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UnitFiveOurClothes 我们的衣服 Isthis? Yes,itis.No,itisnt. Arethese? Yes,theyare./No,theyarent. abrowncoat Whatcoloristhis? 这是什么颜色? Itsbrown. acoat 一件外套 twocoats Howmanycoatsarethere? 有多少件外套? Therearetwocoats. Whatcoloristhis? Itsgreen. adress 一条裙子 agreendress twodresses Whatcoloris this? Itsyellow. ashirt 一件衬衫 ayellowshirt twoshirts Whatcoloristhis? 这是什么颜色? Itsredandwhite. 它是红白相间。 aT-shirt 一件T桖衫 aredandwhiteT-shirt. twoT-shirts Whatcoloris this? Itsredandyellow. acap 一顶帽子 aredandyellowcap twocaps twosweaters Whatcoloris this? Itsblueandgreen. asweater 一件毛衣 Whatcolorarethese? Theyarebrown. shoes(复数) Whatcolorarethese? Theyare blue. shorts 复数 browncoatgreendressyellowshirt redandwhiteT-shirtblueandgreensweater redandyellowcapblueshorts brownshoes Whatsthis? Itsa______. Whatsthis? Itsa_____. dress cap Whatisthis? Itisa______. Whatarethese? Theyare______. 物品是单数 时的问和答 物品是复数时 的问和答 dress dresses Whatrethese? Theyre______. Whatrethese? Theyre_____. dresses caps Whatisthis?Itis. Whatarethese?Theyare. Isthisadress? Yes,itis.Itismydress. Arethesecaps? Yes,theyare. Theyaremycaps. Are these shirts? 这些是衬衣吗? Yes,they are. 是的,他们是。 They are your shirts. whose谁的 Whoseshirtisthis? Itis______shirt. Bens Tonys Whoseshirtsarethese? Theyare______shirts. Thisismycoat. Thisismydress. Thisismyshirt. ThisismyT-shirt. Thisismysweater. Thisismycap. Thesearemyshorts. Thesearemyshoes. his 他的 her 她的 your 你的 our 我们的 Bens 本的 形容词性物 主代词 your dress Is this ? No, it isnt. Yes, it is. your cap your sweater your T-shirt your shirt your coat your dresses Are these ? No, they arent. Yes, they are. Jennys caps my sweaters Gogos T-shirts Bens shirts your coats whose谁的 Whoseshirtisthis? Itis______shirt. Bens Tonys Whoseshirtsarethese? Theyare______shirts. Thisisacoat. ThisisGogoscoat. Thisisacoat. ThisisDadscoat. Mybrothers Bens Thesearemybrotherssweaters. TheseareBensshirts. Dads Gogos Whose_____isthis?Itis________. Whose_____arethese?Theyare. Tonys Jennys BensDads Toms Gogos LisasJims whose谁的 Whoseshirtisthis? Itis______shirt. Itis_______. mine yours Whoseshirtsarethese? Theyare______shirts. Theyare________. myshirt=mine yourshirts=yours my mine your yours whose谁的 Whoseshirtisthis ? Itis______shirt. Itis_______. his hers Whosecapsarethese? Theyare______caps. Theyare________. hisshirt=his hercaps=hers his his her hers whose谁的 Whoseshirtisthis ? Itis______shirt. Itis_______. Bens Tonys Whoseshirtsarethese ? Theyare______shirts. Theyare________. Bensshirt=Bens Tonysshirts=Tonys Bens Bens Tonys Tonys whose谁的 Whosedressesarethese ? Theyare______dresses. Theyare_______. ours theirs Whoseshirtsarethese ? Theyare______shirts. Theyare________. ourdresses=ours theirshirts=theirs our ours their theirs 中文意思我的你的/你们们 的 我们们的他的她的他们们的它的 形容词词性 物主代词词 (加名词词 ) 名词词性物 主代词词 (已包含 了名词词) my yourour his her their mine yoursours his hers theirs 有一个口诀很有用“一变两不变其余加s”。 所谓“一变”就是指my变成mine “两不变”是指his与its不用改变 “其余加s”是指yourherourtheir只要在词尾加个s就可以了 。 its its 1.my名物代____2.your名物代_____ 3.his名物代____4.her名物代_____ 1.my名物代mine2.your名物代yours 3.his名物代his4.her名物代hers 中文意思我的你的/你们 的 我们的他的她的他们的 形容词性 物主代词 (加名词 ) 名词性物 主代词 (已包含 了名词) myyour our hishertheir mine yours ours his hers theirs its its 它的 有一个口诀很有用“一变两不变其余加s”。 所谓“一变”就是指my变成mine “两不变”是指his与its不用改变 “其余加s”是指yourherourtheir只要在词尾加个s就可以了 。 1、形容词性物主代词的特点: 1)译成汉语都有“的”。例:my我的their他们的 2)后面加名词。例:mybackpackhisname 3)前后不用冠词aanthe 例:Thisisamyeraser.(错误) 2、名词性物主代词的特点: 1)译成汉语都有“的” 2)后面不加名词 3)名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 物主代词的特点 巧记形物与名物的“口诀” 物主代词分两种,形容词性名词性, 形容词性能力差,自己不能来当家, 后面需把名词加,我的my你的your 他的his她的her 名词性能力强,自己独来又独往, 我的mine你(们)的yours 他的his她的hers Practice: 1.Thisis____(我的)book. Thisbookis____(我的). 2.Thisis_____(你的)cap. Thiscapis_____(你的). 3.ThisT-shirtis_____(她的). Thisis____(她的)T-shirt. 4.Thissweateris_____(他的). Thisis____(他的)sweater. my mine your yours hers her his his Practice: 1.Thisismy(我的)book. Thisbookismine(我的). 2.Thisisyour(你的)cap. Thiscapisyours(你的). 3.ThisT-shirtishers(她的). Thisisher(她的)T-shirt. 4.Thissweaterishis(他的). Thisishis(他的)sweater. -Is this your coat? -No, its not . is blue. This coat is red. - is it? -I think its (Lily coat). Its -Thank you all the same. mine Mine Whose Lilys hers Expand: 1.Our名物代________ 2.their名物代_______ 3.whose同音词________ Expand: 1.our名物代ours 2.their名物代theirs 3.whose同音词whos 一、用物主代词填空 1.Isthis________(you)shirt?Thisis ________(your). 2.Arethese_______(they)pencil?Yes. Theyare_______(their). 3.Whosecoatisthis?Itis______(we) coat.Itis______(our). 4.Thisis_____(she)dress.Thatis ____(he). 5.Isthis________(Tony)shirt?Thisis ________(Tony). 使用名词性物主代词应注意: 1.Mine=my book, 以免名词重复. This is her book._____ is on the desk. 2.名词性物主代词后不能再接名词. This is her book. Mine book is on the desk. (错)Mine Mine 3.名词性物主代词作主语时,谓语动词的单, 复数与它所代的名词有关. His pens are red. Mine ______ blue. My father works in a school. His ________ in a restaurant. 4. “Of +名词性物主代词” 表示许多中的一 个. He is a friend of mine. are works IsthisyourT-shirt? No,itisnt. herTonys Yes,its. Arethese shoes Yes,theyare. iUnit5 Our Clothes Whats this? Its a cap. a cap Is this your coat? No, it isnt. Its Tonys. a coat Tonys coat This is Tonys coat. a dress Moms dress Is this Moms dress? Yes, it is. This is Moms dress. a shirt Dads shirt Is this Tonys shirt? No, it isnt. Its Dads shirt. This is Dads shirt. a T- shirt Tonys T-shirt Is this Tonys T-shirt? Yes, it is. This is Tonys T-shirt. a sweater Dads sweater Is this your sweater? No, it isnt. Its Dads sweater. This is Dads sweater. What are these? They are shoes. shoes These are Dads shoes. Are these your shoes? No, they arent. They are Dads shoes. What are these? They are shorts. shorts These are Tonys shorts. Are these Tonys shorts? Yes, they are. 用 is 、 are填空 What __ this? It _ a cap. What ___ these? They ___ shoes. 3. This __ Tonys shirt. 4. These ___ Dads shorts. 5.____ these Moms shoes? No, they ____ not. 6. ____ this Jennys dress? No, it __ not. is is areare is are Are are Is is Homework: 1) Copy the words four times. 抄写单词每个四次。 2) Read the words again and again. 反复朗读单词。This her T-shirt. A. is B. are Its (hers ; her). This her T-shirt. A. is B. are Its (his ; he). Unit 5 Our Clothes ( ).This is sweater. A.Tony B.Tonys Is this your cap? Yes, it is. Look and say. your Is this your dress? No, it isnt. Its her dress. Look and say. Is this her coat? Yes, it is. Look and say. Jennys Is this her sweater? No, it isnt. Look and say. sweater 毛衣 Is this his shirt? No, it isnt. Look and say. Is this his T-shirt? Yes, it is. Look and say. Is this his shirt? No, it isnt. Look and say. Is this your/his/her ___? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Are these his shoes? Yes, they are. Look and say. Are these his shorts? No, they arent. Look and say. Are these his pants? Yes, they are. Look and say. Are these her socks? Yes, they are. Look and say. Are these your/his/her____? Yes, they are. No, they arent. your dress Is this ? No, it isnt. Yes, it is. your cap your sweater your T-shirt your shirt your coat your dresses Are these ? No, they arent. Yes, they are. Jennys caps my sweaters Gogos T-shirts Bens shirts your coats 用 is 、 are填空 What __ this? It _ a cap. What ___ these? They ___ shoes. 3. This __ Tonys shirt. 4. These ___ Dads shorts. 5.____ these Moms shoes? No, they ____ not. 6. ____ this Jennys dress? No, it __ not. is is areare is are Are are Is is Is this yours ? Yes, it is . No, its not . Whose is this ? Its s . Are these yours ? Yes, they are . No, theyre not . Whose are these ? They re s . Is this your ___? Are these your ____? Yes, it is .No, it isnt. Yes,they are. No,they arent. Talk about with your clothes 1.Is this your _____? 2.Is this his__? Yes, _____ _______. No, _____ ______. 3.Are these her ____? Yes, _____ ______. 4.___ these her__ ? No, they _______ . 1.用所学句型询问同学的物品. Is this your___ ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Are these your___ ? Yes,they are. No,they arent. 2.单词各写1行。 3.用学单词造句一问答。知识目标知识目标LearnLearn thethe otherother 2 2 wordswords andand a a sentencesentence patternpattern 能力目标能力目标Be able to ask and answer for permission 教教 学学 目目 标标 情感目标情感目标Be familiar with types of wearings 教学重点教学重点Learn the sentence 教学难点教学难点Asking about and answering where they are going 教学用具教学用具CAI, Picture Cards 教教 学学 过过 程程个个 性性 修修 改改 Step1 Warm up 1.1 Read the words together 1.2 Ask and answer: Is this a ? Step2 Presentation 2.1 Present the new words and a sentence pattern shorts, shoes Are these? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. 2.2 Ask and answer (T-P) Are these ,s shoes/ shorts/ books/ 2.3 Read the form. 2.4 Group work: Read and make dialogues together 2.5 Act out the dialogues Step3 Consolidation 3. 1 Pair work with the pictures 3.2 Let the students say the sentence one by one. 3.3 Write down the dialogues with the learned words Step4 Homework 4.1 Listen and read the words and dialogues 4.2 Dictate the phrases / Make dialogues
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