(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 6 Feeling Fun-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:90944).zip


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Unit 6 Feeling Fun Read and guess: I have a long face, four legs and long tail. I can run fast. I like eating grass. People like riding on my back. What am I ? They were going to the west. Its in India. They had to get the great books . A Journey to the West Master Monkey King 位于南亚次大位于南亚次大 陆的印度半岛陆的印度半岛 上,海岸线上,海岸线 60836083千米。地千米。地 形以平原、高形以平原、高 原、缓丘为主,原、缓丘为主, 占国土面积的占国土面积的 60%60%左右。大致左右。大致 分为北部山地、分为北部山地、 中部平原和南中部平原和南 部高原三个地部高原三个地 形区,北部山形区,北部山 地属喜马拉雅地属喜马拉雅 山系,山势高山系,山势高 峻,多峻,多70007000米米 以上的山峰,以上的山峰, 中部印度河棗中部印度河棗 恒河平原是世恒河平原是世 界著名的大平界著名的大平 原之一原之一 West East 西方 North South India the Taj Mahal 泰姬陵,代表了印度建筑艺术的最高水准泰姬陵,代表了印度建筑艺术的最高水准 Unit 6 Feeling Fun Im hungry,too.He will come back soon. Master, when will Monkey come back? Im hungry. Its dark.We must be careful. Its dangerous(危险危险). Im not afraid. Master. Stop! Give me money and the horse ! No way! Drop your club! Dont fight. Master ! Im back. Are you OK ? Oh, no! Its Monkey King! I must go. Wheres the dinner, Monkey? I found a nice club. Hum.Im afraid I forgot it. Ex 1: Order the pictures:Ex 1: Order the pictures: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 6 5 4 3 A F E D C B Can you say? They have to to get. India is in They have to Because On the way, acame out. Mr Sha At this time, the Monkey King The bad man After a long way, they Gogo and his friends were acting(表演)(表演) the play just now. They went to the They went to the (west / east). Its in (west / east). Its in (China/ India). On the way, they had to (China/ India). On the way, they had to (take/ (take/ took ) care. Because it was dangerous. But was took ) care. Because it was dangerous. But was not not (afraid/brave). After a long way, they (afraid/brave). After a long way, they (meet/met) a (meet/met) a When the bad manWhen the bad man (see/saw) , he (see/saw) , he (is / was) scared. He (is / was) scared. He (run / ran) away quickly. (run / ran) away quickly. At last, they At last, they (carried / carry) the great (carried / carry) the great books back from India. They books back from India. They (were / are) happy.(were / are) happy. Ex 2: Fill in the blanks.Ex 2: Fill in the blanks. west India take afraid met saw was ran carried were Do you know more about this play ? What do we learn from it? (我们从中学到什么?) No pains, no gains. (不劳无获。)(不劳无获。) There is a will, there is a way. (有志者,事竟成!有志者,事竟成!) We have to study hard ! Homework: 1. Listen and read the conversation. 2. Act the conversation with your friends.1 Unit 6 Feeling Fun 教学设计 一、学生分析一、学生分析 学生在学习本单元前已经学习和掌握了较多有关一般过去时的词汇及语句, 但语言表达上仍有些不足,特别是在语言的输出方面仍需加强训练。同时,学 生已经步入小学最后的学习阶段,他们不仅求知欲强,而且不满足于简单、低 层次的活动或教学方式,他们喜欢有点挑战性的、实用性更强的学习活动。然 而,也有部分学生由于基础薄弱,缺乏学习信心,出现兴趣降低、应付学习的 现象。因而,老师应通过本单元内容设计新颖的教学方式,调动学生的学习兴 趣,并循序渐进地引导学生以旧引新,并通过表演的方式进行语言的运用与输 出,使学生对旧知得到巩固,又能掌握新知。 二、教材分析二、教材分析 本单元是六年级下册的最后一个单元学习内容,它主要是对过去时态的复 习与运用,并掌握更多的过去时词汇,以及对“cant” 、 “must”等情态动词的 掌握与运用。通过话剧表演、故事阅读的方式,引导学生“输出”所学的知识, 从而达到知识的复习及巩固。 三、教学目标、教学内容三、教学目标、教学内容 1、教学目标。 本单元围绕“Feeling Fun”的主题展开教学活动。核心任务是引导学生会用 所学知识进行表演输出及故事阅读,从而实现知识的运用与巩固、获取与输出 的教学目标。 (1)语言知识目标 能够理解掌握并熟练运用本单元关于“Feeling Fun”主题的重点词汇、句型 和语音知识。理解和运用“cant” 、 “must” ,以及掌握更多过去时态的语言表达 形式和过去时形式。 (2)语言技能目标 能够借助图片听懂、理解并运用关于“cant” 、 “must”的语言表达形式。 2 能够借助图片听懂并理解有关过去发生事件的语言表达形式。 能正确朗读 Story 板块,借助图片读懂 Reading and writing 板块的故事,并 养成按意群阅读的习惯。 (3)情感态度目标 能提高学习兴趣,加深对中国传说及著名小说的了解及热爱,增强对民族 文化的认识。 (4)学习策略 在老师的引导下,通过自主学习、合作学习、小组讨论、小组表演等方式, 让学生享受自主学习的乐趣,培养小组合作、与人沟通的能力,并学习合作学 习的策略。 (5)文化意识 能初步了解话剧表演艺术及中国传说和小说的文化。 2、教学内容。 (1)教学重点: 词汇:lose / lost, carry / carried, push / pushed, give / gave, find / found, drop / dropped, pull / pulled, get / got. 句型:I cant find it. Dont worry. We must hurry up. We cant go out. Dont push. You must pull. 语音: :chair bear where hair pear there (掌握 Vocabulary 板块的词组并运用 Target 板块的句型,学习的发音。 ) (2)教学难点: 理解并运用 Vocabulary 中动词过去时的形式。 理解并运用 Target 中关于“cant” 、 “must”的语言表达形式。 理解并运用 Story 中的句型进行交流表达。 四、单元教学安排(课时、内容):四、单元教学安排(课时、内容): 第一课时:Vocabulary, Target and Practice 2 第二课时:Story, Practice 1 and Activity 3 第三课时:Sounds and words & Song activities 第四课时:Reading and writing 第五课时:More Reading and Writing 五、具体教学设计五、具体教学设计 Vocabulary, Target and Practice 2 课型:课型:新授课 课时:课时:第一课时 教学目标:教学目标: 1、本节要求学生能理解掌握并运用动词及过去式 lose / lost, carry / carried, push / pushed, give / gave, find / found, drop / dropped, pull / pulled, get / got. 2、理解并运用 Target 中关于“cant” 、 “must”的语言表达形式。 教学重点:教学重点: 正确理解并熟练运用本节新单词和句型。 教学难点:教学难点: 1、掌握并运用所学的动词及过去式。 2、运用 Target 中关于“cant” 、 “must”的语言表达形式。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1. Warming up 师生进行日常对话引入主题。 T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? S: I am fine. Thank you! T: Did you help your mom at home yesterday? S: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. T: What did you do? S: I ( Ask several students) 4 (设计意图:通过自由对话活跃课堂气氛,复习旧知,并借此创设情境,引出 主题。 ) Step 2. Presentation 1、展示 Gogo 和 Ben 的对话,对话中展示 Vocabulary 的新词汇及 Target 的新 句型。 T: You were feeling fun yesterday. (展示课题)But, Ben wasnt. What did he do yesterday?(展示 Ben 夜晚看电视的图片) S: He stayed up late and watched TV. T: Yes. So, what happened to him this morning? Now, lets have a look. 【对话材料】 (The clock is ringing, and Ben wakes up.) Ben: Oh! Its seven thirty. I must go to school. Wheres my bag? Ben: Oh, no! Gogo, I lost my bag. I cant find it. Gogo: Dont worry. I can help you. Ben: We must hurry. Oh, no! We cant go out. Gogo: Dont push. You must pull. Ben: I cant open it, too. Gogo: Look! I got a key. Ben: Give me the key, Gogo. Gogo: Here it is. (Gogo find the bag on the floor.) Gogo: I found the bag .You dropped it on the floor. Ben: Thank you, Gogo. I must carry it to school now. Bye. Gogo: Good bye. (设计意图:故事呈现法。教师用学生能听懂的语言,借助图片、对话情境来 呈现新词和新句型,激发学生的学习兴趣,并能让学生更直观地接触新词,也 为后面的 Target 句型学习做好铺垫。 ) 2、根据学习重点分开展示图片和对话,跟读对话,并回答问题,然后制作小 歌谣。 5 通过这种方式学习本节的重点词汇和句型。 (设计意图:通过情境跟读对话,让学生更容易掌握词汇的读音。通过歌谣学 习与创作,更能激发学生的学习兴趣,并让学生在不知不觉中掌握词汇。 ) 3、教师播放录音,学生跟读单词。 a. Slap Game. 各小组将准备好的单词卡片放在桌面上,当老师读出单词时,应 迅速找到相应的单词卡片,并站起来把单词拼读出来。 b. 我说你说。老师读出动词的原形或过去式,学生就要读出相应的过去式或原 形,速度逐渐加快。 (设计意图:通过游戏帮助学生辨别单词发音和区分动词原形与过去式。 ) Step 3. Chant. 1、小组朗读并操练对话。 2、跟读歌谣,并进行小组操练。 3、进行小组表演。 (设计意图:通过对知识的操练与小组合作学习,巩固词汇、句型的掌握与运 用,培养学生的语感与小组学习能力。 ) Step 4. Target. 1、呈现 Target 部分的对话(Play the video of Target) (1)播放对话录音,学生做听力选择填空,呈现完整文本。 【教学材料】 Ben: Oh, no! I _______ ( A. lose B. lost ) my bag! I cant ________ ( A. find B. found ) it. Gogo: Dont ________ ( A. worry B. worried). Ill help you. Ben: We _______ ( A. must B. cant ) hurry up. Oh, no! We cant go out. Gogo: Dont _______ ( A. push B. pull ). You must _______ ( A. push B. pull ). (2)播放对话录音。学生回答问题。 6 What did Ben lose? Can Ben go out by pushing the door? (3)播放对话录音,学生跟读。 (4)小组分角色操练并表演对话。 (设计意图:培养学生的理解能力、朗读能力和小组学习能力。 ) 2、小组情景对话。 (1)学生根据相片内容及对话上下文进行补全填空。 (2)分组进行情景对话练习并表演。 (设计意图:通过情景对话,让学生巩固所学知识,并进行情感教育,引导学 生养成良好的行为习惯。 ) Step 5. Practice and extension. T: Ben was hurried to school this morning. After school, he came home. But he was sad. What happened to him? ( Show up Picture 1 in Practice 2.) S: He lost his keys. T: What must he do? Now, lets have a look. (play the flash of Practice 2 ) 1、在 PPT 中播放对话,让学生跟读。 2、进行师生问答示范。 3、小组根据图片内容进行问答练习。 4、根据图片完成短文。 Ben was busy this afternoon. After school, he came home. But he _______ his keys, he must _________ them. After that, he helped his father _______ the car to the garden and washed it. His father was very happy, and ________ many books to 7 him. The books were very heavy, he must _______ them to the study. After dinner, Ben helped his mom _______ the dog out, but the dog didnt go. Because it likes pushing, not pulling. Wow! What a busy day for Ben! (设计意图:提高学生运用知识进行实际操作的能力。 ) Step 6. Summary. 1. Read the words in Vocabulary, and read the chant. 2. Read the dialogue in Target. Step 7. Homework. Write a passage bout your day by using the words in Vocabulary. Blackboard design: 6. Feeling Fun Vocabulary: Useful expressions: lose lost 1. I lost my bag. I cant find it. find found 2. We must hurry. carry carried 3. We cant go out. drop dropped 4. Dont push. You must pull. push pushed 5. What must he do? pull pulled He must find his keys. give gave 6. What will he do? get got He will find his keys. 8 Story, Practice 1 and Activity 课型:课型:会话课 课时:课时:第二课时 教学目标:教学目标: 本节要求学生继续巩固、熟练掌握并运用上节所学词汇和句型,理解并掌 握 Master, dark, dangerous, No way, club, fight, Monkey King, afraid 等词汇,并能 运用所学内容进行会话、表演,从而培养学生合作学习、语言交际和正确的价 值观。 教学重点:教学重点: 理解本单元课文,能够正确的朗读课文并进行表演。 教学难点:教学难点: 1、掌握并运用所学的词汇。 2、能够进行课文内容配音及表演。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1. Warming up T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? S: Im fine. What about you? T: I am feeling fun today. (展示课题)Because I am going to watch a play in the school hall. (展示图片)Do you want to go with me? S: Yes. T: OK. But you must do some tasks to get the ticket. Can you? S: Yes. (设计意图:展示课题,并为导入复习和新课题做铺垫,并创设本节学习的情 景。 ) Step 2. Review Task 1: Flash eyes. Flash the words in Vocabulary on PPT, and let the students says them as quickly 9 as they can. (设计意图:通过快速闪现上节课的新词汇,让学生尽快读出所出现的词 汇,从而达到复习词汇的目的。 ) Task 2: Listening test. Look at the questions and the pictures in Practice 1, then listen and choose the right pictures. But before listening, students must read the questions and describe the pictures with words or phrases. For example, pull the door, push the door (设计意图:通过完成 Practice 1 的听力练习,让学生进一步复习和巩固上 节课所学的词汇。 ) Task 3: Look and say. Look at the pictures and words, then describe the pictures with one or two sentences. For example, Oh, no! I lost my horse! I must go back! (设计意图:让学生通过描述图片进行上节知识的复习和巩固,并用另一 种方式学习 Activities,也为学习 Story 做铺垫。 ) Task 4: Know something about the play. Before we watch the play, lets read the short passage and answer two questions to know about the play. 【教学材料】 A long journey to the West Long long ago, Master Tangsen(唐僧), Monkey King(孙悟空), Pigsy(猪八戒), and Sandy(沙 僧)went to the West. They wanted to get some books. On the journey, they met many dangerous. But, they dont afraid. And, it was OK in the end. They got the books and took them back to China. 阅读短文,并回答下面两个问题。 10 1. Who is the Master? 2. Is it dangerous on the journey? (设计意图:通过阅读短文,让学生了解新学内容的相关背景知识,并学习重 点词汇 Master 和 dangerous,为下面的学习作好铺垫。 ) Step 3. Presentation T: Boys and girls, youve done a good job. You finished all the tasks. Now, you can go to the school hall and watch the play. But, guess: Who will put on the play?(展示一幅模糊的图片,让学生猜猜人物。 )Yes, they are Gogo, Tony, Jenny and Ben. Now, lets watch the play. And answer the questions. 1、 出示 Story 相关的问题,让学生带着问题去观看 Story 的内容,并回答 问题。 ( 1 ) What do the Bad Man want? A. Master. B. The horse. C. The club. ( 2 ) Did Monkey King forget the dinner? ( 3 ) What did Sandy find? (设计意图:带着问题去熟悉内容,获取信息,核对自己的猜测。 ) 2、引导学生理解 dark, no way, club, fight, afraid 等含义。 (1)通过图片和音频,让学生理解 dark, fight, afraid 的含义。 (2)通过手势,让学生理解 no way 的含义。 (设计意图:通过图片、音频、情景等方式,引导学生理解词汇和句子含 义,突破难点,为后面学习做好铺垫。 ) Step 4. Practice 1、播放 Story,让学生跟读,并给图片排列正确的顺序。 (设计意图:输入纯正语音素材,培养学生良好的英语语感,也让学生进 一步理解教学内容。 ) 11 2、分小组进行会话操练。 3、分角色为 Story 配音,教师纠音。 4、分角色上台表演,选出最佳表演。 (设计意图:通过配音、模仿表演活动,培养学生自主合作学习的能力。 ) Step 5. Extension T: We watched the play just now, and we all know about it. But, can you make a story about the play? ( S: Yes. ) T: Ok. Lets fill in the blanks and finish the story. 【教学材料】 1、完成故事填写,并让学生朗读故事,教师纠正。 2、分小组进行故事朗诵练习,并进行讲故事比赛。 (设计意图:通过补全故事及演讲故事,让学生把所学知识运用于实践中, 达到学以致用的目的。通过小组练习,培养学生合作学习的意识,体现自主学 习的理念。 ) Step 6. Summary Lead the students to read: From the story, we must be careful outside, because its dangerous. And, when we meet some bad men, we should not be scared or afraid, we also cant fight with them. We must call the police for help. (设计意图:通过语篇进行重点词汇小结,让学生对所学知识得到巩固, 12 并也得到了情感教育,培养学生正确的价值观。 ) Step 7. Homework 1. Listen and read the conversation. 2. Act the conversation with your friends. Blackboard design: 6. Feeling Fun Vocabulary: Task 4. Answer the questions: Master 1. Who is the Master? dark 2. Is it dangerous on the journey? dangerous Story No way ( 1 ) What do the Bad Man want? club A. Master. B. The horse. C. The club. fight ( 2 ) Did Monkey King forget the dinner? Yes. afraid ( 3 ) What did Sandy find? A nice club. Sounds and words & Song activities 课型:课型:语音课 课时:课时:第三课时 教学目标:教学目标: 1、学会本课六个单词:chair, hair, bear, pear, where, there; 2、认识字母组合 air, ear, ere 的发音e,并能够准确发音; 3、运用拼读技巧,看到e的音能拼读; 4、了解更多发音e的字母组合,了解 air, ear, ere 的其它发音。 教学重点:教学重点: 1、掌握能拼读、拼写六个目标词汇; 2、能够准确发e的读音。 教学难点:教学难点: 1、能够准确发e的读音; 2、能够了解 air, ear, ere 的其它发音。 13 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1. Lead in 1. Greeting. 2. 学生进行对话表演。 (设计意图:复习巩固上节课的内容,并为导入本节学习创设情景。 ) Step 2. Presentation T: Today, I will tell you another story about the long journey of Tangseng. Now look at this picture.(展示图片) T: One day, they came to a city. Its name is “e”. But, they dont know how to say it. can you teach them? How do you say the name? S: e.(播放录音,让学生跟读) (设计意图:创设情景,并让学生初步感知读音。 ) 1、学习单词读音。 T: Before they go into the city, they should finish some tasks. Can you help them? S: Yes. T: OK. Lets look at the tasks. Task 1: Its a riddle: Its something on your body. But, Master doesnt have on his head. What is it? S: Its “hair”. T: Yes. Its “hair”. (展示图片, 并让学生跟读。 ) Task 2. Look at the picture and the words. Read the words first, then make a sentence by using the words. ( chair, pear, bear ) ( 1 ) 播放录音,跟读单词。 ( 2 ) 小组读单词,并写出句子。 (如果学生不能自己写出 句子,可以用填空进行学习。 ) ( 3 ) 学生展示。 The ______ is on the bear, the ________ on the chair, the ______ is on the stair. 14 Task 3. Look at the pictures and find the right words, then read them correctly. (设计意图:输入纯正语音素材,培养学生正确的语音,并把所学内容融 入到句子,词不离句,学以致用,为 chant 的学习作铺垫。 ) Step 3. Practice 1、读词练习,并把单词融入句子中进行操练。 T: Boys and girls, thank you for your help. They can go into the “e” city. But, they are hungry now.(展示猪八戒肚子饿的图片). They want to eat some food. Lets help them find the restaurant. OK? S: Yes. T: Now, look and read. 【教学材料】 Tangseng: Excuse me. Where is the restaurant? Old man: Its over there. Tangseng: Thank you. 2、根据字母组合,试读单词。 T: They are in the restaurant now. But, they must read the words before they order the food. Lets help them to read the words. 读出下列单词(用字母翻滚组合的方式进行拼读练习) 。 air: chair hair fair pair stair ear: bear pear wear tear ere: where there mere (设计意图:练习和考察学生们是否掌握单词拼读方法和 ear, air, ere 字母 组合发音。 ) 3、学习并朗读 chant。 A. where B. here C. there ( ) ( ) 15 T: After eating the food, they must read a chant for the bill. So, can you teach them to read the chant? ( S: Yes. ) (1)填上所缺的单词。 (2)听录音,跟读 chant。 (3)小组练习朗读 chant. (4)选出小组表演。 (设计意图:充分练习,考察学生 的发音,得到学生学习反馈。 ) Step 4. Extension T: Master, Monkey King, Pigsy and Sandy are feeling fun in the city. But, they must go on their journey. Now, they are going to go out the city. They must read the words correctly before they go out. Lets listen and repeat. Words: chair hair fair pair stair bear pear wear tear where there mere care hare fare scare their heir ear dear fear here 1、听录音,读单词,注意辨音。 2、读单词练习,注意发音的准确。 3、选出学生读单词,老师纠音,并引导学生了解e除了字母组合 air, ear, ere,还有其它的组合。同时,字母组合 air, ear, ere 也会有不是发e的单词。 (设计意图:巩固本节e字母组合 air, ear, ere,的发音学习,让学生了解 字母组合 air, ear, ere 还存在其它的发音,并进行辨别,拓宽学生的学习思路。 ) Step 5. Song activities T: Monkey are very happy, because they can go out the city and go on their journey. Just then, they hear a song from a mice. Whats that? Lets listen, OK? 1、在 PPT 播放 song 的 flash。 (第一段歌谣) 2、听完后,提出问题。 T: What happened to the mouse? S: He lost his cheese. Whe
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