(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 2 A Magic Day-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:60050).zip


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Unit 2 A Magic Day Reading and writing Whats this place? Chimelong Paradise is a fun park. There are a lot of different rides in it. Roller coaster Ferris wheel Giant stride Merry-Go-Round Sky diver SallyEric Alex They went to a fun park last week. My name is Sally. My dad took this photo on my brothers birthday! We went to a fun park, and rode on all the rides. Look, this was my favorite. Q1: Whose birthday was it ? Q2: What did they do in the fun park? It was Sallys brothers birthday. They rode on all the rides. Sallys report rode on all the rides a. _____ rode a horse in the park. ride-rode 骑 ;乘坐 (动词) b. This is ___s favorite ride. 游乐设施 (名词) Tony rode on his favorite ride with his sister. Lets read Sallys report.Lets read Sallys report. Im Eric, Sallys brother. This is my ___________ ride, but I was ______ after it. My mom ______ me some water and talked to me. I ________ ________ slowly and felt fine later. gave , favorite , sick , walked around Lets listen and choose. Erics report 1.He walked around slowly. 2. He walked around quickly. He felt sick. (feel-felt 感觉) How did he feel ?How did he feel ? He felt tired. (feel-felt 感觉) How did he feel ?How did he feel ? He felt happy. (feel-felt 感觉) How did he feel ?How did he feel ? Im Eric, Sallys brother. This is my favorite ride, but I was sick after it. My mom gave me some water and talked to me. I walked around slowly and felt fine later. *温馨提示:Underline the key sentences and write down the answers. * Q1: What did Erics mother do when he was sick? Q2: How did Eric feel later? Read in groupRead in group Judge “True” or “False” ( ) 1) Alex is Erics best friend. ( ) 2) Alex won the games and ate some cotton candy. ( ) 3) Alex saw lots of cool things in the fun park. ( ) 4) Alex rode on all the rides in the fun park. My name is Alex. Im Erics best friend. There were lots of cool things in the fun park! I dont like rides, so I played games. I didnt win anything. We also ate some cotton candy! Here is a photo of it. Alex s report *温馨提示:Underline the key sentences and judge. * Lets talk.Lets talk. 1. A: Did you go to a fun park before? B: 2. A:What did you do in the fun park? B: I __________ and _____________. played games ate some tasty food had fun with friends took some photos watched parades rode on all the rides went on a ride talked to friends 3. A:What did you eat and drink? B: I drank some ____ and ate some ______. Drink (饮料): cola , water, orange juice,apple juice, milk,lemon tea, 7-up , Sprite . Food (食物): hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cotton candy, Fried Chicken, sandwiches, pizza Lets talk.Lets talk. Rides(游乐设乐设 施): roller coaster(过山车),swing(秋千), Ferris wheel (摩天轮) , Merry-Go-Round(旋转木马 ), sky diver (跳楼机), seesaw (翘翘 板) Food (食物):hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cotton candy, Fried Chicken, sandwiches, pizza Drink (饮料): cola , water, orange juice,apple juice, milk, lemon tea, 7-up (七喜), Sprite(雪碧) Lets write and share.Lets write and share. My name is _________ . I went to a fun park_____________. I went on the____________and________. I ate some ___________and _______. I drank some _______and___________. What a great day ! Annie last week roller coaster swing cotton candy chips waterorange juice 1. Finish the report and share it with your friends. 完成写作,并跟朋友分享。 2. Prepare “More reading and writing” on page 26-27 。 预习书本P26-27。 Homework: Homework:学生练习:学生练习: 1. Erics report . 1) Lets listen and choose. 2) Underline the key sentences and write down the answers.划出关键句,写出答案。划出关键句,写出答案。 Q1: What did Erics mother do when he was sick? ___________________________________________ Q2: How did Eric feel later? ____________________________________________ 2. Alexs report & Underline the key sentences and judge “True” or “False” ( ) 1) Alex is Erics best friend. ( ) 2) Alex won the games and ate some cotton candy. ( ) 3) Alex saw lots of cool things in the fun park. ( ) 4) Alex rode on all the rides in the fun park. gave , favorite , sick , walked around Im Eric, Sallys brother. This is my ___________ ride, but I was ______ after it. My mom ______ me some water and talked to me. I ________ ________ slowly and felt fine later. 3. Lets write and share. 参考词汇:参考词汇: Rides(游乐设施)(游乐设施): roller coaster(过山车),swing(秋千), Ferris wheel (摩天轮) , Merry-Go- Round(旋转木马) , sky diver(跳楼机), seesaw(翘翘板) Food (食物):(食物):hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cotton candy, Fried Chicken, sandwiches, pizza Drink (饮料)(饮料): cola , water, orange juice,apple juice, milk, lemon tea, 7-up (七喜) , Sprite(雪碧) My name is _________ . I went to a fun park_____________. I went on the____________and________. I ate some ___________and __________. I drank some __________and___________. What a great day !六年级下六年级下 U 2 Reading and writing 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容:一、教学内容:开心英语开心英语六年级下六年级下 U 2 Reading and writing 二、学生分析:二、学生分析: 这个班的孩子是我从四年级带上来的,所以师生之间的感情非常好,默契度也很 高。每一个孩子都有属于自己的英文名,绝大部分的孩子都非常热爱学习英语。由于 本人在平时的教学中能积极地给他们创造英语开口说的条件,所以大部分学生都敢于 也乐于开口学英语,并有着较好的英语口语基础。此外,孩子们已经习惯了四人小组 的学习模式和小组竞赛的评价方式,而这两个良好的习惯能给我的课堂效率带来巨大 的帮助。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1. 学生能读懂教材的三篇短文,并能准确提取相关信息,准备完成相关练习。 2. 学生能掌握阅读的基本技巧,会用下划线标出重点信息,并能运用所学知识对信息 进行整合与输出。 3. 学生能较好的语音语调并有感情地朗读短文。 4. 学生能通过阅读和模仿,写一篇类似话题的小作文。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 学生能理解篇章并能准确提取相关信息,完成练习。 2. 教学难点: 学生能在理解篇章的基础上,运用恰当的语音语调和感情朗读篇章, 能运用英语流利地开展对话和小组活动,并能运用准确的单词和句法写一篇小作文, 并能将自己的作文朗读出来与大家分享。 五、教学设备: 一体机教学设备。一体机是目前最先进最人性化的一套教学设备。该设备在英语教学 上最大的优势就是画面清晰,操作方便化、人性化、一体化,能最大程度地促进师生 互动,对检验学生的学习成果也有着立竿见影的效果,在图像的传输方面也有着“秒 到”的神奇效果。在阅读教学方面,一体机还有一个最大的优势就是能随时随地在屏 幕上划出关键句型和单词,对语篇信息提取和新单词的教学有着巨大的推动作用。 Step one: Pre-reading 1. Lead in Show a picture and ask: “Whats this place?” Ss : Chimelong. T: Yes, lets enjoy a video of Chimelong Paradise. ( Watch a video) T: Chimelong Paradise is a fun park. There are a lot of different rides in it. Show pictures of “roller coaster, swing, Ferris wheel , Merry-Go-Round, slide tower of terror, seesaw .” T:Please look at the photo. Theyre my good friends, Sally, Eric and Alex. They went to a fun park last weekend. 【设计意图:设计意图: 阅读前活动开门见山,运用直观的阅读前活动开门见山,运用直观的“长隆欢乐世界长隆欢乐世界”图片和的视频图片和的视频 直入主题,符合小学生的心理特点,并能很好地吸引学生进入本课的主题直入主题,符合小学生的心理特点,并能很好地吸引学生进入本课的主题 A fun park。提前介绍教材中将要出现的三个人物,能为下面的阅读活动做好铺垫。提前介绍教材中将要出现的三个人物,能为下面的阅读活动做好铺垫。 】 Step two: While-reading 1. Sallys report 1)T: Look! This is my friend Sally. Lets listen to her report and then think about the following questions. Q1: Whose birthday was it ? Q2: What did they do in the fun park? 【设计意图:设计意图: 第一篇短文难度不大,让学生先听一遍就立刻回答两个问题,第一篇短文难度不大,让学生先听一遍就立刻回答两个问题, 能轻松高效地将学生带入语篇的学习环境中来。能轻松高效地将学生带入语篇的学习环境中来。 】 2) Teach “rode on all the rides” 乘坐所有的游乐设施 a.Kimi rode a horse in the park . ( ride-rode 骑;乘坐) b.This is hisher favorite ride. (游乐设施) 3) Read Sallys report together. 【设计意图:设计意图: 课前充分准备了本班学生的活动照片,能很好地吸引学生的注课前充分准备了本班学生的活动照片,能很好地吸引学生的注 意力,活跃课堂气氛。通过两组图的对比,将意力,活跃课堂气氛。通过两组图的对比,将 ride 的两种不同含义一目了然地展示给的两种不同含义一目了然地展示给 学生,轻松高效解决阅读中的新单词。学生,轻松高效解决阅读中的新单词。 】 2. Erics report T: Look! This is Eric. 1) Lets listen and choose. Im Eric, Sallys brother. This is my ___________ ride, but I was ______ after it. My mom ______ me some water and talked to me. I ________ ________ slowly and felt fine later gave , favorite , sick , walk around a. Teach “ walked around slowly” with two videos. b. Teach “ feel felt ” with three pictures. “ How did he feel? He felt sick. He felt tired. He felt happy. ” 【设计意图:设计意图: 通过本班学生表演的两段小视频,进行对比,轻松有趣地讲解通过本班学生表演的两段小视频,进行对比,轻松有趣地讲解 了了 walked around slowly 和和 walked around quickly 的含义,并给学生增添了的含义,并给学生增添了 quickly 这个词汇。再通过学生表演的三个生动的表情让学生记住了这个词汇。再通过学生表演的三个生动的表情让学生记住了 feel-felt 这组动词。这组动词。 】 2) Read in groups. Underline the key sentences and write down the answers. Q1: What did Erics mother do when he was sick? Q2: How did Eric feel later? 3) Have Ss underline the key sentences and write the answers on the screen. 4) Read Erics report together. 【设计意图:设计意图: 通过小组朗读加深学生对语篇的理解和对语感的培养。小组合作通过小组朗读加深学生对语篇的理解和对语感的培养。小组合作 的学习模式能让优生带动基础差的学生参与活动,提高课堂效率。的学习模式能让优生带动基础差的学生参与活动,提高课堂效率。 】 3. Alexs report 1) T: Now lets read Alexs report by yourself and judge “True” or “False”. ( ) 1) Alex is Erics best friend. ( ) 2) Alex won the games and ate some cotton candy. ( ) 3) Alex saw lots of cool things in the fun park. ( ) 4) Alex rode on all the rides in the fun park. 2) Have Ss underline the key sentences and judge on the screen. 3) Listen and read Alexs report together. 【设计意图:第三篇短文,老师放手先让学生自己独立阅读、独立思考并完成判断设计意图:第三篇短文,老师放手先让学生自己独立阅读、独立思考并完成判断 的练习,通过叫个别学生上台运用一体机教学设备在讲台上展示划线和判断,能很的练习,通过叫个别学生上台运用一体机教学设备在讲台上展示划线和判断,能很 好地检验学生的阅读技巧。好地检验学生的阅读技巧。 】 Step three: Post reading 1. Lets talk T: Did you go to a fun park before? Ss: . T: What did you do in the fun park? Ss: I ____________ and _________________. Aplayed games ate some tasty food Bhad fun with friends took some photos Cwatched parades rode on all the rides D. went on a ride talked to friends T: What did you eat and drink? Ss: I drank some _______ and ate some ____________. Drink (饮料): cola , water, orange juice,apple juice, milk, lemon tea, 7-up (七喜) , Sprite(雪碧) Food (食物):hot dogs , hamburgers , chips, cotton candy, Fried Chicken, sandwiches, pizza 【设计意图:设计意图: 通过对话,带领学生进入通过对话,带领学生进入 A fun park 的场景,打开话题,让学生的场景,打开话题,让学生 展开想象或回忆,让学生有话可说,为下面的写作做好铺垫。展开想象或回忆,让学生有话可说,为下面的写作做好铺垫。 】 2. Lets write Drink (饮料): cola , water, orange juice, lemon tea, 7-up (七喜) , Sprite(雪碧) Food (食物):hot dogs , hamburgers , chips, cotton candy, Fried Chicken, sandwiches, pizza Rides(游乐设施): roller coaster(过山车),swing(秋千), Ferris wheel(摩天 轮) , Merry-Go-Round(旋转木马) ,sky diver (跳楼机), seesaw (翘翘板) 1) Teacher makes a model report and then have Ss finish their reports and share . My name is Annie. I went to a fun park last week. I went on the roller coaster and swing. I ate some cotton candy and chips . I drank some water and orange juice . What a great day ! 2) Have Ss share their reports to the class. 【设计意图:设计意图: 通过老师的作文示范和参考词汇的帮助,让学生写一篇相关话题的通过老师的作文示范和参考词汇的帮助,让学生写一篇相关话题的 作文,能很好地检验学生的学习成果。最后通过展示作文这个环节,让学生的口语作文,能很好地检验学生的学习成果。最后通过展示作文这个环节,让学生的口语 水平得到很好的锻炼。水平得到很好的锻炼。 】 Step four : Homework 1. Finish the report and share it with your friends. 完成写作,并跟朋友分享。 2. Prepare “More reading and writing” on page 26-27 。 预习书本 P26-27。
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