(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:80024).zip


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Name: Age: Country: Favourite Activities: How often: My information card (What?) (How old?)(Where?) (Whatfavorite?) (How often?) Ye Binbin China Hiking Twice a month ? Do you want to be my friend ! Look and say Sam Sam XiaoFang Sam wants to be friends交朋友交朋友 with Xiaofang. (1) What is he writing? While-reading: The 1st reading. A.a letter B.an e-mail C. a postcard Listen and answer.听录音快速阅读回答问题听录音快速阅读回答问题 1.This is an e-mail. ( ) 2.Please email me! ( ) A.给给发电子邮件发电子邮件 B.电子邮件电子邮件 A B (2) How to write an e-mail? Be my friends 寄信人寄信人 主题主题 收信人收信人 Read by yourself and judge T or F自己默读判断对错自己默读判断对错 1.Sam is 12. ( ) 2.Sam is from the UK. ( ) 3.Sams favorite activity is fishing. ( ) 4.Sam often goes fishing on Monday.( ) 5.They dont always catch fish. ( ) F F F T Under line the key words 画出重点词画出重点词 The 2nd reading. T catch fish捉鱼捉鱼 Its early.早的,早地 I go early. I get up early. They always stay out all day. 整天留在户外 The 3rd reading. (1) Read with the tape.跟录音读课文跟录音读课文 11 Canadafishingon weekends dad (from)(how old) 两人合作、根据问题,完成表格。 Whats his favorite activity? How old is he?Where is he from? How often does he do it ? Who does he go with? (2) Ask and answer in pairs. Tips: (1) How old is he? (2) Wheres he from? (3) Whats his favorite activity? (4) How often does he do it? (5) Who does he go with? Rock-Scissors-Paper(石头(石头-剪刀剪刀 -布)布) 猜拳赢的问问题,猜拳赢的问问题, 输的回答输的回答 When we go fishing, which are Yes or No ? Swim in the lake Go with family Save people救人救人 like this? Think: x x x Call for help and call 110 Safety must come first! 安全第一!安全第一! XiaoFang Read the 2nd Email and complete the table 12China ice-skatingevery weekfriends The 4th Reading She just likes looking around. 我只是喜欢到处看看!我只是喜欢到处看看! window shopping 随便逛逛,只看不买随便逛逛,只看不买 (1)Make your information card by groups. Post - reading My information card Name: Age: Country: Favorite Activity: How often: E-mail: 小组合作小组合作,完成信息卡完成信息卡 Your Class Miss Ye Sam xfzworldmail .com XiaoFang Tips: Activities: dancing. reading. hiking. fishing. swimming. having a picnic Playing sports. making models camping shopping getting good food (2)Write an e-mail to your friends. Your friends E-mail: Miss Ye Sam xfzworldmail .com XiaoFang Be my friend 格式正确格式正确 单词拼写正确单词拼写正确 语句通顺没有错误语句通顺没有错误 letter E-Mail Q Q WeChat Cell phone Facebook We can make friends in these ways: face to face 面对面面对面 Good to know 文明上网,谨慎交友文明上网,谨慎交友 Make friends carefully on the Internet. 1.Read about the passage twice 2.Tell your E-mail to your friends Good bye!BookBook 6 6 UnitUnit 5 5 MyMy favoritefavorite activitiesactivities Reading and writing 教学设计 一、一、学情分析学情分析 本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,学生们已经有了一定的认知能力,学生们的语言知识、 阅读技能也已经有一定的基础。但是高年级的学生表现欲望已经逐步过渡为文静,表现力 不强。本课内容只要是让学生通过一些自主学习和合作,还有语言综合运用能力,把学生 课前学到的语言得到一个更好的综合能力运用、拓展,也让学生通过 email 的学习学会如 何交朋友和提高模仿写作能力。 二、内容分析二、内容分析 本单元是开心英语教材第五册 Unit5My Favorite Activities 第三课时 Reading and writing 的内容。本课以 Be my friend 为话题,内容贴近学生生活实际,语言材料真实具体。 通过本单元的学习,学生能掌握一些阅读技巧从文中获取相关的信息提高阅读能力,能听 懂邮件的内容和介绍自我,能使用英语电子邮件进行交友。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 、语言知识目标、语言知识目标 ()学习 Reading and Writing 的两封英语电子邮件内容和表达自己的个人的爱好信息。 (2)学习词汇 email, go early, stay out all day, catch, look around (3)理解句子。1) We always go early and stay out all day. 2) They dont always catch fish. 3)I just like looking around. 2、能力目标、能力目标 (1)能听懂邮件内容和学习写邮件的格式,并用mail 来表达自已最喜欢的活动,仿写 一篇交友电子邮件。 ()能运用阅读策略从文中获取相关的信息,回答有关邮件的问题。 3、情感态度目标、情感态度目标 能积极参与小组合作,能运用所学语言进行交流,共同完成学习任 务。 4、学习策略和文化意识目标:、学习策略和文化意识目标: (1) 通过个人,结对,小组活动,促使学生合作学习(2)教育学生外出活动要注意安全, 学会文明上网,谨慎交友。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 重点重点:1、能理解 Reading and Writing 的两封电子邮件内容和表达自己的个人的 爱好信息 2、仿写一篇交友电子邮件。 难点难点:1.新词汇的理解学习;2.学会写电子邮箱地址。 五、教具准备:五、教具准备:课件 PPT、词卡片和贴书等。 六、六、 教学过程:教学过程: I. Before Reading 1.Warm up 1. Greetings and free talk. 2. Guessing game. T: Lets play a guessing game Ss: answer Yeah !or No! T: You are so great! Lets be friends! Do you want to be my friend? You can ask me some questions to know more about me! Ss: Whats your name? where are you from?. (设计意图:热身活动,能拉近师生间的情感距离,通过猜测活动消除学生的紧张心理,为 学生的积极学习创造前提。而活跃了课堂气氛的同时也为新课的学习作了铺垫。) 2.Lead in(PPT 呈现 Sam 的相片) T: Look at the picture, I have a friend, his name is Sam. He likes making friends too. Can you say something about Sam? Ss: Hes fromHis favorite activity is T: Maybe. Look, he likes making friends, Who is Sam be friends to ? Ss: Xiao Fang. (板书主题:Be my friend) (设计意图:通过图片猜测,培养学生发散思维,导入主题) II. While Reading 1、The 1st reading. Listen and answer. 听读邮件,初步感知 (1) Whats Sam writing to Xiaofang? A: a letter B: an e-mail C. a postcard T: choose the answer “Whats Sam writing to Xiaofang ?” Ss: Hes writing an e-mail. T: Yes, this is an email, email have two meanings, one is 电子邮件 the other is 给发电子邮件 can you choose the best answer about 2 sentences? Ss: They are B and A (2)How to write an email? T: Sam is writing an email. Do you know how to write an email? let me tell you! (设计意图:通过初步听读,让学生带着任务快速阅读回答问题,从而引出 email 单词, 并学会写电子信的格式,为下文学习分解难点) 、The 2nd reading. Read by yourself and judge T or F默读邮件,完成判断 T: Now you read the email again by yourself and then judge the 5 sentences True or False. Please write down the key words on the book. 1.Sam is 12. ( ) 2.Sam is from the UK. ( ) 3.Sams favorite activity is fishing. ( ) 4.Sam often goes fishing on Monday.( ) 5.They dont always catch fish. ( ) Ss: T: Sam always goes fishing early and stay out all day, but they dont always catch fish. Lets learn early , stay out and catch . (板书 go early, stay out and catch 等新词汇,并教学) (设计意图:通过自己默读邮件,指导学生阅读技巧,在文中画出关键词语完成练习,从而 培养了学生寻读的能力) 3、The 3rd reading (1)Read with the tape 跟读课文 T: Its time to read the passage , Lets read with Sams email . Ss: Read together (2)Game: “Rock-Scissors-Paper” Ask and answer in pairs. 细读课文,合作完成表格 T: Now, you know about Sam. Lets play a game Rock, scissors and paper. Ask and answer in pairs, finish the table. I will give you some reading tips. (1) How old is he? (2) Wheres he from? (3) Whats his favorite activity? (4) How often does he do it? (5) Who does he go with Ss: Work in pairs and answer the questions NameAge CountryLikesHow oftenWith Sam 11Canadafishingon weekendsdad (设计意图:通过第三次跟读课文,让学生深入理解课文,并运用石头剪子布的游戏让学生 完成课本练习表格填空。让学生在玩中学习,激发了学习兴趣。) .Think: When we go fishing, which are Yes or No ? 实行安全教育实行安全教育 Ss: look and judge ! 、The 4th reading T:Wonderful , we can get the information by reading, Sam wrote and email to Xiaofang. Now, Xiaofand is writing back to Sam, you can use the same way to finish XiaoFangs information Ss: Listen the tape and write down the answer. NameAge CountryLikesHow oftenWith Xiaofang12China Ice-skating every weekfriends T: Lets check together. XiaoFang also likes go shopping, but she just likes looking around.(教学 look around) (设计意图:通过第四次阅读,拓展学生的阅读能力) III. Post Reading 1、Make your information card by groups. 制作信息卡,介绍自我制作信息卡,介绍自我 T: Sum up about Sam and Xiaofangs information and write about students information. Ss:Finish the information card in groups T: Who want to be friends with others, share your information to us! Ss: Talk about their information (设计意图:学生通过小组活动制作自己的信息卡,口头练习介绍自己) 、Write an e-mail to your friends完成邮件,笔头输出完成邮件,笔头输出 T: Boys and girls, we have learned some friends information, Who do you like make a pen friend, lets choose a person and send an email to him or her to be friends. OK? From : ____________________ To: ____________________ Subject: To be good friend Hi! My names __________, and Im __________ years old. Im from ___________. I like ______________. I do it _______________ ( once/ twice/ three times a week / month). Im happy to be your new friend. I like reading and writing emails, too. Please write soon. 3. Good to know, We can make friends in these ways: 拓展教育拓展教育 We also can use Letter, Email, QQ, Wechat, cell phone, Facebook to be friends, But I think the best way is face to face. We must make friends be careful on the Internet. 4. Homework 1. Read about the passage twice 2. Tell your E-mail to your friends . (设计意图:通过仿写,使学生学以致用。拓展教育能让学生了解通讯方法, 从而学会交朋友,珍惜朋友。 ) 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 5 Reading and Writing From : sssamgmail .com To: xfz Subject : Be my friend Name:SamXiaofang Age:1112 Country:CanadaChina Likes :fishingice-skating How often:on weekendsevery week With:dadfriends email go early stay out all day catch look around Be my friend
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(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit My Favorite Activities_Lesson 4_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_公开课_(编号:80024 (广东)粤人版五年级下册英语 unit _ppt 课件 教案 音频 公开 公然
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