(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Unit 3 Bank or Beach -Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:402b2).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Bank or Beach _Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:402b2)
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Unit3 Bank or beach? Sounds and words 粤人版粤人版英语英语四年级下册四年级下册 Read and blend.读一读,拼一拼读一读,拼一拼 iitig ipisid birdir Read and blend读一读,拼一拼读一读,拼一拼 irt he e Read and blend读一读,拼一拼读一读,拼一拼 mebeshe orangeor Read and blend读一读,拼一拼读一读,拼一拼 ortorkorts two o Read and blend读一读,拼一拼读一读,拼一拼 dooe boxo Read and blend读一读,拼一拼读一读,拼一拼 ot ofob op shop Listen and look. shop Hello! Im Shawn. I have a friend. Shes a super star. super stars Shes Shelly. Whos Shelly? Shes in black shoes. Shes in blue shorts. Shes in a big, big shop. Whats in the shop? Theres a blue shirt. Theres a ship. A big big toy ship. she shirt shorts shoes Shelly shop Lets learn. sh ship sh Look, and learn. 发发 shsh 时,时, 舌尖翘起,舌尖翘起, 靠近硬腭前靠近硬腭前 端,形成一端,形成一 条狭缝,让条狭缝,让 气流从中挤气流从中挤 出来,声带出来,声带 不颤动。不颤动。 Game: Sharp eyes What did she buy?(买)(买) Game: Sharp eyes What did she buy?(买)(买) Game: Sharp eyes What did she buy?(买)(买) Game: Sharp eyes What did she buy?(买)(买) Game: Sharp eyes What did she buy?(买)(买) Lets chant. Where are you? Ship! Ship! Shawn is on the ship. Shirt! Shirt! Shelly likes the shirt. Shoes! Shorts! I like shoes and I like shorts. Oh, where are you now? Ha ha, we are in the shop. Lets practice. sh Lets practice shiftshark sharp sheep short shore shell shot fish dish wish wash English Lets practice. ship Lets practice. shift Lets practice. art Lets practice. ark Lets practice. shark Lets practice. sharp Lets practice. she Lets practice. sheep Lets practice. shorts Lets practice. short shorts Lets practice. shore Lets practice. shelly Lets practice. shell Lets practice. shop Lets practice. shot Lets practice. fish Lets practice. dish Lets practice. wish Lets practice. wash Lets practice. English Shaw, Im tired.累的Lets go to the beach. OK! After the concert Lets go to the beach! Practice 2 Listen and write. iny ells on the ore. Practice 2 Listen and write. More ells in the ea. Practice 2 Listen and write. They are around the fi or on the ip. Practice 2 Read and share. Homework Read and share.读出下列单词和故事,然后和朋友分享读出下列单词和故事,然后和朋友分享 。Unit 3 Bank or beach Sounds and words 导学案导学案 班别:班别: 姓名:姓名: 1. Lets practice.小组合作,根据今天所学的语音知识拼读下列单词。小组合作,根据今天所学的语音知识拼读下列单词。 2. Story time. (1)Listen and write.听音填写字母。听音填写字母。 iny ells on the ore. More ells in the ea. They are around the fi or on the ip. (2) Read and share.小组朗读故事小组朗读故事 3. Homework 根据今天所学的语音知识,拼读下列单词,朗读故事。根据今天所学的语音知识,拼读下列单词,朗读故事。UnitUnit 3 3 BankBank oror beachbeach 语音课教学设计语音课教学设计 一、学情分析 本节课的授课对象是小学四年级学生。四年级的学生已经学习了26个字母, 掌握其发音。经过近一年半的英语学习,他们有了简单的英语基础知识和听说 读写的能力;同时,他们对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,敢于开口练习,也具 备初步的合作和探究能力。 二、教材分析 本课的教学内容是粤人版小学英语四年级下册第三单元 Sounds and words。本节课的重点是启发学生通过已学单词,听录音、观察发音图等方式总 结出辅音字母组合 sh 的发音规律,同时提高该辅音组合与元音结合的拼读能力。 三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)语音:辅音字母组合 sh 的发音; (2)词汇:she, shorts ,shoes, shirt, shop, ship; (3)句型:Whos Shelly?Shes in black shoes. Shes in blue shoes. Shes in a big, big shop. 2.语言技能目标: (1)能听懂 sounds and words 中的单词和句型,并能分辨含有 sh 的词。 (2)能根据 phonics 技巧自主朗读含有字母组合 sh 的单词;能根据内容说唱。 (3)能正确读出例词及对话,并能读出其他含有字母组合 sh 的单词,一些简 单的句子及短文。 (4)能根据听到的单词发音,在特定的句子中正确填写以 sh 或 s 开头的单词 (二)学习能力目标 (1)结合旧词发音引导学生学习新的语音知识,培养学生的自主归纳的能力。 (2)通过课堂活动设计,培养学生“听说读写”的能力。 (3)通过任务驱动,培养学生合作学习的能力。 (三)思维品质目标 通过问题设计,引导学生思考、分析,培养学生养成良好的思维习惯。 (四)文化品格目标 通过对本课主人公 Shelly 的评价,引导学生大胆展现自己的个性。 四、教学重点、难点: 1.教学重点:能够听懂,会读,会说例词 she, shorts ,shoes, shirt, shop, ship 并了解词义; 2.教学难点:掌握 sh 的发音位置,会读出更多包括 sh 的单词和句子。 五、教具准备:课件、单词卡片和磁铁。 六、设计思路: 在本课导入阶段,教师以开火车的形式引导学生复习 26 个字母的发音及相 关单词,通过以旧带新的方式,为学生进一步学习辅音字母组合 sh 及相关单词 作铺垫。在新课呈现阶段,通过师生交流引出本课主角 Shelly 及相关主题句子; 接着通过反复视听,引导学生自主归纳 sh 在单词中的发音规律;在操练过程中, 教师把孤立的单词编成朗朗上口的歌谣让学生练习、表演,以此巩固含有 sh 词 汇的发音,同时增添语音学习的趣味性。在拓展阶段,教师联合本单元知识 Where are you going 设计了听音填字母和小组合作朗读故事两个不同梯度的 活动,使学生在见词能读的基础上进一步听音能写的目的,使本课教学变得生 动活泼,有实效。 七、教学过程 (一)Review 1. Lead in purpose. T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hi, miss Zhen. T: Today, we are going to learn sounds and words. First, lets review the alphabets one by one. Ss: OK. 2. Game: Spelling bees T: You did a good job. Now, lets blend the sounds and say the words. Students look and say. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过复习:通过复习 2626 个字母的发音及含有相关发音的单词,引导学生进个字母的发音及含有相关发音的单词,引导学生进 一步建立字母与发音的联系一步建立字母与发音的联系; ;通过旧词的发音引出元音、元音字母组合通过旧词的发音引出元音、元音字母组合“i ir e or o”并与辅音相拼,为下一步的教学活动做好铺垫。并与辅音相拼,为下一步的教学活动做好铺垫。 (二)Presentation 1. Lead in story and learn. (结合游戏 spelling bees,出示 shop 图片,通过歌谣引入) T: Going, going, where are we going? Were going to the shop, to the shop.) Whos in the shop? Lets have a look. 【设计意图设计意图】:】:故事导入新课,吸引学生的注意力,让学生整体感知本课语音知故事导入新课,吸引学生的注意力,让学生整体感知本课语音知 识。识。 (1)Listen and look. Students listen to the tape and get familiar to the story: Whos Shelly? Shes in black shoes. Shes in blue shorts. Shes in a big, big shop. Whats in the shop? Theres a blue shirt. Theres a toy ship, a big, big toy ship. 【设计意图设计意图】:】:以图片环游的方式,让学生在故事中感知含有以图片环游的方式,让学生在故事中感知含有 shsh 单词的发音及单词的发音及 其意义。其意义。 (2)Ask and answer. T: Whos the boy? S1: Hes Shawn. T: Whats the girls name? S2: Shes Shelly. T: Thats right. Shes Shelly. What color are her shoes? S2: Theyre black. T: Yes, the shoes are black. And what color are her shorts? S3: Theyre blue. T: Yes, the shorts are blue. Whats in the shop? S4: Theres a blue shirt and a toy ship. T: Yes, theres a blue shirt and a big, big toy ship. 【设计意图设计意图】:】:通过设置问题,让学生在回答的过程中尝试读出含有通过设置问题,让学生在回答的过程中尝试读出含有 shsh 的词,的词, 以此检查学生对该发音初步掌握的情况。以此检查学生对该发音初步掌握的情况。 (3)Read and learn a. Let the students sum up the pronunciation of sh. T: Look at these words, boys and girls. Whatre their same letters? S5: They all have sh. T: Great! You are good at observing. How to pronoun the sound? S6: T: Youre right. Now, look at this picture and learn how to pronoun the sound. T: Who can try again? S7: T: Wonderful. Pay attention to the mouth. You should act like this.(师示范) Lets try. Ss: T: Good! Now, lets practice groups by groups.(学生操练发音,师检查指正) 【设计意图设计意图】:】:引导学生观察单词的相同点,引出引导学生观察单词的相同点,引出 shsh 及其发音及其发音; ;通过观察发音图通过观察发音图 和老师动作示范,模仿和老师动作示范,模仿的发音。在这一过程中,培养学生的观察能力和模仿的发音。在这一过程中,培养学生的观察能力和模仿 能力。能力。 b. Words learning. 1) Listen and repeat. T:You know how to pronoun the sound now. How about the words? Now, listen and look at your books. Students listen and repeat. T: Who can read? S8:sh-i-p, ship T: Together. Students learn the sounds of “ship, shirt, she, shoe, shorts and shop” in the same way. 【设计意图设计意图】:以旧带新,让学生易于学,乐于学,培养学生的分析能力和总:以旧带新,让学生易于学,乐于学,培养学生的分析能力和总 结能力。结能力。 2) Practice in four. T: OK. Now, please practice in four. If you forget the words, please ask for help. Students practice. The teacher goes around the classroom and offers help to the students. T: Now, its time for group show. Which group can try? G1, G2 T: You did a good job! Shelly is shopping in the shop. What die she buy? Lets play game- sharp eyes. Students close the book and play the game. 3) Chant activity: Where are you? T: Wow! You really have sharp eyes. Shelly likes shopping very much. Shes happy. She wants to chant. Lets chant! Students listen and chant. Where are you? Ship! Ship! Shawn is on the ship. Shirt! Shirt! Shelly likes the shirt. Shoes! Shorts! I like shoes and I like shorts. Oh, where are you now? Ha ha, we are in the shop. 【设计意图设计意图】:游戏和歌谣能激发学生学习的兴趣,有利于记忆语音知识。:游戏和歌谣能激发学生学习的兴趣,有利于记忆语音知识。 (三)Practice a. Act out the story T: So, do you know who Shelly is now? OK, lets practice in pairs and then act out the story. (1)Pair works. (2) Act out the dialogue. T: Now, which pair can tell us who Shelly is? Students act out the dialogue. 【设计意图设计意图】:】:引导学生在情境对话中感知和运用本课语音知识,进一步理解单引导学生在情境对话中感知和运用本课语音知识,进一步理解单 词的音形义。词的音形义。 b. New words blending. T: You are good at acting, class. You know the sounds and words. Can you say more words like these? Lets try. First, work in groups. Lets me see which group is supper. Students work in group and finish the task. ship,shift,shirt,shark,sharp,she,sheep,shorts,short,shore,shop,shot,shelly,shell,fis h,dish,wish,wash,English T: Which group can say the words? G3 G4 T: Great! Lets say together. Students go over the new words again. 【设计意图设计意图】:】:新词拼读,检查学生掌握新词拼读,检查学生掌握 shsh 发音基本情况。发音基本情况。 c. Listen and write. T: You did a good job, boys and girls. Im a little tired. And Shelly is tired too. Listen to her. Shelly: I am going to the beach. Lets go. T: What can we see at the beach? Finish the story, read it out and then you will know the answer. Now, listen and write. Students listen to the story and write. 【设计意图设计意图】:】:检查学生是否达到听音能写的水平并有针对性地个别辅导学生。检查学生是否达到听音能写的水平并有针对性地个别辅导学生。 d. Read and share. T: Who can show me the answers? S9 S10 S11 T: You are good at listening. Now, read the story and share. Students read in group and then present the story. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过对知识的小结,:通过对知识的小结, 帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工,储存,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工,储存, 从而明确教学目标、重点和难点。从而明确教学目标、重点和难点。 (四)Summary T: Boys and girls, you are super today. Now, please look at the blackboard. Lets see what we learned today. Students sum up sounds and words. 【设计意图设计意图】:通过对知识的小结,:通过对知识的小结, 帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工,储存,帮助学生将本课的信息进行加工,储存, 从而明确教学目标、重点和难点。从而明确教学目标、重点和难点。 (五)Homework 1. Read new words by yourselves.根据本课语音知识拼读新单词。 2. Read the story in groups.小组合作朗读故事。 【设计意图设计意图】:作业的布置是深化知识,巩固知识,检查学习效果的重要手段,:作业的布置是深化知识,巩固知识,检查学习效果的重要手段, 也是复习与应用相结合的主要形式。也是复习与应用相结合的主要形式。 6. Blackboard design 7.教学反思 本节课教学过程循序渐进,从热身活动到巩固练习环节都是根据学生的知 识水平、接受能力而设计,符合小学生的年龄和心理特点,激发他们学习英语 的兴趣,教学效果良好。课堂上,我注意调动学生的积极性。我采用多媒体课件, 单词卡片形象直观的教学手段,结合歌曲、编顺口溜、TPR 和游戏等教学法, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,引导学生在合作学习中体验、探 究、发现字母发音规律、利用所学语音准确读出例词。在教学的过程中特别注 意培养学生观察、思考、分析和总结的能力,体现了学生的主体性,学生的学 习积极性较高。这节课各教学环节衔接还未够自然、需要进一步修改。 Unit 3 Bank or Beach Sounds and words sh- -sh ship shirt shorts shoes she shop fish dish wish wash
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  • Unit 6 jobs 第1课时ppt课件(含教案+习题+视频+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zipUnit 6 jobs 第1课时ppt课件(含教案+习题+视频+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip
  • Unit 5 Our clothes第三课时ppt课件(含教案+习题+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zipUnit 5 Our clothes第三课时ppt课件(含教案+习题+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip
  • Unit 5 Our clothes第一课时ppt课件(含教案+习题+视频+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zipUnit 5 Our clothes第一课时ppt课件(含教案+习题+视频+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip
  • Unit 5 Our Clothes 第2课时 ppt课件(含教案+练习+视频+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zipUnit 5 Our Clothes 第2课时 ppt课件(含教案+练习+视频+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip
  • Unit 4 Free Time第三课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zipUnit 4 Free Time第三课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip
  • Unit 4 Free Time第二课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材+视频)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zipUnit 4 Free Time第二课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材+视频)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip
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