(广东)粤人版六年级下册-Unit 1 A Parade Day-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:85dbb).zip


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Gogo loves English Book 8 Whats the video talking about?Whats the video talking about? 这个视频讲述了什么事件? The Opening Ceremony of Beijing Olympics in 2008. ( (北京奥运会开幕式)北京奥运会开幕式) The Birds Nest Where was the Opening Ceremony Where was the Opening Ceremony hold?hold? 北京奥运会的开幕式在哪举行的? 一分钟一分钟快速浏览文章快速浏览文章, 了解文本大意。了解文本大意。 Reading tips (阅读小贴士)(阅读小贴士) The text is about_____. A.what the Birds Nest looks like. B.how to be a volunteer. C.a postcard what Yangyang wrote for Jane. C 限时阅读限时阅读60秒秒 1.This beautiful building is “The Great Wall”. ( ) 2.Beijing Olympic Games held in 2008. ( ) 3.All the Olympic events were carried in “The Birds Nest”. ( ) 4.People lost their children every day in Beijing Olympic Games. ( ) Reading tips (阅读小贴士)(阅读小贴士): 1.1.根据根据问题问题仔细仔细浏览浏览文章文章, 2.2.划出划出关键词句关键词句,获取,获取相关信息。相关信息。 1.This beautiful building is “The Great Wall”. ( ) 2.Beijing Olympic Games was held in 2008. 1 F T 2 3.All the Olympic events were carried in “The Birds Nest”. ( ) 3 F running events 赛跑项目赛跑项目 In 2008, the Birds Nest is the main cetre of the Olymic Games.It mainly held the opening ceremony,closing ceremony,running events and soccer final match. 2008年,鸟巢是北京奥运会的主年,鸟巢是北京奥运会的主 会场,主要承办奥运会的开幕式闭幕式以及田径赛事和会场,主要承办奥运会的开幕式闭幕式以及田径赛事和 足球总决赛等。足球总决赛等。 4.People lost their children every day in Beijing Olympic Games. ( ) 4 F Try to read with amazing and unbelievable tone: (试着用惊讶、难以置信的语气读一读)(试着用惊讶、难以置信的语气读一读) They lost bags, phones, caps, and sometimes even children! 1.What did Yangyang do in the building in 2008? 2.How many people were there every day? 3.How did Yangyang do for the children? 4.Did Yangyang want to go back to visit the building? Reading tips (阅读小贴士)(阅读小贴士): 1.1.根据根据问题问题仔细仔细浏览浏览文章文章, 2.2.划出划出关键词句关键词句,获取,获取相关相关 信息。信息。 1.What did Yangyang do in the building in 2008? 1 He was a volunteer in the building in 2008. volunteer 志愿者志愿者 2.How many people were there every day? 2 There were 100,000 people there every day. 100100 One hundred 10001000 One thousand 100100,000000 One hundred thousand 3.How did Yangyang do for the children? 3 He looked after them.He talked to them and made them laugh. 4.Did Yangyang want to go back to visit the building? 4 Yes,he did. 跟着音频读(注意语速)跟着音频读(注意语速) 1.Yangyang looked after the_____ A. phones B.bags C. children C 1 2.Yangyang was ______ to be a volunteer. A. pround B.sad C. angry A 2 3.Jane is from_____. A. The UK B.The USA C. China B 3 appellation body wish sign stick the stamp recievers address收信人地址收信人地址 小小 大大 广东省潮州市饶平县所城广东省潮州市饶平县所城 中心小学中心小学501501班班 小锦同学小锦同学 大大 小小 Ave= Avenue Ave= Avenue 街道,林荫道街道,林荫道 Postcode 邮编邮编 This is Mr.Xie. He is our school teacher.Last year,he went to Suocheng Central Primary School for supporting education(支教)(支教). 广东省潮州市饶平县广东省潮州市饶平县 所城中心小学所城中心小学 Mr.Xie and his students. Mr.Xie and his students. They have no shoes. They are left-behind children.(留守儿童)留守儿童) Xiaojin and his classmates. This is Xiaojin and his mother.He has no father. This is Xiaojins room. Hello,Im Xiaojin. Im 12. I live in Chaozhou. But I never (从不)(从不) leave(离开)(离开) here, because I have no money. I hope you can share the places you have been to.(我希望你们能够与我分享一下你们去过的地(我希望你们能够与我分享一下你们去过的地 方)方)Thank you! Last summer holiday, I went to Hong Kong with my sister. We went there by ship. And the weather was sunny and hot. I liked the food there. It was tasty and yummy. We went to Disneyland,and we saw a parade. We visited the Madame Tussauds wax museum and we took photos with the super stars,too. We had a good time in Hong Kong. Xiaojin Class 501,Suocheng Central Primary School Raoping County Chaozhou, Guangdong,515721 China Hi Xiaojin, Last summer holiday, I went to Hong Kong with my sister. We went there by ship. And the weather was sunny and hot. I liked the food there. It was tasty and yummy. We went to Disneyland, and we saw a parade. We visited the Madame Tussauds wax museum and we took photos with the super stars,too. We had a good time in Hong Kong. Write soon, Joey Write soon, Joey date place transport (交通) weather food activities (what to do?) feelings Summer/ winter holiday Beijing HK Guang zhou by bus/ ship/car train/ plane hot/sunny/ windy/cold/ cloudy/rainy. tasty/ spicy/ yummy/ sweety sour. went to. saw visited. played watched happy/ excited sad pround worried Please write down your last summer/winter holiday. Hi ! Write soon, Mellerton Jane Keller 505 Woodland Ave Wisconsin 76457 USA 你平时经常用哪种方式问候别人呢?你平时经常用哪种方式问候别人呢? A C B D Letters Nowadays,with the development of the Internet,more and more people depend on using e-mail ,qq or wetchat to greet others, and ignore our traditional things,like letters or postcards. In fact,writing letters or postcards will move others deeply. 随着网络的发展,当今越来越多人随着网络的发展,当今越来越多人 倾向于用电子邮件,倾向于用电子邮件,qqqq,微信等来,微信等来 问候朋友,而忽略了我们最传统的问候朋友,而忽略了我们最传统的 方式:信件和明信片。事实上,亲笔方式:信件和明信片。事实上,亲笔 书信的方式会使人更加感动。书信的方式会使人更加感动。 1.Finish the postcard and make it beautiful. 2.Share your postcard with your friends.Greetings From Beijing 教学设计教学设计 -六年级下册 Unit1 A parade day (More reading and writing) 一一教学内容:教学内容:六年级下册 Unit1 A parade day (More reading and writing) 二设计思路二设计思路: 新课程标准二级教学总体目标要求学生能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短 文。这就是要求学生通过能阅读文章达到理解的程度,包括对文本主要内容的 理解、主要人物的理解、故事情节的理解。 本课通过谈论 2008 年北京奥运会激活学生已有知识,通过限时阅读活动初步了 解与整体感知文章主题,并且让学生通过判断题、回答问题、选择题去文中寻 找相关的信息,从中也穿插本文的重难点词汇句型,结合图片和视频让学生更 加直观地了解文本意思,最后结合学校的实际情况,引入谢老师去潮州饶平支 教的照片感化学生,并通过教师自身的例子,自然的过渡到学生写作,用过去 时描述去年寒假或暑假去过的地方。课堂结束前对学生进行情感教育,现代网 络的发展之快,很多人忽略了传统书信的意义,教育孩子要多写书信。 三三. 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能理解文章大意; 2. 能通过阅读从文章中获取和处理 postcard 的主要信息; 3. 能了解 postcardd 的格式; 4. 能用过去时描述过去发生的事情。 四教学重难点:四教学重难点: 通过阅读从文章中获取和处理 postcard 的主要信息;能能用过去时描述过去发 生的事情; 五教学策略(教学方法、辅助手段等):五教学策略(教学方法、辅助手段等): 1教学准备:教学准备: (1)教师准备:教学课件、视频、练习等; (2)学生准备:无 2. 教学方法:教学方法: 任务型教学法 情景教学法 六教学检测:六教学检测: 1. 限时阅读选择文章主题; 2. 阅读文章,判断句子正误; 3. 阅读文章,根据问题在原文中划出关键词; 4. 阅读文章,选出最佳答案; 5. 根据提示和例子,用过去时描述去年寒假暑假去过的地方。 七教学过程:七教学过程: Teaching ProcedureTime Step 1 Pre-reading 1.Greeting. 2.Lead-in:Watch a video about the Olympic Opening Ceremony of Beijing in 2008. 1 Ask two questions: a. Whats the video talking about? b. Where was the Olympics 2 hold? 3.Show a picture of The Birds Nest, and tell Ss its not only a picture, but also a postcard.Then have Ss read the postcard. 4 Step 2 While-reading24 1.Fast reading:Read the text as quickly as you can, and find out what the text is about. ( Have Ss read the text quickly, and try to find the answer.) 2.Detail reading:Read the text slowly and carefully,judge T or F.Underline the key sentences. - This beautiful building is “The Great Wall”. ( ) - Beijing Olympic Games was held in 2008. ( ) - All the Olympic events were carried in “The Birds Nest”. ( ) Explain the running events. -People lost their children every day in Beijing Olympic Games.( ) Try to read with amazing and unbelievable tone. 3.Task 1: Listen,read again,ask and answer in groups. 1.What did Yangyang do in the building in 2008?Explain”volunteer” with a video and picture. 2. How many people were there every day?Teach Ss how to read the numbers. 3.How did Yangyang do for the children? Explain the phrases. 4.Did Yangyang want to go back to visit the building? 4.Listen and repeat.(Have Ss read after the tape.) 5.Task 2:Choose the best answer. 1.Yangyang looked after the____. A. phones B.bags C. children 2.Yangyang was ______ to be a volunteer. A. pround B.sad C.angry 3.Jane is from_____. A. The UK B.The USA C. China 6. Teach Ss how to write a postcard.(6 steps) 7. Teach Ss how to write address in English. In English,we write address from small place to big place; In Chinese,we write address from big place to small place. 8. Introduce Mr.Xie and his student Xiaojin. T:Can you share the places you have been to? Ss:Yes,I can. Step 3 Post-reading Task3: 1. How was your last summer/winter holiday? Take myself for example and have Ss write in the postcard. 2. Ask Ss to talk about their last summer/winter holiday . 9 Step 4. Homework 1.Finish the postcard and make it beautiful. 2.Share your postcard with your friends. 2 Step 5. Extension and moral lesson. 1.How do you greet others? A. wetchat B. letters C. qq D. postcards Many Ss choose qq. 2.Moral lesson: Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, more and more people depend on using e-mail ,qq or wetchat to greet others, and ignore our traditional things, like letters or postcards. In fact, writing letters or postcards will move others deeply. 11 Fast Reading:Read and Choose. Tips:1 分钟快速浏览文章,总结文章的主要内容分钟快速浏览文章,总结文章的主要内容 1.The text is about____. A.what the Birds Nest looks like. B.how to be a volunteer. C.a postcard what Yangyang wrote for Jane. Detail Reading:Read and Judge”T”or “F”. Tips: 根据问题仔细浏览文章,划出关键句根据问题仔细浏览文章,划出关键句。 1.This beautiful building is “The Great Wall”. ( ) 2.Beijing Olympic Games was held in 2008. ( ) 3.All the Olympic events were carried in “The Birds Nest”. ( ) 4.People lost their children every day in Beijing Olympic Games. ( ) Greetings From Beijing! 2 Task1:Listen,read again,ask and answer in groups.(划出关键句子划出关键句子) 1.What did Yangyang do in the building in 2008? 2. How many people were there every day? 3.How did Yangyang do for the children? 4.Did Yangyang want to go back to visit the building? Task2:Choose the best answer. 1.Yangyang looked after the____. A. phones B.bags C. children 2.Yangyang was ______ to be a volunteer. A. pround B.sad C.angry 3.Jane is from_____. A. The UK B.The USA C. China 3 Task3:Write down your last summer/winter holiday. Example(例子例子): My last summer holiday. Last summer holiday, I went to Hong Kong with my sister. We went there by ship. And the weather was sunny and hot. I liked the food there. It was tasty and yummy. We went to Disneyland, and we saw a parade. We visited the Madame Tussauds wax museum and we took photos with the super stars,too. We had a good time in Hong Kong. 参照老师的例子,写一写你上一个假期。参照老师的例子,写一写你上一个假期。
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