湘少版五年级下册英语-Unit 6 I'll make a beantiful card.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:80f79).zip


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Unit 6 Ill make a beautiful card. 内容:内容:湘少版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 6 Ill make a beautiful card. Part B、Part C 内容分析内容分析 本单元的内容是围绕“母亲节”活动开展,内容接近学生实际生活。 通过一系列活动,学生了解母亲节的日期以及如何开展母亲节活动, 学生通过学习引发思考,培养学生感恩之情。 学情分析学情分析 1.小学五年级的学生差不多已有三年英语学习的经历,学习兴趣比 较浓厚,并有一定的语言基础。大部分的学生能根据教师简单指令 做动作、做游戏、做事情。能做简单的角色表演。能唱简单的英文 歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小 故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的感觉和情感。能模仿范 例书写词句。在学习的过程中,大部分的学生还乐于模仿,乐于表 达,渴望认同,渴望赞许。并且对学习中所接触到的外国文化与习 俗特别感兴趣。 2.学生已经学习过一些关于节日的词汇,如 Children s Day, the Spring Festival 等;已学过一些可以作为礼物的词汇,如衣 服、食品、文具等;还学过一些表达自己感情的形容词,如 happy, excited 等。 3.学生在本册的第一、二单元已学过用“Were going to ”句型 表达自己将来的打算或计划。 4.五年级的学生有一定的词汇和句型基础,但对于自然拼读法了解 甚少。 激趣措施激趣措施 (1)通过歌曲激趣,营造轻松学习氛围。 (2)通过 lets talk, lets choose,chant 等活动激趣。 (3)通过 I will. 活动,表达对母亲的感谢。 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 简单了解母亲节的日期 2. 能听懂、会说、认读有关母亲节的词汇:Mothers Day card, go to the restaurant, buy a gift, buy some roses, buy a box of chocolates. 3. 句型:能用句型 Ill .表达母亲节的一些活动 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读有关母亲节的词汇和句型。 2. 学会用自然拼读法拼读含有 ar 组合的单词。 3. 能用句型 Ill .表达母亲节的一些活动。 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 用自然拼读法拼读含有 ar 组合的单词。 2. 能运用所学词汇和句型自由谈论母亲节的活动。 教学方法:教学方法: 1. 运用自然拼读法拼读单词。 2. 运用游戏教学法,任务型教学法等。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 Preparation Activity 1:Enjoy a song : mama said 课前播放歌曲,营造轻松氛围。 Activity 2:Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: How are you ? Im fine, too. Thank you ! Activity 3: Brainstorm : PPT 呈现节日日期,让孩子们快速说出属 于哪一个节日。 PPT shows: June 1st International Childrens Day; March 8th Womens Day; September 10th Teachers Day; May 13th Mothers Day. T:First, lets review. Review the month and the date . Please look at the ppt, and say out the date and what festival it is . Are you clear? T: Wonderful! T: How about this? What special day is it? Do you know? T:May 13th. . Is my birthday? Oh, no. ppt 呈现 2018 年 5 月份日历图: T:You dont know. It doesnt matter. Let me tell you . You see, this is a calendar of May.Yeah? May the 13th, its Mothers Day. Do you know Mothers Day? Generally speaking, Mothers Day is in May. Its on the second Sunday of May. So, this day is .? T: Good ! T: Then, whats the date today? S: Its May the tenth. T: Yes. Thats to say, Mothers Day is coming . 设计意图:通过学生快速反应,用旧知(日期表达法)引出新知 (Mothers Day) ,从而引出下一个环节,引出本课的主题。 Step 2 presentation Activity1 : Lets talk T: Do you love your mom? Of course, we love our mom. So what will you do for your mother on Mothers Day? T: Good girl! How about you? T: Good idea, I think. And you ? T:Wow, nice idea! 设计意图:通过学生大胆、自由的谈论,激活学生思维,不断巩固、 扩充学生的词汇量。 Activity2:Learn new words 采用思维导图的形式,以 gift 词为中心扩散,引出其他新词。 gift: ppt 呈现单词图片 学习 i 字母在此单词中的发音 拼读新词 gift,采用由词到词组,再到句子的形式, 如 gift, a big gift. Ill buy a big gift for my mother. T:You gave me many ideas. For me , on Mothers Day ,I will send my mom a gift. Do you know gift? Look, this is a gift. PPT 呈现礼物盒 图。 T:Please listen to the word first. T: Can you spell it? T: Follow me: gift, gift. Its a big gift; I buy a big gift. T: Who can read? / Which group can read? T: So how to complete this sentence? Ill buy a gift for my mother. T: Now, please read it one by one. T: We can buy gifts for our mom. What kind of gifts? Look, these are gifts, I think. T: Which one do you want to learn first? PPT 呈现 B 部分词汇,采用学生自主选择学习的方式进行。 card: 出示小汽车图片,由 car 过渡到 card 感知 “ar”字母组合的发音 总结“ar”字母组合的发音 拼读新词 card. 采用由词到词组,再到句子的形式,如:card, make a card, Ill make a card for my mother. 归纳含有 ar 字母组合的单词:如 car, park, March,bar 等。 巩固活动:听音写词 T:Oh, you choose No. 2 . T: Look, whats this? T: Yeah, its a car. Here,-ar, says.? T: Yes. Now, please look carefully, a letter is coming . T: Can you read this word?(card) T: Wonderful. Now, please read it after the tape. T: follow me ,please: card, card, make a card. T: So how to complete this sentence? I will make a card for my mother. T: Lets read it group by group. T: Do you know other words with -ar? T: Can you spell it? T: WOW! Your vocabulary is amazing! T: Can you write down my words? Listen and spell it, ok? park, bar, far, march, card. T: You did a good job. T: What else will you do for your mother? rose: 由旧知 nose 学习新词 rose。 图片呈现 nose 看动画,听音,拼读 rose T: Yes, we can send card to her. T: Next, which one do you want to learn ? T:Oh, you choose No.1. Look, whats this? T: Its a nose. Please read it together. T: Pay attention to -ose. Follow me ,please. T: Here, I change letter “n” into “r”, then , how to read this word? T: Clever! Now, lets watch the flash, and read the word after it . T: Then , who can make a sentence using this picture? T: Well-done! 补全句子:Ill buy some roses for my mother. chocolate 出示 chocolate 图片,感知义 听音,划音节 拼读单词 听音,跟读:chocolate, a box of chocolates, 补全句子:Ill buy a box of chocolates for my mother. T: What else can we do for our mom? T: Next, No. 4. T: WOW! I like it very much. T: Please listen first. And tell me how many syllables in the word?(chocolate) T: Yes. Please follow me : cho-, co- ,late, chocolate, a box of chocolates. T: This group, please read it one by one. T: Good job! T: So, we can say : Ill buy a box of chocolates for my mother. restaurant 出示图片,感知义 听音,划音节 拼读单词 听音,跟读 分组读 T: You see, we can buy gift, rose, chocolate,card for our mom. What else will you do for your mother? T: Bingo. We can take her to have a big meal. So, look, we need this place. T:Listen first: restaurant. T: Lets read. res-, tau-, rant, restaurant. T: Who can read? Hands up. T: Then, we can say: Ill go to the restaurant with my mom to have a big meal. T: Lets read together. T: Group A, please read the sentence! T: Group B, its your turn. Read it ,please. 设计意图:在单词新授过程中,我们采用多种教学方式:通过词不 离句的方式学习单词,让学生学会读单词、用单词,达到语用的目 的;采用看图补全句子的方式,检测学生语用的程度。另外,通过 渗透自然拼读法,学生掌握拼读单词规律,可以极大地提高他们的 学习积极性与兴趣。 Step 3 Practice Activity 1: Match 出示所学单词与中文意思,匹配 T: Good job. Boys and girls, today we learn some new words. Can you read them ? T: Now, lets try. T: Ok, let me check, play a game: Match, match the word and the Chinese meaning. T:Super! T:Now, who can try again? Activity2:Choose and say 教师用多媒体呈现挂有新单词的苹果树(设置 5 个苹果),学生自 主选择苹果,快速读出单词,并用新句型 Ill.造句。 T: You did a good job! T: Next, lets play another game: choose an apple, and say some sentences using this structure: “Ill .” T: Boy, which apple? Ok, No.5. Oh, its “rose”. T: Can you say some sentences using “rose”? T: Wonderful! I believe your mother will like this very much. . Activity3: Lets chant 教师用多媒体呈现 Chant,要求学生分小组朗读,并跟节奏展示 Chant。 Day ,day, mothers day gift,gift, Ill buy some gifts for my mother. Day ,day, mothers day card, card, Ill make a card for my mother. Day ,day, mothers day rose, rose, Ill buy some roses for my mother. T: Now, lets chant together. T: Nice job! 设计意图:采用多种方式巩固所学新词、新句,进一步检测学生的 掌握程度。 Step 4 Production Activity1:Lets talk PPT 呈现其他图片,如:给妈妈洗脚、唱歌、跳舞、做饭等图片, 或是拥抱妈妈 、亲吻妈妈的图片。 T:We can do many things for our mom. You know. Then,what else will you do for your mother? Excepting these things. T: Lovely girl: You will sing a song for your mom . T:Good boy: You will make a meal for your mom. T: Warm girl! You will wash feet for you mom. T:Great! You will dance for your mom! . Activity2: Watch a video of “family” T:Youre good boys and good girls. I believe! T:You know this word “family”,yeah? T: Do you know its meaning ? Now, lets watch a video about “family”. T: So, please love you daddy and mommy as they love you ! 设计意图:用多媒体呈现另外几幅图(帮妈妈洗脚、做饭、拥抱等) ,进一步扩展学生的思维,激发学生的发散思维。观看“family”小 视频,适时渗透情感教育:激发和培养学生的感恩之情。 Step 5 Progress Homework: Do what you can do for your mother. Do what you can you for your other family members,such as your father, grandpa, grandma, and so on. T: At last, your homework. T: Ok, so much for today! T: Goodbye, boys and girls! 设计意图:用简单、实际、接地气的方式教育学生如何表达对家人 的爱,培养他们的感恩之心。 板书设计: Unit 6 Ill make a beautiful card gift make a card buy some roses buy a box of chocolates go to the restaurant . Ill ____________________ for my mother. Ill ____________________ .
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