(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 2 A Magic Day-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:20154).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 A Magic Day_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:20154)
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http:/ 中小学课件 WelcomWelcome e http:/ 中小学课件 Warm upWarm up Listen and chant REVIEW: -What did you do this moring? -I read a book. 句型结构 问句:What did you +动词原形 +时间? 答语:主语+动词过去式+其他. -Did you go to the beach after that? -No,I didnt. I went to the park. 句型结构问句:Did +主语+动词原形+其他? 答语:Yes,主语+did.(肯定回答) No,主语+didnt.(否定回答) STEP 1. 课前自学检测 1、按要求填空。 (1)What did you ______(did/do) this morning? I _________basketball. 翻译:___________________________________________________ (2)What did you ______(eat/ate) this morning? I _______chicken. 翻译:___________________________________________________ (3)Did you eat breakfast this morning? 回答Yes ,_____________________ (4)Did you play basketball this morning? 回答No,______________________ doplayed 今天上午你做什么了? 我打了篮球。 eatate 今天上午你吃什么了? 我吃了鸡肉。 I did. I didnt. -Did they go to the beach after that? -No,they didnt. They went to the desert. dezt Unit 2 A Magic Day mdk 奇妙的一天奇妙的一天 STEP 2 . 课堂互学(观看视频并完成1题和2题 ) 1、根据课本page18,请根据图片给下列单词或 短语连线。 a magic lamp a beautiful desert bottle chicken 2、看录像,完成判断,对的写“T”,错的写 “F” ( )They were in a desert. ( ) Gogo ate cheese, chocolate, meat and ice cream. ( ) Gogo was thirsty. T F T In a desert W Wow! What a beautiful desert! 在沙漠里 哇!多么美丽的沙漠啊! W I feel hungry . Lets have lunch. 我感到饿了。我们去吃午餐吧。 bjutfl dezt fil WWhat did you eat this morning? W I ate cheese, chocolate, chicken, and ice cream. 你今天早晨吃什么了? 我吃了奶酪、巧克力、鸡肉和冰激 淋。 tkn Wwnbnthing Did you drink anything this morning? Wow! What a beautiful desert! Wwnbnthingdhdshhh nni No, I didnt. Im thirsty now. 你今天早晨喝了什么吗? 不,我没有。我现在渴了。 n Oh, a bottle of water! I want it! 哦,一瓶水!我想要它! bt()l wt Wow! What a beautiful desert! Thats not water! Thats a magic lamp! 那不是一瓶水!那是一盏神 灯! lamp Oh, Gogo! Oh, its fun! 哦,Gogo! 哦,好有趣! 3.LISTEN AND WRITE(听和写) In a desert Wow! What a ! I hungry .Lets have lunch. What did you eat this morning? I ate cheese, chocolate, , and ice cream. Did you drink this morning? No, I didnt .Im thirsty now. Oh, a of ! I want it! Thats not water! Thats a magic . Oh, its fun ! Oh, Gogo! beautiful desert feel chicken anything water lamp bottle Lets do some exercises! Step 3. 当堂练习 单项选择。 ( )1.Lets _____! A. watching B. watched C. watch ( )2.Gogo ate ________________ this morning. A. vegetables B. chicken and ice cream C. meat ( )3.Gogo didnt _____________ anything this morning. A. play B. drink C. read ( )4.What _____ you _____ this morning? A. do, do B. did, do C. did, did ( )5.Did he ______ a book last night? A. reads B. reading C. read C B B B C 1. 请课后与同学练习 本课对话及句型! 2. A本默写黑板八个单 词,每个写4个。 3. B本抄Stroy一次。Step 1. 课前自学检测 1、按要求填空。 (1)What did you ______(did/do) this morning? I _________basketball. 翻译:___________________________________________________ (2)What did you ______(eat/ate) this morning? I _______chicken. 翻译:___________________________________________________ (3)Did you eat breakfast this morning? 回答 Yes ,_____________________ (4)Did you play basketball this morning? 回答 No,______________________ Step 2 . 课堂互学(观看视频并完成 1 题和 2 题) 1、根据课本 page18,请根据图片给下列单词或短语连线。 a magic lamp a beautiful desert bottle chicken 2、看课本(录像) ,完成判断,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。 ( )They were in a desert. ( ) Gogo ate cheese, chocolate, meat and ice cream. ( ) Gogo was thirsty. 3、听录音,填单词。 In a desert Wow! What a ____________ ____________ ! I ____________hungry .Lets have lunch! What did you eat this morning? I ate cheese, chocolate, ___________, and ice cream. Did you drink ____________ this morning? No, I didnt .Im thirsty now. Oh, a ____________of ____________! I want it. Thats not water! Thats a magic ____________. Oh, its fun! Oh,Gogo! Step 3. 当堂练习 单项选择。 ( )1.Gogo felt_____________ . A. happy B. thirsty C. hungry ( )2.Gogo ate ________________ this morning. A. vegetables B. chicken and ice cream C. meat ( )3.Gogo didnt _____________ anything this morning. A. play B. drink C. read ( )4.What _____ you _____ this morning? A. do, do B. did, do C. did, did ( )5.Did he ______ a book last night? A. reads B. reading C. readUnit 2 A Magic Day 教学设计 教学材料 材料版本:粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点 六年级下册 Unit2 课题名称:Unit 2 A Magic Day Story 授课课型: 会话课(现固、对话交际、任务活动) 授课课时: 第二课时 授课时间:40 minutes 二、教学内容 九年义务教育小学教科书,粤人 2011 课标版三年级起点六年级下册第二单元第二课时 三、教学目标 1、要求学生现固、熟练掌握上节课所学词汇和句型,并运用所学知识进行语言交际,新增 的词汇有 magic desert a bottle of waters 等。 2、熟练的运用句型: What did you.? I. Did you.? Yes,I did. /No,I didnt. 四、教学重点难点 理解课文大意,能够准确朗读和表演课文。 五、教学用具 PPT 课件,图片,音频,视频,水壶,教师自制头饰,单词卡片 六、教学过程 Step 1: Warming up 1. Lets chant 教师出示单词卡片 go/went, eat/ate, write/ wrote, read/read,make/made,ride/rode,sing/sang, drink/ drank.伴随着 14 页 chant 的节奏, 不断替换词组,将本单元新学的词组逐一呈现。 chant 的内容源自教材第 9 页: What did you do?然后师生齐唱新编童谣: What did you do? (设计意图:利用活泼生动的歌谣形式复习单词和句型,激发学生的学习热情。) 2. Free talk Chant 完,教师顺势提问: What did you do yesterday? 出示一张自己在做模型的半遮的照片给学生看,引导学生提问。 T: Last Sunday, I didnt go to the park. I was at home.I was busy but happy. Please try to guess what I did. S s: Did you. last Sunday? T: Yes. I made a model. Thats a beautiful school bus. (设计意图:照片上的信息,调动学生们积极思考,对话交际也就自然而然,水到渠成,句 型进一步得到巩固为引人新课做好铺 Step 2: Presentation 1.Lead-in:运用音效果,车喇明突然鸣响“Bi” ,课件呈现那辆独特的模型校车缓缓驶近学校 门口是一辆具有魔力的“神奇校车” ,能带领同学们穿梭时认识世界。而车身上的单词“ magic”深深地映入学生的眼帘,此时教师惊讶地大喊:“Wow! A magic bus!后,播放一段 “神奇校车”的说话录音录音内容为:Hello, everyone! My name is KoKo.I am a magic bus. I can swim, I can fly, and I can go everywhere, Today want to see the desert. Do you want to go with me? Please get on the bus. Lets go the magic bus. 以图片和“神奇校车”的录音形式,引导学生学习 magic,学生在教师的带领下跟读。 T: Today is a magic day. We can get on the magic bus and see the desert. Lets go! (设计意图:此环节起到承上启下的作用。创设情境从模型巴士到“神奇校车”的变身,它 将带领学生们准备开始一天的神奇之旅,突出主题“ A Magic Day” ,让学生们体会到“ magic”的威力,充满童话氛围。) 2.教师引领学生们进入童话般的世界,全班闭上眼晴,齐声念着: Magic Bus! Magic Bus!Go!Go!Go!瞬间,课件呈现出有关撒哈拉沙漠以及海市蜃楼的景观视频,学生们犹如身 临其境,大开眼界。以视频形式了解沙漠、同时引导学生学习 desert 及字母 er 结合的发 音。 (设计意图:直观的视频,开阔了学生们的视野。) 3.运用音频效果,播放 Tony 惊叹的话语:“Wow!What a beautiful desert!”.熟悉的声音吸引 了正在观赏沙漠的学生们。 T: Listen!Whos he? S s:Hes Tony. 接着,课件呈现 Gogo, Tony and Jenny 采着滑翔翼来到沙漠游玩的图片。 T: Great! Today, Gogo, Tony and Jenny go to the desert too. Lets play together. (设计意图:结合 story 内容,合理发展情境,激发学生门对故事的兴趣。) 4.教师借用图片、音频、课件资料,引导学生理解 story 的主要内容。 首先播放 Gogo 肚子饿发出“咕噜咕噜”的声音,教师摸着肚子,引导学生说,S:Oh, Gogo feels hungry.其次呈现 Gogo 的早点,学生看图回答。S s: Because, this morning ,he ate cheese, chocolate, chicken and ice cream. And he didnt drink anything / water. Now,he feels hungry and thirsty 最后呈现 Gogo 手指向一瓶水,S s: Gogo wants a bottle of water. (设计意图:借用图片、音频、课件呈现出故事情节,易于让学生理解 story 内容。) 5.听故事,学生回答问题。 T: Now,lets listen to a story. Please answer the question: Can Gogo drink a bottle of water? (设计意图:以听故事的环节,带着问题逐步理解故事。训练学生“听说”的技能。) 6.学生观看光盘,全面解读故事并回答问题:What happened? (设计意图:通过生动的视频,更能吸引学生全面理解故事内容,深刻意会到故事中的“ magic” ,突出主题。) Step 3: Practice 1.教师再次播放课文录音,学生跟读。 T: Now lets listen to the recording again and say after it. (设计意图:输入纯正语音素材,培养学生良好的语音语感) 2.小组分角色朗读,教师纠正发音。 (设计意图:培养学生的朗读能力。) 分角色朗读并上台表演故事,选出最佳演员。 1)小组根据书上的插图,分角色表演。 2)小组上台表演。 3)全班举手投票,选出最佳演员。 (设计意图:通过模仿表演活动,培养学生自主合作学习的能力。) Step4: Summary and homework 1. Summary 小结本课已学知识,教育学生们总结生活经验,学会去热爱生活,做有意义的事情。 (设计意图:总结并指导学生复述故事内容,同时进行德育渗透。) 2. Homework 1).大声朗读故事,与家人分享。 2). A 本默写黑板八个单词,每个写 4 个。 3). B 本抄 Story 一次。 板书设计: Unit 2 A Magic Day beautiful desert feel chicken anything bottle water lamp -What did you.? -I. -Did you.? -Yes,I did. /No,I didnt.
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