(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:b17ac).zip


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Sam 一、一、ReadRead andand write.write. (阅读 Sam 的 email,完成练习) 1.ReadReadRead andandand finishfinishfinish thethethe table.table.table. (自己快速默读,完成表 1。) 2.Read2.Read2.Read againagainagain andandand share.share.share. (小组齐读,划出不懂的单词或短语,小组小组齐读,划出不懂的单词或短语,小组小组齐读,划出不懂的单词或短语,小组 长把讨论结果分享在黑板上长把讨论结果分享在黑板上长把讨论结果分享在黑板上) 二、二、Listen and write. (认真听读 Xiaofang 的邮件,并完成表 2。 ) NameAgeCountryLikesHow oftenWith Xiaofan NameAgeCountryLikesHow oftenWith Sam g 三、三、Discuss in groups. (小组讨论,提出问题,1 分钟内比一比谁提出的问题最多) 例如:1.What does your father do ______ ? 2. _____ _ ? 3. _____ _ ? 4. _____ _ ? 5. _____ _ ? 6. ______ ? 四、四、Write your email.(参考以上问题,写一篇介绍你家人情 况的邮件,完成后站起来并找相应的对象朗读) Xiaofang Xiaofang 一、一、ReadRead andand write.write. (阅读 Xiaofang 的 email,完成练 习) 1.ReadReadRead andandand finishfinishfinish thethethe table.table.table. (自己快速默读,完成表 1。) NameAgeCountryLikesHow oftenWith Xiaofan g 2.Read2.Read2.Read againagainagain andandand share.share.share. (小组齐读,划出不懂的单词或短语,小组小组齐读,划出不懂的单词或短语,小组小组齐读,划出不懂的单词或短语,小组 长把讨论结果分享在黑板上长把讨论结果分享在黑板上长把讨论结果分享在黑板上) 二、二、Listen and write. (认真听读 Sam 的邮件,并完成表 2。 ) NameAgeCountryLikesHow oftenWith Sam 三、三、Discuss in groups. (小组讨论,提出问题,1 分钟内比一比谁提出的问题最多) 例如:1.What does your father do ? 2. ? 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? 6. ? 四、四、Write your email.(参考以上问题,写一篇介绍你家人情 况的邮件,完成后站起来找相应的对象朗读)Chant What does Tony like doing? How often does he go hiking? What does Jenny like doing? How often does she go dancing? Unit 5 My Favorite Activities Reading and writing once go ice-skating once a year go fishing go swimming go hiking twice three times often Speak out quickly.(快速读出单词或者句子。快速读出单词或者句子。) I go fishing twice a month. Not very often. How often do you go fishing? four times Very often. once a month once a week Sing a song Something about me We can contact by . 联络联络 Angela and Cindy contact by email, too. C A Hello, Angela. How are you? Let me tell you something about me. I like hiking, and I do it three times a month. I also like singing. But my favorite activity is swimming. How about you? Write soon. What does Cindy like? Whats her favorite activity? They have two friends, Sam and Xiaofang. But they dont know each other. So they send an email to make friends. Reading tips: Individual Reading (个人默读) Skimming (快速浏览完成表1) Read and finish the table. NameAge CountryLikesHow oftenWith Read again and share. Reading Tips: Group Reading(小组齐读 ) Underlining(划出不懂的单词或短语) Sharing(小组长把讨论结果分享在黑板上) From: To: Subject: Hi. My names Sam, and Im 11. Im from Canada. My favorite activity is fishing. I often go fishing with my dad on weekends. We always go early and stay out all day. We dont always catch fish, but thats OK. Its a lot of fun! Please email me! Be my friend NameAge CountryLikesHow oftenWith 来 自 发往 主题 5:455:45 ! ! GoGo toto sleep,sleep, GogoGogo! ! Its early. go early 早去早去 From: To: Subject: Be my friend 来自 发往 主题 5:455:45 ! ! GoGo toto sleep,sleep, GogoGogo! ! 6:456:45 ! ! ItsIts timetime toto getget up.up. have lessons for an hour 上一小时的课上一小时的课 just like looking around 只喜欢到处看看只喜欢到处看看 From: To: Subject: Be my friend 来自 发往 主题 Hello! My names Xiaofang, and Im 12. Im from China. My favorite activity is ice-skating.My friends and I go ice- skating every week.On the weekends,we have lessons for an hour,and then we go shopping.Usually I dont buy anything. I just like looking around!I also like reading emails.Write soon. My family How old is your father? What do you want to know about each others family? (你想知道对方家人的哪些情况呢? ) WriteWrite youryour emailemail. . From: To: Subject: Hello. Im____. _________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________ My family 格式正确 单词拼写正确 语句通顺没有错误 Tips: 1.How old is your ? 2.What does do? 3.Whats your mothers favorite activity ? 4.How often does she /he ? 完成后,请站起来完成后,请站起来look around, 找相应的同学互相朗读找相应的同学互相朗读email. 1.Make friends carefully on the Internet. ( 谨慎交友谨慎交友) 2.Dont surf the Internet for a long time. ( 不能长时间上网不能长时间上网) We can make friends in other ways. Thank you!一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本节课的内容是开心学英语五年级下册 Unit5 My Favorite Activities 第 三课时 Reading and writing 的内容。本课以 Be my friend 为话题,内容贴近学 生生活实际,语言材料真实具体。通过本单元的学习,学生能掌握一些阅读技 巧进,从而更好地从文中获取相关的信息提高阅读能力,能听懂邮件的内容和 介绍自己,能使用英语电子邮件进行交友。 二、学生情况分析二、学生情况分析 学生通过两年多的英语学习,掌握和储备了一定的词汇和相关的语言知识, 具备了良好的阅读能力,养成了较好的英语阅读习惯,并具有将所学习和掌握 的知识运用于语言实践中去的能力;也已经掌握了一定的英语学习方法,并具 备了一定的听说读写的语言技能,特别是在阅读和写作方面已经有了很好的适 应阶段。 学生在前面两个课时学习了本单元的重点短语和句型,掌握了谈论个人喜 好以及频率单词的各种表述。本节课主要围绕如何运用频率的单词参照范文写 email 为主题进行的阅读和写作训练。课时的重点放在单元知识点的综合运用 上,通过听、说、读、写环节引导学生对自己的个人喜好以及进行活动的频率 等内容通过 email 的方式进行交流与分享。 三、教法学法分析三、教法学法分析 本节课是一节阅读课,以小组活动为载体,充分发挥学生的学习主动性, 完成课时内容的讲授和拓展。由于两篇 email 的内容相似,因此,在吸收传统 的阅读教学模式精华的基础上,大胆尝试分组阅读教学,课堂上把学生分成 Sam,Xiaofang 两大组,各组带着问题阅读各自的 email,为了让两大组学生能 完整了解两大篇 email 的全部内容,通过听、读,透过 key words 引导学生学会 提问并解决问题,从而提升学生的综合语言能力。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标:(一)语言知识目标: 1.学习 Reading and Writing 的两封英语电子邮件内容和表达自己的个人的 爱好信息。 2.学习词汇:go early, catch, look around,an hour,have lessons. (二)能力目标:(二)能力目标: 1.能听懂邮件内容和学习写邮件的格式,写一篇电子邮件。 2.能流利朗读课文并运用阅读策略从文中获取相关的信息,回答有关邮件 的问题。 (三)情感态度目标(三)情感态度目标:能积极参与小组合作,能运用所学语言进行交流, 共同完成学习任务。 (四)文化意识目标:(四)文化意识目标:学会文明上网,谨慎交友。 五、教学重、难点五、教学重、难点 (一)重点:(一)重点: 1.能理解 Reading and Writing 的两封电子邮件内容和表达自己的个人的爱 好信息。 2.写一篇电子邮件。 3.阅读策略的培养。 (二)难点:(二)难点: 1.新词汇的理解学习; 2.学会写电子邮件。 六、教具辅助六、教具辅助 多媒体课件、课堂练习、红花等 七、教学过程七、教学过程 教学环节教学环节教学活动教学活动学生活动学生活动设计目的设计目的 Warm up 1.Play a game. 2. Sing a song How often do you go fishing? 1.Ss guess and say out quickly. 2.Ss sing together. 通过闪单词游戏、 唱本单元的英文歌 曲,检查学生对本 单元重点词、句的 掌握情况,为学习 新的内容做铺垫。 Pre- reading 1.Lead in Introduce myself to the Ss.Let the Ss know something about me. 2.Something about Angela and Cindy. 1.Ss listen,guess and answer some questions. 2.Ss read and listen to Angelas email from Cindy and answer the questions. 以老师的自我介绍 为引入点,引出今 天的学习内容。 通过介绍孩子们熟 悉的人物,以她们 的联系方式导入新 课,引起学习兴趣。 While- reading 1.Fast-reading: Let Group Sam read Sams email and Group Xiaofang read Xiaofangs email. 2.Read in detail and learn the new words. 3.Listen and check. 1.Ss read quickly and finish the table. Then underline the new words. 2.Ss read the emails in detail and learn the new words in groups. 3.1)Sam reads the email to Xiaofang. Xiaofang listens and finishes the table. 2) Listen to Xiaofangs email. Sam listens and catches the missing words.Xiaofang listens 把学生分成 Sam,Xiaofang 两大 组,一半学生成为 Xiaofang, 一半学生 成为 Sam ,亲身演 绎角色,开展了一 系列的活动,让学 生亲自参与活动中 来,既调动了学生 的学习积极性,又 发展了学生学会提 问的能力,培养了 学生自主学习的能 力和语言的综合运 用能力。 3.Sum-up and think about how to ask questions about the missing words. Post- reading 1.Discuss in groups. 2.Write an email 3.Expansion 1.Before writing the email,Ss discuss how to write it by asking ques- tions in groups. 2.Ss write the email. After finishing it,stand up and read the email to each other. 3.Ss know the other ways to make friends.But make friends carefully on the Internet and not to surf the Internet for a long time. 通过设问,帮助学 生找到输出语言的 途径,提高学生的 综合语言能力; 依靠教材,整合教 材,用活教材,让 知识得到拓展和延 伸,为学生提供深 度学习的空间,进 一步提高学生的思 维能力。 Homework Write an email to me. Write an email to the teacher after class. 鼓励学生利用所学 的知识及语言框架 输出邮件,对本节 课所学内容作进一 步的巩固
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(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit My Favorite Activities_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:b17ac (广东)粤人版五年级下册英语 unit _ppt 课件 教案 视频 素材 __
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