(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 3 A Lucky Day-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:803ab).zip


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win won, won, won, won won the game eat ate, ate, ate, ate ate some cotton candy have had, had, had, had had fun with friends get got, got, got, got got a gift won the game had some cotton candy had fun with friends caught a cold hurt ones knee failed the test catch-caughthave-had hurthurt failfailed forgot my homework forgot my homework had fun with friends had fun with friends woke up late woke up late ate some cotton candy ate some cotton candy lost my keys lost my keys got a gift got a gift won the game won the game missed the bus missed the bus Cindy had a good day yesterday. What happened? Lily had a bad day yesterday. What happened? Lets talk about a good/bad day. Show your talking. Practice 2 P30 判断对错。 ( )1. Tony had a bad day. ( )2. Gogo lost his keys. ( )3. First Gogo went to the park to look for the keys. ( )4. Then he went to the hospital. ( )5. Gogo cant find his keys at last. grass great grandpa hungry angry playground P35 Practice 1 P30知识与技能知识与技能 talking about past actions, giving reasons of a bad/good day Sounds and words:/ld/,/nd/ 过程与方法过程与方法 激发兴趣()听读先导()游戏结合()口语交流()创作延伸() 教教 学学 目目 标标 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观Care and share the feelings of your friends 教教 学学 重重 点点 词汇Woke up late, missed the bus, forgot my homework, lost my keys, won the game, had some cotton candy, caught a cold 句型I had a bad/good day! What happened? First, Next, . Then. 功能 talking about past actions, giving reasons of a bad/good day! 教教 学学 难难 点点 talking about past actions, giving reasons of a good /bad day 教教 学学 准准 备备 tape, recorder, VCD, pictures 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 6 Lisa was laughing loudly woke up late won the game miss the bus had some cotton candy forgot my homework had fun with friends lost my keys caught a cold Period One 过程与步骤具体措施与活动活动目的 Listen (Presentation) Step 1. 1. Greeting 2. a song 利用与学生的谈话复习 复习知识并且引出本单 元的重点词汇 歌曲热身带出新知识。 教教 学学 过过 程程 Read (Practice) Step2.Presentation 1、Show the Pictures Cards to learn the new words & drills. 1) Show the Picture Cards & teach the new words one by one. 2) Holding up the Picture Cards, listen and repeat. 3) Look at the Picture Cards and have Ss repeat. 4) Read the new words by themselves 通过图片和动作呈现单 词,使学生整体认识单 词,有趣味性。 5) play a reading game: listen and read according to the game rules. For example, triangle means read three times! 5) (Books open) Listen to the tape and have Ss repeat the sentences of Target. And write them on the blackboard. A: I had a bad day! B: What happened? A: First, I woke up late. Next, I missed the bus. Then, I forgot my homework! B: Wow! Thats really bad! 6)ask some questions about it. 7)practice the sentences. 让学生根据游戏规则” 读”,考查学生的反应能 力以及巩固单词. 通过情景展示句型,让 学生容易理解句子意思。 利用简单的机械操练, 使班上大部分同学得到 操练,以扩大操练效果。 Say (Activities) Step 3.Activities 1) Pair work: Ask and answer quickly two by two. S1:I had a good/bad day! S2: What happened? S1: First, I . Next, I Then, I S2: Wow, thats really good/bad. 3) Summary: Read Vocabulary & Target together. 借助图片创设不同的情 景,为学生提供有意义 的交际性操练。 适当的提示,帮助学生 成功完成对话,树立学 习英语的信心。 Write (Extension) 1.Practice 1:Listen to the tape and finish the listening exercises. 2.Song activity: Listen to the tape ,learn to sing . Step3.Homework 1、Copy the new words and drills. 在课堂上加强听力训练, 帮助学生形成较好的听 力技能。 2、Read Vocabulary & Target by heart. Period Two 过程与步骤具体措施与活动活动目的 Listen (Presentation) Step 1.Revision 1、Read around Vocabulary & Target together. 2、Showing the pictures, say and spell the new words. 3、Showing the pictures, ask and answer in pairs, eg: S1: Did he/she have a good/ bad day? Why? S2: He/She had a good/ bad day because 4.Play a passing game: passing the flower in groups, when music stops, the one who has the flower should ask questions each other, using the main sentences of the above. 注重单词拼写,是提高 学生认读能力的基本措 施,加强音形认知的训 练。 学生进行简单的问答, 形成口头交际初步模式。 通过游戏巩固句型. Read (Practice) Step 2.Presentation Conversation 1、present the conversation with VCD 2. watch again, then answer the questions: (1) Who had a bad day? (2) What happened to Gogo? (3) What did Gogo feel? 2、Listen and repeat. 3、Put Ss into groups and give them the roles of Tony and Jenny. Gogo 4、Encourage groups to act out the dialogues. 活泼生动的动画能够很 好的吸引学生的注意力, 也帮助学生理解课文对 话的意思。 让学生通过看 VCD, 思 考回答有关课文问题,让 学生理解课文. 要求学生多跟读,多模 仿,有利于学生形成标 准的语音语调。 Say (Activities) Step 3 Activities 1. Practice 1 1)、Let Ss look at the pictures , ask and answer in pairs. 2)、Listen to the tape twice. 3)、Check the answer 2. Practice 2 1) teacher make a model with the pupils: T: She had a great day! P1.What happened? T: First, she got a present. Next, she got a good grade. Then she had fun with friends. 2) Let pupils to ask, answer. 3) Circulate around the classroom and provide help if needed. 3. Learn to chant. I had a bad day! 1) Have Ss look at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs. eg: T:What happened to the boy? 2) Let the students to read and understand the meaning of the chant 3) Listen and chant 4) write another chant according to the rhyme of the chant. 结合课本练习,对学生 进行听力训练。在完成 练习的过程中,注重学 习方法的指导,如何准 确获取所需信息。 根据图片提示进行问答, 再一次巩固本课的重点 句子,学生开口说话的 积极性高,兴趣浓厚。 小诗能有效活跃课堂气 氛,调节学生的情绪。 通过问答使学生理解小 诗意思. 让学生改编小诗,培养 学生的创新能力。 Write (Extension) Step4.Homework 1. Summary: Read around Conversation together. 2. Homework for today: 强调对课文对话的学习, 形成语言的整体性。 Read Conversation by heart. Period Three 过程与步骤具体措施与活动活动目的 Listen (Presentation) Step 1.Revision 1.Ask some students to recite the conversation. 2.Ask the students make a dialogue in pairs, using the new phrases . Step 2.Presentation 1.Watch VCD to teach the new words : hold, fold, hand, stand, band 注重知识点的复习, 形成温故而知新的良 好学习习惯。 通过比较学习,养成 学生用心聆听,认真 区分的听音习惯。 区分 ld 与 nd 的发音 Read (Practice) 2.Teach the sound:/ld/, /nd/, and then stress the difference between /ld/ and /nd/. 3.listen and repeat 4. listen and point to the pictures. 5.Chant: 1)Listen, ask the students to raise their hands when they hear the words with the sound /ld /nd/ 2)Play the tape again and have Ss point to the words while listening to the chant. 3)Play the tape and have Ss chant along. 通过听音,辨音活动 培养学生的语音能力。 坚持利用录音,培养 学生形成标准的,地 道的语音,语调。 轻快的歌谣,朗朗上 口,降低了学习难度, 也提升了趣味性。 Say (Activities) 5.Activity:Ask and answer first, then ask Ss to write down the answers on the books. 6.Do exercises in Workbook, 注重写的技能的形成 与训练,在课堂上, 老师的指导下,应该 增加适当的笔头练习。 Write (Extension) Step3.Homework 1.Review the phrases ,sentences . 注重语言知识的习得, 养成良好的英语学习 习惯。 2.Revise the conversation. 教教 师师 赵淑华赵淑华 黄少敏黄少敏黎秀萍黎秀萍 教教 学学 后后 记记 本课主要学习运用过去时态描本课主要学习运用过去时态描 述述 a a goodgood dayday 或或 a a badbad dayday 的理由的理由/ /经历。本课涉及的语法经历。本课涉及的语法 内容主要是动词的过去式,过内容主要是动词的过去式,过 去活动的表达,要求学生必须去活动的表达,要求学生必须 记住一些活动的词组。在写作记住一些活动的词组。在写作 的过程中,还要注意一些表示的过程中,还要注意一些表示 顺序的词语,如:顺序的词语,如:firstfirst, nextnext,thenthen, atat lastlast 等。在等。在 写作的过程中注意一定的顺序,写作的过程中注意一定的顺序, 并把握好文章的中心意思,切并把握好文章的中心意思,切 忌胡乱堆砌。忌胡乱堆砌。 本课主要学习陈述好本课主要学习陈述好/ /坏一天的理由坏一天的理由/ / 经历经历, ,都是用过去式都是用过去式. .本课我做得较好本课我做得较好 的有几点的有几点 : : 1.1. 注重动词原形和过去注重动词原形和过去 式的区分式的区分, ,使学生温旧知新使学生温旧知新. . 2.2.陈述陈述 理由理由/ /经历时注意结合学生实际情况经历时注意结合学生实际情况 进行扩展进行扩展, ,使学生学有所用使学生学有所用.3.3.培养学培养学 生口头表达能力的同时生口头表达能力的同时, ,注意引导学注意引导学 生进行总结写短文生进行总结写短文 I I hadhad a a good/greatgood/great day,day,提高学生的写作能提高学生的写作能 力力. . 4.4. 让学生发现自己或同学所写让学生发现自己或同学所写 句子或短文的错误句子或短文的错误.5.5.注重学生的合注重学生的合 作学习和团队精神培养作学习和团队精神培养. . 本课复习了过去时态,并使用过去时本课复习了过去时态,并使用过去时 态对过去的事情进行表述。本课还顺态对过去的事情进行表述。本课还顺 应教学内容给学生布置了作文应教学内容给学生布置了作文 A A BadBad Day/Day/ A A NiceNice Day.Day.因在教学中使用了因在教学中使用了 情景教学法,学生对描述过去事件的情景教学法,学生对描述过去事件的 发生和解决方法感到得心应手。但是发生和解决方法感到得心应手。但是 在作文,有部分学生没有注意正确使在作文,有部分学生没有注意正确使 用动词的过去时而导致频频扣分,在用动词的过去时而导致频频扣分,在 今后教学中应注意帮助学生总结归纳今后教学中应注意帮助学生总结归纳 单词的过去时形式,及时做好单词的单词的过去时形式,及时做好单词的 过关工作,这样学生在使用起来就显过关工作,这样学生在使用起来就显 得得心应手了。得得心应手了。
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