湘少版六年级下册-Unit 2 Some stories are more intresting.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:3171e).zip


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Whats missing? family outing go on an outing grandparents together do things together watch a movie go shopping have a walk look at the flowers ride bicycles have dinner Revision What are we going to do ? 我们将做什么? We will = Well 我们将要. watch a movie go shopping take / have a walk look at the flowers ride bicycles be(am, is, are) going to + 动原 = will + 动原 go on an outing have dinner Where are we going? 我们将去哪里? Well go to the park. 我们将去公园。 Shall we go to the park go shopping. take a walk / have a walk 提建议句型: Shall we+动词原形? 我们好吗? My family watches a movie. goes shopping. takes a walk looks at the flowers rides bicycles 一般现在时,当主语是第三人称单数时, 动词后加“s”或者“es”. goes to the beach. Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting. 有些故事更有趣 ! story 故事 a piece of meat 一块肉 meat 肉 New words & phrases a meat shop 一家肉铺 wood 木头 a piece of wood 一块木头 更好的 (比较级) better good / well 好的 (原级) cross 穿过,动词 crossed, 过去式 crossing 十字路口 drop 掉,落 (动词) dropped,过去式 drop into 掉入 lose lost 过去式 interesting 有趣的 more interesting 更有趣的 比较级 happy 高兴的 (形容词) 放名词前 happily 高兴地 (副词) 放动词后,或句末 it 它 (名词) its 它的 (形容词性物主代词 ) its meat 它的肉 meat a piece of interesting happily its wood cross drop lose 一块 穿过 肉 它的 失去 落下 高兴地 木头 有趣的 tall-taller -tallest small-smaller -smallest early早的-earlier-earliest 1. 一般情况下加-er 或est : 2. 以字母e结尾的形容词,加-r 或- st 4. 以“辅音字母y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“i”,再 加-er 或-est. bigbigger -biggest fat胖的fatter-fattest 形容词比较级er和最高级est规则 nice nicer-nicest safe safer -safest 3. 重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母时(末尾字母是辅音,辅音前 只有一个元音的形容词),应先双写辅音字母,再加-er或-est. 一一 形容词超过三个音节,本身不能变成比较级形式。 需在前面加more. interesting (有趣的) - more interesting beautiful(漂亮的) - more beautiful 用所给词的正确形式填空。 Lily is than Lucy. (beautiful ) Some stories are . (interesting) more beautiful more interesting 比较级句型2: 主语+like A more than B “喜欢A胜过B” 比较级句型1: A is +形容词比较级+ than B 表示“A比B更.” Peter is shorter than Mingming. I like + v-ing. 我喜欢 I like v-ing more than v-ing. 我喜欢胜过. 比较级句型2: 主语+like A more than B “喜欢A胜过B” 胜过 I like swimming more than riding bicycles. 我喜欢游泳胜过骑单车。 swimming riding playing table tennis dancing I like dancing more than playing table tennis. 我喜欢跳舞胜过打乒乓球。 reading drawing I like drawing more than reading. 我喜欢画画胜过阅读。 I like watching a movie more than going shopping. 我喜欢看电影胜过去购物。 watching a movie going shopping That piece of meat is better than mine. 那块肉比我的肉更好。 mine(名词性物主代词)=my meat 我的 肉 my我的,形容词性物主代词,放在名词前。 mine和my的区别 its和its的区别 1.Its meat dropped into the water. 它的肉掉进了水里。 Its它的(形容词性物主代词),放在名词前 2. Its = It is它是 ( ) 1. The dog open ____ mouth. ( ) 2. -What is this? - ____ a dog. A. Its B. its C. it Peter likes reading stories. 皮特喜欢读故事书。 This is one of his favorite stories. 这是他最喜欢的故事中的一篇。 一天(文章时态为一般过去时) take拿 肉店 give 给 一块肉 go to 去 walk走 Be动词 is它的 walk on 走在上 一块木头 穿过 see 看另一个have 有 good 的比较级,好 比 我的(肉) = my meat think 想 我将要 open 张开 want 想要 另一只 (两者中的一个) drop into 掉进 正确的, 对的lose 失去 gave 给give saw 看见see take took带,拿 went 去go walk walked 走 was是is had 有have opened张开 think thought 想 openwant wanted想要 drop dropped 落下 loselost失去 Challenge your eyes! One day, a dog went to meat shop. 一天,一只狗来到了一个肉铺。 The man in the shop gave a piece of meat to the dog. 肉铺主人给了这只狗一块肉。 The dog took it and walked home happily. 狗叼着肉,开心地回家了。 There was a small river near its home. 它家附近有一条小河。 The dog walked on a piece of wood to cross the river. 狗要走过河上的独木桥过河。 It saw another dog in the water. 它看到另外一只狗在河里。 That dog had a piece of meat in its mouth, too. 那只狗嘴里也叼着一块肉。 That piece of meat is better than mine, it thought. “那一块肉比我的好”,它想。 Im going to get it. “我要抢过来。” The dog opened its mouth. 狗张开了它的嘴。 It wanted the other dogs meat. 它想要另外那只狗嘴里的肉。 Its meat dropped into the water. 它的肉掉进了水里。 Thats right. The dog lostlost its meat. 对的。狗失去了它的那块肉。 Exercises: ( )1.The dog open ____ mouth. A. it B. its C. its ( )2. Some stories are _____ than others. A. more interesting B. interesting C. most interesting ( )3. _____is good for us. A. Read B. Reading C. Reads ( )4.That piece of meat is ___ than mine. A. better B. best C. good ( )5.I like ______ more than _____. A. singing, dance B. sing, dancing C. singing, dancing ( )6. ____ a dog ____ name is Puppy. A. Its, its B. Its, its C. Its, its ( )7. The dog __ it and walked home happily. A. take B. took C. taking ( )8. Im going to ___ it. A. get B. got C. getting ( )9. Its meat dropped ____ the water. A. in B. to C. into ( )10. This book is the ____ interesting. A. more B. most C. much 问答配对: ( ) 1. What do you like? ( ) 2. What kind of books does Anne like? ( ) 3. Which piece of meat is better? A. The bigger one is better. B. I like swimming. C. Anne likes fairy tale. 家庭作业: 1.第2单元B部分词组和C部分句子,各 抄写2遍,第2单元单词(70页)抄写4遍 。 2.能认读第2单元B部分词组和C部分句 子。 3.背诵第1单元B,C部分。 4.熟读或者背诵第1单元课文。 Homework: 1.能背诵第1单元B部分词组和C部分句子 。 2.回家读第2单元BC部分给家长听,家长 签名的奖励1张积分卡。读第2单元A部 分给家长听的,家长签字的奖励2张积分 卡。 MORAL: If you are too greedy, you may even lose what you have. 寓意: 贪得无厌, 可能让你失去原来所有的。教师授课时间 月 日 星期 课时第 4 课时 课题 Unit 2 Some stories are more interesting. 课型新授 教学 目的 (一) 语言目标 1. 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词 wood, cross, a piece of meat, better, drop。 2. 句型: (1) 能听懂、会说、认读句子“That piece of meat is better than mine.” 。 (2) 能掌握并用句型“A is/are more than B.”对两事物行比较。 (二) 应用目标 1. 能听懂、理解本课故事。 2. 能简单比较两种事物。 重点 (1) 能听懂、会说、认读新单词 wood, cross, a piece of meat, better, drop, lost。 (2) 能听懂、会说、认读句子“That piece of meat is better than mine.” 。 (3) 能掌握并用句型“A is/are more . than B.”对两事物进行比较。 (4) 理解、阅读本课故事。 难点动词 drop, lose 的过去式的不规则变化;复述本课语言故事。 教学 准备 用于新授单词的图片、单词卡片、教学图片、教学音频等 StepStep 1 1 热身热身/ /复习(复习(Warm-up/Revision)Warm-up/Revision) 1.1. GreetingsGreetings 2.2. ListenListen andand dodo (教师说动词,学生做动作,为故事教学做铺 垫。 ) T: Walk/ Give/See/Think/Open the mouth . 3.3. ReadRead andand matchmatch walksaw thinkopened givewalked seethought openwas gogave iswent StepStep 2 2 新课呈现(新课呈现(Presentation)Presentation) 1.1. NewNew wordswords (1) 教师出示故事书封面 T: Look! Its a dog. Its a ______ dog. Can you describe it? S1: Its small/cute/clever. T:(翻开书)Once upon a time, there was a river. Near the river, there was a meat shop. The dog was coming. Maybe it was hungry. So the man gave a piece of meat to the dog. (板书 a piece of meat) (2) 学习新词组 a piece of meat 教师可通过图片或简笔画帮助学生理解新词组。 (3) 学习新单词 lost T: Guess! Did the dog eat its piece of meat? Who is right? Do you want to know? Look, in the end the dog lost its meat.(板书 lost) T: How did the dog lose its meat? Lets read the story together. 2.2. NewNew storystory 通过问题导学,逐段学习课文。 Question 1 T: After getting the meat, what did the dog do? S1: The dog took the meat and walked home.(板书 took, walked) Question 2 T: How did the dog cross the river? S1: The dog walked on a piece of wood to cross the river.(板书 walked,教学 wood, cross) 跟读 Paragraph 1 然后分组进行比赛,猜对单词最多、最 快的一组为胜;最后组内互相猜单词,尽量做到全员参与。 游戏 2:Dragon game 接龙游戏 将学生分成几个大组,由教师开头朗读故事的第一句,然后每一 组依次读一句,直至读完整个故事,读得最流利、没错误的一组 为胜。也可以在大组内进行。 4. 句型操练 A is/are more . than B. 教师让学生有感情地朗读句子“That piece of meat is better than mine.”,并说出它的含义。 教师引导学生学会比较两事物的不同。如: This book is more expensive than that one. My dress is more beautiful than yours. StepStep 3 3 趣味练习(趣味练习(PracticePractice) 1. 教师出示课文挂图或提供课文的关键词,教师示范复述课文, 学生分组复述(注意提醒动词过去式的用法与读法) 。 2. 教师检测部分学生的复述情况,注意信息的反馈。 关键词: A man: gave The dog: took, carried, walked, saw, thought, opened, lost. 动转化为问 题,然后围 绕这些核心 问题,设计 若干细致、 跟进式问题, 以问题激发 学生的学习 需求,最大 限度地激发 学生学习的 主动性。 The meat: dropped into the water 3. Name this story. 给本课的故事取标题。 可让学生先在小组内进行讨论,比比哪组的标题最合适。 4. 课文延伸:教师运用本课的寓言故事,让学生明白做人不要过 于贪心的道理。 StepStep 4 4 角色表演角色表演(Act(Act andand play)play) Pair work:学生两人一组,根据课文内容表演或改编对话。鼓励 学生根据故事内容,创编角色对话。 The dog: Im hungry. I want a piece of meat. 作 业 1. 听与读:听录音,朗读课文。 2. 讲故事并录音,评选故事大王。 板 书 设 计 lost took, walked wood, cross saw opened wanted Dropped better 教 学 后 记 学生对知识的掌握程度不一,教 师可以允许学生根据自己的实际 情况选择任务。部分学生可以仅 限于表演课文内容,部分学生可 以自创情境,自编对话,然后表 演。
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