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Unit2 Ill help clean up the city parks. Section A 3a 阅读练习阅读练习 1、单词填空。单词填空。 1. He had to lower his voice to control his f_________(感情). 21 教育网 2.Last year, she decided to try out for a v_________ after-school reading program. 3. They decided to give the cat back to the o________(主人). 4.Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one s________(满足).21cnjycom 5. A thousand-li j________(旅行) begins with the first step. www.21-cn- 6.There are s________(几个)dogs on the sofa. 二、根据二、根据 reading 部分完成句子。部分完成句子。 Mario and Mary ____ ___ several hours each week __ ____ others. Mario wants __ ___ an animal doctor. He _________ at an animal hospital. He wants __ _____ more about ____ __ care for animals. 【来源:21世纪教育网】 Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself __ ___ ____ of four. Last year, she decided __ ___ ___ for a volunteer after-school _______ program. Mary still works there once a week __ ____ kids _____ __ read. Volunteering here is a dream come true for her. She can what she _____ ___ ___and helps others at the same time. 21世纪*教育网 三、单选。三、单选。 1.The man called his professor for help because he couldnt solve the problem by _____. A. herself B. himself C. yourself D. themselveswww-2-1-cnjy-com 2. -The supermarket tried hard to improve customers_____ last year.2-1-c-n-j-y -Yeah, they did it. A lot of people come here to buy things now.21*cnjy*com A. Trouble B. Satisfaction C. Risk D. interest【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 3.Tom often helps me _____ my English after school.21 教育名师原创作品 A. with B. for C. to D. by 4.-Your bedroom is do dirty, Jim. Would you please _____?【版权所有:21 教育】 - OK, mom. Ill do it right away. A. set it up B. put it up C. pick it up D. clean it up21*cnjy*com 5. You should really _______ smoking. Its a terrible habit. Agrow up Bpick up Cgive up Dset up 6. The children decide _____their school yard this Friday afternoon. (2013 年河北中考) A. clean B. to clean C. Cleaning D. cleaned 7. I want to learn how to play the guitar. -Look, here is _____ advertisement about guitar lesson in the newspaper. A/ Ba CanDthe 8.My cousin went abroad at_____ age of eighteen. AaBanCthe D不填 9.Wang Yi plays basketball so well! Who taught _______? He learnt it by _______. Ahim; him Bhimself; himself Chim; himself Dhimself; him 10.Where is my ticket? I looked for it for a long time. Its in your hand____________. Aall the timeBat the same time Cat times Devery time 4、用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.My parents want me _____ (be) a doctor 2.The students decided _______ (work) out the problem by themselves. 21cnjy 3.Youll never learn ______ (ride) a bike if you dont practice. 【出处:21 教育名师】 4.Mary still works there _______(help) kids learn to read. 5. The old man had ____________ (nothing ;do) every day. Unit2 Ill help clean up the city parks. Section A 3a 阅读练习阅读练习答案答案 一、 1.feeling 2.volunteer 3.owner 4.satisfaction 5.journey21 世纪教育网版权所有 6.several 二、 1.give up 2.to help 3.to be 4.volunteers 5.to learn 6.how to 7.at the age of 8.to try out 9.reading 10.to help 11.learn to 12.loves to do 三、1-5 BBADC 6-10 BCCCB 四、1.to be 2.to work 3.to ride 4.to help 5.nothing to doUnit 2 Ill help clean up the city parks. 人教新目标(Go for it)八年级下册 SectionA Period 2 Warming-up Letsenjoyavideo. Whatdoyouthinkafterwatchingthevideo? Reachout(伸出手)and helpothers, andyouwillgetmore thanyouimagine(想象 ). Helping others is helping ourselves! helpcleanup thecityparks Whatcouldwedotohelp others? Revision helpcleanup thestreet giveoutfoodat thefoodbank visitsickkidsinthe hospitaltocheerthemup helpplanttrees volunteerinanafter- schoolstudyprogramto teachkids helpoldpeople Students Who Volunteer Mario GreenMario GreenMary Brown Mary Brown Lead-in Studentsinforeigncountrieslovevolunteering.We willlearnanarticleaboutthem. severalpron.adj. 几个;数个 Wordsrevision Thereareseveraldogsonthesofa. 沙发发上有几只狗。 feelingn. 感觉;感触;感情 Hehadtolowerhisvoicetocontrolhisfeeling. 他不得不压压低声音来控制自己的感情。 satisfactionn. 满足;满意 Lookingatabeautifulpaintingalwaysgivesone satisfaction. 观看一幅美丽的图画总会使人心满意足。 satisfyv.+actionsatisfaction Itsdifficulttodescribemyjoyinwords. 难以用语言来描述我的快乐。 joyn. 高兴;愉快 ownern. 物主;主人 Theydecidedtogivethecatbacktotheowner. 他们决定将猫归还它的主人。 own(v.拥有)+erowner Athousand-lijourneybeginswiththefirststep. 千里之行始于足下。 journeyn. 旅行;旅程 satisfactionsatisfaction severalseveral 旅行旅行 journeyjourneyjourneyjourney 高兴高兴 WordsGame 满意满意 主人主人主人主人 几个几个 feelingfeeling ownerowner joyjoy 感觉感觉 Skimthearticle,WhatdoMarioandMary volunteertodo? Students who volunteer MarioMary volunteer at an animal hospital volunteer at an after- school reading program Readingtask1 helpskidslearntoread worksinananimalhospital lovestoread lovesanimals Mario Mary WhydoMarioandMaryvolunteertohelp others? Readingtask2 Listentothetapeandfinishthetasks. 1. MarioandMarygiveupseveralhourseach weektohelpothers. 2.Marywantstobeananimaldoctor. T F 3.Marioisabooklover. 4.Mariocouldreadbyhimselfattheageof five. F F HowHow does Mario feel about volunteering? WhyWhy does Mario volunteer to help others? He loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. It is hard work, but he gets a strong feeling of satisfaction from the look of joy on the owners faces. What What does Mario volunteer to do? He volunteers at an animal hospital. 先梳理脉络先梳理脉络 再明确答案再明确答案 Volunteer - hard but happy Help Help others ,others , mmake ake ourselves ourselves happyhappy. . What does Mario think of volunteering? 这个关键词有助 于找到答案哟。 强烈的满足感 喜悦的表情 3b Readthearticleandanswerthequestions. What What does Mary volunteer to do? HowHow does Mary feel about volunteering? WhyWhy does Mary volunteer to help others? She loves books and enjoys helping kids learn to read. She volunteers at an after-school reading program for kids. It is a dream come true for her, and she can do . Volunteer - a dream come true HelpHelp others , others , a achievechieve ourselves .ourselves . (成就)(成就) What does Mary think of volunteering ? 3b Readthearticleandanswerthequestions. Read3aquicklyandcompletetheform. NameLovesHopeVolunteer Place Result Mario Green Mary Brow n animals an animal doctor an animal hospital Hegetssucha strongfeelingof satisfaction. reading theafter -school reading progra m Volunteeringhere isadreamcoming trueforher.She candowhatshe lovestodoand helpsothersatthe sametime. Readingtask3Readingtask3 Students Who Volunteer Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others. Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. “Its hard work,” he says, “but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.” Whilereading Listenandrepeat. Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. “The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they re going on a different journey with each new book. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time. ” tohelpothers作目的状语语。是“每周 拿出几个小时时”的目的。 1.MarioGreenandMaryBrownfrom RiversideHighSchoolgiveupseveral hourseachweektohelpothers. fromRiverHighSchool为为介词词短 语语作后置修饰语饰语 ,翻译时应译时应 提前。 Languagepoints 2.Mariobelievesitcanhelphimtoget hisfuturedreamjob.马里奥相信这会 帮助他获得他的梦想职业。 helpsb.(to)dosth.帮助某人做某事; help后的不定式符号to,可以省略。 e.g.Mikecalledonhissistertohelphim lookforhislostkeys. 迈迈克叫上他妹妹帮助他找钥钥匙。 3.butIwanttolearnmoreabouthow tocareforanimals.但是我想学习更 多关于如何照顾动物的事。 wanttodosth.想要做某事。to不定式 做want的宾语宾语 。 e.g.Grandpawantedtolendussome moneytobuyanewcar. 爷爷爷爷 想借给给我们钱们钱 去买买一辆辆新 车车。 e.g.Theydontknowwheretobuildthe newhouse. =Theydontknowwheretheycan buildthenewhouse. 他们们不知道在哪里可以建新房。 howtocareforanimals是复合不定式 结结构,作介词词about宾语宾语 。相当于:特 殊疑问词+to不定式,构成复合不定式 结构。(howhecouldcareforanimals). 4.Lastyear,shedecidedtotryoutfora volunteerafter-schoolreadingprogram. 她决定去参加一个志愿者课课外阅读选阅读选 拔活动动。 decidetodosth.决定去做某事;to 不定式做宾语宾语 。 e.g.Hedecidedtogetmarried. 他决定结婚。 tohelpkidslearntoread 不定式短语语作目的状语语; learntoread是help的宾语宾语 。 5.Shestillworksthereonceaweekto helpkidslearntoread. 她仍旧在那里一周工作一次来帮助 孩子们阅读。 6.IcandowhatIlovetodoandhelp othersatthesametime. 我可以做我所喜欢欢的事情,同时还时还 可以帮助他人。 从句whatIlovetodo在句子中作 do的宾语。 Phrasessummary 1.放弃 2.想要做某事 3.学习如何做某事 4.学习做某事 5.在.岁时 6.决定做某事 7.自己阅读 8.同时 give up doing sth want to do sth learn how to do sth learn to do sth at the age of decide to do sth read by oneseld at the same time What did we learn today? 1.English-Chinese volunteer,several,feeling,satisfaction, joy,owner,journey 2.Chinese-English 放弃;学习(如何)做某事;想要做某 事;决定做某事;同时;自己阅读;参 与.(选拔);获得强烈的满足感;开 心的表情. Summary Volunteering Volunteering will make your life will make your life c co ol lo or rf fu ul l. . Come on and join !
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人教八下Unit2 I’ll help clean up the city parks 第二课时(课件+音视频+习题 人教八下 unit2 ll 第二 课时 课件 视频 习题
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