(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:01717).zip


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广东版广东版开心英语开心英语五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 5 More reading and writingUnit 5 More reading and writing Pool RulesPool Rules Who is he?Who is he? SunyangSunyang What is he doing?What is he doing? What can you do in the swimming pool? Exercise1:Listen twice and circle. 听录音两遍,圈答案。 1、 I sometimes /usually/always/ never help small children. 2、I sometimes /usually/always/ never run by the swimming pool. 3、I sometimes /usually/always/ never shout. 4、I sometimes /usually/always/ never push my friends into the water. 5、I sometimes /usually/always/ never fight with my friends in water. 6、I sometimes /usually/always/ never listen to the lifeguard. 1、Exchange: 组员交换批改 2、Little teacher checks answers: 小老师评讲答案 What can you do in the swimming pool? Exercise1:Listen twice and circle. 听录音两遍,圈答案。 1、 I sometimes /usually/always/ never help small children. 2、I sometimes /usually/always/ never run by the swimming pool. 3、I sometimes /usually/always/ never shout. 4、I sometimes /usually/always/ never push my friends into the water. 5、I sometimes /usually/always/ never fight with my friends in water. 6、I sometimes /usually/always/ never listen to the lifeguard. What are they doing?Are they right or wrong? Step 1: skimming 浏览文章,获取大意,确认预测。 听录音两遍 Before we go into the pool, there are many rules (规则) we need to know. First(第一), listen to the lifeguard(救生员), he can save your life (拯救生命). Second(第二), please dont push, run, shout(大叫)or fight(打架), its dangerous(危险的). Third(第三), dont swim alone(独自) if you are under12. Fourth(第四), no jumping into the pool but using the diving board(跳板), and no sitting on it. Last(最后), to help and to take care of(关爱)children and seniors(老人). To follow the pool rules is to follow safety(安全). Step2: scanning 快速定位,提取关键信息,小组合作,完成思维导图 swimming pool rules dodo not listen to the lifeguard push run Step 3: extensive reading 仔细阅读,理解细节信息, 小组分工完成填空 Pool rulesPool rulesPool rules First, listen to the lifeguard(救生员 ), he can save your life(拯救生命). Second, please dont push, run, shout (大叫) or fight(打架), its dangerous(危险的). Third, dont swim alone(独自) if you are under12. Fourth, no jumping into the pool but using the diving board(跳板), and no sitting on it. Last, to help and to take care of(关爱 ) children and seniors(老人). A:pushing or running B: Always listen C: Do not sit D: must swim E: Be careful F: No jumping 1、____________________to the lifeguard. 2、No _____________________ and never shout or fight near the pool. 3、Parents______________ with children under 12. 4、You must use the diving board. _________________ into the pool. 5、_________________ on the diving board. 6、_________________ around small children and seniors. Exercise 2 : Fill in the pool rules Always listen pushing or running must swim No jumping Do not sit Be careful Lets sing a song I got a text, 我拿到一篇文章, I dont know what to do next. 不知道要怎么读懂它。 Baby you see, trouble is our friends. 孩子你看,困难其实是我们的好朋友。 I have three steps, 我有三个步骤 A good way to read the texts, 是阅读文章的一个好方法, Follow me and you will happy again. 跟着我你就不用再害怕了。 Reading strategies songReading strategies song 阅读技巧歌阅读技巧歌 step1, skimming the text, main idea you can get! 第一步,浏览文章,获得主要内容。 Step2, scanning the text,find the key words, think map get! 第二步,扫读文章,关键词定位,形成思维导图。 Step3, extensive reading, answer questions I am the best! 第三步,精读文章,回答问题我最棒! What do you think of them?What do you think of them? 你觉得他们的行为怎么样? Which one is more likely to follow the rules? 哪一个更遵守规则? A B Tourists Tourists Tourists Tourists in in in in the scenic spotsthe scenic spotsthe scenic spotsthe scenic spots 游客在旅游景点游客在旅游景点游客在旅游景点游客在旅游景点 Do they follow the rules? Ruler can tell us length. 尺子可以丈量长度 Rule can tell us one persons behavior,elegant or ugly. 规则可以丈量人的行为,优雅或是丑陋 Choose a topic, give advice, and show. 每组选一个主题,写下建议,小组展示 museum(博物馆)bus stop(巴士站) school 其他 场景:In the swimming pool 建议 :1、Please dont push. 2、Please dont run. 3、Please help children. 4、Please use diving board. tips: tips: line upline up排队排队 drop litter drop litter 扔垃圾扔垃圾 drink drink喝饮料喝饮料 eat eat吃食物吃食物 shout shout大叫大叫 fightfight打架打架 push push推推 runrun追逐追逐 help others help others 帮助他人帮助他人 N Nothing can be accomplished othing can be accomplished without rules. without rules. 无规矩不成方圆。无规矩不成方圆。 HomeworkHomework: Tell your family or friends Tell your family or friends about swimming pool rules. about swimming pool rules. 和家人朋友说一说游泳池规则和家人朋友说一说游泳池规则 Pushing near the pool. Running by the pool. Shouting near the pool. Fighting near the pool. Children swim with parents. Using the diving board. Jumping into the pool. Sitting on the diving board.教材内容教材内容 Unit5 More reading and writing: Pool rules 1.1. 教材分析教材分析 1本节核心内容的功能和价值:这是五年级下册第五单元的最后一个模块,内容是关于游 泳池规则。通过学习该阅读材料,对于孩子掌握阅读技巧,树立孩子们的规则意识,自觉 遵守规则,做一个有素质的人有着重要的意义。 2. 课标中对本节内容的要求:要求学生能借助图片读懂简单的小短文,并养成按意群阅读 的习惯,能正确朗读短文;知道根据单词的音、义、形来学习单词,在具体的语境中理解 祈使句的意义和用法。本节内容重点、难点是祈使句以及部分难点词汇。本节内容是本单 元的最后一个课时,介绍了游泳池的相关规则,对前面使用频率副词描述开展活动的次数 起到升华作用,为学生树立规则意识,什么该做,什么不该做有着重要意义。 2.2. 学情分析学情分析 五年级学生经过三四年级之间的思维发展提升期,字词概念逐步丰富化、系统化,通过分 析、综合、比较、抽象和概括,逐步具备了一定的掌握字词、句子的能力。但本课祈使句 和相关动词对于他们来说还是有一定难度的,最主要的障碍点就是长句的读法及意义的理 解。 为此,教学活动应尽可能地借助多媒体的优点,让学生跟读录音材料学会按意群朗读长句, 同时,采用看图片、做动作、举例子等方法帮助学生理解文章难点内容。另外,通过完成 任务来达成重点难点的把握。 3.3. 教学目标教学目标( (含重、难点含重、难点) ) 课标要求: 听:能借助图片听懂简单的录音材料; 说:能在教师的帮助下描述或复述简单的短文; 读:能正确朗读所学短文; 写:能根据提示写出简短的语句。 三维目标: A.知识与技能目标(Knowledge 能理解并运用 No., Don t.,Do not.等祈使句。掌握相关阅读技巧:略读(skimming)了解大意,扫读 (scanning)找关键词,精读(extensive reading)理解与掌握意义。 B.过程与方法目标(Process & steps ): 在自主探究、小组合作、小组竞赛等学习活动中,能树立自主意识自主探究,能在小组合 作中与其他同学积极配合与合作,遇到困难能大胆求助,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交 流。 C.情感态度价值观目标(emotional attitude & values): 在课堂学习活动中乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,积极参与各种课堂学习活动。 学生能够明确在用泳池内什么能做,什么不能做,并拓展到社会生活层面,通过对比中西 方人规则意识,增强国人规则意识,生活处处有规则,无规则不成方圆,遵守规则,从小 做起。 4.4. 教学过程教学过程 pre-reading - 热身导入,创设情境热身导入,创设情境 Warming-up: ask and answer Show the picture of Sunyang and swimming. T: class begins. Good morning boys and girls. (show a pic) Who is he? (show a video) What is he doing? Do you like swimming? Ss: Yes,. T: I like swimming too. A.Lead-in: listen the conversation and circle the right answers. T: Boys and girls, look! Tony,Jenny and Gogo are talking, What are they talking? Please take out your paper, Exercise one. Listen and circle. T: Ok, exchange. Little teacher please check the answer. (设计意图:通过问答的热身活动,调动学生的学习积极性,同时易于帮助学 生快速提高注意力。使用关于去游泳的日常对话直接导入课题,有助于学生聚 精会神快速参与今天的学习。) while-reading - 自主探究,合作交流自主探究,合作交流 Step1: skimming the text (self study) T: Look at the picture, what are they doing in the swimming pool? S: They are running. T: Are they right or wrong? Skim the passage, and find the answers. Step2: scanning the text (Group-work) T: Now, please listen to the tape twice. T: Ok, lets have a group work. Please finish the think map in your group. T: little teacher please come here and read. Students please follow her/him. Step3:extensive reading (self-study, pair-study) T: Good job! Lets read the sentences and do actions. First, listen to the lifeguard. Ready? Go! S: First, listen to the lifeguard T: well done! Exercise two. Lets read these words first. Who can read? Ok, please follow him/her. S: pushing or running. T: very good! Now please fill in the blanks. Group leaders please help your classmates. T: ok, times up. Lets check the answer one by one. (设计意图:这些活动的设计体现以生为本的教学理念。有自学,对学,和群 学,有“小老师”核对答案和带读。这样的活动有利于学生在学习过程中自己 去吃糖,符合学生勇于尝新的心理,也利于学生主体的发挥。当然,对于陌生 的词句,教师的有效指导和讲解是必须的,体现教师的示范引领作用。) Step4:sing a song: reading strategies T: reading is not easy for you. Lets sing a song, learn some reading strategies. (设计意图:通过一首自编的阅读技巧歌,总结了刚刚所运用的阅读技巧,寓 教于乐,使烦闷的阅读课增添一点趣味性。) post-reading - 主题延伸,学有所用主题延伸,学有所用 Step5: thinking and writing T: after learning the passage, what do you think of them?(show pictures) S: They dont follow the rules. T: Ruler can tell us length. Rule can tell us one persons behavior, elegant or ugly. T: which one is more likely to follow the rules? A or B? S: A T: lets see some pictures. Do they follow the rules? S: No. T: We need to change them! Each group please chooses one topic, and writes down your advices on the card. T: Ok children, you can show your card to the teachers. Lets go now! (设计意图:拓展活动的设计帮助学生在实际情景中体验运用祈使句劝告他人, 与人交流的乐趣,学有所用。并体会到生活处处有规则,我们要遵守规则。) conclusion 总结文章,点出主题总结文章,点出主题 T:We learn swimming pool rules today, and we can tell many other rules in our life. Rules is everywhere, nothing can be accomplished without rules. (设计意图:总结文章,使学生对本课主题规则有个更深刻的印象。) homework 布置作业布置作业 T: Tell your family or friends about swimming pool rules. (设计意图:巩固本节课内容,学会运用与分享) 5 5板书设计板书设计
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