歌营造轻松的课堂气氛,带学生进入 vacation 话题。) 2、Ask and answer. T:Boys and girls. Today is April 26th. Next week is a vacation. Its May Day.This is Gogo. Where is he going?How is he going? Where is he going to stay? Gogo is going to meet some friends.What are his friends going to do?Please guess.以 ask and answer 形式问答复习句型和短语。 3、T:Gogo is going to be very busy during the vacation.But he will be very happy.Boys and girls. I have a vacation plan on May Day too.Im going to Beijing.Beijing is very beautiful.Do you want to go with me? Ss: Yes. T:Ok. Lets go togehter.We are going by plane.Look! There are many good places in Beijing. We are going to see the Great Wall of China.Im going to do tai chi there. Then were going to have a picnic. Do you like picnic? What are you going to eat on your picnic? S1、2:. (设计意图:通过介绍老师的假期计划,让学生初步感知新词,为进一步学习对 话做好铺垫。 ) Step 2 Story learning 1、Lead in story. T:Today our friends Gogo and Jenny will have a good trip too.They are in the classroom now. Listen!What are they talking about? Lets watch the video. (设计意图:通过观看 PPT,带着问题有目的性地听课文,初步了解故事内容。 ) 2、Read and learn. T:Can you tell us what are Jenny and Gogo talking about? Ss:They are talking about their vacation. T:Yeah!They are talking about their vacation plan.(引出课题,板书:Their vacation plan) T:Now read the story by yourself and underline the new words.(Students read by themselves.) (设计意图:通过自由朗读课文,让学生感知生词的发音及了解更多对话的信息, 为进一步理解课文作铺垫。 ) T:Look!Can you read the word?引出 the Great Wall of China、do tai chi 教授,并延 伸 Chinese Kongfu 和谚语 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. T:Now read the story in your group. Pay attention to the red words. (小组练读) Next,talk about the questions with your deskmate and ask more questions.(理 清短文内容,和同桌讨论问题) T: Lets check the answer. (设计意图:通过讨论和提问的形式,培养学生用英语思考和对话的能力) T: listen to the tape and read after the story.注意模仿语音语调。 T:Open your books and read together.全班看书齐读。 (设计意图:分四次读短文,可以由浅入深理解,使学生容易掌握内容。) Step 3 Story comprehensions (1)Role play or act out the story. T:Boys and girls.I know you understand this story well.Now .Can you act out this story?You can act Jenny,Gogo or Ms Black.Please act in your group. Students act the story. 分角色读短文。 T:Now lets show it.Ask the group to show. (2)Retell the story.T:You act the story so wonderful. can you retell the story?Lets retell the story in groups. Their Vacation Plan Next week is a vacation.Jenny and Gogo are their vacation. Jenny is going to .Shes going to with her friends. Shes going to eat on her picnic. Gogo is going to of .Hes going to . (设计意图:这两个环节检验了学生对课文的整体掌握程度,并进一步巩固知 识点。 ) Step 4 Extension 1、T:This is Gogo and Jennys vacation plan.Boys and girls.May Day is coming.What about your vacation ? What are you going to do during the vacation? Where are you going? What are you going to do? What are you going to bring? T: Talk about your vacation with your deskmate. 2、T:Show time. 学生对话展示。 A: Next is a vacation. Where are you going during the vacation? B: Im going to . A:Who are you going with? B: Im going with . A: How are you going to get there? B: Im going by . A: Where are you going to stay? B: Im going to stay . A: What are you going to do? B: Im going to . A: What are you going to bring? B: Im going to bring (设计意图:模拟真实交际情景,让学生把本节课语言知识点在语境中进 行交流。 ) 3、 Share your vacation plan in your group. The Vacation plan May Day is coming . Im going to . Im going with_________. Im going by .Im going to stay .Im going to and . Im going to bring and a camera . Im going to be happy. (设计意图:通过小组分享进一步提高学生的口头表达能力。 ) Step 5 Summary Step 6 Homework 1. Retell and act the story with your friends. 2. Writing: The Vacation Plan 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 3 On Vacation Story: Their Vacation Plan What are they going to do during the vacation? Jenny play a game with friends have a picnic Gogo see the Great Wall of China do tai chi
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