(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:3017b).zip
Unit 6 Feeling Fun More reading and writing A long journey to the West A long journey A long journey to the Westto the West India Can you talk about the bookCan you talk about the book? ? When ? Who? Where? Why? What happened? A long journey to the West Sun Wukong TangsengZhu BaijieSha Wujing Characters(人物): Monkey KingMaster Pigsy Sandy This monkey was clever and jumped very high. He always used a magic club to beat down a bad man. Who is he? Can you guess? He is Monkey King. He was Monkey Kings friend. He had big ears and a big nose. He looked like a pig. He was always very silly( not clever). Who is he? He is Pigsy. Pigsy He was also Monkey Kings friend. He was kind. He often worked very hard. Who is he? He is Sandy. Sandy He read many books . He was very wise. Monkey King、Pigsy and Sandy often learned from him. Who is he? Tangseng master He is Tangseng master. studied silly pig friend What is the text talking about? A. Who went on a journey? B. Why did they go on a journey? C. What happened before, on and after the journey ? 快速阅读阅读 ,选择选择 文 章大意 Before the journey Before the journey On the journey On the journey After the journeyAfter the journey Read and match 快速阅读阅读 , 选选出恰当的标题标题 填到相应应的段落 Brief introduction of the book( 书书的简简介) TimeWhoWherewhy to go many many years ago Tangsengwest get some important books 1.阅读阅读 全文,划出基本信息 2.把信息按分类类填入表中 Read and fill the blank. Judge the statements(T or F) ( )1.Tangseng met with bad things on the journey. ( )2. Pigsy helped Tangseng on the journey. ( )3.They didnt make any problems for Tangseng. ( )4. It was all OK in the end. T T F T 阅读阅读 提示:1、先在文中划出关键键信息 2、根据划出的信息进进行判断 also made ( )1. Did they bring the important books back to China? ( )2. What did they get after the journey? A. Yes, they did. B. No, they didnt. C. No, they did. A. some special presents B. some special books 提示:理解题题意,再阅阅 读读找出答案 A B What did they get?special presents A A B B friendshipfriendship友谊友谊 He went to the West. No, it wasnt. They brought the books back to China. Long, long ago, Tangseng went on a long journey to the . He wanted to some books and brought them back to China. Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy with him and him. In the end, they brought the books back to . And everyone got some . went China West get gifts helped Retell the story. West China went get gifts helped -This monkey (watch) me.watched -What did this monkey do? This monkey (climb) a tree.climbed This monkey (jump) on a car.jumped This monkey (play) with me.played Before the journey Before the journey On the journey On the journey After the journeyAfter the journey Can you make Can you make a a brief brief introduction(introduction(简介简介) of ) of this book?this book? There is a will, there is a way! (有志者,事竟成!) No pains, no gains. (不劳无获。) We must study hard! (我们必须努力学习!)Unit 6 More Reading and writing A long journey to the West 一、教材分析:该课例主要是一篇介绍西游记简介的阅读课,通过这堂课让 学生了解西游记的同时,增强学生对古典文学的热爱,进一步提高六 年级学生学习和使用英语的兴趣。 二、学生分析:学习本课例的学生是六年级的学生,他们已学习英语将近 4 年,有了一定的听、说、读、写的基础,部分学生具备了最基本的读写技 能。但也有部分学生基础不是很好。由于本节课是一节阅读课,需要大量 的词汇积累,可能会有部分的同学觉得困难。因此,在授课时尽量关注中 下层生,在活动中尽可能采取更多的生生活动,让上层学生带动中下层学 生,让每个层次的学生都参与到课堂中来。 三、 (一)语言能力 1、语言知识目标: (1)理解、朗读、复述本课故事。 (2)根据对故事已有的理解,推测“met with problem” “made problem” “special presents”的词义。 2、语言技能目标: (1)懂得运用跳读、扫读等技能快速获取信息的能力。 (2)通过阅读,能够从篇章中获取主要信息,明确文章的写作结构。 (3)借助提示介绍鲁滨逊漂流记的简介。 (二)文化意识 注重文化意识,让学生加深对西游记的认识,树立努力学习,不 轻易放弃的学习态度,培养学生的阅读名著的意识, (三)思维品质 引导学生通过多种形式练习,从 general reading 和 detail reading 两个 层面,发展其 scanning 和 skimming 等阅读技巧,让学生进行思考、分析、 发展其逻辑思维,培养他们综合运用英语进行思考和创新性思维能力。 (四)学习策略 1. 学习策略:借助教师提供的资源(听力资源,图片资源) ,帮助学生自主 解决学习的困难,培养自主学习的意识和能力; 2. 交际策略:在同桌互动,小组合作中,养成合作精神和合作能力; 3. 反思策略:在总结归纳活动中,反思学习过程,总结收获,发现不足, 不断完善自己。 五、教学重点和难点: (一)重点:学生理解课文内容,能流利朗读文本。 (二)难点:学生能够口头用课文的部分句型介绍鲁滨逊漂流记的简 介。 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk. T: Hello, boys and girls. What do you like? Do you like reading? What kinds of the book do you like? Did you ever read this book? (设计意图: 通过和学生交谈,拉近师生之间的距离,让学生尽快进入上课状 态,并为本课内容的引入作铺垫。 ) 2. Lead in. T: I like Journey to the West, too. Do you know the characters in the story? Who are they? (设计意图:谈论故事人物,为下面的阅读活动作一个铺垫。) 3. Pre-reading. (1) Listen and choose. T: Now, listen to the tape and answer the question: “What is the text talking about?” (设计意图:听录音,让学生对课文的有一个总体的感知,使用 scanning 这个 阅读技巧,掌握本文的基本意思,并且对文章里的生词有初步的感知。) (2) Listen and match. T: Now, read in group. Choose a title for each paragraph. (设计意图:学生再次阅读,为每段选择大意,一是让学生抓取每段大意,二 是为下面写作体裁的结构做准备。 ) 4. While reading. (1) Fill in the blank. T: This time, read by yourself carefully and find out the detail information. (2) True or false. ( ) 1.Tangseng met with bad things on the journey. ( ) 2. Pigsy helped Tangseng on the journey. ( ) 3.They didnt make any problems for Tangseng. ( ) 4. It was all OK in the end. (3) Answer the questions. 1. Did they bring the important books back to China? 2. What did they get after the journey? (设计意图:经过前面的泛读,让学生进一步精读,抓取关键信息,进一步 理解文章,设置了填表、判断、回答问题三种层层递进的方式。形式多样, 难易不一。一方面让学生在阅读期中保持新鲜感,另一方面,照顾各个层次 的学生的需求。并且在阅读中渗透 skimming 的阅读技巧,发展学生的阅读能 力。 ) (1) Post-reading. Retell the text. T: Can you retell the story according to the tips? (设计意图:通过阅读进行意义建构,在与文本相互作用的过程中,在理解、 思辨的过程中培养学生的语言输出能力,即说话能力和写话能力。 ) (2) Finish the practice. 5. Summary T: What do we learn from the text? Ss:There is will, there is a way! We must study hard。 (设计意图:最后引导学生谈谈读后感受,总结得出自己的感受并且更加坚 定努力学习的信心。 ) 6. Homework T:Write a brief introduction of “Robinson Crusoe”. (设计意图:通过对本课文本西游记介绍的学习,让阅读促进写作,培 养学生的写作能力和知识迁移的能力。 )
- 资源描述:
Unit 6 Feeling Fun More reading and writing A long journey to the West A long journey A long journey to the Westto the West India Can you talk about the bookCan you talk about the book? ? When ? Who? Where? Why? What happened? A long journey to the West Sun Wukong TangsengZhu BaijieSha Wujing Characters(人物): Monkey KingMaster Pigsy Sandy This monkey was clever and jumped very high. He always used a magic club to beat down a bad man. Who is he? Can you guess? He is Monkey King. He was Monkey Kings friend. He had big ears and a big nose. He looked like a pig. He was always very silly( not clever). Who is he? He is Pigsy. Pigsy He was also Monkey Kings friend. He was kind. He often worked very hard. Who is he? He is Sandy. Sandy He read many books . He was very wise. Monkey King、Pigsy and Sandy often learned from him. Who is he? Tangseng master He is Tangseng master. studied silly pig friend What is the text talking about? A. Who went on a journey? B. Why did they go on a journey? C. What happened before, on and after the journey ? 快速阅读阅读 ,选择选择 文 章大意 Before the journey Before the journey On the journey On the journey After the journeyAfter the journey Read and match 快速阅读阅读 , 选选出恰当的标题标题 填到相应应的段落 Brief introduction of the book( 书书的简简介) TimeWhoWherewhy to go many many years ago Tangsengwest get some important books 1.阅读阅读 全文,划出基本信息 2.把信息按分类类填入表中 Read and fill the blank. Judge the statements(T or F) ( )1.Tangseng met with bad things on the journey. ( )2. Pigsy helped Tangseng on the journey. ( )3.They didnt make any problems for Tangseng. ( )4. It was all OK in the end. T T F T 阅读阅读 提示:1、先在文中划出关键键信息 2、根据划出的信息进进行判断 also made ( )1. Did they bring the important books back to China? ( )2. What did they get after the journey? A. Yes, they did. B. No, they didnt. C. No, they did. A. some special presents B. some special books 提示:理解题题意,再阅阅 读读找出答案 A B What did they get?special presents A A B B friendshipfriendship友谊友谊 He went to the West. No, it wasnt. They brought the books back to China. Long, long ago, Tangseng went on a long journey to the . He wanted to some books and brought them back to China. Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy with him and him. In the end, they brought the books back to . And everyone got some . went China West get gifts helped Retell the story. West China went get gifts helped -This monkey (watch) me.watched -What did this monkey do? This monkey (climb) a tree.climbed This monkey (jump) on a car.jumped This monkey (play) with me.played Before the journey Before the journey On the journey On the journey After the journeyAfter the journey Can you make Can you make a a brief brief introduction(introduction(简介简介) of ) of this book?this book? There is a will, there is a way! (有志者,事竟成!) No pains, no gains. (不劳无获。) We must study hard! (我们必须努力学习!)Unit 6 More Reading and writing A long journey to the West 一、教材分析:该课例主要是一篇介绍西游记简介的阅读课,通过这堂课让 学生了解西游记的同时,增强学生对古典文学的热爱,进一步提高六 年级学生学习和使用英语的兴趣。 二、学生分析:学习本课例的学生是六年级的学生,他们已学习英语将近 4 年,有了一定的听、说、读、写的基础,部分学生具备了最基本的读写技 能。但也有部分学生基础不是很好。由于本节课是一节阅读课,需要大量 的词汇积累,可能会有部分的同学觉得困难。因此,在授课时尽量关注中 下层生,在活动中尽可能采取更多的生生活动,让上层学生带动中下层学 生,让每个层次的学生都参与到课堂中来。 三、 (一)语言能力 1、语言知识目标: (1)理解、朗读、复述本课故事。 (2)根据对故事已有的理解,推测“met with problem” “made problem” “special presents”的词义。 2、语言技能目标: (1)懂得运用跳读、扫读等技能快速获取信息的能力。 (2)通过阅读,能够从篇章中获取主要信息,明确文章的写作结构。 (3)借助提示介绍鲁滨逊漂流记的简介。 (二)文化意识 注重文化意识,让学生加深对西游记的认识,树立努力学习,不 轻易放弃的学习态度,培养学生的阅读名著的意识, (三)思维品质 引导学生通过多种形式练习,从 general reading 和 detail reading 两个 层面,发展其 scanning 和 skimming 等阅读技巧,让学生进行思考、分析、 发展其逻辑思维,培养他们综合运用英语进行思考和创新性思维能力。 (四)学习策略 1. 学习策略:借助教师提供的资源(听力资源,图片资源) ,帮助学生自主 解决学习的困难,培养自主学习的意识和能力; 2. 交际策略:在同桌互动,小组合作中,养成合作精神和合作能力; 3. 反思策略:在总结归纳活动中,反思学习过程,总结收获,发现不足, 不断完善自己。 五、教学重点和难点: (一)重点:学生理解课文内容,能流利朗读文本。 (二)难点:学生能够口头用课文的部分句型介绍鲁滨逊漂流记的简 介。 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk. T: Hello, boys and girls. What do you like? Do you like reading? What kinds of the book do you like? Did you ever read this book? (设计意图: 通过和学生交谈,拉近师生之间的距离,让学生尽快进入上课状 态,并为本课内容的引入作铺垫。 ) 2. Lead in. T: I like Journey to the West, too. Do you know the characters in the story? Who are they? (设计意图:谈论故事人物,为下面的阅读活动作一个铺垫。) 3. Pre-reading. (1) Listen and choose. T: Now, listen to the tape and answer the question: “What is the text talking about?” (设计意图:听录音,让学生对课文的有一个总体的感知,使用 scanning 这个 阅读技巧,掌握本文的基本意思,并且对文章里的生词有初步的感知。) (2) Listen and match. T: Now, read in group. Choose a title for each paragraph. (设计意图:学生再次阅读,为每段选择大意,一是让学生抓取每段大意,二 是为下面写作体裁的结构做准备。 ) 4. While reading. (1) Fill in the blank. T: This time, read by yourself carefully and find out the detail information. (2) True or false. ( ) 1.Tangseng met with bad things on the journey. ( ) 2. Pigsy helped Tangseng on the journey. ( ) 3.They didnt make any problems for Tangseng. ( ) 4. It was all OK in the end. (3) Answer the questions. 1. Did they bring the important books back to China? 2. What did they get after the journey? (设计意图:经过前面的泛读,让学生进一步精读,抓取关键信息,进一步 理解文章,设置了填表、判断、回答问题三种层层递进的方式。形式多样, 难易不一。一方面让学生在阅读期中保持新鲜感,另一方面,照顾各个层次 的学生的需求。并且在阅读中渗透 skimming 的阅读技巧,发展学生的阅读能 力。 ) (1) Post-reading. Retell the text. T: Can you retell the story according to the tips? (设计意图:通过阅读进行意义建构,在与文本相互作用的过程中,在理解、 思辨的过程中培养学生的语言输出能力,即说话能力和写话能力。 ) (2) Finish the practice. 5. Summary T: What do we learn from the text? Ss:There is will, there is a way! We must study hard。 (设计意图:最后引导学生谈谈读后感受,总结得出自己的感受并且更加坚 定努力学习的信心。 ) 6. Homework T:Write a brief introduction of “Robinson Crusoe”. (设计意图:通过对本课文本西游记介绍的学习,让阅读促进写作,培 养学生的写作能力和知识迁移的能力。 )
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