(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 5-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:40f6e).zip
Unit 5 My favorite Activities I have two friends, theyre Sam and Xiaofang . 学习目标学习目标 1.能够学会朗读、理解文章中两个朋友的来信,并回答问 题。 2.能够学会用简单的句子表达自己最喜欢的活动。 3.学会用简单的句子来写作。 1.Whats the main idea of this passage? 2. Where are they from? Read and Read and answer:answer: Hi,MynanesSam,andIm11. ImfromCanada.Myfavorite activityisfishing.Ioftengofishing withmydadonweekends.We alwaysgoearlyandstayoutall day.Wedontalwayscatchfish, butthatsOK.Itsalotoffun!Please emailme. Hello,MynanesXiaofang,andIm12. ImfromChina.Myfavoriteactivityis ice-skating.MyfriendsandIgoice-skating everyweek.Ontheweekends,Wehave lessonforanhour,andthenwego shopping.UsuallyIdontbuyanything.I justlikelookingaround!Ialsolikereading emails.Writesoon. Scan reading:Scan reading:快速阅读并回答问题。快速阅读并回答问题。 1.()Whatsthemain ideaofthispassage? A.VacationPlan B.Favoriteactivity C.Favoritefood Hi,MynanesSam,andIm11.Im fromCanada.Myfavoriteactivityis fishing.Ioftengofishingwithmydad onweekends.Wealwaysgoearlyand stayoutallday.Wedontalwayscatch fish,butthatsOK.Itsalotoffun! Pleaseemailme. B Scan reading:Scan reading:快速阅读并回答问题。快速阅读并回答问题。 1.()Wherearetheyfrom? A. AmaricaandChina B. CanadaandChina C. CanadaandAmerica Hi,MynanesSam,andIm11.Im fromCanada.Myfavoriteactivityis fishing. Tips:find out the key words and underline it.(在题目 中找关键词, 再去文中找相关句子并在句子下面划线) Hello,MynanesXiaofang,andIm12. ImfromChina.Myfavoriteactivityis ice-skating. B Listen and read again, judge T or F.Listen and read again, judge T or F. 1.Samiselevenyersold._ 2.Samsfavoriteactivityisfishing._ 3.Samalwayscatchfishwithhisdad._ 4.Xiaofangistwelveyearsold._ 5.Xiaofangusuallygoice-skatingwithhercousin._ 6.Xiaofangsfavoriteactivityisice-skating._ Tips:find out the key words and underline it.(在题 目中找关键词, 再去文中找相关句子并在句子下面划线) T T F F T T Read again and fill in the blanks.Read again and fill in the blanks. WhoAgeCountryLikesHowoftenWith Sam Xiaofang Hi,MynanesSam,andIm11.ImfromCanada.My favoriteactivityisfishing.Ioftengofishingwithmy dadonweekends.Wealwaysgoearlyandstayoutall day.Wedontalwayscatchfish,butthatsOK.Itsa lotoffun!Pleaseemailme. 11Canadafishingonweekendhisdad Tips:find out the key words and underline it.(在题目中找关键词, 再去文中找相关句子并在句子下面 划线) Listen again and fill in the blanks.Listen again and fill in the blanks. Hello,MynanesXiaofang,andIm12.ImfromChina.Myfavorite activityisice-skating.MyfriendsandIgoice-skatingeveryweek.On theweekends,Wehavelessonforanhour,andthenwegoshopping. UsuallyIdontbuyanything.Ijustlikelookingaround!Ialsolike readingemails.Writesoon. WhoAgeCountryLikesHowoftenWith Sam Xiaofang 11Canadaonweekendhisdad 12Chinaice-skating everyweekherfriends fishing Tips:find out the key words and underline it.(在题目中找关键词, 再去文中找相关句子并在句子下面 划线) Show Show timetime 各组组利用道具来说说出自己最喜欢欢的活动动(Talking) For example(例如): Hello,Im_.My favorite activity is _ WritingWriting:Please help me write an email for Please help me write an email for them.them. Mynameis_andI_yearsold.Im from_.Ilike_.Idoit_ (once/twice/aweek/month).Ilikereadingandwriting emails,too.Pleasewritesoon. 学习小贴士学习小贴士 : Weshouldlearntoplanourstudy.Wenotonlydevelop interestsandhobbies,butalsodoagoodjobofstudying. 我们要学会规划自己的学习,不仅要发 展自己的兴趣爱好还要保证学习不退 步。 Thank you Thank you创感创感 元素元素 学程导航学程导航 展示反馈展示反馈 自自 研研 自自 探探 MeditatiMeditati onon andand AttentioAttentio n n (1010 分钟)分钟) FundamentalFundamental tasktask: 能够理解文章内容并回答问题 学法指引:学法指引: 导入:由 free talk 直接导入本节课的主题: Whats your favorite activity? (预时 3 分钟) Scanning reading : 1. Listen,read and get the main idea. 听录音并快速阅读,概括大意。 (预时 1 分钟) .Listen and read again ,answer the questions.再边听录音,并细读一遍文章,回答 问题。 (预时 2 分钟) Tip:find out the key words and underline.(在题目中找关键词, 再去文中找相 关句子并在句子下面划线) Self-expressionSelf-expression: 自我检测自我检测:(:(预时预时 4 4 分钟分钟) ) 一、Read and answer 快速阅读并回答问题(文本大意) 1.( )Whats the main idea of this passage? A.Vacation Plan B.Favorite activity C. Favorite food 2.( )Where are they from? A.Amarica and China B.Canada and China C.Canada and America 二、ReadRead andand judgejudge,T T. . 1.Sam is twelve yers old. _ 2.Sams favorite activity is go swimming. _ 3.Sam always catch fish with his dad ._ 4.Xiaofang is eleven years old. _ 5.Xiaofang usually go ice-skating with her cousin._ 5.Xiaofangs favorite activity is ice-skating._ 表达分享:表达分享: 1.分享自我检测的题目。 2.正确理解两个朋友最喜欢的活动并分享做题思路和技巧 自评:自评: 伙 伴 互 助 Mutual learning (10 分钟) ChallengingChallenging tasktask: 小对子能够运用相关阅读技巧解题并能正确理解 Sam 和 Xiaofang 的 email。 对学指引:对学指引: 1. Read and fill in the blank.(细读找出两 个朋友的来信,完善表格). (预时 3 分钟) PartnersPartners performanceperformance: (对子亮相,冲刺分享)(对子亮相,冲刺分享) 1.Read1.Read andand fillfill inin thethe blankblank(预时(预时 7 7 分钟)分钟) WhoAgeCountryLikesHow often With Sam Xiaofang 要求: 1.小对子能够展示出三个朋友的周末计划,带读表格的答案, 并与其他学生互动交流 互评:互评: 学 习 共 同 体 Communit y of Learnin g (20 分钟) ThemeTheme tasktask: 根据今日所学的句型,说出并写出自己最喜欢的 活动. 群学指引:群学指引: 1. 各组利用道具来说出自己最喜欢的活动 .(Talking+Writing)(预时 6 分钟) Writing: My name is _ and I _ years old.Im from _.I like _.I do it_(once/twice/a week/month). I like reading and writing emails,too.Please write soon. We should learn to plan our study.We not only develop interests and hobbies, but also do a good job of studying. Tips: 我们要学会规划自己的学习,不仅要发展 自己的兴趣爱好还要保证学习不退步. IntergroupIntergroup showshow:( (预时预时 1313 分钟分钟) ) (组际互动)(组际互动) 展示主题: 利用简单的道具向大家大方自然展示自己最喜欢的活动! (做到语言清晰,语音语调正确,举止大方自然,尽 量脱稿) 自评:自评: 小预展,大拓展小预展,大拓展 针对主题要求由小组长组织,了解展示主题,认真做好 展示任务和本组预演,使人人参与,有任务。 Homework:Write a weekend plan. (要求展示有互动,组员齐参与)(要求展示有互动,组员齐参与) 培辅课培辅课 【1、今天你需要培辅吗? 要( ) 不要( )】 培辅内容培辅内容 : 效果描述:优(效果描述:优( ) 良(良( ) 差(差( ) 生签名生签名 师签名师签名 【自主反思自主反思】(日反思)(日反思) 我当日的收获:我当日的收获:
- 资源描述:
Unit 5 My favorite Activities I have two friends, theyre Sam and Xiaofang . 学习目标学习目标 1.能够学会朗读、理解文章中两个朋友的来信,并回答问 题。 2.能够学会用简单的句子表达自己最喜欢的活动。 3.学会用简单的句子来写作。 1.Whats the main idea of this passage? 2. Where are they from? Read and Read and answer:answer: Hi,MynanesSam,andIm11. ImfromCanada.Myfavorite activityisfishing.Ioftengofishing withmydadonweekends.We alwaysgoearlyandstayoutall day.Wedontalwayscatchfish, butthatsOK.Itsalotoffun!Please emailme. Hello,MynanesXiaofang,andIm12. ImfromChina.Myfavoriteactivityis ice-skating.MyfriendsandIgoice-skating everyweek.Ontheweekends,Wehave lessonforanhour,andthenwego shopping.UsuallyIdontbuyanything.I justlikelookingaround!Ialsolikereading emails.Writesoon. Scan reading:Scan reading:快速阅读并回答问题。快速阅读并回答问题。 1.()Whatsthemain ideaofthispassage? A.VacationPlan B.Favoriteactivity C.Favoritefood Hi,MynanesSam,andIm11.Im fromCanada.Myfavoriteactivityis fishing.Ioftengofishingwithmydad onweekends.Wealwaysgoearlyand stayoutallday.Wedontalwayscatch fish,butthatsOK.Itsalotoffun! Pleaseemailme. B Scan reading:Scan reading:快速阅读并回答问题。快速阅读并回答问题。 1.()Wherearetheyfrom? A. AmaricaandChina B. CanadaandChina C. CanadaandAmerica Hi,MynanesSam,andIm11.Im fromCanada.Myfavoriteactivityis fishing. Tips:find out the key words and underline it.(在题目 中找关键词, 再去文中找相关句子并在句子下面划线) Hello,MynanesXiaofang,andIm12. ImfromChina.Myfavoriteactivityis ice-skating. B Listen and read again, judge T or F.Listen and read again, judge T or F. 1.Samiselevenyersold.____ 2.Samsfavoriteactivityisfishing.____ 3.Samalwayscatchfishwithhisdad.____ 4.Xiaofangistwelveyearsold.____ 5.Xiaofangusuallygoice-skatingwithhercousin.____ 6.Xiaofangsfavoriteactivityisice-skating.____ Tips:find out the key words and underline it.(在题 目中找关键词, 再去文中找相关句子并在句子下面划线) T T F F T T Read again and fill in the blanks.Read again and fill in the blanks. WhoAgeCountryLikesHowoftenWith Sam Xiaofang Hi,MynanesSam,andIm11.ImfromCanada.My favoriteactivityisfishing.Ioftengofishingwithmy dadonweekends.Wealwaysgoearlyandstayoutall day.Wedontalwayscatchfish,butthatsOK.Itsa lotoffun!Pleaseemailme. 11Canadafishingonweekendhisdad Tips:find out the key words and underline it.(在题目中找关键词, 再去文中找相关句子并在句子下面 划线) Listen again and fill in the blanks.Listen again and fill in the blanks. Hello,MynanesXiaofang,andIm12.ImfromChina.Myfavorite activityisice-skating.MyfriendsandIgoice-skatingeveryweek.On theweekends,Wehavelessonforanhour,andthenwegoshopping. UsuallyIdontbuyanything.Ijustlikelookingaround!Ialsolike readingemails.Writesoon. WhoAgeCountryLikesHowoftenWith Sam Xiaofang 11Canadaonweekendhisdad 12Chinaice-skating everyweekherfriends fishing Tips:find out the key words and underline it.(在题目中找关键词, 再去文中找相关句子并在句子下面 划线) Show Show timetime 各组组利用道具来说说出自己最喜欢欢的活动动(Talking) For example(例如): Hello,Im____.My favorite activity is _______ WritingWriting:Please help me write an email for Please help me write an email for them.them. Mynameis______andI_________yearsold.Im from_______.Ilike___________.Idoit____________ (once/twice/aweek/month).Ilikereadingandwriting emails,too.Pleasewritesoon. 学习小贴士学习小贴士 : Weshouldlearntoplanourstudy.Wenotonlydevelop interestsandhobbies,butalsodoagoodjobofstudying. 我们要学会规划自己的学习,不仅要发 展自己的兴趣爱好还要保证学习不退 步。 Thank you Thank you创感创感 元素元素 学程导航学程导航 展示反馈展示反馈 自自 研研 自自 探探 MeditatiMeditati onon andand AttentioAttentio n n (1010 分钟)分钟) FundamentalFundamental tasktask: 能够理解文章内容并回答问题 学法指引:学法指引: 导入:由 free talk 直接导入本节课的主题: Whats your favorite activity? (预时 3 分钟) Scanning reading : 1. Listen,read and get the main idea. 听录音并快速阅读,概括大意。 (预时 1 分钟) .Listen and read again ,answer the questions.再边听录音,并细读一遍文章,回答 问题。 (预时 2 分钟) Tip:find out the key words and underline.(在题目中找关键词, 再去文中找相 关句子并在句子下面划线) Self-expressionSelf-expression: 自我检测自我检测:(:(预时预时 4 4 分钟分钟) ) 一、Read and answer 快速阅读并回答问题(文本大意) 1.( )Whats the main idea of this passage? A.Vacation Plan B.Favorite activity C. Favorite food 2.( )Where are they from? A.Amarica and China B.Canada and China C.Canada and America 二、ReadRead andand judgejudge,T T. . 1.Sam is twelve yers old. ____ 2.Sams favorite activity is go swimming. ___ 3.Sam always catch fish with his dad .____ 4.Xiaofang is eleven years old. ____ 5.Xiaofang usually go ice-skating with her cousin.____ 5.Xiaofangs favorite activity is ice-skating._____ 表达分享:表达分享: 1.分享自我检测的题目。 2.正确理解两个朋友最喜欢的活动并分享做题思路和技巧 自评:自评: 伙 伴 互 助 Mutual learning (10 分钟) ChallengingChallenging tasktask: 小对子能够运用相关阅读技巧解题并能正确理解 Sam 和 Xiaofang 的 email。 对学指引:对学指引: 1. Read and fill in the blank.(细读找出两 个朋友的来信,完善表格). (预时 3 分钟) PartnersPartners performanceperformance: (对子亮相,冲刺分享)(对子亮相,冲刺分享) 1.Read1.Read andand fillfill inin thethe blankblank(预时(预时 7 7 分钟)分钟) WhoAgeCountryLikesHow often With Sam Xiaofang 要求: 1.小对子能够展示出三个朋友的周末计划,带读表格的答案, 并与其他学生互动交流 互评:互评: 学 习 共 同 体 Communit y of Learnin g (20 分钟) ThemeTheme tasktask: 根据今日所学的句型,说出并写出自己最喜欢的 活动. 群学指引:群学指引: 1. 各组利用道具来说出自己最喜欢的活动 .(Talking+Writing)(预时 6 分钟) Writing: My name is ______ and I _________ years old.Im from _______.I like ___________.I do it_______________(once/twice/a week/month). I like reading and writing emails,too.Please write soon. We should learn to plan our study.We not only develop interests and hobbies, but also do a good job of studying. Tips: 我们要学会规划自己的学习,不仅要发展 自己的兴趣爱好还要保证学习不退步. IntergroupIntergroup showshow:( (预时预时 1313 分钟分钟) ) (组际互动)(组际互动) 展示主题: 利用简单的道具向大家大方自然展示自己最喜欢的活动! (做到语言清晰,语音语调正确,举止大方自然,尽 量脱稿) 自评:自评: 小预展,大拓展小预展,大拓展 针对主题要求由小组长组织,了解展示主题,认真做好 展示任务和本组预演,使人人参与,有任务。 Homework:Write a weekend plan. (要求展示有互动,组员齐参与)(要求展示有互动,组员齐参与) 培辅课培辅课 【1、今天你需要培辅吗? 要( ) 不要( )】 培辅内容培辅内容 : 效果描述:优(效果描述:优( ) 良(良( ) 差(差( ) 生签名生签名 师签名师签名 【自主反思自主反思】(日反思)(日反思) 我当日的收获:我当日的收获: