(广东)粤人版五年级下册英语Unit 5 My Favorite Activities-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a00cc).zip


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Reading and writing Unit 5 My Favorite Activities 做我的朋友 你好,我的名字是山姆, 我11岁。 我来自加拿大。 我最喜欢的活动是钓鱼。 我经常在周末的时候和爸爸 去钓鱼。 我们总是很早去并且一待就 是一整天。 我们不是每次都能钓到鱼, 但是没关系。 我们还是觉得很有趣! 请回邮件! 做我的朋友 你好,我的名字是小芳,我12岁。我来自中国。 我最喜欢的活动是滑冰。 我每周都和我的朋友去滑冰。 在周末,我们要上一小 时课, 然后我们就去购物。 我通常什么都不买。 我只喜欢到处看看! 我也喜欢读电子邮件 。 速回信。 11 Canada fishingoftenDad 12 China ice- skating every week friends I am eleven years old. I am from China. Ice-skating is my favorite activity. I go ice-skating once a month. Being friends: A friend in need is a friend indeed.Unit 5 My favorite Activity(Period 3)教学设计教学设计 一一 教学内容:教学内容:第三课时(Reading and Writing) 二二 教学目标:教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: (1)能听说认读并理解 Reading and writing 的两封电子邮件。 。 (2)能听说读单词:early ,anything ,lesson 和 短语:stay out all day, catch fish, an hour, look around. (3)理解并运用下列句子。 1)My favourite activity is fishing. 2)We dont always catch fish, but thats OK!. 3)Usually I dont buy anything, I just like looking around. 2、能力目标: (1)能听懂邮件的内容和说出自己最喜欢的活动。 (2)理解并流利朗读课文并能回答有关邮件的问题 (3)能运用阅读策略从文中获取相关的相信,来完成相应的练习。 。 (4)能读懂两封 E-mail,并能自主提问题和回答问题。 (5)能根据所学的内容,并用 E-mail 来介绍自己,从而找出心仪的笔友。 3、情感态度目标: (1)对课堂阅读活动感兴趣,并积极参与各种活动。 (2)培养学生热爱户外运动的良好习惯。 4、学习策略和文化目标: (1)学会通过图片学习新单词并学会独立思考各种问题,掌握拓展的学习 方法,在学习中注意发现各种语言的规律,并能将规律举一反三地运用、表达。 (2)学会小组合作与他人交流。 (3)培养学生乐于与人交往的情感。 三、三、 教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 重点: 理解并正确读出本课出现的新单词。 )能听说读单词:early anything lesson )能听说读短语:stay out all day, catch fish, an hour, look around。 能正确地理解、掌握两封 E-mail 内容,并能朗读及复述。 难点:1.理解并运用下列句子。 1)My favourite activity is fishing. 2)We dont always catch fish, but thats OK!. 3)Usually I dont buy anything, I just like looking around. 2.给笔友发邮件。 四、四、 教具准备:教具准备: 课件、卡片和 PPT 等。 五、五、 教学过程:教学过程: I.Before Reading Step 1. Warm up and lead in. 1.Greetings. 2.Free talkAsk and answer about students information.e.g.: T:Where are you from? What do you like doing? Whats your favourite activity? How often do you . (设计意图:通过推出问题帮助学生复习旧知,发散思维,为下一步做铺垫。 ) 3.Lead in T:You all know somehing about yourself.But do you want to know something about me?Lets talk about it together. a. Show a photo and a name card of the teachers. b. Let the students ask some questions, according to the name card. Name: Sindy Country: China Favourite Activities:Going hiking and fishing How often:twice a week Hobbies: listening to music and taking photos c. Say the details of the teacher. (设计意图:设计意图:让学生在边问问题边总结教师各种信息的过程中,有效的复 现了本课的一些主要问句,例如:Whats your favourite activity?/How often do you ./Whats your hobby?等等,激发学生学习兴趣的同时,也很好地分散了本 课教学的重点和难点。 ) Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. Learn “go early”和“stay out all day” A.通过 PPT 出示日出并带有时间(6:00am)的图片. T:Its 6:00am, its very eary.I go hiking at 6:00. I go early.(学习 early) B.PPT 再出示一个人在一天不同时间(上中下午) T:I go hiking very early.Look, he goes fishing early,too. He also goes fishing in the morning,at noon and in the afternoon. He goes fishing all day, he stays out all day.(学习 stay out all day)(多种形式朗读并说出句子) (设计意图:教师巧妙设计真实情景,让学生在完成任务的过程中不知不 觉理解并掌握了本课的教学重点和难点。 ) 2. Learn “Thats OK!” (Play a chain game:Say some sentences about activity one by one. )说不出 来的同学被淘汰,然后引出 Thats OK!这个句子,并设置不同的情景来练习. (设计意图:阅读前,通过(设计意图:阅读前,通过 PPT 帮助学生掌握一些新词和新句的用法,为帮助学生掌握一些新词和新句的用法,为 下面的阅读扫清障碍。下面的阅读扫清障碍。 ) II. While-reading T:Many of you do well in the game,so I send a card to you.Lets look. Dear boys and girls: You did a good job just now. I have 5 tasks for you. Can you finish them? Try your best! Your teacher, Miss Li T: Can you try? Come on, boys and girls. Task 1: Listen and match.(Listen to the first Email of Page 60) (The first reading) Ask: How do you know?(读课文中的相关对话,并教学句型:I often go fishing with my dad on weekends) (设计意图:让学生在初次感知课文时布置给学生一定的任务,让学生带着任 务有目的、有重点地听,可以有效培养学生的听力和理解能力。 ) Task 2:Read in pairs, then fill in the form.(The second reading) 1)Ss read the newspaper slowly in pairs. 2) fill in the form.(Watch the first Email of Page 60) NameAge CountryLikesHow oftenWith Sam 3)讲解并板书 My Favourite Activity WhoSam How old11 Where Canada What.like? Fishing How oftenon weekends With whomhis dad Happy or sadhappy (设计意图:二次阅读让学生在对话中找出一些关键词完成相关 Sam 的最喜 欢的活动的相关信息,这样层层递进不仅能有针对性地培养学生良好的阅读习 惯,更能有效发展他们的阅读能力,并有效地落实既定的读写目标。 ) Hes from going fishing His favourite activity on weekends He goes fishing Canada Task 3:Read by groups and answer the questions. (The third reading) 1)学生分组朗读。教师进行评价。 2) Answer the questions in the textbook. 3) Check the answer with the students. (设计意图:学生由读的过程转到写的过程,对大多数的学生来说是有一定的 困难,因此给学生足够的时间去思考及写下正确的答案是符合认知的规律。 ) 2)教师提出 2 个问题让学生思考并回答。 a.Do they always catch the fish? b.Are they happy or sad for that? (设计意图:针对短文的内容,挖掘文章的意图,提出两个问题让学生去思考, 锻炼学生的思考问题的能力。 ) Task 4: Retell the text according to the sentences below. (设计意图:通过复述 Sam 的 Email,教师给予学生一定的提示让学生试着重 构文本,很好地锻炼了学生的口头表达能力。 ) Task 5:Read the 2nd Email,and finish the form. T:Now you and your partner use the same way to finish the form below. NameAge CountryLikesHow oftenWith Xiaofang Read the second Email and discuss in your groups, then finish the form. Let a student say the answers, then check together. (Explain the sentences:Usually I dont buy anything. I just like looking around. And then make some sentences.) III. Post-reading Find your penfriends Task1: The students talk about their favourite activities. T:Sams favourite activity is fishing, Xiaofangs favourite activity is ice-skating. My favourite activity is reading. What about your favourite activity ? Now talk about it with your partners.(Your favourite activity including :What is your favourite activity ? How often do you do it? Whom do you go with?.) Task 2:Find your penfriends T:You can tell us something about your favourite activity well.And we also knew Sams and his penfriends favourite activity. Do you want a penfriend? I can give you some details of many children. You can choose one you like and write an Email to him or her, OK?Lets do it in groups, you can use the form like this:(Each one can use your form to talk about it) T:Choose an E-mail pen friend you like.(点击你选择的图片,就会出现一段介 Mary Age: 11 Country: America Favourite Activities:Going hiking How often: Hiking:twice a week Hobbies: playing the piano, jogging E-mail Address:Mary 22033 Bill Age: 12 Country: Canada Favourite Activities:Playing tennis How often:three times a month Hobbies: swimming, playing baseball E-mail Address:Bill 66088 Tom Age: 10 Country: England Favourite Activities:Swimming How often: once a week School: London Primary School Favourite subjects: French, PE Hobbies: playing table tennis, fishing E-mail Address:Tom abc22033 Xiao Fang Age: 11 Country: China FavouriteActivities: dancing How often: three times a week School:No. 1 Primarry School Favourite subjects: Music, PE Hobbies: running, listening to music E-mail Address:friend 69872 绍他的短文,读完后给新笔友写一封 email)Then give am E-mail to him or her orally.(Heres the model for you:) To:_______ _______ From:__________ __________ Subject: To be an E-mail pen friend Dear ________, My name is _____. Iam from _____. Im glad to be your E-mail pen friend.I like______, _______ and_______.I often do it ______ a ________(twice a week,three times a month)And I know your favourite activity is _________,too.Lets go _______ together. I like reading and writing emails,too. Please write soon. Bye, Your new pen friend, ______. (设计意图:在此设计一个口头的输出,目的是检测学生的邮件的掌握和理 解情况,以及对描述一个人的爱好活动,这符合小学生的认知水平,提高学生 的口头表达能力) Task 3: Write an Email to your penfriend . To:_______ _______ From:__________ __________ Subject: To be an E-mail pen friend Dear ________, My name is _____. I am from _____. Im glad to be your E-mail pen friend.I like______, _______ and_______.I often do it ______ a ________(twice a week,three times a month)And I know your favourite activity is _________,too.Lets go _______ together. I like reading and writing emails,too. Please write soon.Bye, Your new pen friend, ______. Step 4. Summary T: This lesson we learned Reading and Writing of Unit 5, and we knew how to talk about our favourite activity and how to write an email to our new pen friend. (设计意图:引导学生总结有关设计意图:引导学生总结有关 Favourite activity 的关键词汇、句型等知的关键词汇、句型等知 识点,并如何更好用它们来找笔友,这样来培养学生的学习归纳能力。识点,并如何更好用它们来找笔友,这样来培养学生的学习归纳能力。 ) Step 5. Good to know:Good hobbies can make you happy and healthy. Step 6. Homework 1. Read the text and try to recite it. 2.Finish Ex.3 in the textbook. 3. Write to your penfriend and tell him/ her about your favourite activity and your hobbies. (设计意图:让学生通过读和完成 Email 来检测学生对本节课核心内容掌 握的情况,同时还可以培养学生的创新能力。 ) 板书设计: My Favourite Activities , WhoSam How old11 Where Canada What.like? Fishing How oftenon weekends With whomhis dad Happy or sadhappy My favourite activity is fishing. We dont always catch fish, but thats OK!. Usually I dont buy abything, I just like looking around.
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