(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Good Habits-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b163a).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 Good Habits_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:b163a)
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blackchickclockduckpacksockWhat time is it? Its time to open the pack. pack ck /k / 包裹 Whats that? Its a clock. clock ck /k / 钟 What color is it? Its black. black ck /k / 黑色 Whats that? Its a chick. chick ck /k / 小鸡 Its a sock. sock ck /k / 袜子 The chick takes the sock. The clock is on the back. But the door is locked. Lets knock the door. knock The duck opens the door. It takes the sock and clock. duck ck /k / 鸭子 Why is the duck not happy? Learn the chant and find the answer. The duck and the clock Tick tock, tick tock. The duck kicks the clock. Tick tock, tick tock. The duck kicks the clock into a sock. Tick tock, tick tock. The duck kicks the sock into the pot. 踢踢盆盆 Why is the duck not happy? Because the duck wants to sleep. Review( Missing game) pack ducksock chickblackclock black duckchick pack Review( Missing game) blackclock chickpack Review( Missing game) sock duckchick pack Review( Missing game) pack sock kick tock chick black clock back duck tick story timethe 1st time The chick walks on the ______. A black ______ “click, click” comes. “Help!” shouts the ______. The _____ wakes up and walks out. Then it says to the chick:” Dont be sad.“ “ Lets take a _____ and _____ up the sock.” They pick up the sock . Theyre happy. story timethe 2nd time The chick walks on the ______. A black ______ “click, click” comes. “Help!” shouts the ______. The _____ wakes up and walks out. Then it says to the chick:” Dont be sad.“ “ Lets take a _____ and _____ up the sock.” They pick up the sock . Theyre happy. Lets check! The chick walks on the ______. block A black ______ “click, click” comes. truck “Help” shouts the ______. chick The _____ wakes up and walks out. duck Then it says to the chick:” Dont be sad.“ “Lets take a _____ and _____ up the sock.” stick pick They pick up the sock . Theyre happy. k c k The chick takes the sock. The clock is on the back. But the door is locked. Lets knock the door. The duck opens the door. It takes the sock and clock. 1. Read the sounds and words and chant on page 73. Homework 1.1. 读读 7373页的发音单词及唱歌谣页的发音单词及唱歌谣 。 2. Find more words with the sound k . 2. 找出更多含义找出更多含义k 音的单词音的单词 。 Thank you!1 Unit 6 Good Habits Sounds and words 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容一、教学内容 1.The sound /k/ of ck 2.Words: pack, duck, sock, chick, black, clock 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、知识目标:、知识目标: a) 学生能掌握 ck /k/ 的发音 b) 学生能拼读单词 pack, duck, sock, chick, black, clock 2、技能目标、技能目标 a)学生能通过观察模仿,领略 ck /k/ 的发音规则。 b) 学生能借助图片理解发音单词的意思。 d) 学生能在老师的指导下,一起使用自然拼读法拼读单词。 3、策略目标、策略目标 a) 通过 Sing a song.活跃气氛,调动学生学习的积极性,同时第一次引出 ck /k/的发音。 b) 通过歌曲,自然引出 What time is it? Its time to open the pack. 引出 pack。 c) 通过让学生操练/k/ /k/ pack(拍手)/k/(拍手), 在操练巩固本节课的发音及单词。 d) 通过包裹里发出时钟的响声,激发学生兴趣,自然引出 clock。 e) 通过包裹里发出的“叽叽”声引出头顶着一只袜子的 chick。 f) 通过 Why 引出课本里的歌谣,进一步巩固 ck /k/ 的发音和相应的单词。 g) 通过合作唱歌,学生能逐步养成合作的意识与能力。 h) 通过 Missing game 巩固本课学习的发音及单词。 i) 通过 pick apples 及 story time 拓展拼读,检测学生的学习情况。 4、情感目标、情感目标 A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友。 三、教学重点与难点:三、教学重点与难点: 重点重点: a) 学生能掌握 ck /k/ 的发音规则。 b) 学生能拼读发音单词 pack, duck, sock, chick, black, clock 难点难点: 学生在掌握 ck /k/ 的发音规则后,能够拼读更多带 ck /k/ 的发音的单词。 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: StepsTeachers ActivitiesPurpose 2 Warming upSing a song. 活跃气氛,调动学生学习的 积极性。 Lead-in -What time is it? -Its _____ oclock. Its time to open the pack. 1、通过歌曲自然引出含有 ck /k/发音的单词 pack。 While-teaching While-teaching 1.Teach the sounds and words by a story. 2. Teach the words by phonics. 3. Let some students guess “ Why is the duck not happy?” Then show out the chant. And then let students find out the answer. 1. 通过歌曲,自然引出 What time is it? Its time to open the pack. 引出 pack。 2. 通过让学生操练/k/ /k/ pack(拍手)/k/(拍手), 在操 练巩固本节课的发音及单词。 3. 通过包裹里发出时钟的响 声,激发学生兴趣,自然引 出 clock。 4. 通过包裹里发出的“叽叽” 声引出头顶着一只袜子的 chick。 5. 通过 Why 引出课本里的 歌谣,进一步巩固 ck /k/ 的 发音和相应的单词。 6. 通过合作唱歌,学生能逐 步养成合作的意识与能力。 Post-teaching Output 1. Missing game 2. Pick apples 3.Story time 4.Game time: When you hear the sound of /k/, you stand up and repeat the word. 1. 通过 Missing game 巩固本 课学习的发音及单词。 2. 通过 pick apples 及 story time 拓展拼读,检测学生的 学习情况。 SummarySum up the sound /k/ 引导学生对本课时知识 进行小结。 3 Homework 1.Read the sounds and words on page 73. 2. Find more words with the sound k . 通过完成作业,巩固本 节课所学的知识并进行拓展 学习。 五、板书设计:五、板书设计: Unit 6 Good Habits Sounds and words Brown bearExercise Class________ Name:___________ Listen and write. (听录音,选出正确的单词写在横线上。 ) chick stick block duck pick truck The chick walks on the ___________. A black ___________ “click, click” comes. “Help!” shouts the ____________. The ___________ wakes up and walks out. Then it says to the chick: “ Dont be sad.” “ Lets take a___________and ___________ up the sock.” They pick up the sock . Theyre happy.五下 Unit 6 Sounds and words 课堂语言 1. Hello, boys and girls. Today , lets learn Unit 6 Sounds and words. First, I divide you into three groups. Duck group , chick group and cock group. If you done a good job ,you can move up and open the pack to get something. So, are you ready? 2. Next, sing a song. Well, everybody, stand up. Lets sing “ tick tock time” Get ready! Excellent! Sit down! 3. Look here, what time is it? Its six oclock. And today its an animals day. All the animals will get some presents in the early morning. So! 4. Its time to open the pack. 5. Follow me , pack, /p/ -/ / pa ck -It says /k/. together: pack, this line, read it one by one. Well done! So whats the meaning of “pack”? Yes, 包裹. 6. Well, listen, Whats that? 7. Yes ,its a clock. 8. Follow me , clock,c /k/ -/l/ -/ / lo- clo ck-It says /k/. together: clock, this line, read it one by one. Well done! So whats the meaning of “clock”? Yes, 钟. 9. Look, what color is it? Yes, its black. 10. Follow me ,black,b /b/ -/l/ -/ / la- bla ck-It says /k/. together: black, this line, read it one by one. Very good! So whats the meaning of “black”? Yes, 黑色. 11. Listen! Whose sound is it? Whats that? Good, its a chick. 12. Well follow me.chick, /t/ -/ i / chi ck-It says /k/. together: chick, this line, read it one by one. Excellent! So whats the meaning of “chick”? Yes, 小鸡. 13. Look !Whats in the chicks head?Yes, its a sock. 14. Follow me ,sock,s /s/ -/ - so- ck-It says /k/. together:sock, this line, read it one by one. Very good! And whats the meaning of “sock”? Yes, 袜子. 15. Then whats the chick going to do? Oh!The chick takes the sock. The clock is on the back.But the door is locked.Lets knock the door.展示 “knock” 老师做动作。 Then lets knock together .And let the door open. “OK!” “Knock!” Go! “knock” “knock” “knock” 16. Wow! The duck opens the door. It takes the sock and clock. 17. Well, look! Its a .duck! Follow me.duck, /d/ -/ / du ck-It says /k/. together: duck, this line, read it one by one. Excellent! And whats the meaning of “duck”? Yes,鸭子. 18. After getting the presents, the ducks face like this.Is it happy? Guess! Why is the duck not happy? 19. Now, lets learn the chant and find the answer. (播放视频) 20. Then lets read the chant together.Do you know whats the meaning of kick and pot? Look at me! I kick (老师做动作)So “kick” means “踢” .And this is a pot. So, “pot” means “盆”.Now, I give you one minute. You try to chant with your teammates, after that , I will ask some students to show out, OK? Now, times up! Who can try? Good!(选两小组) And then, lets chant together. 21. Now, can you tell me “Why is the duck not happy?” (请一位同学)Oh, yes!Because the duck wants to sleep. 22. So today, we have learned these six words. Lets read. 23. Next, the game time. Missing game! For example, there are four words. Lets read them. “Good!” Now I play it, which one is missing? Yes, duck! 24. And next ,are you ready? (转动) Which one is missing? Yes, black. 25. Lets continue!Which one is missing? Yes, chick. 26. Next game, read and pick apples. For example, I read “tock” then I can pick this apple. Understand? So who can try?(Choose some students to read and pick apples.) 27. Then the story time. Please take out your paper. Listen and write. 28. Lets begin!-So this is the story.Finished? 34. Now, lets check! Who can give your paper to me? “Good!” Have you done a good job? “Excellent!” 35. Now lets listen again and try to read out the answer.Ready? “Go!” 41. Well done! Well, lets sum up. Today, we learn the sound of ck -/k/.(老师做/k/的动作) 42. Well, lets have a happy ending. Play a game! I read the story. If you hear the Sound of /k/, you stand up and repeat the word, understand? So, lets begin. Ready, go! 43. Look, the homework. 1. Read the sounds and words and chant on page 73. 2. Find more words with the sound k . 44. Thats all. Thank you! Class is over! (让学生站起来) Goodbye!
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(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit Good Habits_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:b163a (广东)粤人版五年级下册英语 unit _ppt 课件 教案 视频 音频 素材 公开 公然
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