人教八下Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents 第一课时(课件+练习+音视频).zip


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Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents Section A Period1同步练习同步练习 一、完成句子。一、完成句子。 1.昨天比尔和他的朋友打了一架。 Bill________ ________ ________ ________ his friend yesterday. 2. 布莱克夫人不允许她儿子在上学的夜晚打电脑游戏。 Mrs. Black doesnt ________ her son ________ ________computer games on school nights. 21 世纪教育网版权所有 3.虽然有许多活动,但我没有太多的空闲时间。 There are many activities, but I dont have ________ ________ free time. 4.他每天做运动他能保持健康。 He________ ________every day ________ ________he can keep healthy. 5.萨姆周日下午喜欢和朋友们一起在公园闲逛,直到天黑。 Sam likes to________ ________with his friends in the park on Sunday afternoon ________ it is dark.21 教育网 二、单选。二、单选。 1. Why not_____to the park with me ? A . go B . goes C . going D . went 2.You look worried. _________ I left my keys at school. A . What did you do? B . What should you do? C . Whats the matter? D . Did you leave your keys at school? 3.Its_______ late now, but I have_______ homework to do.21cnjycom A . too much; much too B . much too; too much C . too much; too much D . much too; much too 4. _________ go and help Huihui, a little girl who is badly ill in Zhaoyuan, Shandong?www.21-cn- Thats a good idea. A . What about B . Why dont C . Can you D . Why dont you 5. Children are not allowed ________ in the river.21cnjy Ato swim Bswim Cswimming Dswam 6.Why was our teacher ________ Mark? Because he didnt finish his homework on time. Adifferent from Bangry with Csimilar to Dinterested in 三、补全对话。三、补全对话。 A. Youre not right, Dale. B. What would you like to do? C. Thank you for your advice, Mom. D. Whats the matter with him? E. What should I do if he doesnt talk to me? F. Well, are you still angry with him? G. What should I do now? A:Dale, your brother is crying.(1)________ B:Ah, he made my room very dirty. A:So you beat(揍) him, yes? B:Yeah, Mom. A:(2)________ He is only a 2yearold boy. When you were a little boy, you also often made the house B:Sorry, Mom.(3)________ A:Go to his room and say sorry to him. Then play games with him. B:(4)________ A:No problem. Youre older than him. You should be friendly to him. (5)_______ B:No, Mom. From now on I wont make him cry. A:Oh, Dale! Youre a lovely boy. I love you. Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents Section A Period1 同步练习同步练习答案答案 一、 1.had a fight with 2.allow to play 3.too much 4.plays/does sports; so that 5. hang out; until 二、ACBDAB 三、DAGCFUnit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents ? 人教版 八年级下 SectionA 优质课 Warming-upLets watch and learn. Brainstorm Studentsthesedayshavealotofworries. Doyouhaveanyworries?Whatareyour worries? Studentshavetoomuchpressure. PresentationLook and say. Whatswrongwithhim?他怎么了? =Whatsthematterwithhim? Hehastostudytoomuchsohedoesnt __________________.haveenoughsleep Hehastoomuchhomeworksohedoesnt ___________________________________.haveanyfreetimetodothingshelikes 没时间做自己喜欢的事了! Whatswrongwithhim?他怎么了 ? =Whatsthematterwithhim? Hisparentsdont______himto_________ ________________. allowhangout withhisfriends Dont hang out with your friends! Whatswrongwithhim?他怎么了 ? =Whatsthematterwithhim? They______________withtheirfriends.gotintoafight 学科网 Whatswrongwiththem? =Whatsthematterwiththem? hadafight Whatswrongwithhim? =Whatsthematterwithhim? Hehastoomany_____________________. after-schoolclasses 上很多课后辅导班 havetoomanyafter-schoolclasses 不得不学习到很晚 与我最好的朋友吵架了 dont get enough sleep getintoafightwithmybestfriend 有太多家庭作业 havetoomuchhomework 没有空闲时间做我喜欢的事 donthaveanyfreetimetodothingsIlike 不允许我与朋友出去玩 dontallowmetohangoutwithmyfriends havetostudytoolate 没有得到足够的睡眠 problems(烦恼) QuickresponseStand up and give your answers. Sharpeyes 没时间做自己喜欢的事了!Dont hang out with your friends! Who can be the quickest? 1.Ihavetostudytoomuchso Idontgetenoughsleep. 2.Ihavetoomuchhomework soIdonthaveanyfreetime todothingsIlike. Look at these problems. Do you think they are serious or not? 1a 4.Ihavetoomanyafter- schoolclasses. 5.Igotintoafightwith mybestfriend. 3.Myparentsdontallowme tohangoutwithmyfriends. Dont hang out with your friends! SeriousNotserious 1. I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep. 2. I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like. 4. I have too many after-school classes. 3. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 5. I got into a fight with my best friend. Myparentsdontallowmetohangoutwithmy friends. 【解读】allow允许,准许。常用结构: (1)allowsb.todosth.允许某人做某事。(2)allow doingsth.允许做某事。(3)beallowedtodosth. 被允许做某事。 e.g.Myteachersdontallowustocutinline. 老师不允许我们插队。 Thecinemadoesntallowsmoking.电影院不允许吸烟。 Weareallowedtomakepostersbyourselves.我们被允许 自己制作海报。 Listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a. 1.IhavetostudytoomuchsoIdontget enoughsleep. 2.IhavetoomuchhomeworksoIdonthaveany freetimetodothingsIlike. 3.Myparentsdontallowmetohangoutwith myfriends. 4.Ihavetoomanyafter-schoolclasses. 5.Igotintoafightwithmybestfriend. 1b 1.IhavetostudytoomuchsoIdontgetenough sleep. Whydontyougotosleepearlierthisevening? 2.IhavetoomuchhomeworksoIdonthaveany freetimetodothingsIlike. Whydontyougotoamoviethisevening? Discussion Have you ever met any problems above? How do you solve them?Can you give some advice? 4.Ihavetoomanyafter-schoolclasses. 5.Igotintoafightwithmybestfriend. Whynottalkaboutitwithyour parents? Whynotcallhimup? 3.Myparentsdontallowmetohangoutwith myfriends. Whynotreadsomeinterestingbooksat home? Whydontyougotosleepearlierthisevening? 【解读】Whydontyoudosth.?表示“为什么不 呢?”,其简略形式为“Whynotdosth.?”,常 用来表示建议、征询意见、邀请等。 【拓展】Whynot?在对话中,表示一种惊奇、 不高兴的反问。 e.g.Whynotstaywithusforsomemoredays? =Whydontyoustaywithusforsomemoredays?为什么 不和我们一起多待几天呢? WearenotgoingtoBeijingtomorrow.明天我们不去北 京了。Whynot?Wearegoingtodosomeshopping there.为什么不去?我们还要在那购物呢。 How to give some advice: Youshoulddosth. Youdbetter(not)dosth Whydontyoudosth Whynotdosth? Howaboutdoingsth? Whataboutdoingsth? Shallwedosth? Letsdosth,shallwe? Give some advice (建议) A:Ihadafightwithmybestfriend.Whatshould Ido? B:Youshouldwritehimaletter. C:Youdbettercallhimup. A:ButImnotgoodatwritingaletter. A:No,Idontwanttotalkaboutitonthephone. D:Whynotgotohishouseandsaysorrytohim. Groupwork Make a conversation in groups. PracticeListen again and fill in the blanks. A:Youlookreallytired.Whats_________? B:Istudied_____midnightlastnightsoI didnt____enoughsleep. A:_____________gotosleepearliertonight? Youcanstart________earlier. B:ButIhavetwo_________________today. SoIcanonlystartstudyingafterdinner. A:______you______tellyourparentsthat youcantdo_______things. should somany thematter until get Whydontyou studying after-schoolclasses Maybe B:Idid,butItheythinkits_________ thatI____moreafter-schoolclasses. A:Well,theyprobablywantyouto ______agoodseniorhighschool. B:Yes,I_____thatsthereason. A:You_____talk__themagain. ______tothemthatyou______get enoughsleepto____________. B:_________________.OK,Illtryto ______themagain. important take getinto guess shouldtoExplain needto stayhealthy Thatsagoodidea talkto 1cLook at the problems in 1a and make conversations. A:Whatswrong? B:ImreallytiredbecauseIstudied untilmidnightlastnight. A:Whydontyougotosleepearlierthis evening? Peter Hehadafightwithhisbest friend. Petersbestfriend Doehe? WhatswrongwithPeter? Pre-listening Give some advice to Peter: Whydoesnthesaysorrytohisfriend? Hecouldcalluphisfriend. Heshouldbuysomesnackstovisithis friend. could和should都可以表示建议,但could表 示比should更加委婉的建议,意思是“可以”。 should语气比较强烈,意思是“应该” Listen. Peters friend is giving him advice. Fill in the blanks with could or should. Advice 1.You_______writehimaletter.() 2.You_______callhimup.() 3.You_______talktohimsothatyoucansay youresorry.() 4.You_______gotohishouse.() 5.You_______takehimtotheballgame.() could should should could could 2a Why Peter doesnt like the advice a.Itsnoteasy. b.Idontwanttowaitthatlong. c.Idontwanttosurprisehim. d.Imnotgoodatwritingletters. e.Idontwanttotalkaboutitonthephone. Listen again. Why doesnt Peter like his friends advice? Write the letters (a-e) next to the advice in 2a. 2b 1.You______writehimaletter.() 2.You______callhimup.() 3.You______talktohimsothatyoucan sayyouresorry.() 4.You_____gotohishouse.() 5.You_____takehimtotheballgame.() could should should could could d e a c b Boy2hada______withhisbestfriend.He could______himaletter.Butheisntgood atwritingletters.He______callhim____, buthedoesntwanttotalkaboutitonthe ______.He______talktohimsothathecan sayhessorrybutitsnot____.He______go tohishousebuthedoesntwantto_______ him.Hecouldtakehimtothe__________, buthedoesntwanttowaitthatlong. Listen again. Fill in the blanks. fight should write up phone easycould should surprise ballgame Boy1:Hey,Peter,whatswrong? Boy2:Ihadafightwithmybestfriend. WhatshouldIdo? Boy1:Well,youcouldwritehimaletter. Boy2:Idontthinkso,althoughitsagoo didea.Imjustnotverygoodatwritingle tters. Boy1:Maybeyoushouldcallhimup. Boy2:No,Idontwanttotalkaboutiton thephone. Listen and repeat.Then role play it. 2c Boy1:Butyoureallyshouldtalktohimso thatyoucansayyouresorry. Boy2:Yes,IknowIshould,butitsnoteas y. Boy1:Maybeyoucouldgotohishouse. Boy2:IguessIcould,butIdontwanttos urprisehim. Boy1:Hey,Iknow.Youcouldtakehimto theballgame. Boy2:Buttheballgameisnextweek.Ido ntwanttowaituntilthentotalktohim. Keyexpressions: 1.Talkaboutproblems Whatsthematter?/Whatswrong? Hehastoomuchhomeworktodo. . 2.Giveadvice Youshould Youcould Whydontyou? 及时小结 才能巩固 所学知识 Summary Lifeiscolorful.Whateverproblemsyoumeet, wheneveryoumeetthem,dontbeafraidof them.Dontcomplaintoomuch.Justtryhardto solvethem.Believethatyoucandoanythingif youtryyourbest.
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人教八下Unit Why don’t you talk to your parents 第一课时(课件+练习+音视频 人教八下 unit don 第一 课时 课件 练习 视频
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