(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 2 A Magic Day-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:1278a).zip


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UnitUnit 2 2 广东省开心学英语六年级下册 A A MagicMagic DayDay BeforeBefore ourour classclass . . LetsLets playplay a a guessingguessing gamegame ! ! 11 1 guessing Its an animal . It has two long ears . And it has two red eyes . It likes carrots . What animal is it ? ItsIts a a rabbitrabbit . . 11 2 guessing Its an animal . It can walk . It cant run . It has two mountains(山峰山峰) on the back(背部)(背部). It looks like a horse . What animal is it ? ItsIts a a camelcamel . . 11 3 guessing Its a place (地方地方) . Its hot and dry there . There are many sandstorms(沙暴)(沙暴) there . What place is it ? ItsIts a a desertdesert ( (沙漠沙漠) ) . . WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! !多么漂亮的沙漠啊!多么漂亮的沙漠啊! HowHow beautifulbeautiful ! ! 多么漂亮啊!多么漂亮啊! DoDo youyou knowknow aboutabout thethe desertdesert ? ? 1 1、WhatsWhats thethe weatherweather likelike inin thethe desertdesert ? ? 2 2、DoDo wewe oftenoften feelfeel thirstythirsty inin thethe desertdesert ? ? 3 3、IsIs it it easyeasy toto findfind anythinganything toto drinkdrink inin thethe desertdesert ? ? 5 5、WhenWhen wewe feelfeel hungryhungry inin thethe desertdesert , , is is it it easyeasy toto findfind anythinganything toto eateat ? ? 6 6、AreAre therethere manymany treestrees , , riversrivers , , streetstreet oror buildingsbuildings therethere ? ? 4 4、IsIs thethe waterwater enoughenough forfor thethe peoplepeople oror thethe animalsanimals ? ? Its the Sahara desert (撒哈拉沙漠) . Its the biggest desert in the world . (最大的沙漠) (世界) Sahara desert = The Sahara desert is in Africa (非洲) . 9000000kmaChina desertdesertmagicmagic 神奇的神奇的 TodayToday GogoGogo , , JennyJenny andand TonyTony wentwent toto a a . . WhatWhat happenedhappened toto themthem ? ? WhatWhat dayday diddid theythey havehave ? ? thinkthink TheThe storystory is is aboutabout __________ . . A A a a goodgood dayday B B a a badbad dayday C C a a magicmagic dayday thinkthink TheThe storystory is is aboutabout __________ . . A A a a goodgood dayday B B a a badbad dayday C C a a magicmagic dayday ListenListen andand orderorder 听故事,写出故事的先后顺序听故事,写出故事的先后顺序 ( )WhatWhat diddid youyou eateat thisthis morningmorning ? ? ( )I I feelfeel hungryhungry . . LetsLets havehave lunchlunch . . ( )I I ateate cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream . . ( )DidDid youyou drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning ? ? ( )WowWow ! ! WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! ! ( )OhOh , , a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . I I wantwant it it . . ( )NoNo , , I I didntdidnt . . ImIm thirstythirsty nownow . . ( )OhOh , , itsits funfun . . ( )ThatsThats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic lamplamp . . ( )OhOh , , GogoGogo . . 3 3 2 2 4 4 5 5 1 1 7 7 6 6 9 9 8 8 1010 ListenListen andand readread 听录音,跟读听录音,跟读 TonyTony : : WowWow ! ! WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! ! GogoGogo : : I I feelfeel hungryhungry . . LetsLets havehave lunchlunch . . TonyTony : : WhatWhat diddid youyou eateat thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : I I ateate cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream . . JennyJenny : : DidDid youyou drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : NoNo , , I I didntdidnt . . ImIm thirstythirsty nownow . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . I I wantwant it it . . TonyTony : : ThatsThats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic lamplamp . . JennyJenny : : OhOh , , GogoGogo . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , itsits funfun . . ReadRead andand matchmatch (读一读,连线)(读一读,连线) 1、Wow ! What a beautiful desert ! I feel hungry . Lets have lunch . 2、What did you eat this morning ? I ate cheese , chocolate , chicken and ice cream . 3、 Did you drink anything this morning ? No , I didnt . Im thirsty now . 4、 Oh , a bottle of water . I want it . 5、 Thats not water . Thats a magic lamp . 6、 Oh , Gogo . Oh , its fun . A A B B C C D D E E F F ReadRead againagain andand judgejudge . . TonyTony : : WowWow ! ! WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! ! GogoGogo : : I I feelfeel hungryhungry . . LetsLets havehave lunchlunch . . TonyTony : : WhatWhat diddid youyou eateat thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : I I ateate cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream . . JennyJenny : : DidDid youyou drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : NoNo , , I I didntdidnt . . ImIm thirstythirsty nownow . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . I I wantwant it it . . TonyTony : : ThatsThats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic lamplamp . . JennyJenny : : OhOh , , GogoGogo . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , itsits funfun . . ( )1 1、GogoGogo waswas hungryhungry . . HeHe wantedwanted toto eateat somethingsomething . . “ “ T T ” ” oror “ “ F F ” ” ( )2 2、GogoGogo didntdidnt drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning . . ( )3 3、GogoGogo wasntwasnt thirstythirsty . . ( )4 4、TheThe bottlebottle ofof waterwater is is a a magicmagic lamplamp . . ( )5 5、TheyThey hadhad a a magicmagic dayday . . 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1010 ReadRead againagain andand judgejudge . . TonyTony : : WowWow ! ! WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! ! GogoGogo : : I I feelfeel hungryhungry . . LetsLets havehave lunchlunch . . TonyTony : : WhatWhat diddid youyou eateat thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : I I ateate cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream . . JennyJenny : : DidDid youyou drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : NoNo , , I I didntdidnt . . ImIm thirstythirsty nownow . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . I I wantwant it it . . TonyTony : : ThatsThats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic lamplamp . . JennyJenny : : OhOh , , GogoGogo . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , itsits funfun . . ( )1 1、GogoGogo waswas hungryhungry . . HeHe wantedwanted toto eateat somethingsomething . . “ “ T T ” ” oror “ “ F F ” ” 1 1 T 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1010 ReadRead againagain andand judgejudge . . TonyTony : : WowWow ! ! WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! ! GogoGogo : : I I feelfeel hungryhungry . . LetsLets havehave lunchlunch . . TonyTony : : WhatWhat diddid youyou eateat thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : I I ateate cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream . . GogoGogo : : NoNo , , I I didntdidnt ImIm thirstythirsty nownow . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . I I wantwant it it . . TonyTony : : ThatsThats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic lamplamp . . JennyJenny : : OhOh , , GogoGogo . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , itsits funfun . . “ “ T T ” ” oror “ “ F F ” ” T( )2 2、GogoGogo didntdidnt drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning . . JennyJenny : : DidDid youyou drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning ? ? 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1010 ReadRead againagain andand judgejudge . . TonyTony : : WowWow ! ! WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! ! GogoGogo : : I I feelfeel hungryhungry . . LetsLets havehave lunchlunch . . TonyTony : : WhatWhat diddid youyou eateat thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : I I ateate cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream . . JennyJenny : : DidDid youyou drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : NoNo , , I I didntdidnt . . ImIm thirstythirsty nownow . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . I I wantwant it it . . TonyTony : : ThatsThats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic lamplamp . . JennyJenny : : OhOh , , GogoGogo . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , itsits funfun . . “ “ T T ” ” oror “ “ F F ” ” 3 3 F( )3 3、GogoGogo wasntwasnt thirstythirsty . . 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1010 ReadRead againagain andand judgejudge . . TonyTony : : WowWow ! ! WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! ! GogoGogo : : I I feelfeel hungryhungry . . LetsLets havehave lunchlunch . . TonyTony : : WhatWhat diddid youyou eateat thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : I I ateate cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream . . JennyJenny : : DidDid youyou drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : NoNo , , I I didntdidnt . . ImIm thirstythirsty nownow . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . I I wantwant it it . . TonyTony : : ThatsThats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic lamplamp . . JennyJenny : : OhOh , , GogoGogo . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , itsits funfun . . “ “ T T ” ” oror “ “ F F ” ” T( )4 4、TheThe bottlebottle ofof waterwater is is a a magicmagic lamplamp . . 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1010 ReadRead againagain andand judgejudge . . TonyTony : : WowWow ! ! WhatWhat a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert ! ! GogoGogo : : I I feelfeel hungryhungry . . LetsLets havehave lunchlunch . . TonyTony : : WhatWhat diddid youyou eateat thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : I I ateate cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream . . JennyJenny : : DidDid youyou drinkdrink anythinganything thisthis morningmorning ? ? GogoGogo : : NoNo , , I I didntdidnt . . ImIm thirstythirsty nownow . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . I I wantwant it it . . TonyTony : : ThatsThats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic lamplamp . . JennyJenny : : OhOh , , GogoGogo . . GogoGogo : : OhOh , , itsits funfun . . “ “ T T ” ” oror “ “ F F ” ” T ( )5 5、TheyThey hadhad a a magicmagic dayday . . 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1010 TodayToday TonyTony , , JennyJenny andand GogoGogo hadhad a a ________________________ dayday . . TheyThey __________________ toto a a beautifulbeautiful desertdesert . . GogoGogo feltfelt hungryhungry . . ButBut hehe ________________ cheesecheese , , chocolatechocolate , , chickenchicken andand iceice creamcream thisthis morningmorning . . AndAnd hehe __________________ drinkdrink anythinganything . . HeHe waswas ________________________ . . SoSo , , hehe __________________________ a a bottlebottle ofof waterwater . . ButBut thatsthats notnot waterwater . . ThatsThats a a magicmagic ______________________ . . lampwentdidntthirstywantedmagicate thinkthink LastLast , , whatwhat diddid GogoGogo seesee ? ? 最后 Gogo saw(看见了)(看见了) a genie(妖怪)(妖怪). But hes a good genie . When the ginie met (遇见了)(遇见了) his master ( (主人主人) ) , he will give him three wishes ( (三个愿望三个愿望).). The genie is talking to Gogo . When the ginie met (遇见了)(遇见了) Gogo , He gave (给了)(给了) Gogo _______ wishes, What are the wishes , do you know ? three the first wish? the second wish? the third wish? The genie is talking to Gogo . GenieGenie : : MyMy deardear mastermaster . . NowNow YouYou havehave threethree wisheswishes . . CanCan I I helphelp youyou ? ? GogoGogo : : OhOh , , ImIm soso hungryhungry . . I I wantwant toto eateat somethingsomething . . GenieGenie : : NoNo problemproblem . . HereHere youyou areare . . WhatWhat aboutabout youryour secondsecond wishwish ? ? GogoGogo : : ImIm veryvery thirstythirsty . . I I wantwant toto drinkdrink somesome waterwater . . GenieGenie : : NoNo problemproblem . . HereHere youyou areare . . WhatWhat aboutabout youryour thirdthird wishwish ? ? GogoGogo : : OhOh , , werewere soso tiredtired . . WeWe wantwant threethree camelscamels . . GenieGenie : : NoNo problemproblem . . ThreeThree camelscamels forfor youyou . . GogoGogo : : ThankThank youyou veryvery muchmuch . . WowWow . . ThatsThats reallyreally magicmagic . . WeWe cancan rideride thethe camelscamels toto everywhereeverywhere . . TonyTony , , JennyJenny . . LetsLets gogo . . GenieGenie : : GoodbyeGoodbye . . Today Gogo had three wishes . The first wish , Gogo ________ ( eat , ate ) something . The second wish , Gogo ________ ( drink , drank ) some water . The third wish , Gogo ________ ( ride , rode ) a camel to everywhere . ate drank rode 考一考:你能说出相对应的单词吗?考一考:你能说出相对应的单词吗? Now (现在)(现在)- Past (过去)(过去) go - eat - drink - ride - feel - want - see - went ate drank rode felt wanted saw TalkTalk andand writewrite 说一说说一说 , 写一写写一写 GogosGogos magicmagic dayday 提示:提示:TodayToday GogoGogo hadhad a a mgicmgic dayday . . HeHe wentwent toto a a beautifulbeautiful . 请选择: ()1、整个故事。 (提示:went,felthungry,ate,thirsty,drank,wanted) ()2、整个故事+增加部分。 (提示:went,felthungry,ate,thirsty,drank,wanted,genie, threewishes,rode,camel) Gogosmagicday _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ GoodbyeGoodbye ! ! anything 任何东西任何东西 something 一些东西一些东西 anything的用法:常常用在的用法:常常用在_______句或句或_______句。句。 例如:例如:I drank something this morning . But I didnt eat anything . Did you eat anything this morning ? something的用法:常常用在的用法:常常用在_______句。句。 否定否定疑问疑问 肯定肯定 a bottle of water 一一 瓶瓶 水水 a glass of water 一一 杯杯 水水 lamp 灯灯 magic lamp 神奇的灯神奇的灯一、教学内容:Stoty 二、教学目标: 1.知识目标:What a beautiful desert ! (初步掌握感叹句) What did you eat this morning ? I ate Did you drink anything this morning ? No , I didnt . 2.能力目标: (1)学生掌握部分动词的原形及过去式。 (2)学生能用一般过去 时描述 Gogos magic day 。 3.情感目标:鼓励学生大胆用英语表达 Gogos magic day 。 三、教学重难点: 1.能运用阅读技巧,读懂文章大意。 2.能正确分析、运用重点语言点解答题目。 3.初步掌握一般过去时动词的变化(过去式) ,认识更多动词过去式。 4. 学生能用一般过去时描述 Gogos magic day 。 四、课前准备:课件、录音、练习卷 五、 教学过程: 1. Warm up 1) Guessing game (rabbit、camel 、desert) 2) Guide :What a beautiful desert ! How beautiful ! 2. Pre - reading 1) Do you know about the desert ? 2)Guide : the Sahara desert ( in Africa , the biggest desert , 9000000km , a China ) Today Gogo , Tony and Jenny went to a magic desert . What happened to them ? What day did they have ? 3) Before watch the vedio , think about : What is the story about ? 3.While reading 1)Watch the vedio 2)Answer : What is the story about ? 3) Listen and order the story 4)Listen and read after the tape 5)Learn : anything , a bottle of water , magic lamp 6)Read after the tape again 4.Post reading 1)Read and match 2)Read again and judge 3)Say and choose 4)Retell the story again 5. Extension 1)Think : At last , what did Gogo see ? 2)Guide : genie , master , three wishes 3)Listen: The genie is talking to Gogo 4)Ask: What are the wishes ? 5)Listen again 6)Say and choose 7)Summary : the words past form 6. Writing 1)Talk : Gogos lucky day 2)write: Gogos lucky day 7. Summary 8. Homework 9. Blackboard design Unit 2 A magic day What a beautiful desert ! Now - Past How beautiful ! go - went anything eat - ate something drink - drank a bottle of water ride - rode a magic lamp feel - felt genie want - wanted see - sawUnitUnit 2 2 广东省开心学英语六年级下册 A A MagicMagic DayDay BeforeBefore ourour classclass . . LetsLets playplay a a guessingguessing gamegame ! ! 11 1 guessing
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