湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 7 There's a post office near my school.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:c0dd8).zip


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一、Listen and tick.(勾出你所听到的地名。 ) school( ) park( ) post office( ) cinema( ) clothes shop( ) fruit shop( ) tea house( ) 二、Listen and choose.(听音选择。 ) 1.Is there a post office near Linglings school? ( ) A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isnt. 2.Is there a cinema at the end of the street? ( ) A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isnt. 三、Group work.(小组合作讨论并表演) Introduce the surroundings around our school to Lili. (2-4 人一组合作,仿照课文 A 部分对话,自编对话,向 Lili 介绍我们学校的周边 环境,一个人扮演 Lili,可以参考以下文本。) A: Hello,Lili. Lili:Hello,everyone. A: Look,This is our school. Lili: Is there a ___near your school? A: Yes,there is./No,there isnt. B:Look.There is. C:There is. . Welcome to our school! Thank you! 参考词汇: post office cinema shopping centre Xiangjiang River park tea house bank Liulongzi restaurant No.7 restaurant Guoweiyi fruit shop clothes shop hotel . A: Hello,Lili. Lili: Hello,everyone. A: Look,This is our school. Lili: Is there a __park_near your school? B: No,there isnt. C:Look,there is No.7 restaurant near our school. Its here. Lili: Its nice. D:Look.There is _a shopping centre__over there. Its Shijijinyuan shopping centre. We can have fun. BCD:Welcome to our school! Lili: thank you!Unit 7 There is a post office near my school. Lili 9 singing Lili 9 singing Ningxiang my hometown(家乡乡 ) There is a ____ in Lilis hometown . 有 There is a ____ in Lilis hometown . There is a ____ near Lilis school . 附近 post office hotel There is a ____ near Lilis school . There is . Is there. near your school? bank Is there.near your school ? shopping centre There is Shijijinyuan shopping centre near our school. hometown ? ? Is there a____near Janes school ? 有 Task1.Listen and tick.(勾出你所听到的地名。) school( ) park( ) post office( ) cinema( ) clothes shop( ) fruit shop( ) tea house( ) tea house Task2.watch and choose.( 看课课文并选择选择 。) 1.Is there a post office near Janes school? ( ) A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isnt. 2.Is there a cinema at the end of the street? ( ) A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isnt. A A streetat the end of theThere is_____ 尽头 .? ? Task3.Read the text.(跟读课读课 文) around here near here There is _____around here. = 那里 Task4.Read the text in roles. (分角色读读 ) Task5.Continue the story.(续编续编 故事 ) ? . I want to study in your school.Could you introduce the surroundings to me? Task6:Groupwork.(向Lili 介绍绍我们们学校周边环边环 境) . Task6:Groupwork.(小组组合作讨论讨论 并表演 ) Introduce the surroundings around our school to Lili. (2-4人一组组合作,仿照课课文A部分对话对话 ,自编对话编对话 ,向Lili介绍绍我 们们学校的周边环边环 境,一个人扮演Lili,可以参考以下文本。) A: Hello,Lili. Lili:Hello,everyone. A: Look,This is our school. Lili: Is there a ___near your school? A: Yes,there is./No,there isnt. B:Look.There is. C:There is. . Welcome to our school! Thank you! Love the place we live! Love our school! Thank you !湘少版五年级下册湘少版五年级下册 Unit7Unit7 ThereThere isis a a postpost officeoffice nearnear mymy school.school.教学设计教学设计 1、教学内容教学内容 本课是湘少版五年级下册(三年级起点)Unit7 There is a post office near my school.第一课时,为对话新授课。本课内容为 Lingling 向 Mingming 介绍自己的家乡,Mingming 询问 Lingling 的家乡附近有什么。其中运用到了 “There is .”和“Is there.”以及本课的新单词 post office, park,cinema 等。文本难易程度适中。 2 2、学情分析学情分析 本课教学对象为五年级学生,他们有一定的学习基础。句型“There is .”在三四年级有所接触。对于此话题,学生也有一定的背景知识和生活经 验。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1 1、语言知识与技能、语言知识与技能: 会听懂、读懂、会说、理解并运用本单元的新单词 post office, park,cinema, shopping centre,hotel,bank,street 及“There is .”和 “Is there.”句型;能运用“There is .”和“Is there.”句型介绍 学校周边、邻里社区的情况。 2 2、学习策略:学习策略: 培养学生发散思维能力;指导学生进行听力策略训练;引导学生能读懂简 单的英语平面地图,提高空间思维能力、引导学生主动观察,积极发现。 3 3、情感态度:情感态度: 引导学生爱我们所住的社区、爱我我们的家乡,培养爱校、爱家情怀。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: 1、能掌握本单元的重点单词,并能运用本单元的功能句型“There is .”和“Is there .?”针对建筑物的方位进行简单问答。 2、对于从未接触过地图的学生,读懂简单的英语平面地图具有一定的难度, 教师要引导学生主动观察,积极发现,不断提高思维能力。 3、over there,at the end of the street,around here.句型的理解。 五、教学用具五、教学用具 PPT、卡片、头饰、地图等 六、教学步骤六、教学步骤 Step 1Warm-up Greetings.(与学生打招呼)(与学生打招呼) Hello,boys and girls. Im Miss luo,your new teacher. Im from Ningxiang. Nice to meet you! Where are you from? Ss:. (设计意图:作为新教师借班上课,课前的 Freetalk 能活跃课堂气氛,增加 师生之间互动,消除隔阂。为课堂的顺畅进行奠定良好的基础。) Step 2 Lead-in. Ill introduce a friend to you.Look at the picture. Can you say something about her? Ss: She is Lili. She likes singsing. She is 9. she is from Ningxing. Lets watch a video about Lilis hometown. What can you see in the hometown? There is a ____ in Lilis hometown .(park, lake, school) There are many shops near Lilis school. What are they? There is _____near Lilis school.(fruit shop noodles restaurant clothes shop post office hotel ) (导入新句型 there is .由旧知引入新单词 post office hotel) (设计意图:引入新朋友 Lili,并用关键词引导学生说出 Lili 的相关信息, 培养学生的发散思维能力。并自然的导入话题,认识并学习新单词 Hometown,再由 Lili 的家乡导入关键句型,There is a ____ in Lilis hometown .(park, lake, school)用旧知带入新知的学习,符合学生的认知规律,有效的激发 了学生的兴趣。 ) Step 3.Presentation Lingling is talking about her hometown ,too. Lets take a look.(文本导入) Who are they? Guess: Is there a______near Linglings school?(鼓励学生积极思考,大胆猜测) (导入新句型 Is there.?Yes, there is. No,there isnt.) Ss: Is there.? (设计意图:培养学生学会思考、观察的思维能力,为文本导入做铺垫。(设计意图:培养学生学会思考、观察的思维能力,为文本导入做铺垫。 ) Task1:Listen and tick.(勾出你所听到的地名。 ) school( ) park( ) post office( ) cinema( ) clothes shop( ) fruit shop( ) tea house( ) Task2.Listen and choose.(听音选择。 ) 1.Is there a post office near Linglings school? ( ) A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isnt. 2.Is there a cinema at the end of the street? ( ) A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isnt. street-at the end of-there is . There is _____at the end of the street. (设计意图:听力分为泛听整体感知,以及精听抓住细节两个步骤,有效 训练了学生的听力能力,并在听力过程中解决了本课新的单词及短语,让学生 在情境中有效掌握目标短语。 ) Task3.Read the text.(跟读课文) around here=near here There is __around here. over there There is ____over there. Step 4 consolidation 1.Read the text in roles.(分角色读 ) (设计意图:有效模仿原文录音,对文本内容进行巩固,并有效训练学生 的听说能力。 ) 2.Continue the story.(续编故事 )(鼓励学生发挥想象大胆说) Is there. around here? Bank/shopping centre(新单词) Look the map of our school. This is our school. There are many shops or places near our school. Lets take a look. What else? Look at your map and talk about it.(学生拿到发下的学校周边的 地图,进行表达和讨论) (设计意图:充分发挥学生的想象力以及发散思维能力,鼓励学生大胆表 达、巩固并运用本课语言目标。 ) Step 5.Show time Groupwork.(小组合作讨论并表演) Introduce the surroundings around our school to Lili. (2-4 人一组合作,仿照课文 A 部分对话,自编对话,向 Lili 介绍我们学校的 周边环境,一个人扮演 Lili,可以参考以下文本。) A: Hello,Lili. Lili:Hello,everyone. A: Look,This is our school. Lili: Is there a ___near your school? A: Yes,there is./No,there isnt. B:Look.There is. C:There is. . Welcome to our school! Thank you! 参考词汇: (设计意图:创设真实真实有效的语境,培养学生小组合作学习的能力以 及运用本课目标语言进行交流和沟通的能力,培养学生热爱学校、热爱社区及 家乡的情怀。 ) 课后反思:课后反思: 1、用情景创设整体贯穿整堂课,用任务驱动带动教学目标,效果较好。 2、话题贴近学生生活,学生看到自己身边的沃美影城、超市等照片兴趣浓 厚,激发了学生表达的欲望。 3、在关注学生核心素养方面的做的比较好。在问题的设置等方面做了多方 面的考虑,启发学生思维,注重培养学生的思维能力和文化品格。 post office cinema shopping centre Xiangjiang River park tea house bank Liulongzi restaurant No.7 restaurant Guoweiyi fruit shop clothes shop hotel . 3、第三个教学目标“能读懂简单的英语平面地图,提高空间思维能力、引 导学生留心生活、善于发现。 ”没有收到好的效果。虽然学生看到了学校周边的 卫星地图,但是没有发到小组中,学生在表达的时候有意想要用手去指。所以 后期会调整每组发个地图再进行讨论。 4、与信息技术融合较好,选取了网上视频、音频等材料,并且还录了学生 对话范例,丰富了教学资源。 5、活动方式比较单一,大多以小组讨论、看图说为主的。新单词和句型的 呈现方式也可以形式更加丰富一点。
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湘少版五年级下册英语_Unit Theres post office near my school._ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:c0dd8 湘少版五年级下册英语 _unit school _ppt 课件 教案
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