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Unit 5 Music 2 readingFill in the blanks according to the text. at home alone together with other people an Internet connection add their voices a positive influence stuying music a masters degree make videos a worldwide phenomenon 2,292 sing with one voice Make difference between the virtual choir and the reality choir. Virtual choir Reality choir live stage of music hall limited to the required programme many people as singers (becoming part of the global community) video Internet (home/anywhere) ordinary people professionals musicians not limited only those who have the competence or opportunity to give performance Live with our heads in the “cloud” The COVID-19 outbreak forced a sudden pause on the lives of everyone. People began practicing social distancing, and many had to work at home, living the new “ cloud life” , such as cloud offices, cloud meetings, cloud bookings, cloud classrooms. The “cloud life” has irrefutably become the new normal. cloud classrooms conducted through live broadcasts,or videos. online orders are bursting at the virtual seams, (炸裂 式地)some even dealing with more purchases beyond their usual capacity. 词汇解析 1. Many people do not have close friends or contacts who have the same interest in music.(P52/para.1/L7) 许多人他们没有亲密的朋友,也没有志趣相投的私交。 contact: n. C 熟人,社交/人际关系(pl.) U 联系,联络; 接触;遇见,碰上 v. (sb) 联系,联络 e.g. China has maintained trade contacts with many countries. Iv made some capable contacts in this field. Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from childhood? “effort ” 可数 or 丌可数 2.Whitacres next effort was the Virtual Youth Choir for UNICEF , which was first seen on stage on 23 July 2014 in the UK. (P52/Paraz.4/L5)惠塔克的第二个惠塔克的第二个壮举是壮举是打造联合国儿童基金会打造联合国儿童基金会“虚虚 拟青年合唱团拟青年合唱团”,该合唱团于,该合唱团于2014年年7月月23日在英国首次登台。日在英国首次登台。 effort: n. C 努力的成果,成就; 有组织的活动(名词后) U,C 努力,尽力;费力的事,艰难的尝试 1. 泛指的努力,尽力, 不可数 I worried about this big investment of time and effort.(努力) He put a lot of effort into the party.(花了丌少心思) Learning to speak another language takes effort.(下一番功夫) 2. 为做不容易做到的事所付出的努力,尝试, 可数。单复数取决于具体语境 When you appeared in my dream, I felt that all my efforts had been rewarded. 牧羊少年奇幻之旅 Describe space facts and efforts to explore space. (B3 U4 P42) Getting up in the morning was quite an effort. .ask them to support an effort in which his agency would pay one company to bring down one of its old satellites safely. (学英语 12 语法填空) 4. 固定短语: I made every effort to be co-operative. make an effort / efforts to do spare no effort to do尽全力去做某事/丌遗余力地去做某事 in an effort /ones efforts to do 努力想.,试图要. He stopped smoking in an effort to control weight. As a result, space-based science has helped farming in its efforts to grow enough food to feed Earths increasing population.(B3 U4 P44) 3. 有组织的活动(名词后),成就 , 可数。 Zhang Zhaozhong reminded Chinese doctors to stay out of the way of the relief effort in America. (救援工作) Time witnesses our splendid effort. (辉煌的成就) 句型解析 1. As one virtual choir member said, “Music helps me to . forget my problems. With music I become someone else. 正如一位虚拟合唱团成员所说, 音乐帮助我忘记我的问题。有了 音乐我变成了另一个人。 as 引导了一个非限制性定语从句, 译为“正如 ”, “正像” e.g. As is often the case, students usually study deep into the night before the exam. (2012福建)The air quality in the city, as is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months. as 引导非限制性定语从句的常用句型: as is known to all as we can see (from.) as sb know as is often the case as is reported/ mentioned/ shown. as could be expected 2. Born in the USA on 2 January 1970, Whitacre began studying music at the University of Nevada in 1988. Moved by this music, he said, “It was like seeing color for the first time.” Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos, which he then jioned together into one performance. 过去分词: 1). 及物动词的过去分成表完成及被动,不及物动词的 过去分词只表完成 2).由系表结构转化过来的过去分词表示状态 3). 过去分词的逻辑主语与主句主语一致 __________ (base )on lessons __________( learn) with the school closure in response to Ebola, the closings would be temporary, although it may keep schools __________( close) for many weeks or even months. (UNICEF) Patients ________( treat) at makeshift hospitals in Wuhan said they had been unable to get____________(admit) to regular ___________(designate 指定)hospitals at the end of January and early February. Based learned closed treated admitted designated 词块积累 1. 被上传至互联网 2.互联网连接 3.在.有同样的兴趣 4.成为全球社区的一部分 5.某人原创的作品 6.喜欢上/爱上. 7.第一次 8.获得硕士学位 9.一种全球性的现象 10. 使世界变得更美好 be uploaded onto the Internet an Internet connection have the same interest in. become part of the global community ones original compositions fall in love with for the first time receive a masters degree in. a worldwide phenomenon make the world a better place ThanksUnit 5 Music Where words fail, music speaks. Hans Christian Andersen 1.(教材p51) It gives me energy. energy n.- energetic adj.精力充沛的 需要能量的 1). 活力,干劲U The child is full of energy.= The child is energetic. 2). 精力,能力P They devoted all their energies to the job. 3). 【物】能,能量U renewable energy 可再生能源 1).Running is cheap, easy and its always______(energy). 2).If you concentrate all your ________(energy) on the study of English, you will master the language. energetic energies 2.(教材p51) touches my heart/ soul 1)灵魂 C (与body相对) - 某类人 Her body died but her soul went to heaven. She was a dear old soul. 她是一位可爱的老人。 2) 心性;内心;心灵C a persons inner character The eye is the window of the soul. Music is good for the soul. 音乐有助于净化心灵 3)the life and soul (某一集会中)最活跃有趣的人;中心人物 heart and soul 全心全意全心全意 a soul mate 知己知己 remind vt.使想起;使记起;提醒 3. reminds me of home/people I love (教材教材P51) 让我想起了我热爱的家乡让我想起了我热爱的家乡/人们人们 remind sb ____________ sth 提醒某人提醒某人/某事某事/使想起使想起. = be reminded remind sb ____________ sth 提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事 = be reminded ________________ 使某人想起使某人想起/ /提醒提醒. keep sb ____________ of 使某人想起使某人想起 of to do remind sb that. reminded 巩固内化 单句语法填空 You must remind him ____________ (take) his medicine, in case he forgets. The result will help to predict some major and severe diseases and your preference for diet and remind you _______ suitable ways to exercise. to take of 思考 你能想出其他的“v.sbof sth”的短语吗? inform sb of sth warn sb of sth suspect sb of sth persuade sb of sthaccuse sb of sth cheat sb of sth cure sb of sth convince sb of sth rob sb of sth 表达表达“喜好喜好”的常用句型的常用句型 1.I really go in for.我很喜欢我很喜欢 2.Im really fond of.我很喜欢我很喜欢 3.I enjoy.我喜欢我喜欢 4.I am/get excited about.我对我对感兴趣感兴趣 5.Im crazy about.我迷上了我迷上了 6.I have a passion for.我酷爱我酷爱 7.I have a strong interest in.我对我对有浓厚兴趣有浓厚兴趣 8.I find great pleasure in.我很喜欢我很喜欢 语言知识积累 Music is the universal language of mankind.Music is the universal language of mankind. . Henry Wadsworth LongfellHenry Wadsworth Longfell Imagine having the opportunity to sing together with hundreds of other people while you are at home alone.(p52) 想象一下,独自在家时,你可以和几百个人一道引吭高歌。 1 1.1.imagine v. 想象;猜想想象;猜想 imagination n. 想象力想象力 imaginative adj. 富于想象力的富于想象力的 imaginable 想象得到的想象得到的 imaginary 幻想的,虚幻的幻想的,虚幻的 【句型】【句型】 imagine+n. imagine+doing imagine+that/what/when从句从句 Can you imagine what it looks like? Can you imagine me________(draw) it out? Sure, I can. Because I am ___________.There is every ________ look about it in my mind . This is not just ___________.With a little__________, youll make it,too. drawing imaginative imaginable imaginary imagination e.g.1).e.g.1).有机会让我所尝试着做的一切都梦想成真。有机会让我所尝试着做的一切都梦想成真。 I have the opportunity __________(make) the dream of what Im trying to do come true. 2). Opportunity knocks but once. 3). There is much opportunity for anyone willing to devote himself to his labors. 付出努力的人有机会出人头地。 2.Imagine having the opportunity to sing together with hundreds of other people while you are home alone. to make have the opportunity to do 有做某事的机会有做某事的机会 opportunity n. 机会机会 C,U (pl. opportunities) 机不可失,失不再来。 virtual: adj. 虚拟的; 几乎.的 e.g.Virtual reality (VR) is a technology which enables the user to experience a simulated world. China came to a virtual standstill during the outbreak of COVID-19. 在新冠疫情爆发期间,中国几乎陷入了停顿的状态。 3.A virtual choir enables them to add their voices to those of other individuals and become part of the global community.(p52) 虚拟合唱团让他们能够与其他人一起欢歌,成为全球社区的一部分。虚拟合唱团让他们能够与其他人一起欢歌,成为全球社区的一部分。 add sth. to sth. 把把.加到加到.里里 add to add to 增添增添 add up 把把.加起来;加起来; add up to 加起来总计加起来总计.( (不用不用于于被动语态)被动语态) In addition (to.) 此外,另外/ 除除.外,还外,还. 5. add v. 增加,添加增加,添加, , 补充说补充说 2).The soldiers were extremely tired and the heavy rain added to their difficulty. 1).Her husband supported her, adding that he would take care of all the household chores for a year. We were asked to add up the calories in the meals. 我们被要求计算各餐的热量总和 Add it all up and its no wonder China has kept the epidemic under control . 综合考虑,中国能把疫情控制住也就不奇怪了。 Its the minor problems that add up. 就是小问题才越积越多。 Police said her statements did not add up. 警方说她的陈述不能自圆其说。 6.It has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people. (p52) 事实证明,虚拟合唱团对许多人的生活产生了积极的影响事实证明,虚拟合唱团对许多人的生活产生了积极的影响。 已经证明如果没有氧气,大脑就会死。已经证明如果没有氧气,大脑就会死。 It has been proved that the brain will die without oxygen. ChinaChinas more determined than ever to s more determined than ever to prove the knockers prove the knockers wrong.wrong. 中国中国比以往任何时候都更坚决地想要证明那些批评者是错的比以往任何时候都更坚决地想要证明那些批评者是错的 结果证明这种药的疗效令人满意。结果证明这种药的疗效令人满意。 The medicine proved(=was) satisfactory. . but in order to stay shes had to prove her language skills by taking a test.(2017浙江阅读) 但为了留下来, 她得通过参加一次测试来证明自己的语言 技能。 7. influence n. 影响影响, ,势力;有影响力的人势力;有影响力的人/ /物物 v.v.影响;改变影响;改变 influential: adj.influential: adj.有很大影响的,有支配力的有很大影响的,有支配力的/ n./ n. influence sb. / sth. 对对.的影响的影响 have an influence on sb/ sthhave an influence on sb/ sth 1)1):电视广告影响了我对酒后驾车的态度。:电视广告影响了我对酒后驾车的态度。 The TV advertisements have _________ ___my attitude towards drinking and driving. 2): Describe a person who has been an important _____________(influential) in your life, which means he/she is an influential person in your life. influenced influence 8.The virtual choir was the idea of award-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre.(p52) 虚拟合唱团是获奖作曲家兼指挥埃里克 惠塔克的创意。 award v. 授予;授予;n. 奖品奖品 win/ receive/ get an award for 因因.而赢得、获得奖品而赢得、获得奖品 award sb. for sth. 因因.颁奖给某人颁奖给某人 award sth. to sb.=award sb. sth. 把某物颁发给某人把某物颁发给某人 reward: n. 奖赏,报酬 vt. 报答, 酬劳 reward sb with sth/ be rewarded with as a reward for 作为. 的回报 rewarding: adj. 有益的, 有意义的,报酬高的 He won an award for his wonderful performance in the show. As a reward for good behaviour, treat your child to a new toy. 1 Is that how you reward me for my help? The prize was awarded to him for his wonderful performance. 2 The judges awarded him the first prize. =They awarded the first prize to the excellent students. The school rewarded him with a prize for excellence in his studies. 3 9.Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos, which he then joined together into one performance.(p52) 受此启发, 惠塔克邀请粉丝们录制视频,然后他将这些视频拼接成一场演 出。 inspire v. 激发;鼓舞;启示激发;鼓舞;启示- n. inspiration 灵感;鼓舞灵感;鼓舞 给人以鼓舞的人给人以鼓舞的人/物物 1).The movie was inspired by a true story. 2).After her trip to China, she was inspired to learn Chinese. 3).The teachers words inspired confidence in his students. = The teachers words inspired his students with confidence. be inspired by. 灵感来自于. inspire sb to do/ be inspired to do 鼓励某人做某事 inspire sth in sb 激发出某人的. inspire sb with sh. . performance n. C 表演,演出,表现表演,演出,表现 perform v. 执行;履行;表演;运转执行;履行;表演;运转 performer n. 表演者表演者 put on /give a performance 表演表演 perform a(n) .role in 在在中起中起作作 perform ones duty/promise 尽职责尽职责/履行诺言履行诺言 perform an operation/experiment 做手术做手术/实验实验 1).His recitals have earned him recognition as a talented ________________(perform)。 2).The audience applauded his wonderful _____________ (perform) for five minutes. performer performance 10.Whitacres next effort was the Virtual Youth Choir for UNICEF,which was first seen on stage on 23 July 2014 in the UK. 惠塔克的第二个惠塔克的第二个壮举壮举是打造联合国儿童基金会是打造联合国儿童基金会 “虚拟青年合唱团虚拟青年合唱团”,该团于,该团于 2014年年7月月23日在英国首次登台演出。日在英国首次登台演出。 stage n(发展或进展的发展或进展的)时期;阶段;时期;阶段; (多指剧场中的多指剧场中的)舞台舞台 be/go on the stage 当演员当演员 go on stage 上台上台 be on stage 在舞台上在舞台上 他太紧张了他太紧张了,不敢上台。不敢上台。 . 她在台上表演跳舞时,她非常有魅力。她在台上表演跳舞时,她非常有魅力。 She moved with grace on the stage, __________ fascinated all the audience. Their youngest child is at the stage__________ she can say individual words but not full sentences. This is the stage _______________ he offered to me. ___ He was too nervous to go on stage. When she is on stage performing dancing,she shows great charisma. which where which/that 11. Altogether 2,292 young people from 80 countries joined in to sing Whitacres song “what if”.(p52) 总共有来自总共有来自80个国家的个国家的2,292名青年参与演唱惠塔克的歌曲假如。名青年参与演唱惠塔克的歌曲假如。 altogether: adv. 总共, 总的说来,完全地 1.There are altogether 11 books on the table.(=in total) 2.Altogether(=All in all), it was a great party. 3.The train went slower and slower until it stopped altogether.(= completely) 4. We are not altogether interested. 12. phenomenon n. 现象- phenomena (pl.) datum - data 数据 criterion -criteria (批评判断的)标准;规范; medium -media 媒体 13. composer n. 作曲家 - compose vt./vi 创作/构成 composition n. 作品/ 创作/ 组成 14. conductor n. 指挥/ 列车售票员 - conduct v. 指挥,实施,引导,传导 n. 行为,举止人教新教材必修二(2020) Unit 5 Music 3.Discovering Useful Structures ( P54 ) 过去分词作表语和状语 Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance, Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness.(p54) 虽然演出后不久亨利就失明,但他仍能创作。他发现创作音乐是对他疾病的 一种解脱和治疗。 1. capable: adj. 有能力的, 有才能的-(反) incapable n. capacity 容量;能力c,single capability (ties)能力,才能 e.g. I know what these people are capable of. (有.能力,能够) the capability to create / of creating (.的能力) the capacity to learn/ for learning languages(.的能力) The bottle has a capacity of 1.5 litres. (.容量) be capable of (doing) sth the capability to do /of doing the capacity to do / for doing a capacity of 2. relief: n. (焦虑,痛苦)减轻,消除;(不快过后的)宽慰, 轻 松,解脱; 救济物 relieve: vt. 使减轻,使解除(痛苦,忧愁) e.g To our relief, the accident caused little damage. With Chinese assistance,including eight medical experts and relief assistance, we heaved a sigh of relief. sighed with/in relief. breathed a sigh of relief. It is a relief for Austrailians to take out the rubbish once in a week. The medicine has not brought me any relief. Anxiety may be relieved by talking to a friend. 1. 3curetreatheal 动词动词 治好(疾病) 解决问题 对待,把.视 为.招待,治 疗处 理 治愈 使健康 名词词 治疗, 措施请客,款待 ment 对待, 处理 ,治疗 e.g. We could use cloning to cure illness. Moving to the county cured her of the disease. Many bad habits can be especially difficult to cure. One day scientists will find a cure for cancer. 1. treat sb as. 把某人视为. (be treated as.) treat sb with. 用.来对待某人(be treated with.) treat sb +adv. .对待某人 treat sb to sth 用.款待某人/ 给.买. treat sth /sb 处理./治疗. treat or trick / ones treat under medical treatment / fair treatment/ waste water treatment The cuts soon healed up. Those infected have been healed by doctors. treat sb as. treat sb with. treat sth/sb , treat sb +adv. treat . to. Many doctors and care workers volunteered to ______________(救 治病人) with the novel coronavirus in Wuhan. They ____________________(耐心地对待病人)regardless of their own risk of being infected. So we should_
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