人教八下Unit2 I’ll help clean up the city parks第一课时(课件+音视频+习题).zip


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Unit2 Ill help clean up the city parks. Section A 1a-2d 练习练习 1、单词填空。单词填空。 1. Being a v________is great. Because helping others is helping ourselves. 2. The room is so dirty.Please help c_______ up it quickly.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 3.It is Friday today. Don t p___ off it any more.【版权所有:21 教育】 4. There is a s_____. It says “No Smoking!” 5. You could visit the s______ kids in hospital. 6.I am very h________. Give me some food, please. 7. You could put up a ______ (布告) here. 8.He lives alone and feels very l______. 二、词组翻译。二、词组翻译。 1. 打扫 ________ 2. 分发 ________ 3. 打电话 _______ 4. (使)变得更高兴 ________ 5. 义务做某事 _________________ 6. 大扫除日 ______________ 7. 想出主意(办法)____________ 8. 张贴 __________ 三、单选。三、单选。 1.She volunteers __________ the plates at home today. 21 世纪教育网版权所有 A.washing B.washed C.to wash D.be washed 2. He looks sad. Lets________. A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. fix up him D. cheer he up 2. Were going to_____ tables before the party. A. fix up B. put up C. set up D. cut up21cnjycom 3.How heavily it is raining! What a pity! We have to __________ our sports meeting. www.21-cn- A.put off B.put out C.put on D.put up 4. How kind you are! You always do what you can __________ others. A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help 5. Scientists are trying their best to _______ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9. A.come up with B.look forwar d to C.talk about D.give up【来源:21世纪教育网】 6. We can t ______reviewing, because the final test is only three weeks.2-1-c-n-j-y A. put out B. put off C. put down D. write down 7. We hope to help poor children without enough food. You set up a food bank. 21*cnjy*com A.must B.could C.need D.have to 8.His grandparents live ____ in a small house, but they dont feel _______. A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone21*cnjy*com 9.Tom, your room is too dirty. You must __________. A.clean up it B.clean up them C.clean them up D.clean it up 10.On my way home, I saw a granny fall down. I offered help first and then the police. A.called up B.cared for C.cheered up D.found out 4、完成句子。完成句子。 1.他们准备帮助打扫城市公园。 Theyll help________ ________the city park. 2.我希望可以去医院鼓励那些生病的孩子。 I hope to go to the hospital to________ ________the sick kids.21世纪*教育网 3.他们正在做一些标志张贴在火车站周围。 They are making some signs to ________ ________ around the train station. 4.我们国家决定把人造卫星发射推迟到下周。 Our country decided to ________ ________ sending the man-made satellite till the next week. 5.弗兰克提出了一个帮助伤心的孩子的好主意。我们都支持他。 Frank ________ ________ ________ a good idea to help the sad children. We all supported him. www-2-1-cnjy-com Unit2 Ill help clean up the city parks. Section A 1a-2d 练习练习答案答案 一、 1.volunteer 2.clean 3.put 4.sign 5.sick 6.hungry 7.notice 8. lonely 二、 1.haclean up 2.give put 3.call up 4.cheer up 5.volunteer to do sth 6.clean-up day e up with 8.put up 三、 1.【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查动词不定式作宾语,volunteer to do sth.自愿做某事。故选 C。 【点评】该题目考查的是动词的用法,记住该词的用法即可,容易。 2.【答案】B 【解析】【分析】cheer sb. up 使某人振作起来 .c cheer him up 使他振作起来 故选 B。 【点评】该题目考查的是短语的区别,需要掌握短语的含义,根据句意判断,不太容易。 3.【答案】A 【解析】【分析】A. put off 推迟,B. put out 熄灭,C. put on 穿上,D. put up 举起,根据句意:雨 下的真大啊!真遗憾!我们不得不推迟运动会了。故选 A。 【点评】该题目考查的是短语区别,需要掌握短语的含义,根据句意判断,不太容易。 4.【答案】D 【解析】【分析】考查动词不定式作目的状语,此题极易错选 A,;根据句意:你真好!你总是力 所能及地帮助别人。故选 D。 【点评】该题目考查的是动词不定式的用法,主要是要知道不定式在此作目的状语,而不是根据 can,简单确定用动词原形,所以困难。 21cnjy 5.【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:科学家正尽力想出方法对付被称作 H7N9 的可怕疾病。A. come up with 提 出,想出 B. look forward to 期待 C. talk about 谈论 D. give up 放弃,根据句意故选 A。 6.【答案】B 【解析】【分析】put off 推迟,put out 熄灭,put down 放下,write down 写下,故选 B。 7.【答案】B 【考点】情态动词 【解析】【分析】must 和 have to 都有“必须”的意思,二者可以进行同义替换,故排除 A 和 D,could 可以,need 需要,后面跟动词不定式,而句子的动词是 set up,排除 C,故选 B。句意是: 我们希望帮助那些吃不饱的贫困孩子。你可以设立一个食品库。 【点评】本题考查情态动词的用法。21 教育网 8.【答案】B 【解析】【分析】考查形容词 alone; lonely 用法。句意为“他的爷爷奶奶单独住在一个小房子里, 但是并不感到孤独。”alone 意为“单独一个人”; lonely“内心孤独的”。故选 B。 9.【答案】D 【解析】【分析】clean up 打扫,up 是副词,代词作宾语必须放在中间,由 your room 可知用单数 it;根据句意:汤姆,你的房间太脏了。你必须打扫一下。故选 D。 【点评】该题目考查的是短语的用法,即宾语是代词时位于后边还是中间,而且用单数还是复数, 不太容易。 【出处:21 教育名师】 10.【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:我先提供帮助然后报警。A. Call up 打电话给某人 B. care for 关心 C. Cheer up 使某人振奋D. Find out 找出 根据句意故选 A。 21 教育名师原创作品 四、1.clean up 2.cheer up 3.put up 4.put off 5.came up withUnit 2 Ill help clean up the city parks. 人教新目标(Go for it)八年级下册 SectionA Period 1 Warming-up Letsenjoyavideo. Whatdoesthesignstandfor? Ahand:_________________ Aheart:_________________ Adove:_________________ Aletter:_________________ help loveandcare peace Ystandsforyouth UnitedNationsVolunteerinChina (中国青年志愿者) March,5thisUnitedNationsVolunteer DayinChina.Therearemorethan 80,000,000volunteersinChina. Brainstorm 1.Doyouwanttobeavolunteer? 2.Whatcouldwedotohelp others? helpcleanuptheparks helpoldpeople Presentation Whatcanwedotohelppeople? giveoutfoodat thefoodbank 使变得高兴,振奋起来 visitsickkidsinthe hospitaltocheerthemup 分发,散发 volunteerinanafter- schoolstudyprogramto teachkids helpplanttrees Lookatthewaysyoucouldhelp peopleinthepicture.Thenlistother ways. 1a 1.________________________________ 2.________________________________ ________________________________ 3.________________________________ 4.________________________________ Other ways you could help people Giveyourseattotheold,thechildren,orthe womanholdingababy Helptheoldtogoacrosstheroad helptheoldpeoplecleanuptheirhouses givethemoneytothecharityandhelp thepoorpeople Freetalk ___Thegirlcouldvisitthesickkidsinthe hospitaltocheerthemup. ___Theboycouldgiveoutfoodatthefood bank. ___Thegirlcouldvolunteerinanafter- schoolstudyprogramtoteachkids. ___Theboycouldhelptocleanupthecity parks. 1 2 3 4 Listenandnumberthewaysthe boyandgirlcouldhelpothers. 1b 1. Ihopeto_____outside.Youcouldhelptoclean _____thecityparks. 2. Idliketo_____homelesspeople.Youcouldgive _____foodatthefoodbanktohelpfeedthem. 3. Iwanttocheer_____sickkids.Youcouldask hospitalstoletyou_____thekids. 4. Idliketohelpkids_____theirschoolwork.You could_______inanafter-schoolstudyprogram toteachkids. work up help out up visit with volunteer Listenagainandfillinthechart: Tapescript Conversation1 A:Ihopetoworkoutside. B:Youcouldhelptocleanupthecityparks. Conversation2 A:Idliketohelphomelesspeople. B:Youcouldgiveoutfoodatthefoodbankto helpfeedthem. Conversation3 A:Iwanttocheerupsickkids. B:Youcouldaskhospitalstoletyouvisitthekids. Conversation4 A:Idliketohelpkidswiththeirschoolwork. B:Youcouldvolunteerinanafter-school studyprogramtoteachkids. I hope to work outside. You could help to clean up the city parks. Practicetheconversationinthepicture above.Thenmakeotherconversationsusing theinformationin1b. 1c A group of students are planning a City Parks Clean-Up Day. They are talking about ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day. Newdrills Put up advertisements on TV Put up signs on a bulletin board call up friendshand out advertisements put an advertisement in a newspaper Listenandcheck()thethingsthey aregoingtodototellpeopleaboutit. a b c de 2a 1. Weneedto____________aplantotell peopleaboutthecityparkclean-up. 2. Clean-UpDayisonlytwoweeksfrom now.Wecant________makingaplan. 3. Wecould________signs. 4. Letsmakesomenotices,too.ThenIll ____them___afterschool. 5. Wecouldeach________10studentsand askthemtocome. comeup with put off putup handout call up Listenagain.Fillintheblanks.2b B1: Ok. Now we need to __________ a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up. G1: Yeah, but I am hungry, Bob. Lets have lunch first. G2: No, we cant _________________. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now. B2: Youre right, Sally. While we talk, Ill _________ all our ideas. Then we can decide which ideas are best. G1: Umwellwe could ______ signs. B2: Thats a good idea. G2: Ill _______ advertisements after school. B1: Ok. Great. And we could each _______ ten people and ask them to come. B2: Hey, we are coming up with a lot of good ideas, _________? come up with put off making a plan write down put up hand out call up arent we Tape script A:Weneedtocomeupwithaplanforthe CityParkClean-UpDay. B:Letshavelunchfirst. A:No,weneedtostartnow.Clean-Up Dayisonlytwoweeksfromnow. 2c Pairwork Makeaconversationusingtheinformation in2aand2b. Consolidation Listenandread2d.Thenanswerthequestions. 1.WheresHelengoingtoworkthissummer? _________________________________ 2.WhatdidTomdotohelptheoldpeople? _________________________________ _________________________________ Shesgoingtoworkinanoldpeopleshome. Readingthenewspaperorjusttalkingtothe oldpeople. Helen:Hi,Tom.Immakingsomeplansto workinanoldpeopleshomethis summer. Tom:Really?Ididthatlastsummer! Helen:Oh,whatdidtheyaskyoutohelp outwith? Tom:Mmthingslikereadingthe newspapertotheoldpeople,orjust 2d Role-playtheconversation. talkingtothem.Theytoldme storiesaboutthepastandhow thingsusedtobe. Helen:Thatsoundsinteresting. Tom:Yeah,alotofoldpeoplearelonely. Weshouldlistentothemandcare forthem. Helen:Youreright.Imean,wereall goingtobeoldoneday,too. 1.Youcouldhelptocleanupthecity parks. 1)could是情态动词can的过去式形式,表示过 去的能力。它没有人称和数的变化,后面接动 词原形。变否定句在could后加not,变一般疑问 句把could提前。 这个男孩七岁时就会骑自行车。 Theboycouldrideabikewhenhewas7. 去年你会讲日语吗? CouldyouspeakJapaneselastyear? Practise Languagepoints 【注意】在某些情况下,could并不表示 过去,只是表示委婉、客气的语气。 其肯定答语用:Sure./Certainly./All right.等。 否定答语用:Sorry./Sorry,Icant.等。 A:Couldyoutellmeifheisastudent? 你能告诉我他是不是学生吗? B:Sure. 当然可以。 【注意】如果在clean和up间加个连字符号,那 么,它就是名词了,表示“扫除”。 Youmustgiveyourclassroomagood clean-up.你必须对教室进行彻底地打扫。 2)cleanup是省去to的动词不定式,意为 “(把)打扫干净”、“梳理整齐”。 Practise 他必须每天把操场打扫得干干净净。 Wemustcleanuptheplaygroundevery morning. 2.Weneedtocomeupwithaplanfor 我们必须想出一个计划。 need是一个常见的动词,表示“需要” 之意。它既可以作实义动词,也可以 作情态动词。其具体用法如下: 这个人在工作时需要一本英语词典。 ThemanneedsanEnglishdictionarywhen heworks. 你必需亲自见他吗? Doyouneedtoseehimyourself? 1)need用作实义动词,有“必要”、“必需”之意 ,有人称、数和时态的变化,可以接名词、代 词、动名词或带to的动词不定式作宾语,构成 疑问句和否定句时要借助于助动词。 Practise 你必须和你的同学去公园吗? Needyougototheparkwithyourclassmate? 他不必花掉这么多钱买这块新手表。 Heneedntspendmuchmoneyforthisnew watch. 2)need用作情态动词,意为“必须”、“必要”, 没有人称、数等变化,后接不带to的动词不定 式。通常用于疑问句和否定句中,构成疑问 句和否定句时,不需要使用助动词。 Practise A:NeedIcometoworktomorrow? 明天我需要来上班吗? B:Yes,youmust/haveto. 是的,你必须来。 A:NeedIfinishtheworkatonce? 我需要马上完成这项工作吗? B:No,youneednt/donthaveto 不,不必今天完成。 【注意】由need引出的疑问句,答语表肯定 时用must或haveto;表示否定时用neednt或 donthaveto。 Role-play Role-playtheconversationwithyour partner. Hi,Tom.Immaking. Really?Ididthat. NameVolunteer to do Tomclean up the city parks You can report like this: In our group, we all hope to work outside. could clean up the city parks. would like to SurveyThisSundayisVolunteerDay,butnowour classstillhaventdecidedwhattodo. Giftsofroses,handthereare lingeringfragrance. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 Helpothersalsohelpyourself. 帮助他人的同时也帮助了自己。
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人教八下Unit2 I’ll help clean up the city parks第一课时(课件+音视频+习题 人教八下 unit2 ll parks 第一 课时 课件 视频 习题
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