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C Lets Prictise D Lets Read Unit 6 Anne wanted to dance 湘少版-六年级英语下册 play the piano read a story aloud paint a picture stand on one foot Lingling was dancing in the dancing room 玲玲正在舞蹈室跳舞。 I move my hands and legs with music 我伴随音乐舞动手和腿。 She stepped on Linglings foot 她踩到了玲玲的脚。 Anne wanted to dance like Lingling. 安妮想像玲玲一样跳舞。 翻译下列句子 play read clean watch paint sing climb visit go play computer games go to the park I want to watch a film T:Whats the weather like? Ss:Its sunny T:Its a nice day It will be sunny on the weekend I want to climb the Yuelu Mountain with my family. What do you want to do this weekend? S1:I want to go to the park S2:I want to read a book S3:I want to play computer games T:What did each person in the picture want to do last weekend? stand on one foot read a story aloud paint a picture play the piano NameWhat did heshe want to do? Chen DongHe wanted to stand on one foot MingmingHe wanted to read a story aloud. Peter He wanted to paint a picture She wanted to play the pianoAnne T:Pair workAsk and answer questions about what heshe wanted to do last Childrens DayWrite down what your partner tells you T:Childrens Day is coming There will be a school concer after the exam 学校音乐会 考试 T:Childrens Day is coming.There will be a school concer after the exam What are you going to do? S1:I am going to sing a song S2:I will dance with my classmates S3:I will play the piano T:What will you wear at the school concert? S1:I will wear a beautiful dress S2:I will wear a white T-shirt and black trousers S3:I will wear T: There will be a school concert after the exam Anne,Lingling,Peter and Mingming are practising their dance and song 现代舞 练习 T:What will Peter do? Ss:Peter will sing a song. T:Who will sing a song,too? Ss:Mingming T:GoodWhat are Lingling and Anne going to do? Ss:Lingling and Anne are going to dance T:Who is good at dancing? Ss:Lingling is good at dancing be going to doprogram Peter and Mingming sing Its a Small World Lingling and Annedance modern dance Annes mother make concert clothes for the children 词汇:stand on one foot,read a story aloud, paint a picture, play the piano 句型:1.What did heshe want to do? HeShe wanted to 2.be going to do something will do something 1抄写B部分单词,听读C部分和D部分。 2调查周末家人的计划,并做成表格。【精品精品】Unit6 Anne wanted to dance(教案)(教案) Period 2 湘少版湘少版-六年级英语下册六年级英语下册 【教学内容】 Part C Lets Practise Part D Lets Read 【教学目标】 1.知识目标 词汇: (1)能听懂、会说、认读 stand on one foot,read a story aloud,paint a picture,play the piano,进一步熟悉以上单词。 (2)能听懂 concert,exam,practise,modern dance。 句型: (1)能熟练运用“What did heshe want to do?”和“HeShe wanted to”询问和回答某 人的意愿。 (2)能熟练运用“be going to do something和“will do something表示将要做某事。 2.能力目标 (1)能在情境中正确、灵活地运用“want to do something表达人物的意愿。 (2)能借助插图帮助理解课文 D 部分的阅读。 3.情感目标 培养学生乐于助人的良好品质。 【教学重点】 在 D 部分教学中复习和巩固已学的词汇和句型,扩充词汇量。 【教学难点】 理解课文 D 部分的短文,完成相关练习。 【教学准备】 教学图片、教学课件。 【教学方法】 问题导学法,小组合作法。 【教学过程】 Step l Warm-up 1.出示 ppt2-3,复习上节内容。 2.谈论周末计划,出示 ppt4-5。 教师启发学生说说周末计划,学生们畅所欲言,谈论自己的周末计划。 教师可以提供一些动词,激发学生的思维: play read clean watch paint sing climb visit go watch a film play computer games go to the park T:Whats the weather like? SS: Its sunny T:Its a nice day. It will be sunny on the weekend I want to climb the Yuelu Mountain with my family. What do you want to do this weekend7. S1:1 want to go to the park S2:1 want to read a book S3:1 want to play computer games 教师可以用思维导图将学生的答案罗列出来。 3.教师出示 B 部分的动词短语,结合句型与图片跟学生进行问答。 T:What did each person in the picture want to do last weekend?(ppt6-7) NameWhat did heshe want to do? Chen DongHe wanted to stand on one foot MingmingHe wanted to read a story aloud。 PeterHe wanted to paint a picture Anne She wanted to play the piano Step2 趣味操练(Lets practise) 1.教师进一步启发学生,除了周末计划,我们还有很多其他的计划,如儿童节计划、 暑假计划、学习计划等。提示学生回忆去年的儿童节都许下了什么愿望。 S1:I wanted to go to the museum I want to S2:I wanted to go to the zoo S3: 2.学生分组讨论去年的儿童节,并用英语写出本组成员的意愿,完成 C 部分表格。 (ppt8) T:Pair workAsk and answer questions about what heshe wanted to do last Childrens DayWrite down what your partner tells you Name What did heshe want to do、 LinglingShe wanted t sing and dance 3.Show your survey 上台展示。每组派代表向全班汇报本组成员的意愿。 Step3 趣味阅读(Lets read) T:What will you wear at the school concert? S1:I will wear a beautiful dress S2:I will wear a white T-shirt and black trousers S3:I will wear 2.教师出示课文 D 部分插图,让学生互相讨论插图所涉及的人物以及相应的动作。 然后教师播放引言部分录音 ppt12。 T:There will be a school concert after the examAnne,Lingling,Peter and Mingming are practising their dance and song.Lingling is good at modern dance. 出示 ppt13,教学 prictise, modern dance。然后教师与学生看 D 部分插图,继续如下问答 (ppt14)。 T:What will Peter do? Ss:Peter will sing a song. T:Who will sing a song,too? Ss: Mingming T:GoodWhat are Lingling and Anne going to do? Ss: Lingling and Anne are going to dance T:Who is good at dancing? Ss: Lingling is good at dancing 3.播放课件 ppt15(播放所插入课件的第一页),圈出图片上四位人物正要做的事情, 此环节是为了验证预设,整体理解故事大意。 4.读故事,一起整理对话内容,获取故事细节信息,并完成表格(ppt16)。 be going to doprogram Peter and Mingmingsing Its a Small World Lingling and Annedance modern dance Annes mothermake concert clothes for the children 5.带着问题再读故事,完成下列句子。出示 ppt17(播放所插入课件的第二页) Complete the sentences and the puzzle (1)Anne and Lingling will . (2)Annes mother is going to make concert for the children (3)The children will wear clothes (4)Peterand Mingming are going to sing at the school . 6.跟读出示 ppt18(播放所插入课件的第一页,点击“重置”,而后逐句点读),熟悉语 言,为表演做准备。 7.小组合作表演故事。 学生可以创造性地运用所学语言表述自己对故事的理解,不用拘泥于课文中的语言来 表演故事。 Step4 Summary(ppt19) 1.能熟练运用“What did heshe want to do?”和“HeShe wanted to”询问和回答某人的 意愿。 2.能熟练运用“be going to do something和“will do something表示将要做某事。 Step5 Homework(ppt20) 1.抄写 B 部分单词,听读 C 部分和 D 部分。 2.调查周末家人的计划,并做成表格 【板书设计】【精品精品】Unit6 Anne wanted to dance(试题及解析试题及解析) Part C Part D 湘少版湘少版-六年级英语下册六年级英语下册 一、找出不是同一类的单词,把序号填在括号内。 ( )1. A. arm B. pencil C. leg ( )2. A. sing B. dance C. hobby ( )3. A. move B. step C. foot ( )4. A. want B. high C. jump ( )5. A. music B. put C. stand 【答案】1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 二、翻译下列短语 1.dancing room__________________________ 2.put arms out___________________________ 3.step on Linglings foot___________________ 4.move legs with the music_________________ 【答案】 1.舞蹈教室 2.伸出胳膊 3.踩玲玲的脚 4.随着音乐动腿 三、选出错误的一项并改正。 ( )1.Anne have breakfast at six last week. ___________ A B C ( )2.Ride a bike is exercise. ________________ _ A B C ( )3.How many player are there? ___________________ A B C ( )4.I am teaching her to dancing. ____________ __ A B C ( )5.I want any bread for lunch. ______________ __ A B C 【答案】 1.B had 2.A Riding 3.C players 4.C dancing 5.B some 四、按要求完成下列各题。 1.your Put like arms this (连词成句) _______________________________________. 2.I like singing and dancing. (就画线部分提问) ________ do you like_________? 3.Do you think its important to work hard? (作肯定回答) Yes, ___________ _____________. 4.teach can me you ? (连词成句) ______________________________________. 5.He had breakfast at about 7:30 on Tuesday morning. (就画线部分提问) __________ ___________ did he have breakfast on Tuesday morning? 【答案】 1.Put your arms like this. 2.Whatdoing 3.I do 4. Can you teach me? 5.What time 【解析】 1.像这样伸出你的胳膊。 2.你喜欢做什么? 3.是的,我认为努力工作很重要。 4.你能教我妈? 5.周二早晨你几点吃早饭? 五、阅读理解。快速判断:(正确的写 T,错误的写 F) Look at that boy. His name is Liu Bing. Hes a Chinese boy. He is in the kitchen. He likes apples. Su Yang is at home too. She is in the study. She likes drawing. Is Gao Shan at home? No, he is in the park. He is thirsty. He wants to drink some juice. Miss Li is in the office. She is reading. ( )1.Liu Bing is in the kitchen. ( )2.Liu Bing likes eating pears. ( )3.Su Yang isnt in the study. ( )4.Gao Shan is thirsty and he wants to drink some juice. ( )5.Miss Li is drawing. 【答案】1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 【解析】
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