(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Good Habits-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:c03b3).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Good Habits_Lesson 5_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:c03b3)
      • chocolate..wma
      • gogo.wav
      • healthy.wma
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      • listening1.mp3
      • listening_纯音频文件_纯音频输出.WMA
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P74 Unit6 More reading and writing 前置作业 1、New words (熟读以下单词熟读以下单词) healthy 健康的 step 步骤 well 好的 inside 里面 outside 外面 biting part 咬合面 chocolate 巧克力 I cant read:(找出我不会读的单词) ______________________________________________________________________ 2、Lets help Tony! Question1:How often should we brush our teeth? We should brush our teeth______. Question 2:What are the right steps to brush our teeth? Remember these steps: Brush the________of your teeth Brush the_________of your teeth. Brush the_________of your teeth. Then wash your mouth with______. 1 2 3 4 Question 3:What are the good eating habits(饮食习惯)? (请搜集对牙齿好和不好的食物,看谁搜得更多!) What foods are good for your teeth? _____________________________________________are good for our teeth. What foods are not good for your teeth? _____________________________________________are not good for our teeth. Question 4:What are the other ways to have good teeth? (请搜集还有哪些对牙齿好的方法,看谁搜得更多!) ________________________________________________________________________ 3、Write down the suggestions to Tony Dear Tony, If you want healthy teeth, you should _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Yours P74 Unit6 More reading and writing 前置作业 1、New words (熟读以下单词熟读以下单词) healthy 健康的 step 步骤 well 好的 inside 里面 outside 外面 biting part 咬合面 chocolate 巧克力 I cant read:(找出我不会读的单词) ______________________________________________________________________ 2、Lets help Tony! Question1:How often should we brush our teeth? We should brush our teeth______. Question 2:What are the right steps to brush our teeth? Remember these steps: Brush the________of your teeth Brush the_________of your teeth. Brush the_________of your teeth. Then wash your mouth with______. 1 2 3 4 Question 3:What are the good eating habits(饮食习惯)? (请搜集对牙齿好和不好的食物,看谁搜得更多!) What foods are good for your teeth? _____________________________________________are good for our teeth. What foods are not good for your teeth? _____________________________________________are not good for our teeth. Question 4:What are the other ways to have good teeth? (请搜集还有哪些对牙齿好的方法,看谁搜得更多!) ________________________________________________________________________ 3、Write down the suggestions to Tony Dear Tony, If you want healthy teeth, you should _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Yours TIPS(提示): What foods are good for your teeth? Such as(例如): vegetables 蔬菜 fruit 水果 fish 鱼 meat 肉 milk 牛奶 green tea 绿茶 soy beans 黄豆 calcium tablet 钙片 walnut 核桃 mint 薄荷 water 水. (你 能搜得更多吗?) What foods are not good for your teeth? Such as(例如):chocolate 巧克力 candies 糖果 chips 薯条 cookies 曲奇 coffee 咖啡 spicy food 辣的食物 fried chicken 炸鸡 ice cream 雪糕 canned food 罐头食 物 cola 可乐 soda water 苏打水. (你能搜得更多吗?) TIPS(提示): What foods are good for your teeth? Such as(例如): vegetables 蔬菜 fruit 水果 fish 鱼 meat 肉 milk 牛奶 green tea 绿茶 soy beans 黄豆 calcium tablet 钙片 walnut 核桃 mint 薄荷 water 水. (你能搜得更多吗?) What foods are not good for your teeth? Such as(例如):chocolate 巧克力 candies 糖果 chips 薯条 cookies 曲奇 coffee 咖啡 spicy food 辣的食物 fried chicken 炸鸡 ice cream 雪糕 canned food 罐头食 物 cola 可乐 soda water 苏打水. (你能搜得更多吗?)1 课 题 Unit 6 Good Habits More reading and writing 知识与技能 A)使学生学会下列单词:healthy 健康的 step 步骤 well 好的 inside 里面 outside 外面 biting part 咬合面 B)使学生学会在文本中根据问题找出信息 C)使学生学会为 How to have good teeth 提出建议 过程与方法 通过创设实际情景,让学生带着实际问题去阅读文本,并以写作 形式为输出检测学生的阅读理解情况。 教 学 目 标 情感态度 和价值观 培养学生养成良好的生活习惯。 教学重点使学生学会在文本中根据问题找出信息 教学难点 使学生学会为 How to have good teeth 提出建议 教具准备 PPT,牙模型,牙刷, 课时第 5 课时 教 学 过 程备 注 I.Leading in 1.Greeting T:Hello! Boys and girls. S: Hi! T: I am your new English teacher today, I am Chelsea. Glad to see you. (提问学生 1)(旨在复习 How often) T:Hello(握手)whats your name? S: T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too. T: I like swimming. Do you like swimming? S: Yes, I do. T: How often do you go swimming? S: I go swimming 2. Free talk: (提问学生 2) (旨在引出 brush your teeth) T:Hello S:Hi T: I have good teeth, I brush my teeth twice a day. How often do you brush your teeth? S: I brush my teeth T: healthy habits! 2 II. pre-reading (5mins) 1.Build the context(创设情境)(创设情境) T:I have a good friend, he is Tony, Lets say hello to Tony. S: Hello, Tony! T: Look, he is calling, what is he saying? Please listen to him.(听 Tony) T: Oh, poor Tony, boys and girls, can you help him? S: Yes T: Ok, lets help him! 2.Learn the new words T: First, open your book P74, listen to the tape. And then read the new words (听课文录音) (听完录音) T:Ok, can you try? Who can read the new words loudly? 第一种情况:有学生举手 T:Ok, you please. Boys and girls, lets read after her/him! (小老师带读,老师引导并且老师及时纠正) T:Ok, your voice is so sweet! Do you have other new words? (如果有拿出该学生的前置作业投屏) T:Who can help her! Ok, you please. T: Thank you, Lets give them big hands. T: Ok, now look at the PPT, read after the PPT. T: The whole class please (together). 第二种情况:没有学生举手 T:Ok, you please.(拿某学生的前置作业上来投屏)Ok,now read after me. III.while-reading (16mins) 1Ss answer the question1 and question2 T:Ok, we know the new words now. please take out your paper, finish question1 and question2, (老师读题目)I will give you 1 minutes. T: Ok, time is up, any volunteer? Q1: How often should we brush our teeth? S: We should brush our teeth______. T:yes,it is a good habit. 3 T: so what are the right steps to brush our teeth? (直接提问学生一个人回答两个问题) T:Take out your brush(手指) ,Lets follow the ppt. And read after it please. (播放一次 PPT,并且让学生一起做。)(不用模型,用手指示意) T: wow, your teeth are white! T: OK, now I will give you 2 minutes, take out your model, three students read and one student practice, one by one. T: Ok, Time is up, which group have a try? (1 组) T: Ok, perfect, thank you for your show. Lets give them big hands! 2Ss answer the question3 T: Ok. We know how to brush our teeth, do you know what the good habits are. Ok, now please discuss What are good for our teeth and what are bad for our teeth. I will give you 2 minutes to discuss in your group. And then finish question3. T: Time is up. Any volunteer? T: Do you have other answer? (练习) T:ok lets look at the pictures Which are good habits and which are not. Who can tell me? 3. The expansion of how can we have good teeth T:Weve discuss so many ways to have good teeth. What else, what are the other ways to have good teeth? (不用给时间小组讨论) T:Any volunteer? (没有学生说的情况下) T: oh, you dont know, lets me tell you then. IV.post-reading (6mins) 1. Writing a suggestion T:We help Tony about the 3 questions, open your book P74, lets read the passage together! 4 T: oh,Tony is calling again! Lets listen! T: Ok, now, take out your card, and write down the suggestions to Tony, I will give you 3 minutes to do this. And then I will ask some group to show here! T: any volunteer? OK you please, read it loudly. T: ok,good suggestions! I will help you to send it to Tony! V. summary (1min) T: ok, today we give Tony a big help of how can we have good teeth. First.secondthirdand the last. VI.Homework (1min) T: Your homework today is VII.emotion education Teacher give a sentence about the importance of having good teeth. Care for health begins with teeth, beautiful smile is on the teeth. 板 书 设 计 Unit 6 Good Habits How can we have good teeth? Brush our teeth twice a day Brush the inside of your teeth Brush the outside of your teeth Brush the biting part of your teeth Then wash your mouth with water Good for your teeth Not good for your teeth (贴图片) 5 教 学 反 思U6 How can you have good teeth (More reading and writing) I am sad.Because I have bad teeth. I have toothache(牙痛).I eat chocolate and candies every day. I dont like vegetables and fruit. How can I have good teeth? I have 3 questions. Can you help me? Q1:How often should we brush our teeth? Q2:What are the right steps to brush our teeth? Q3:What are the good eating habits(习惯)? Can you read? biting part 咬合面 I cant read: ________________________ New words: healthy 健康的 well 好的step 步骤 inside 里面 outside外面 chocolate 巧克力 Can you read? biting part 咬合面 I cant read: ________________________ New words: healthy 健康的 well 好的step 步骤 inside 里面 outside外面 chocolate 巧克力 Q1:How often should we brush our teeth? Q2:What are the right steps to brush our teeth? We should brush our teeth______. Remember these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Brush the ______ of your teeth inside Q2:What are the right steps to brush my teeth? Brush the _______ of your teeth Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 outside Q2:What are the right steps to brush my teeth? Brush the _________of your teeth Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 biting part Q2:What are the right steps to brush my teeth? Then wash your mouth with_____. Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4water Q2:What are the right steps to brush my teeth? Tips:利用刷牙模具边说边做, 练习刷牙,三人说一人做,轮流完成 。 Group work 语言流畅 表达清晰 1分 操作正确1分 评分标准 Q3:What are the good eating habits(饮食习惯)? ________are good for our teeth. Q3:What are the good eating habits? ________are not good for our teeth. What foods are good for your teeth? What foods are not good for your teeth? What foods are good for your teeth? fish milk green tea meat soy bean water ________are good for our teeth. What foods are not good for your teeth? chips cookies coffee ice cream spicy food fried chicken ________are not good for our teeth. What are the good habits?(问 which picture aregood habits) A B C D Good habits Bad habits What are the other ways to have good teeth? Use Dental floss 使用牙线 Use mouthwash after meals 饭后漱口 See the dentist regularly 定期看牙医 What are the other ways to have good teeth? I see.Thank you for your help. There are so many suggestions! Can you write down your suggestions? Dear Tony, If you want healthy teeth, you should____________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Yours write down the suggestions to Tony Summary How can we have good teeth? Brush our teeth twice a day Have good eating habits(饮食习惯) Other ways Homework Share with your family about how can we have good teeth. 关爱健康从牙齿开始, 美丽笑容皆留齿上 Care for health begins with teeth, beautiful smile is on the teeth remember Thank you!
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(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit Good Habits_Lesson 5_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:c03b3 (广东)粤人版五年级下册英语 unit _ppt 课件 教案 视频 音频 素材 __ 编号 c03b3
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